Hero WOD “The Mack”

Attendance : NumbTucks, Staples, Sparta, Nimbus, Old Hickory, 3rd Degree, SexEd, Trophy Wife (FNG), Barney Fivel, Professor X (Respect), Huggy, Mic Drop, YHC KermiT on Q.

Medic: Brought to you by Judah and the Lion and NTB

WarmUps : 

ShowMe Lap


Tebo Stretch

SSH’s IC 20x

The Thang:

14 PAX left ease and contentment in the fartsack this morning by breaking old habits and starting this Saturday off with a new Hero WOD dubbed “The Mack”. This WOD is to honor Marine Cpl. Brad McCormick. A young Marine that gave his life on August 19, 2004. He is survived by his wife Courtney, mother Gail, and a younger brother. McCormick was KIA from an explosion in the AnBar region while serving along side his fellow Marine brothers. Thank you for your service & sacrifice Mr. McCormick.

To honor Brad 14 HIM partnered up and did the following for laps and reps:

-1/4 mile track is needed 1/3 mile will do. What ever you use at your AO be consistent as you can use this as a development marker.
-Starting at the tracks designated start line. Each PAX Partner Carry’s to failure (Some completed 300m full carry)
-Mosey (For those that can’t complete the 300m, mosey to the 100m start blocks)
-100m Sprint to Finish Line / Start Line

After Sprint each PAX is complete the following:

20x Each:
Carolina Dry Dock
War Hammer

Rinse & Repeat for 45mins most PAX completed 2 Rounds plus a lap – A few PAX got 3 Rounds and a Lap.


Cherry Pickers


CoT: Roll Call included a shout out to McCormick (RESPECT)

3rd F: Staples family meeting.

As always. Thank you for the opportunity to serve, and thank you for allowing me to lead to honor McCormick today.


Nolensville BLOCK PARTY!


PAX in Attendance:   Creeper, Huggy, 3rdDegree, Professor X (respect), Typo O, Swinger and Old Hickory (QiC)

Disclaimer/Warm Up:   Disclaimer, big arm circles, hugs, Willie May Hays and SSH.

The Thang:  BLOCK PARTY–30# cinder blocks used for all exercises.

Exercises were (1) cinder block push across the parking lot  (25) cinder block standing overhead presses, (25) cinder block bicep curls, (25) cinder block around the world rotations (25) cinder block merkins  (25)  cinder block swings (1) cinder block push across the parking lot and (.50 mile) run.

AMRAP–Complete as many rounds as possible keeping correct posture and form.

The HIM’s brought their A-game and knocked out some reps and miles.

Mary /CoT:  (25) flutter kicks, (25) WWI and 1-minute high plank.

Count off, Name-o-rama, prayer, and announcements.

Announcements:  2ndF Bonfire at Typo Positives house,  October 5th @ 7:30.


27 September 21,15,9s

Temp: 70
Gloom Factor: Moderate

PAX: Black Widow, Olan Mills, Pedialyte, School Girl, Bueller, PSL, A/R, Movin on Up, Ocho Cinco, Ludwig Von Oshkosh, Offshore, Dupree, Venus, Bagger Vance

0529:45 Disclaimer + lock cars

Bus Loop
Lunge walk
Bear craw
Crawl bear
Rev LW

7 Squats

HB x 13 IC
IW x 13 IC
SSH x 13 IC

21, 15, 9s
All Work Sets Performed three times in 21 reps then 15 reps the 9 reps.

Tuck Jumps / CDD
AYG/Politician drop off line btwn sets


Calf Raise / Row

Grab Coupons


Pull-Ups / Thrusters w Coupon

Coupon Jumps / WWI on basketball court
(Little twist here: crawl w block on way down, lunge on way back RD 1&2…frog jumps on RD 3)

Cool Down Mosey in drop off line x 8


Worked on proper flutter kick form


Lots of groaning today during the Fran Evolution of the Q only to be matched during the Sisyphus Evolution.

One thing YHC noticed is there seemed to be a lot of lolly gagging in between Evolutions, assuming that was to steady the heart rate and not an attempt to Whiskey Dick the workout.

Princess Aurora brought up 3S2T the other week after the 5 year, for the uninitiated that is Speed, Strength, Stamina Toughness (Physical/Mental). This was never more evident to me than during Sisyphus when the PAX were given less than clear directions and 1) had to figure some things out OYO & had to transport the coupon in a less than efficient manner. During RD III you could smell that hair burner smell as the coupons were drug across the court…such a sweet smell.

Ludwig’s M, Ocho’s dad, MOU’s dad.


Bomber – 09.27.19 – “Lucky 18s”

26 HIM took that DRP and posted for a run-heavy workout that -ahem-  ran long, primarily due to an excess of Q-drenaline inspired by YHC’s 1-year F3 anniversary.

QIC: Cunning Linguist

PAX: Bad Boy, Bareback, Bicentennial Man, Cooties, Crablegs, Crawlspace, Dewey, Dinty Moore, Duplex, Dutch Oven, Firefox, Hambone, Hi-Viz, Lunch Lady, Macaroni, Money Snake (FNG), Napster, Pop-A-Lock, Porcelain, Pumpkin Spice, Reveille, Right Said, River Dawg, Studio 42, Vector

Disclaimer: Disclaimed per usual. BLUF: Don’t sue me or F3, there’s no money in it.

Mosey from shovel flag to “The Nip” for WOR:





18xSnL Squats

This totaled 72, as in the 72nd b-day of the US Air Force (which occurred about 10 days ago).

As the US Air Force has played an integral part of my life, I shared this celebration with the PAX.

We then moseyed (in near-full-gloom) toward the top of McCabe Hill” for Activity 1 of THE THANG:

Burpee Mile: 12 burpees every 1/4 mile or so.

We stopped two times (so half a mile in) then I whipped out a surprise at the bottom of McCabe Hill:

Activity 2:

Jacob’s Ladder: Mosey to bench, drop for 1 burpee, then to bottom of hill and back to the top for 2 burpees. RnR up to 7.

Al Gores upon early completion, which raised questions about the “Chair Force.”

Jokes – we sure got ‘em, don’t we?

Countdown from 30 to 1, then mosey along for our continuation of the Burpee Mile (which we effectively completed as a group).

At this point, it was suggested that we may not make it back to the shovelflag in time. I scoffed – after all, we *always* finish on time, right???

Feeling the beatdown set in, we all dropped for Activity 3:


And on we moseyed to the gazebo. At which point, we stopped for some early Mary (as YHC was about to Splash Merlot):


10xAlabama Prom Dates

10xFlutter Kicks

Then, realizing that we were NOT going to return to the parking lot in time, YHC called an AYG to the shovelflag.

All in at ~0619, which was, while not dreadful, still late. YHC needs to get better with respecting the time of others. It’s true.



Well, THAT was a learning opportunity. YHC has no excuse, other than an overabundance of Q-drenaline. YHC needs to work on reining that in and apologizes to the PAX of Bomber today, and while it WAS a celebration of sorts, today’s workout also served as a reminder that the Q is not infallible. YHC is a flawed human being, and as such, there is room for me to grow and learn from this experience.



-Prayers for continued healing of Pumpkin Spice’s injuries.

-Welcome to F3, Money Snake!


10/29 – Libeery at Fat Bottom Brewery in the Nations. Book is “The Three Big Questions for a Frantic Family” by Patrick Lencioni.  If you read it, great. If not, you should still probably show up to Libeery for some high-quality fellowship.



Slow and Low

It’s been said the slow and low playlist is the greatest collection of artists since the We Are The World collaboration.  YHC led the PAX through a beautiful medley of lower body, low to the ground, slow, and intentional movements to get the freakin’ weekend started off right.


CCR, Floppy, Vegemite, Brother At Law, YGR, White Cloud, Hot Route, Reba, Hipster, Pocket Chicken, and yours Qly Tampa Libra.

Mosey, with 3 tampons (Tampa’s coupons) to the pavilion, alternate coupon carrier every 30 seconds or so.

Group: 10 bulgarians each leg, 20 hand-release merkins, 10 box jumps, 20 captain thors.

3 PAX in the middle do 50 tampon curls in low squat position.

Repeat until all PAX complete curls.

Rinse and repeat all of the above with 5 block merkins where one side is on the block, the other on the ground, switch sides for another 5.

YHC timed us at 3 minutes for completion. Rinse and repeat with 10 each side, with the goal of beating the 3-minute mark. PAX hit time right on the dot and was rewarded with 5 8-count bodybuilders.

Mosey to the path. Line up in rows of 3 and perform 20 strict bear crawl steps followed by 5 under-the-fence merkins. Roughly every-other set the first wave drops to the back. This went on for 15-20 minutes.

Mosey to the lot for MARY:
Alabama Prom Dates to match the sensual song selection followed by a round-robin of core-callouts.

New bEAST SIDE AO launching on Mondays in two weeks. Prayers for intention in all we do.

Don’t forget the post-coitus callout, please. It was an honor to lead you all this morning, tell your significant others I said you’re welcome. Tampa out.

Racetrack 9-25-19

Temps were perfect in the high 50’s as 11 PAX made their way out to the Racetrack for some fun.

PAX: Boone’s Farm, Toga, Umbrella, Venus, Penny Loafers, Deck the Hollis, JK, Double Check, Olan Mills, Caps Lock, & Black Widow (QIC)

WOR: Quick Disclaimer in the parking lot then head to the parking garage and up the stairs to get things going

SSH x 20

WMH x 15

GM x 10

BAC(F) x 10

BAC(R) x 10

Overhead Press x 10

Seal Claps x 10

Finished up and back down the stairs to the main parking lot of the parking garage.

Thang: Begin in the lot, run to  Maryland Way and head up the hill. Stop at top of the stairs for exercise. Run down the stairs for second set of same exercise. Run through the garage back to parking lot for third set of same exercise. SSH for the six.


R1: Burpees x 15 @ each stop

R2: Merkins x 20 @ each stop

R3: WWI x 25 @ each stop

All in and take a long mosey around the back of the Hill Center to back around the front of Chopt. Find some bar and perform Rows x 15, 3 sets.

Long mosey back to the starting point. This is where YHC had to prevac, and Boone’s Farm took over for Mary and COT. Thanks for the help Boone’s!

Always an honor to lead. Enjoyed it men!

Black Widow


IronPAX final week – The Pound 9/26/19

13 PAX: Double Bird, Professor X, SexEd, Show Me, 3rd Degree, Stats, Creeper, Barney Fievel, Old Hickory, MicDrop, Kermit, Staples, Tebow (QIC)

WARM UP: Hillbillies, SSH, GM, Lunges, Squats, BAC, Merkins

IronPAX 2019 Week 4
3 Rounds:
100 Merkins/Squats, 200yd coupon carry
100 Iron Mikes/Swings, 200yd coupon carry
100 Lunge Walk Steps/Thrusters, 200yd coupon carry

*Each 100 cumulative reps broken up however one would like given the two movement options. It was a choose-your-own adventure where all paths led to the same place – total quad assault. Very clever of the programmers to make us think we had a choice in the matter.

This marks the final week of the IronPAX challenge. At its best, it united the entire F3 Nation, and at its worst, well, we got to see the impossible (scores and times) made possible, so maybe that’s actually a good thing as well.

Great work by all. Fun times. Back to our regularly scheduled programming,

Hide and Seek

PAX: Tampa (co-Q), JK, Black Lung, Frugal, Cowboy, Bagger Vance, Floppy Disk, Venus, Slim Jim, Ocho Cinco. QIC Rosemary


Floppy Disk and JK took off for a track workout while the rest of the PAX mosied to the field for a warmup: SSH, Smurf Jacks, WMH, Good Mornings, Merkins

Part 1: Field suicides with 1 burpee at the 10, 2 at the 20, 3 at the 30…50. Bernie Sanders back after each burpee set with burpees every time you passed each 10-yard marker.

Part 2: YHC led the group to the gym and lost Rosemary along the way. Rosemary, gassed from sprinting up and down every hall, eventually found PAX in the weight room and proceeded to put on a beatdown. No running in the halls dude, that’s like a basic rule of school.

2 minute rounds: 50lb farmer carries up/down the gym steps, wall balls, man-makers with ~20lb db’s. I believe we did 4 rounds.

Mosey to lot for COT.

Prayers: Frugal’s co-working dealing with constant pain and related depression, Floppys grandparent diagnosed with Lymphoma, Venus’ friend lost a parent – good reminder to call our friends and check-in on them.

Good work, men. Great Q Rosemary – hope to see more of that!

F3 Nashville Q Centennial

Gloom Factor: Cool Fall Morning

12 PAX: Bi Centennial man, Hipster, Reveille, Hi-Vis, Caleb Romer(FNG- Outbreak ), Black Lung,Brenton Harrison (FNG – Money Bags), Crawlspace, Right Said, Lepew(Louisville) , Cub Cadet and myself.

1x Lap of Centennial Park
15x Good Mornings
10x Imperial Walkers
10x Merkins
10x American Hammers
2 min Plank

Mosey up to the Parthenon for a partner exercise of 100x Merkins for each man. Each man did 10x Merkins and the other man would do crunches, then switch till each man did 100. Then mosey around the broken hill and back to the Parthenon.

Again a partner exercise but this time with Dips and holding a squat. One man would do 10x Dips while the man held a squat. This went on till each man had 100x Dips. Then mosey around the broken hill and back to the Parthenon.

Ended with:15x American Hammers
50x Flutter Kicks
10x Reverse Crunches

FNGs were introduced and named and ended with a quick prayer. Thanks for opportunity to lead today!



Oldies but Goodies at BW

It has been a while since Nan’tan took a Q in Nolensville due to Pax stepping up to the challenge of IronClad. While TClaps are in order….MOVE OVER.

A Nolensville OG wants to Q, so buckle up!

No theme for today…just embracing the suck and not leaving anyone behind.

14 PAX in Attendance:  Tebow, Typo+, ShowMe, MicDrop, Nimbus 1500, Kermit, Stats, NumbTux, Prof. X (Respect), Glengary, SexEd, OldHickory, Creeper & 3D (QiC)

5:15 for a pre-party showing with Numbtux, MicDrop, SexEd, Creeper & YHC doing a Kermit Appetizer of the THANG (unbeknownst to him) Thanks for leading KermiT. We: jogged around the track, crawl-beared a hill, Copenhagens, Irkins, Bridge Crawl and WWIs.

5:30, let’s do this!


  • Jog around parking lot x 1 (then circle up)
  • SSH IC x 10
  • IW IC x 10
  • Tempo Squats IC x 10
  • Tempo Merkins IC x 10
  • GM x 3 OYO

The Thang(s) 

Opened up the suggestion Box for Royal Burpees

PAX perform 10 of each Burpee variation called by various PAX.

We did:

  • Double shots of Jack
  • Hand-release
  • Dancing Bear (aka Regular)
  • Martinis (4 count Mountain Climber with 2 merkins each)
  • Barrel Roll (Aka Feed-n-Seed or Co-Op in Franklin)

Everyone gave max effort to give 10 good form burpees per round.


Partner up for 50 pull-ups as a team. Arms got pumped fast and teams did a great job not letting each other down by working hard and also providing support as needed.


Mosey to the field house for 11s. HRCs at the bottom, crawl bear the stairs, Jump-squats with an OHP at the top, mosey to bottom, R&R


Mosey to the freshly lacquered bridge for a crawl. At the far end, circle up for some MoM:

Pax were delegated to call out a Mary exercise and we performed 10 of each in cadence:

  • Flutter Kix
  • V-ups
  • WWIs
  • American Hammers


Race the pre-vaccing Prof. X back to the parking lot for:



  • 3rd F opportunity: We conclude the Romans 1-3 reading plan today. I have really enjoyed it. If PAX agree, let’s keep it rolling and start the next few chapters next Monday and invite others to join in…AYE?!
  • We need a Q for the Pound…I will gladly take it if no one does by Wednesday night. Your call…
  • Shared a little about the marks of men: being courageous enough to stand up and fight when needed, as well as to let go of comparisons to the past (successes, failures, being wronged, guilt over wronging others). Get up and make a change today (which is the only thing you CAN change). Get back up, and get after it.

What we Learned

  • Thanks to Kermit (cold) & Tebow (hot) for Coffee!!!
  • I am proud of you all! In the 18 months F3Nolensville has been posting there is growth! Let’s keep giving it away and inviting/Emotionally-headlocking (EHing) new guys that need this too. My EH of a lonely 62 year-old golfer during CoT was not very effective. Oh well, let’s keep trying!
  • IronPax is dead.
  • IronClad is Alive and well! Keep logging those posts and 1-3rd F participation!

PostParty: forgotten about.

3D, out!