Defiant 7.22.19 – Super Cooper and 11’s

Image result for sweat

Conditions: 75 and mostly cloudy. Increased cloud coverage led to increased Gloom factor.

6 PAX embraced the Gloom including: Barney Fievel (QiC), Professor X, 3rd Degree, TV Guide, Little Miss Piggy and Huggy (welcome!).

Warm-Up: Show Me lap, 15 SSH and 10 squats IC. Top it all off with 10 burpees on the minute for 3 minutes.

Barney dropped his truck bed like it was hot, revealing a 20 pound coupon for each HIM that made it out of their fartsack.

Thang 1: Super Cooper (Exciting and New!)

The Cooper was one of the first routines I led and was borrowed from the Exicon. Sometime later, I came up with a variation of the routine called the Mini Cooper. The Super Cooper is the latest installment to the Cooper Series and involves a much shorter “track” and a much higher number of reps.

With coupon in hand, PAX perform 30 overhead presses, 30 curls and 30 squats before dropping their coupon and sprinting a short lap. Rinse and repeat for two more rounds, decreasing exercises by 10 reps each lap.

Thang 2: 11’s

MoT: Hairburners – Bear crawl while pushing or pulling coupon along with you.

Ginuwines: While holding the coupon to their chest, PAX drop into a squat while simultaneously pushing the coupon out in front of them. PAX gyrate stone to the left and then right before jumping back into a regular standing position and bringing the coupon back to their chest.

Warhammers: On your six, with coupon in hand, perform a WWI, then a 4-count American Hammer.

Mary consisted of 1 GM OYO because I’m not wasting my 45 minutes on stretching.


Men, we have a lot of praying to do! Continuing to pray for Netflix’s new baby and family. Remember to hit up Numbtuck’s Sign-Up Genius sheet to bring them dinner while they make numerous trips to and from the hospital. Little Miss Piggy received some test results that he’s following up on. PAX can reach out to him for more details. Continue to pray for Soccer Mom also as he spreads the message of the love of Christ. We’re praying that God take control in all of these situations and offer up our full cooperation.

Welcome Hunter Meadors, AKA “Huggy,” a new F3 transfer from Ohio!


7/19: Birthday Spice

Location: Bomber

Conditions: 77 and muggy

QIC: Pumpkin Spice

PAX: Bad Boy, Bagger Vance, Bareback, Black Lung, Bicentennial Man, Big Pharm, Crablegs, Crawlspace, Cub Cadet, Dewey, Firefox, Hambone, Harvey Updike, Hi Viz, Lunch Lady, Porcelain, Right Said, Tiny Dancer, Toothless, Trapper Keeper, Vector

YHC delivered a disclaimer, with the additional component that I recently injured my heel and, as such, we would not be running or jumping for the workout — celebrations were present and short-lived.


The PAX circled up at the shovelflag for some WOR.

Warmorama :

  • LBAC x 15
  • rLBAC x 15
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x 15
  • WMH x 15

The PAX then moseyed the few feet over to the base of the hill leading towards the stop sign. We ruminated on the best means to reach the top of the hill, and we unanimously decided that the Crawlbear (AKA The Backwards Bearcrawl, AKA The Gemini) was our best option. PAX did flutter kick and wait for the Six at the top of the hill. We then Lieutenant Dan’ed our way down the hill to the entrance.

PAX paired up as we walked over to the playground for the main event. As this marks the start of my final year of “HATE” in the COT, this was a HATE-themed workout. Each PAX would individually do 100 pull-ups, focusing on proper form. The main event worked as follows:

  • One PAX does a set of 12 pull-ups while the other does a core exercise until their partner finishes their set of 12
  • The PAX flapjack and continue to flapjack until 8 sets of 12 pull-ups are completed by each, finishing with a set of 4 done together
  • The core exercises done while partners are doing pull-ups are as follows
    • H – Happy Crunchy Frogs
    • A – American Hammers
    • T – Two-count Flutter Kicks
    • E – Extenders (basically the leg portion of a Happy Crunch Frog)
    • The HATE exercises were cycled through twice to account for the eight sets of pull-ups

After completing the main event, the PAX did some walking side squats back to the shovelflag for some additional Mary.


  • High Plank Jack x 1 minute
  • Helly Dolly x 1 minute
  • Mountain Climbers x 1 minute
  • 6-inch hold x 1 minute
  • 5 Burpee buy out


  • The initial excitement for no running was quickly expunged by the ensuing lengthy uphill crawlbear. Debates were had regarding who can bear crawl the fastest — is it Lunch Lady? Crablegs? Dilly Dilly? It sounds like there may need to be a special event to know for sure
  • As is my habit, I repeatedly emphasized the importance of proper form with exercises. It is OK to modify as needed if you physically cannot do something — it is not OK to do something halfway just because you are tired and want to cut a corner. If you are finishing first and not doing the full reps/exercise, then your modification should be more difficult.


  • Pray for Boone’s Farm, who was hospitalized after he suddenly passed out. He is now home and recovering
  • Pray for D Frost, his M, and their first 2.0 welcomed into the world just a week ago
  • Many great events coming up, including Libeery, Yuck Ruck, 5-year Nashville F3-aversary, Picnic at Porcelain’s, and more — see the various Slack channels for details

– Pumpkin Spice

4 Square Partay…..

24 PAX in Attendance : Nimbus 1500, Staples, TVG, 3rd Degree, Old Hickory, Show Me, Ulysses, Topper, Double Bird, Tebow, Piccolo, Barney, Spartan (HTH????), Mr. Opus, Numb Tucks aka “Onion”, FNG “Freud”, Hush Puppy, FNG “Guack”, Manscape, (TH???), Mic Drop, IGeezy, Mu-dadgum-Fasa…, Professor X,  YHC Kermit on Q.


Led by 3D…. we started off with a Bear Crawl, 1 MILE… after the Bear Crawl, we Crawl Beared back, but we increased it to 2.5 miles. It was pretty easy. Most of us were feeling pretty good, so after that we did some sidewinders up and down the bleachers. MOT, Hand Stand… Prof X beat us all, even though N-15 was able to complete it with one hand, P-X still won… go figure. We did a quick mosey to under the bleachers where we completed 10 pull ups, however, we did them without using our arms. 3D over achieved and did 15, as usual. Since we didn’t do enough BC’s and CB’s on the front end we decided to Bear Brawl the remaining time. At that point, my arm actually fell off, I was still able to beat 3D, but N-15 beat both of us, he actually completed the entire routine blind folded and drunk…. story of my life.

In reality we actually did

Bear Crawl – Crawl Bears 10-20-30-40-50

(3D and Numbtucks smelled like onions)

Side Winders on the Bleachers

10 Pull-ups

Bear Brawl 10-20-30-40-50

Nobody was actually drunk… I think.

Attendees were 3D, N-15, YHC (KermiT), P-X for an undisclosed amount of time….

Medic: A variation of several PAX request. Great playlist fellas, except that no one could actually hear it unless you were in the middle of the field and I got stuck listening to frikkin ABBA,… thanks Tebow…

6:00a.m. starts with a quick intro, the fine print details.

WarmUps :


SSH’s IC 20x (3D and Numbtucks kept sniffing each other)

Thang (4 Square)….

4 Square is pretty basic…..

But for real.

It was super complicated…. and to complicate it even further, my dadgum instructions didn’t print. So we were stuck with two print off’s, when I needed 4……

Even though we were low on instructions Old Hickory, TV Geezy, Mic Drop, & KermiT CoQ’d/Team Lead each group.

So the 4 Square was very similar to the previous 4 Square pictured below. However the MoT was Sprints to midfield, and (Numbtucks stunk) the CoQ/Team Lead could audible MoT at any given time. Also qty’s changed for the following:

WWI 25x

Summers 50x

Starfish 25x

American Hammer 50x

Abyss Merkin 50x or 25x (Depends on whether or not you were in fragrant range of 3D or Numb Tucks…)

Bench Press 40x (3D had an awful stench)

Flutter Kicks 50x

Baby Crunches 75x

Side Dips 25x

Dwarf Kicks 25x

It was pretty cordial. Just ask Freud. —-Merlot anyone?—-

We wrapped it up and sealed it with a quick lap around the track with some good ol’ fashion GM OYO, Tebow Stretches, Cherry Pickers (or maybe that was at the beginning), and some Willie’s. (Numb Tucks and 3D both were found in a remote location, both very stenchie…)

Post Party – 

Led by no one-

Take my frikkin coupons back to Big Blue.

There were a lot, and several PAX helped.

Other News-

NumbTucks Stinks

3D Stinks

T-Claps to Mr. Opus for pulling two FNG’s Guack & Freud. Good job bro!!!!!

  • 2nd F opportunity:

Netflix meal train, check Slack for deets.

  • 3rd F opportunity:

Double Bird’s son baptized this week, praise, glory, and honor to Jesus.

LMP blood work, again, check slack for the debts on the bone marrow biopsy.

Meghann Porter and her two daughters.

Thanks gents, I had a great time leading HIM’s

Peace out!


21 15 9er

Temp: 74
Gloom Factor: Soupy

PAX: Too Tall, Venus, Red Skull, Frugal McDugal, Flying Tomato, Boy Band, Panhandle, Blades of Glory (FNG), Bagger Vance

0529:30 Disclaimer

Mosey to Soccer Field

Plank as we discussed:
F3 Mission
F3 5 Core Principles

All IC X 13

Outside Work
Run 400M
21 Burpees
Run 400M
15 Burpees
Run 400M
9 Burpees

21 Pull Ups
21 Thrusters
15 Pull Ups
15 Thrusters
9 Pull Ups
9 Thrusters

Outside Work
21 Box Jumps
21 Squats
15 Box Jumps
15 Squats
9 Box Jumps
9 Squats

New 413 Class next week
Cookout on Sat at Porcelains
5 yr anny 14 Sept
Warpath Night Ops 26 July

Prayer Requests
Boone’s Farm seizure
Baby 413 possible jail time for breaking parole
Penny loafers


The Standard 028

Pax: Dilly Dilly, Foosball, Funyuns, Tortoise, Savannah (Welcome)

QIC: Tiny Dentist

Honoring: Apollo 11


Shoulder stretches, good mornings, upper back stretches, 50 SSH


Pax split up in to two teams of 3 (teams of 3 in honor of the 3-man Apollo crews)

One PAX of each team would ruck run a 400 while the other two team members of each team would complete different exercises for a round as follows (teams would rotate to a different exercise with the completion of each ruck run until all team members completed a round of each exercise):

Round 1:

Team One: tire flips, 40 yard bear crawl

Team Two: pull-ups, battle rope (alternating single-arm reps); PAX would alternate back and forth when 20 reps on the battle rope were achieved

Round Two:

Team One switched stations with Team 2 and rinsed and repeated

Round 3:

Team One: Man Makers with dumb bells and WW1’s

Team Two: Power cleans to squat to shoulder press w/ 60 lb bag and Ruck lunges

Round 4

Team One switched stations with Team 2 and rinsed and repeated

Soundtrack for evolution (select music released in 1969):

Spirit in the Sky – Norman Greenbaum, Honky Tonk Women – Rolling Stones, Dazed and Confused – Led Zeppelin, Voodoo Child (Slight Return) – Jimi Hendrix, Green River – CCR, Feelin Alright – Joe Cocker, Only the Strong Survive – Elvis Presley, Space Captain – Joe Cocker, Good Times Bad Times – Led Zeppelin, Foxy Lady – Jimi Hendrix, I Can’t Get Next to You – The Temptations

Ruck up and sand bag up, mosey to the creek

In honor of 7/20/1969 – date of moon landing:

7 ruck burpees, 20 ruck pushups, 69 flutter kicks

Ruck up for run through the back running path

– Equipment : 2 60lb bags, one 40lb (ish) bag/purse, rucks for each PAX

– Formation: Two three-man columns with sandbag carriers in the front

– Workout format: initially 1 min walk, 1:30 run, but Funyuns nutchecked me and changed it to 30 secs off and 1:30 on. After each run, bags would rotate clockwise.

– for 3 of the first 4 rounds, we stopped for workouts as follows:

1. 11 WW1’s, 11 ruck squats

2. 2 min overhead ruck hold

3. 2 mi  overhead ruck hold

Thereafter, we went 30 sec off and 1:30 on until 5:59

10 Toes to Bar to finish

Prayers: Boonesfarm, Spiccoli, Penny’s Loafer’s wife and all our M’s with health issues

Announcements: Nightpath = July 26th, F3 Nashville’s 5-year Anniversary on Sept 14th

PAX were reminded that we chose to go to the moon because it was hard, not easy. Likewise, we should not be afraid to undertake the meaningful, hard tasks in life…because there is no growth inside of the comfort zone.  Regarding our Christian life, remember that God calls us to take up our cross daily, and that redemption and heavenly rewards stem from our earthly sufferings in furtherance of the Kingdom.

Welcome, Savannah, who showed out like a Standard regular!

It was an absolute honor to lead the men who have inspired me out of my comfort zone and enhanced my character and fitness over the last 6 months. I tell everyone that posting at the Standard is a non-negotiable, that it’s my weekly rite of passage. There’s just something about surviving a Standard workout that is uniquely fulfilling and sustaining. I’m truly a better man and Christian from spending my Thursdays with you. Here’s to many more.

Tiny Dentist out.


Pressing the Easy Button with Staples – The Pound 7/18/19

Pre-Party: 3rd Degree led Stats, Ragdoll, Mufasa, Netflix, Barney, and Staples through a burpee, bear, and bridge buffet.

18 PAX in attendance for the main event: Professor X (respect), NumbTucks, 3rd Degree, Nimbus1500, Mufasa, Netflix, Stats, Barney, GlenGarry, Beer Goggles, Sex Ed, Old Hickory, Inspector Gadget, Ragdoll, Type O+, Tebow, ShowMe, and Staples (YHC, QiC)

Disclaimer/Stretching/Partner Up


There seems to be some consistent themes this week: running, partners, and the whole body.

So we partnered up into two lines and took off for an all-american, Indian run. No additives in this one; simply sprint to the front of the line with your partner when it’s your turn. Speed bumps were called for sets of Copenhagens, derkins, and erkins (4 sets total) at the ballfield pavilion. We also enjoyed speed bumps for some core work at the little bridge with V-ups, LBC’s, and flutter kicks (3 sets total). For continuity’s sake, we rolled a partner carry into the bear crawl bridge (Props to the stallions in attendance).

With time running short, mosey to the parking lot for some partner wheelbarrows (Q’s a quitter), skanks, politicians, karaoke, and high knees.

Great work by all and it was fun to get to lead you all this morning.


Post-Party: 3rd Degree led a handful of brave souls in yurpees (I believe).

What we learned:
• We are a community of sinners saved by grace. We are encouraged to minister, and be ministered to, in times of plenty and in times of need.

• Keep Netflix’s family in your prayers as his daughter is in the NICU growing stronger over the days ahead. Consider ministering to his family through meals (see the sign-up on Slack if you’re interested).
• Pray for Swinger as the diagnosis of his discomfort continues. We’re grateful some things have been eliminated.
• Pray for Mrs. Professor X who is shuttling wrestlers to the Midwest this week.
• Pray for Little Miss Piggy as the doctor’s review his circumstances.


11 to put the race in racetrack this morning.

Flying Tomato, Black Widow, Atlas, Backlash, Old Hickory, CAPSLOCK, Bedpan, Egg Bowl, Red Skull, Umbrella, Tampa Libra (QIC)

SSH x30
Slow-and-low AirDrama x20
Lbac / reverse x15
Shoulder press x50
Spider lunge x10


    • Split into 2 groups
    • Each group grabs a 25lb coupon
    • Indian Run to the parking lot

Group 1:
20 merkins / 1 PAX low plank with coupon on back
wait for the  6 in a low merkin hold
Sprint to the opposite end of the lot

Group 2
20 WWI  / 1 PAX hollow hold with coupon on back
wait for the 6 in a hollow hold
Sprint to the opposite end of the lot

Following the same pattern: Group 1 does 19 WWI / Group 2 does 19 merkin’s and so forth down to 1.

Indian Run to the field with coupon

  • Each group lined up shoulder-to-should and on their 6.
  • 3-count American Hammer with coupon, pass to the left and then back down. Repeat.
  • 3-count American Hammer x2 with coupon, pass to the left and then back down. Repeat
  • High plank position. Keeping hips steady, pull the coupon through to the next PAX, all the way down and back. Repeat.
  • Sprint the loop
  • Repeat the above x2

Mosey to the lot for some quick mobility work, WMH, Good Mornings, and we’re done.

Announcements: PennyLoafers Bride had her procedure yesterday and all went well. Hoping for release today but it’s likely tomorrow.

Umbrella is starting a book club, likely 2 Fridays a month. Time and location TBD.

We Ran @ Mickey’s BW Debut VQ

excited world cup GIF by Disneyland Paris

Pre-Party: Stats led Staples, KermiT, Barney (sorta) and 3D in some modified Cindy. 5 Pull-ups, 7 Merkins and 9 Iron Mikes on the minute for 10 minutes.

19 PAX in attendance for the main event: Prof. X, KermiT, BarneyFievel, Stats, Staples, InspectorGadget, SexEd, Mufasa, GlenGarry, Tebow, Nimbus1500, Hot’N’Ready, TypO+, ShowMe, MicDrop, DoubleDirds, HushPuppy, Mickey (VQ) & 3rdDegree (YHC)


ShowMe lap and then, per Q’s demand…STRETCH…the whole body version


Mickey wanted to run…so we did.

anniversary running GIF by Mickey Mouse

We did Uphill Partner Carries (UPCs) in Stonebrook. Then we flapjacked. Then we ran to a loop in Ballenger and did 4 laps with 4 variations up the Hill: Sprint, BroadJumps (Tebow has the BEST form), Politician, and then side shuffles. There were various speedbumps of increasing numbers of Merkins (How many Q?!?!?!, until 3D taught Q how to punish that question, then everyone got good at remembering or asking a fellow PAX) with a downhill bearcrawl (Nimbus dominated and completed without standing or stopping BEASTMODE) on the mosey back

~3 miles total

Post-Party: Finish running back to the lot with an impromptu sprint inspired by Mufasa (ROAR) and then circle up while we wait for the 6 with AHs & 5 Dwarfkins (can that be cadence?!)

CoT / Counterama / Namerama


  • Great VQ Mickey! I notice you purposefully avoided anything that required cadence…we’ll work on it…
  • Keep signing up for Q slots for July. Aside from injury, there are all been unique Q’s so far. YHC challenged the PAX to only lead once this month…
  • Continue to keep health issues of multiple PAX or their families in your T&P: Ulysses, Swinger, Barney, LMP, Carrot, MicDrop and others I’m sure…
  • 3rdF opportunity to Bless NetFlix’s family with a meal to congratulate them on their daughter’s (premature) arrival: sign up HERE
  • NightPath: free Ruck CSAUP July 27 with F3Franklin. Talk to 3D for more info.
  • F3Dads Camp in Tennessee in September!!!

That is all.

3D, OUT!!!!

Q by Committee @ DEFIANT 7/15/19

Pre-Party: YHC led Staples and Ragdoll in some stretching…start off the week right!

Sexy 6 PAX in attendance for the main event: Prof. X, Ragdoll, Creeper (Welcome Back!), Staples, Old Hickory & 3rdDegree (Q)

Disclaimer/Warm’o’Rama: This is an off the cuff 3D & friends extravaganza due to some DR needs for Barney & WhiskeyKnee by Typo+ (seriously though, he has insomnia…TAP)

After some disclaimer and options provided by YHC, we all decided to split up the Q. Here’s how it went…

  1. 3D led 100 Merkins (partners split and did 10 and a time and recover while partner performed)
  2. RagDoll led an abbreviated Cold War with 50ft. sprint and 5 Yurpees, then Mosey back to perform 5 Merkins, 5 American Hammers and 5 WWIs. R&R going down on Yurpees and Up on American routine. #AmericaWins
  3. Old Hickory led Partner WheelBarrows x 3 and Partner Carries x 2
  4. Staples led Indian Run & an AYG sprint
  5. Professor X led us in 5 Floating Starfish ( x 2 thanks to some suggestions by YHC and OH) and 30 seconds of Side planks
  6. Creeper led us in rounds (5 or 6?) of 5 reps of pullups and 20 LBCs.

CoT / Counterama / Namerama

Post-Party: 10 Dwarfkins done by 5 of the 6 PAX

What we learned:

  • Creeper encouraged us to seek the SkyQ’s presence as well as to be present where we are (turn off screens and electronic devices)
  • I enjoyed some waterteeria and 2nd F with 3 other PAX…


  • Keep signing up for Q slots for July. Aside from injury, there are all been unique Q’s so far. YHC challenged the PAX to only lead once this month…
  • MICKEY VQ ALERT! Join us as we cheer him on in support of his first Q.
  • Continue to keep health issues of multiple PAX or their families in your T&P: Ulysses, Typo+, Barney, LMP, Carrot, MicDrop and others I’m sure…
  • Praise from Creeper (the world-wide traveler) who has seen a lot of youth profess faith recently and commit to live that way…
  • NightPath: free Ruck CSAUP July 27 with F3Franklin. Talk to 3D for more info.
  • F3Dads Camp in Tennessee in September!!!

Humbled with the opportunity to sharpen and be sharpened.

– 3D OUT!!!!

Jaden and Will

2 of Nashville’s most handsome and bearded PAX showed out for a variety of ruck exercises.

PAX: T-CELL & Tampa Libra

Ruck mosey to the track

Partner 1: Wall sit with repeated ruck front raises
Partner 2: Sprint the track 1 loop sans ruck
Switch and repeat

Partner 1: Hollow hold
Partner 2: Farmer carry two rucks length of the field and back
Switch and repeat
Rinse and repeat for 3 rounds

Partner 1: Plank of choice w/ruck
Partner 2: 10 merkins w/ruck
Switch and repeat
Reverse ladder 10-1

Partner 1: Low plank w ruck pull through
Partner 2: Lt. Dan half the field and back
Switch and repeat

Partner 1: High pull w/ruck
Partner 2: Double time ruck 1 loop

Finished off with a single arm alternating ruck curl ladder 1-5 then 5-1.

Both PAX going through the adoption process. We prayed for our families and for the children God has planned to add to them.