Heavy Surd

AO: the-knoll
Q: Malibu
PAX: Aflac, G-string (Eli Kresta), Malibu, Merchant, morning star, Wolfpack, Bumble Bee, Iowa, Samwise
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Warm- mid 50’s. Very nice.

Mosey to stop sign and back,
Pickup weights and farmers carry to Baseball backstop.
15x SSH, 15xBAC and 15 x BBAC. 10 slow squats, 5x slow mericans.

Four rounds each of 60sec of work, followed by 60sec rest:
(1) 10x Scottie Bobs, 3x American Twists (2=1); then farmers carry weight to the west across the park.
(2) 3x Walking lunges, 10 count of plank; then farmers carry weight back to park.
(3) Mary: WWIs, Slow Count Superman, then Mary-o-Rama: alternating V Ups, ABCs, box cutters, flutter kicks, Superman again, and leg raises.

I’ve been listening to the OptimalWork podcast a lot this year, and one question about growth the hosts ask is: Am I growing in an intellectual understanding of my profession? That might be a professional occuption, but also a self, son, father, husband, or worker. The normal mode of growth requires intentionality, and I’ve received a great deal from these morning workouts together in growing to be a better man. Know that each man here encourages each other, even when you don’t always see it. Keep showing up, doing the work, and growing together. Cheers,

Difficult, I mean Murder Mile is coming up on the 28th.

Prayers for those who have passed away, for the health of our members and community, and those silent intentions in our hearts.

The few not on 30A for Spring Break

AO: westeros
Q: Pep
PAX: Wolfpack, Firefox, Sherlock, DintyMoore, Tim the Toolman, Blueprint, Breadsticks
FNGs: None
Conditions: Cold

– seal claps: 15
– overheard claps: 15
– imperial walkers: 15
– good mornings: oyo

The Thang:
– run: around the school drop off circle
– exercises
– burpees: 100
– alabama prom dates: 200
– fire hydrants: 300 (one each side)
– american hammers: 200
– hand release mericans: 100
– finish with a mary

– prayer for Breadsticks dad – surgery to remove toe due to diabetes
– game night tomorrow (Tuesday) at Firefox’s house

Creating a 4F AO

AO: the-knoll
Q: Hair Band
PAX: Sooie, morning star, Wolfpack, Siri, Malibu, Ex-Pat, Pebbles, Merchant, Bumblebee
FNGs: None

50 SSHs
Arm circles
Air press
Michael phelps

Spread out into Teams & stations

Push station
Skull crushers 20
Carolina dry docks 20
Elbow tap push ups 10

Pull station
Pullups 10
Rows 15

Core station
Supermans 20
V-ups 20
Ukrainian hanmers 20

Burpee freeze tag


– Plankpril coming up soon, check 1st F channel
– Murder mile coming, check green machine

– everyone shared a prayer request, work, families, deaths, travels

Thanks y’all! So happy to have lead this morning, it was an honor and privilege!

Rock on,

Hair Band


AO: the-knoll
Q: Sooie
PAX: AAA, DB, morning star, Pebbles, Sooie, Wolfpack, Bumblebee (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: old man winter not dead yet

Motivators from 5
Yes/No/maybes 5
BAC 15
Don Quixote 10
Good Morning OYO
Caboose is loose with the slam ball around the knoll. Slamball gets fumbled, 5 slow merkins ended up doing 20 all together

Iron Mikes 10x
Side lunges 10x
Shoulder taps 10x
Climber taps 10x
Derkins MAX
Single Leg Bridges 10x
Side Bridges 10x
Squat hold for the 6’s the mosey around the backstop.

Hangs: 1 minute on 30 seconds off (3x)

Ultimate Capture the Slamball
Get tagged, turnover possession.
Slamball hits the deck/fumbled, 5 burpees

Faithfulness in the mundane will echo forward for centuries. Recounted a small excerpt from the autobiography of John G. Patton (1824-1907) about his relationship with his father and when he left home for seminary. His father was a sock maker and they lived in a small village in Scotland:

My dear father walked with me the first six miles of the way. His counsels and tears and heavenly conversation on that parting journey are fresh in my heart as if it had been but yesterday; and tears are on my cheeks as freely now as then, whenever memory steals me away to the scene…His lips kept moving in silent prayers for me; and his tears fell fast when our eyes met each other in looks for which all speech was vain! We halted on reaching the appointed parting place; he grasped my hand firmly for a minute in silence, and then solemnly and affectionately said :
“God bless you, my son! Your father’s God prosper you, and keep you from all evil !”
Unable to say more, his lips kept moving in silent prayer: in tears we embraced, and parted.

– biscuit run Saturday, March 2
– Bring Your Kid to Workout day at #the-knoll Tuesday, March 5
– Terrible mile: Thursday, March 28

Closed with prayer.

Boo Boo

AO: titan
Q: Hair Band
PAX: Salpal, greyalbum, MySpace, Black Lung, Tim the Toolman, Puzzlah, Supernova, CubCadet, Chunks, Wolfpack, Goose, Good Morning America, Firefox, Siri, hambone, Sherlock, Pep, Red Ryder, Derail, Tom Bodet
FNGs: None

Mosey around park
50 SSHs

Lunge walk (In the grass) from bricks to concrete
Skull crushers on benches 30 reps
Turn around
Broad jump back to benches
Repeat 2 more times for total of 3
Plank until all in

Next set:
Boo boo bear crawls right leg (in grass)
Turn around
BBBCs left leg back
Alabama prom dates x40
Repeat 2 more times for total of 3
Hold plank

END with Mary


– F3 Franklin Half Marathon March 2nd, check Middle TN channel
– 4:13 Strong 5k this Saturday

– every man shared, family, health, work, and babies on the way!

It was an honor and a pleasure to lead y’all.

Rock On,

Hair Band

To the nines

AO: westeros
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Chunks, Grape, Pep, Siri, Tim the Toolman, Wolfpack, Power Clean (F3 JeffCo, GTE Trainer)
FNGs: None

SSHs – 14 in cadence
Low-n-slow Squats
Good Mornings – 5 OYO
Cherry pickers in cadence
Shoulder Routine in cadence
-Overhead Press
-Moroccan Night Club

Run to Bridge – 3 rounds, 1 minute rep each
Komodo Dragon
Air Squats
Bird dogs

Run to Playground – 3 rounds, 1’ min rep each
Compass Lunges

Run to Hill – 3 rounds, 1’ minute rep each
Burpees – add a merkin each rep
Happy Crunchy Frogs

Mosey to Start and finished out third round of hill exercises and final two songs on playlist

Movie Songs – @chunks won the challenge to name the movie for each song


Solid BrewRuck led by Cowboy over the weekend. greenmachine it’s just a mile workout coming up next week.

Prayers for Cowboy and family

Deck of cards workout

AO: the-knoll
PAX: Wolfpack, morning star, Sooie, Pebbles, G-string (Eli Kresta), El Capitan, Malibu, Bumblebee
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 30 degrees, a little snow, a little

-Mosey to stop sign and back
-5 motivators
-10 lunges with twist
-Baby arm circles 12 forward 12 back
-10 Slow squat 4 count
-10 cherry pickers 4 count
-stretch out on own

Card workout: cards were pulled one at a time from a 52 deck of playing cards. Yes number on the card determine how many reps of an exercise the PAX had to perform.
-clubs : mercans
– club facecard: mountain climbers
-hearts: squats
-heart facecard: jump squat
-diamonds: sit ups
– Diamond facecard: run to stop sign at top of hill and back
-spades: lunges
– spade facecard: iron mikes

Finished with ring of fire mercans: PAX had to hold the plank position while each PAX in order of where they were in the circle did 5 mercans.

MOLESKINE: Discussed how the anterior midcingulate cortex in the brain is like a muscle unlike many other parts of the brain; it can grow or atrophy based on the work you do. The anterior midcingulate cortex is linked to will power, discipline, and goals, and it is strengthened by continually doing things you may not want to do.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: biscuit run in Franklin coming up, terrible mile coming up as well will most likely send a carpool out there on that day.

COT: finished meeting in prayer.

Titan Up

AO: titan
Q: Goose
PAX: Black Lung, Sherlock, Right Said, Focker, DintyMoore, Pep, greyalbum, Good Morning America, Freakonomics, Natural Ice, CubCadet, Crawlspace, Waterboy, Wolfpack, Tim the Toolman, Mansport
FNGs: 1 Mansport

WARMUP: Forward Fold, Willie Mays, Cherry Pickers, Repeat


200 squats, run a lap after 25 reps

Lunge to the Parthenon

Adora: 250 incline merkins while partner runs lap around parthenon

Circle of Mary


-Welcome  FNG Mansport from the UK

-Tuesday Brewsday at 12 south taproom at 430

-Prayers for Nancy

– Drake concert tonight at Bridgestone

dad jokes; lol

AO: the-knoll
Q: morning star
PAX: Sooie, Wolfpack, G-string (Eli Kresta), The Banker, Pebbles, DB, Malibu, morning star, Link (2.0), Bumble bee (2.0), RP (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: dark, yet lovely

WARMUP: split into 4 teams and mosey to the tree line while passing a ball among the team … stop at the knoll hill and roll down.

30 SSH (led by RP), motivator x5, balance follow the leader style, 15 low slow squats (led by RP)

THE THANG: mosey to the backstop and split into 4 stations:
1. move rocks into a pile, then do it again
2. Three sets of motivators x 5
3. Crawl forwards and backwards between the backstop benches (change crawling each set)
4. One partner does a body builder burpee, the other does fast and loose drills, then switch

Continue at your station until another team team relieves you. The motivators are the clock, once they finish, they transition to new stations.

Music: Dad jokes music …

MOLESKIN: YHC talked about the importance as men, and especially fathers to learn to get back to joy from challenging emotions. There’s a joy center in our brain that can keep growing as we practice appreciation and connection. Joy is relational, its about being delighted to be with someone. YHC was inspired by a workbook my 2.0s have been going through to create a “calming bag” to help with this. My intention is to go to the bag instead of food when I’m stressed and dysregulated.

YCH encouraged the PAX to reflect on how they are leading by example in their household, especially in the area of soul/heart care.

YHC prayed the PAX out.

– F3 Franklin has a monthly physical challenge; run/walk/ruck at least 1 mile a day … reach out if you want access to the spreadsheet.
– YHC will be taking a mini-break from AOQ for Feb/March, Wolfpack will sub in for me. Honor to Wolfpack for his willingness; excited to grow under your leadership!

Good Old Fashioned Dora

AO: westeros
Q: Detective Pikachu
PAX: Vector, Pep, Waterboy, Crawlspace, Wolfpack, Red Skull, Tim the Toolman, Shiplap, Right Said, Supernova, DintyMoore, Toothless, Natural Ice, CubCadet, Tops
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: slight chill in the air. the days are definitely getting warmer and longer. spring is coming.

WARMUP: mosey to school loop. side straddle hops, imperial walkers, baby arm circles, seal claps, air press

THE THANG: Dora! 100 Merkins, 200 squats, 300 little baby crunches

finished with soccer and Mary. Q’s team scored a goal, and, sending an impending loss, Q got injured so the game would stop before the other team could score. a Clever Move by YHC

ANNOUNCEMENTS: leanpax is almost over. brewsday is on Mardi Gras. Other things were mentioned as well.