Coupons and Futbol

AO: titan
Q: Detective Pikachu
PAX: Freakonomics, preacherman, Sherlock, Right Said, Chunks, Pep, Tim the Toolman
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Almost Autumn

WARMUP: Standard Items (Imperial Walkers, Cherry Pickers, Baby Arm Circles)

THE THANG: 4-station circuit hitting Upper Body, Lower Body, Core, and Cardio
Round 1: bench press, squats, flutter kicks, block mosey
Round 2: curls for the gurls, deadlifts, crunches, farmer’s carry
Round 3: overhead press, weighted Alabama Prom Dates, mosey
Finished with a great, quick game of association football

ANNOUNCEMENTS: lots of 2nd F coming up. Stay tuned to Slack for deets

Runnin’ and Burpin’

AO: titan
Q: Michelin Man
PAX: DintyMoore, Right Said, Chunks, Natural Ice, Spinal Tap, Tim the Toolman, Michelin Man, Blue Mule, Pep, Firefox, Preacher Man, Bad Boy, Solo Cup, SalPal, Bham DR Pax, Charlotte DR Pax
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Still too hot

WARMUP: YHC was two minutes late so we went right into it!

THE THANG: Easy. Last man to the front run around the great lawn. Burpee apocalypse along the way at opposite corners. When we finished the burpee apocalypse we split into two groups and did the same thing again.

MARY: 4 burpees to get YHC to 100.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Many announcements. Check for details.

COT: Its my birthday! Also, I’m grateful for all of you.

Weight vs Wait

AO: thestronghold
Q: baggervance
PAX: Chunks, Right Said, Pop-A-Lock, Knuckles, Hacker (Franklin), Red Skull, Ball Box, Dan and Dave, Gump (F3 Kansas City), Decaf, Skeet, Young and Restless, Wreck-it-Ralph, Pizza Lot, Hops, Iron Lung, Re-Enlist, Pacer, Prince’s Hot Chicken, Peach Fuzz, Flipper, PeeWee, Phelps, Crawdad, Big Biscuit, Sally the Camel, Red Shark, Black Jack, Cool Cucumber, Cheesesteak
FNGs: 17 Pizza Lot, Hops, Iron Lung, Re-Enlist, Pacer, Prince’s Hot Chicken, Peach Fuzz, Flipper, PeeWee, Phelps, Crawdad, Big Biscuit, Sally the Camel, Red Shark, Black Jack, Cool Cucumber, Cheesesteak
CONDITIONS: Absolutely Perfect

Grab a coupon
Parking Lot Stretches
Mosey to the upper gravel lot
Side Straddle Hops x 13
Imperial Walkers x 13
Hillbilly Walkers x 13

1. Move the block – Farmers Carry, Overhead 2 Arms, Overhead 1 Arm, Out-front Straight Arm, Murder Bunnies, Bear Crawl Block Pulls,
2. Mosey to the basketball court – one group runs suicides while the other holds plank or does flutter kicks; switch x 4
3. Blockies x 13

5 8 Count Body Builders to end

A great morning; thank you to all the PAX that came out to welcome the new class.



AO: titan
Q: greyalbum
PAX: DintyMoore, Tim the Toolman, Right Said, Black Lung, Supernova, Detective Pikachu, Chunks, Pep, Freakonomics, bluemule, @truffle
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Clear skies, some turbulence, wind 5mph out of the SE

Mosey Down and back
Good mornings
Seal Claps
World’s Greatest Stretch
Air Press

40 French Press w/ coupon
35 LBC
30 Imperial Walkers
25 Goblet Squats w/ coupon
20 Hand Release Merkins
15 Taps

400m Run

40 Freddy Mercury
35 Lt. Dans
30 Incline Merkin
25 Goblet Squats w/ coupon
20 Hammers (American)
15 Taps

400m Run

Burpee Circle/Air Squared(Al Gore w/ overhead clap)
10/10, 9/9, 8/8
PAX do burpees at same time with one HIM calling out the reps, “10 burpees”
When finished with those 10 burpees go into Al Gore and do 10 overhead claps together while in Al Gore then recover
Waterfall reps down to 1

In honor of today being the anniversary of Wilbur Wright’s first circular flight lasting 1 minute 16 second flight 1 minute 16 seconds of Superman, Plank, R/L Side Plank

20 Squat Jump
15 Merkin

Octoburpee Challenge beginning 10/1 see @blacklung for deets
#thestronghold returns tomorrow 9/21

COT: Licensing, 2.0 sleep, pet stomach issues,


Hold It – F3 Nashville 9 year Anniversary

AO: titan
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Right Said, CubCadet, EZ-Go, Michelin Man, Cowboy, Vector, PegLeg, DintyMoore, Supernova, t-cell, Betty Ford, Toothless, Salpal, Crawlspace, bluemule, princessaurora, Peg Leg, McAfee, Black Lung, Natural Ice, Freakonomics, greyalbum, Chunks, Tim the Toolman, Popper (Alpha), Truffle , Bocephus
FNGs: 1 Bocephus

Mosey to the field
In the field w/ Arms out
High Knees – 9 yards
Butt Kickers – 9 yards
Super Mario’s – 9 yards
Willy Mays Hays – 9 OYO
Good Mornings – 9 OYO

Hold It! AMRAP – as many rounds as possible
Divide up in 6 groups, about 4-6 people per group. 

There are five stations that are AMRAPs with a twist. One person in each team has to hold an exercise for as long as they can while the other 3 people are working the AMRAP. When person 1 can no longer hold the exercise, everyone completes 3 burpees. Then a new group member starts the holding exercise.

The 6th station is the time keeper, run for 6 minutes. Quickly, rotate stations at the end of 6 minute run.

Base of Steps
Station 1 – balance quadruped position (all fours with knees slightly off the ground. Good alignment required!
3 burpees at switch
1. 9 diamond merkins
2. 9 merkin to side plank
3. 9 mountain climbers (R+L=1)
4. 9 tricep dips

Facing First Bank
Station 2 – hold a decline plank, 3 burpees at switch
1. 9 swings w coupon
2. 9 squats w coupon
3. 9 around the world w coupon
4. 9 OHP w coupon

Open Field
Station 3 – hold a low plank, 3 burpees at switch
1. 9 big boy sit-ups
2. 9 vector ups
3. 9 freddy mercuries (R+L=1)
4. 9 American Hammers (R+L=1)

Station 4 – hollow body hold, 3 burpees at each switch
1. 9 iron mikes (R+L=1)
2. 9 Bonnie Blairs (R+L=1)
3. 9 broad jumps
4. 9 star jumps

Inside the Circle
Station 5 – hold a Coupon in a front lateral raise, 3 burpees at switch
1. 9 pogo jumps
2. 9 seated vertical jumps
3. 9 super Mario’s
4. 9 approach jumps

Station 6 – run 6 minutes
1. Run the loop and complete as many laps as possible in the time limit. Keep track of groups total laps

Rotate when runners return after 6 minutes.
keep track of the number of switches or burpees each group completes.

Scoring –
Subtract total number of burpees from total laps

MARY: No Time


COT: Thankful for the opportunity to meet together and share in the celebration of this community that is so much more than a workout group.