The Pathfinder (we figured it out as we went)

AO: cruelhall
Q: EZ-Go
PAX: Accounts Receivable, baggervance, blackwidow, ccr, Deep State, Donkey Hammer, Esposa, EZ-Go, The Arch, Da Big Dill
FNGs: None
Crispy and Coolish

In cadence stretching (for some reason), Willy mays, down dog, cobra, 10 low and slow merkins, 20 SSH

Mosey to Winston (The Churchill)

11s: Squat jumps at bottom, burpees at top

Mosey to playground, grab coupon

AMRAP 15 minutes: 5 pull ups, 10 swerkins, 15 curls for the girls, 20 mountain climbers

Choose your own adventure round Robin – leg raises, Freddie mercs, Megan barrys, etc

New ruck at #smokeboots, meets at 5:15

Prayers for ARs trip this weekend, EZGo’s friend in FL, Wedding Singers daughter

Although our fearless leader @Michelin Man couldn’t make it this morning, hope we made him proud. I’m sure we’ll see him again real soon.


The Start of Something New

AO: greenmachine
Q: Focker
PAX: FeelTheBerns, Focker, NFT, Topanga, Betty Ford, t-cell, Bad Boy, Deep State, Rocket Mortgage, Esposa, monster biscuit, Sherlock, Cowboy, moneyshot, Works for a Guy, Batman (F3 Hampton Roads), Haggis, FNG Alex (SlappingDaBass)
FNGs: 1 FNG Alex (SlappingDaBass)

WARMUP: the Usual

THE THANG: Long Mosey through Burning Man Mud and to pull up bars for one round of max pull ups. 10 burpees followed
Mosey to sideline of field to perform main thing. Multiply max pull ups x 10 and do that many reps of each exercise:
Monkey Humpers
Drop Squats
Leg Raises
Run to opposite sideline and back every 1.5 minutes
Those who sandbagged on their pull-ups and got done early got to do 5 burpees every 5 yards

We all went to goal line for 7s of Hindu push ups and Hindu squats running to 50 and back

MARY: 2 quick exercises

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 9/11 convergence on 9/9 led by @cowboy. 9/13 workout for 9th anniversary at #titan.

COT: @batman’s prayer request was a great reminder to us all that these workouts serve as a way to strengthen more than just our bodies. May we do well to remember that as we serve the people in our lives.
The lack of coffeeteria (my bad everyone)  motivated everyone to rush home and be more present there so you’re welcome.