Groundhog Day

AO: cruelhall
Q: Esposa
PAX: Donkey Hammer, EZ-Go, Grape, blackwidow, Pedialyte, 0
FNGs: 1 0

WARMUP: Espoga

4 corners
– 5 burpees
– 10 atomics
– 15 merican
– 20 dry docks
Mode of Transport Walk lunge
3 suicides
– 10 1 leg dead lifts
– 20 lunges
– 30 side lunge
– 40 plank jacks
3 suicides
Mode of Transport Bear Claw
– 10 v ups
– 20 LBCs
– 30 bama dates
– 40 hammers
Superman it out



AO: cruelhall
Q: Works for a Guy
PAX: EZ-Go, Esposa, blackwidow, Donkey Hammer, Works for a Guy, Topanga
FNGs: None

WARMUP: The usual suspects


5 tricep thingamajigs (kinda had to be there but included dipping under a bar)

10 rows

15 WW1s

20 merkins

While one guy did double farmers carry from the rails to the parking lot and back

Once everyone did farmers carry, we did it again. Twice in all.

Then 7s on church hill w/ burpees and jump squats

@ezgo took care of Mary as I had to dip at 6:13


@esposa believes that three-year-old with diarrhea are the cutest thing on earth

Only a few weeks left of lean packs

We should all double down after a week off because of snow

I actually wasn’t there for this part so I’m not sure about others

The 12 days of Coupons

AO: cruelhall
Q: EZ-Go
PAX: blackwidow, Accounts Receivable, Donkey Hammer, EZ-Go, Works for a Guy, Esposa
FNGs: None
A frosty 24 degrees with 93% humidity

SSH, Imperial walkers, and Hillbillies in cadence
Mosey in front of school

12 Days of Coupons
Get a block
Just like the song, start with 1, then 2 and 1, and so on
Run parking lot between sets

1 Hand stand push up
2 Squat press
3 LT Dan
4 WW1
5 KB Swings
6 Rows
7 Tricep extensions
8 Curls
9 American hammers
10 Incline merks
11 Decline merks
12 Burpees
If you get to 12 start back down the pyramid

3 Minutes of Mary: American Hammers to end

– #Leanpax is going strong
– FIA is recruiting women for F3 style workout on Tuesday and Thursday at 5:30am in the CHE pavilion
– Beware the holiday “flop” aka the disappointments over the past few weeks. Holidays can be filled with as much sadness as joy. Bring your whole self to the New Year, to God, and to your community. This is where real growth takes place.

Cheers with non-alcoholic #leanpax approved beers 🍻

#LeanPax Tune Up

AO: cruelhall
Q: Donkey Hammer
PAX: Accounts Receivable, baggervance, Black Lung, Esposa, Works for a Guy, Pedialyte, None
FNGs: 1 None

WARMUP: extended warm up and mobility work

– SSH, WMH, imperial walkers, Michael Phelps, light sprints, 90/90 hip openers, thoracic rotations, Spider-Man lunges, bear crawls/crawl bears, one minute plank, easy jog with a burnie

THE THANG: Tabata block work, 45 seconds on/15 seconds off for 18 rounds

– OH squats with block, curls, alternating block merkins, paused goblet squats, merkins with kick through and alternating front and side lunges with block

– Closed it out with some planks x 2, iron chair x 3, J.Lo’s and Alabama prom dates

– Convergence New Year’s Day at #greenmachine
– Convergence January 2 at #iiipillars

As we close out the year, let’s remember all the names that have been mentioned or were on our hearts throughout the year and honor them as we move forward into 2024.

Say Boney M three time fast……

AO: cruelhall
Q: Cowboy
PAX: Accounts Receivable, EZ-Go, moneyshot, Winona, Deep State, blackwidow, Esposa, baggervance, Pedialyte, YHC
FNGs: None
Glad to be welcomed back in The Shire on a Cruel Friday.
Coming in hot makes for too
Disclaimer + Capri Lap

Warmarama –  Bro-Ga, Runners Stretch

Gather Coupons and head to the Bus Hill.

The Thang – Some college football conferences have been rightsized at the expense of others. So we chose our reps based on number of teams in each conference.
For the ACC 17 reps Chop at bottom of hill
For the Big 10 18 reps Curl at top of the hill
For the Big 12 16 reps Press at bottom of hill
For the Pac 12 2 reps Partner squat at top of hill
For the SEC 16 reps Hammers at bottom of hill
For the Sooners 16 reps at bottom of hill cause they are my favorite.

Mosey to pavillion
Tabata for 10 exercises 2 rounds – 25 sec on and 15 secs rest. Partner Up for last exercise.
One Leg dead lifts (Coupon Optional)
Hand Release Merkins
Sit Outs
Coupon Press
Step Ups
Decline Merkins
Marine Crunches – Partner holds legs
Swap with Partner for Marine Crunches

Return Coupons

Mary – PAX Choice
And Time ……

COT – Counterama, Namearama
BOM – Gather our senses to prepare to meet the day.

Runnin’ and Burpin’ AGAIN!

AO: cruelhall
Q: Michelin Man
PAX: Toothless, Pedialyte, Michelin Man, Accounts Receivable, The Arch, Black Widow, Donkey Hammer,, Bonsai
FNGs: 1 Bonsai
CONDITIONS: Prime. Misting rain.


THE THANG: Double Indian Running Burpee Apocalypse. Last Man to the Front Run for 40 minutes with ascending and descending sets of burpees every time we got back to a starting spot. Sets went 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2. Total burpee count = 110/a double burpee apocalypse.

MARY: #cruelhall is in too good of shape. We finished with 5 minutes to spare so we hit 4 or 5 all out parking lot sprints to finish.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Many. Check for all of them.

COT: Many items lifted up. YHC noted that he is often not giving the best of himself to his wife and kids. Many Pax chimed in with similar feelings. Let’s take the action to prioritize our faith and family this week.

Welcome Bonsai.

MM out.

The Pathfinder (we figured it out as we went)

AO: cruelhall
Q: EZ-Go
PAX: Accounts Receivable, baggervance, blackwidow, ccr, Deep State, Donkey Hammer, Esposa, EZ-Go, The Arch, Da Big Dill
FNGs: None
Crispy and Coolish

In cadence stretching (for some reason), Willy mays, down dog, cobra, 10 low and slow merkins, 20 SSH

Mosey to Winston (The Churchill)

11s: Squat jumps at bottom, burpees at top

Mosey to playground, grab coupon

AMRAP 15 minutes: 5 pull ups, 10 swerkins, 15 curls for the girls, 20 mountain climbers

Choose your own adventure round Robin – leg raises, Freddie mercs, Megan barrys, etc

New ruck at #smokeboots, meets at 5:15

Prayers for ARs trip this weekend, EZGo’s friend in FL, Wedding Singers daughter

Although our fearless leader @Michelin Man couldn’t make it this morning, hope we made him proud. I’m sure we’ll see him again real soon.


Cruel Pony

Q: Vegemite, Hambone
Pax: Venus, Tinder, Brother-at-Law, Offshore, Frogger, Black Widow, Yard Sale, Accounts Receivable, PSL, Olan Mills, CAPS LOCK, Edible Arrangement, Holler Back Girl, Tiny Dancer, Captain Flatline

17 men posted at Cruel Hall to start the weekend off right.

WOR (Vegemite):
Mosey down the bus loop with lunges and some backwards running thrown in as we went up the hill. Circle up for:

* SSH x20 IC
* Hop Kicks x10 IC
* Slow and Low Squats x10 IC
* Good Mornings x10 IC
* Willie May Hayes x10 IC
* Slow and Low Merkins x10 IC
* Baby Arm Circles (Both Ways) x10 IC

Thang 1:
With help from Ginuwine’s Pony, partner 1 completed gallops around the outside school parking lot while partner 2 performed burpees. Once partner 1 returned from his ride, each partner flipped.

This was a repeat from Donuts’s version last week. We did this for 10 minutes, and my main contribution to this workout plan was to swap out the William Tell Overture for Pony. You’re welcome.

Pax mosied down to the swingset and performed 3 sets of:

Merkins IC X 12
Low Flutter IC X 20
Mountain Climbers X 15 IC

Pax mosied to the playground to do 3 sets of:
Pull ups to failure
5 partner-assisted pull ups

Merkins X 10 IC
Bridge 30 seconds

Pax mosied to the parking lot to do a modified version of sevens–threes! Two burpees, sprint down, one burpee, sprint back, one burpee, sprint down, two burpees, sprint back.


Awesome work at Cruel Hall. Truly my (Hambone) first post at the AO and it didn’t disappoint. Strong pax, strong area.

I have to admit I was a little embarrassed galloping down the sidewalk with cars passing, but I guess it’s not the craziest thing F3 does in public.