3/7/19: Inclines and Declines

Location: West Park

Conditions: A crisp 30 degrees. Perfect shorts weather.

QIC: Pumpkin Spice

PAX: Crablegs, Lunch Lady, Porcelain, Princess Aurora, Pumpkin Spice (QIC), Right Said, Vector


After a brief disclaimer, the PAX moseyed around the playing field to warm up the legs, followed by some Warmorama. :

  • SSH x 15
  • High Knees x 15
  • LBAC x 15
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x 15
  • rLBAC x 15

The PAX then made their way over to the pavillion (Pizza Hut) for some instructions. The exercises were:

  • Station 1: Using the picnic tables, PAX performed:
    • 20 Incline Merkins (alternating regular and diamond)
    • 20 Incline Plank Jacks
    • 10 Decline Merkins (alternating regular and diamond)
    • 10 Decline Plank Jacks
  • Station 2: In the Decline position (feet on the wall, hands on the ground), PAX shuffled the entire length of the wall next to the playground (100 feet)
  • Station 3: Using the swings, PAX performed 30 Steve Irwins (AKA Down Unders, Kangarows, Underdogs)
  • Station 4: The PAX made their way back to the starting parking lot and did Lieutenant Dans the length of the parking lot (100 feet) and Burpee Broad Jumped their way back

The above exercises were repeated once more, with the only modification being that Station 2 was performed in the Incline position.

After 2 rounds of punishment were complete, the PAX performed 10 MOM with 60 seconds per exercise, which included:

  • LBCs
  • Box Cutters
  • Hello Dolly
  • 60 degree leg raise
  • Alternating Heel Taps
  • American Hammers
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Low Plank
  • Backwards Plank
  • Alabama Prom Dates


  • We opined whether Alabama PAX refer to Alabama Prom Dates as Mississippi Prom dates. We may never know.


  • Vector’s 2.0 is making a decision on where to attend high school next year, be praying for him and his family in this big decision!
  • CSAUP (The Scorpion) coming up on March 23, where we will be running between the West Side AOs (West Park, Titan, Bomber, Westeros) and performing a 15-minute workout at each site. Details, including t-shirt orders, available on Slack.
  • Friendly Friday tomorrow with PA on Q! As Vector has said, BYOFNG.
  • This coming Sunday at 2pm Right Said and The Jeweler are hosting a time trial on the track for a distance of your choice (1600 and 800 are current distances being run). Come join for some fun!
  • We are continuing to do run-only workouts on Tuesdays starting from West Park. You don’t have to be a “runner” or be fast to join — all are welcome to come and get better!

– Pumpkin Spice

Ash Wednesday Sunrise

Venue: The Racetrack

Theme: Ash Wednesday

Pax: Boone’s Farm, Capslock, Double Check, Life Champ, Black Widow

QIC: Tiny Dancer

Conditions: Sweltering 21 degrees, breeze at a minimum


Mosey to the running path

40 SSH

12 WMH

12 LBAC Front

12 LBAC Back

12 Slow and Low Squats

40 merkins OYO


Pax Counted off 1’s and 2’s and paired up


One PAX would perform the following exercises while the partner ran the track for 1 lap, at which time they would switch out:

60 pullups

200 merkins (switched to 2 laps for non-exercising Pax)

100 squats (switched back to 1 lap for non-exercising Pax)

100 split-lunges

Had to cut the split lunges phase due to time

Meditative Burpees and Atomics

All Pax circled up in the middle of the running track to hear some Ash-Wednesday-appropriate scripture and meditate on its both secular and spiritual applications while doing burpees and atomics.

  1. Joel 2:12-18 – 20 burpees OYO
  2. Luke 13:6-9 – 15 atomics OYO
  3. John 15:15 – 10 burpees OYO

Mosey to parking garage. PAX were encouraged to reflect on the things that are holding them back from being the men they aspire to be.

Capslock gave us a 10-count, then we moseyed up the stairs to the top floor of the parking garage


Dealer’s choice:

  1. 40 Flutter kicks
  2. 12 Freddie Mercs
  3. 12 J Lo’s
  4. 12 WWI’s – these are tough to do in cadence
  5. 12 LBC’s
  6. 12 Freddie Mercs

Finished up with surprise 20 burpees OYO to close it out.

PAX were reminded that the sun was literally and metaphorically rising on what could be a new version of ourselves, and to take advantage of the opportunities for self-improvement provided by Lent.

Prayers went up for the children of Metro Nashville Schools and for Life Champ’s continued role in their lives, as well as for the children of Caps Lock and Tiny Dancer.


It was cold, but it was an honor to start off Lent with you and to finally lead you. Racetrack will forever hold a special place in my heart, as it is where I posted out of desperation back in October while my third child was in the NICU. You all prayed for me and comforted me, and I received immense peace as a result. It was an honor to give back.

Have a great and fruitful Lent, and remember that Easter is on its way!

Tiny Dancer – out

Purple Cow 3-4-19

Temps were in the 20’s and wind chill even colder as 7 PAX showed up ready to work this morning.

PAX: Toga, Umbrella, Boone’s Farm, Penny Loafers, Leatherneck, Offshore, Black Widow (QIC)

It’s cold so a quick disclaimer, and then we get moving to GWP to get warmed up.


Good Mornings x 10

SSH x 20

WHM x 10

Merkins x 10

Mountain Climbers x 10


Short Mosey towards the baseball fields and stop for a set of exercises:

Gorilla Humpers x 20, Lunges x 20, & Squats x 20

Continue mosey around the back of the park and loop back to the playground

Pull Ups x 10 & Rows using the swings x 15 – R&R

Back to our mosey to the front of the park and continue on past the tennis courts for another set of exercises:

Merkins x 20, Dips x 20, & WW1 x 20

Cut through to the main parking lot for partner wheel barrow carries

Every five parking spots, P1 performs 5 merkins while P2 holds legs for wheel barrow. After 5 total spots, both partners sprint across the lot, and then mosey back to starting point. Flap Jack – R&R

Start the mosey again back to our original route towards the baseball fields for another set of exercises:

Step Ups x 20, 1 legged Squats x 20, & Wall Sits x 30 seconds (twice)

Continue to mosey around the loop back towards the playground for DID’s.

20 Dips, 15 Irkins, & 10 Dirkins – R&R

Mosey back to BMS parking lot for Mary:

LBC x 30 & J-Lo x 25

It’s always great to be out here with y’all, and appreciate the opportunity to lead this morning!

Black Widow

2/28/2019 Spiderman, Spiderman……

Thursday: 4:13 Strong: The Stronghold

Theme: Spiderman


PAX: Toga, Radio, Antonio, Frozen, Luigi, Scar, Timon, CCR, Waterboy, Styles, Hot Route, Turbo, BAL, Red Skull, Hot and Ready, LockBox, Rabbit, Kid, Play, Casual Friday, BV, PopaLoack

QIC: Pop-A-Lock


Conditions: Reasonable



To basketball court



10XLBAC Front and Back

10xHigh Knees

10xButt Kickers





PAX get a coupon


Travel to the hill


Spidercrawl (army crawl) up the hill 3x

At bottom 10x Peter Parkers

At top 20x Squat Thrusts


Run to wall

Wallcrawlers (jump and press off wall, spinning around as you land. jump and spin to original position. repeat for each leg/direction as needed). 5x each leg

Run to light pole

Repeat x3


Run to basketball Court

Peter Parker Burpees x3

Ab workout

Rinse and Repeat about 6 times


Quote of the Day:

With great power comes great responsibility. – Uncle Ben


Marianne Williamson

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.



Pray for court dates for the 4:13 strong guys and for their new jobs

Your Finest Merlot, Please

Image result for eagles lightning fire

Conditions: About 45 degrees and soggy. Gloom is in full effect, but starting to feel the first hints of Spring.

Pre-Party: Stats led Kermit, Staples, Creeper, and Barney in a bear crawl of the Nolensville bridge where several of us completed our first end-to-end crawl without stopping. Nice work, fellas!

15 PAX pushed themselves to get stronger, including: Barney Fievel (QiC), Staples, Kermit, 3rd Degree, Tebow, Creeper, Netflix, Inspector Gadget, Nimbus 1500, Altidore, Stats, Scrooge, Matlock, Sterno, and Old Hickory

Warm-up: Long mosey around track followed by 20 SSH, good mornings OYO, and 1 Al Gore.

What started out as a calm, peaceful morning ended violently when Barney dropped his truck bed and revealed 20, 20-pound coupons. A grin spread across his face and, while it wasn’t clear why, it was obvious Barney wanted to see someone throw up.

Thang 1: Love Thy Neighbor

Partner up. 4 exercises with an assigned number of reps (below) must be completed as a 2-man group. One PAX begins assigned exercise while other PAX moseys to the other side of the parking lot and back. He then picks up on the reps where his partner left off while said partner does the moseying. Repeat until assigned number of reps of each exercise are completed.

Exercises were:

50 Blockees (coupon burpees)
100 Block Merkins
150 Block Squats
200 Block American Hammers

Thang 2: Bumpy Mosey

Half mile mosey with 3 speed bumps.

1 – Partners take turns doing 10 pull ups and AMRAP Copenhagens.

2 – Stopped by our beloved bridge, but were not here to crawl. Pick your poison on which foothold to use (low, medium, high) for 30 derkins.

3 – Partners take turns doing 15 leg tosses each on the side of a hill.



Post-Party: 3rd Degree led the PAX in 3 rounds of 7 pull-ups, 7 merkins, and 7 jump squats.


Nolensville / Franklin Convergence is Saturday the 9th from 6-7:30am. The Forge will not meet this day. Rendezvous at Nolensville Park to carpool to AO.

Colossians 3:13 – Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

It’s tiresome to dwell on negative things. Let’s forgive those around us as Christ did and free our minds and bodies in the process!

-Barney Fievel-

2/27/2019 – West Park, Best Park

GLOOM FACTOR: 40s, dark, windy

PAX: Right Said, Porcelain, Mystery Machine, Crablegs (QIC)


squats, merkins, LBACs, air presses

PAX made excellent use of the parking lot in a bear crawl bonanza. With the starting point as the base of the parking lot, it went as follows:

  • Bear Crawl 2 parking spaces, Bernie back, followed by 1 merkin, 2 squats, 3 flutter kicks (4ct each)
  • Bear Crawl 4 parking spaces, Bernie back, followed by 2 merkins, 4 squats, 6 flutter kicks
  • Bear crawl 20 parking spaces, Bernie back, followed by 10 merkins, 20 squats, 30 flutter kicks.


Mosey to the covered pavilion for some DDS

  • Round 1 – 25 dips, 20 Underdogs/Kangarows/Irwins, 15 Swerkins
  • Round 2 – 20 dips, 15 UKI, 10 Swerkins
  • Round 3 – 15 Dips, 10 UKI, 5 Swerkin

20 x Flutter kicks,  Box cutters, Freddy Mercury and Alt Heel Taps.


  • YHC grateful for help of all PAX in navigating recent career shift
  • Also grateful for continued support of West Park activities in both #GroundForce and Thursdays

4 for living room coffeteria at my house with fresh blueberry muffins, courtesy of M.




Tuesday: Sir Ellington

Theme: Batman; QIC in Full-ish costume. Made the night before. Informed that he could have just borrowed from the PAX. Live and learn.


PAX: Black Widow, Pope, PSL, Big STick, Umbrella, Too Tall, Red Skull, Greasetrap, Capslock, Reefer, Dupree, Boy Band, Floppy Disk, Edible Arrangements, PopALock, Prevac, Dmish

QIC: Pop-A-Lock


Conditions: Coldish



Run around the church



10XLBAC Front and Back

10xHigh Knees

10xButt Kickers





Pax count off 1-4


Carry coupons over to the chain fence

Curls for the girls

Importance: Taunting criminals over the edges of buildings

50x reps


Transport to the top of the hill

Ninja Crawl

Bear crawl across tarmac, 25x squats,

Bear crawl back, 25x squats


Legs of Steel

Run to first speed bump

Lieutenant Dan to next speed bump


Bane of Your Existence

Teams of 4 take coupons to parking lot and back, except only 1 takes the coupon. PAX with coupon goes to first berm and back, other 3 sprint to end of lot and back



One team of 4 is the taggers. If you get tagged, do 5 merkins. Once you tag 5 people, swap the sock with the last person you tagged. Can throw sock, but 5 burpees penalty if you miss.



Teams of PAX attempt to throw sock into the square on the parking lot. If you hit the target, your team sprints to first berm and back. If you miss, sprint to the end of the berm and back, with 3 burpee penalty. Rotate through all PAX on your team.


Mosey back to parking lot,

Do abs as necessary


Quote of the Day:

“Why do we fall, Master Bruce? To learn to pick ourselves back up.” – Alfred Pennyworth



4:13 strong last week on Thursday

Biscuit Run on saturday

Collecting games for 4:13 strong

2/25/2019 I.R.O.N. M.A.N.

Monday: Detention

Theme: Iron Man


PAX: Ludwig, Dr. Smart, Dine and Dash Brother at Law, Movin on Up, Drone Zone PSL, Floppy Disk, Old Hickory, Vegemite, Super Asian Green Castle, Holoback, Razorback Dupree, AR, BV, PopALock, Prevac, Too Tall, Losing Nemo (FNG), Hot Route, Black Lung, Boy Band, CCR

QIC: Popalock


Conditions: 30ish degrees



In Cadence

Run around the bus hill loop back to the parking lot



10XLBAC Front and Back

10xHigh Knees

10xButt Kickers







Pair off

Run to playground

PAX1 runs baseball loop with coupon

PAX2 does exercise

Each PAX does swerkins, pullups, squats


One Legged Yurpees

Yurpee relay (clap burpee with 2 tuck jumps). Each pax runs to half/full court, 3 yurpee speedbump for both PAX when you get back to the line


Nipple Scraper Merkins

Find a curb. 10 NSMs on your own (more difficult than expected)


Muktar N’Crys + Al Gores

7s with Muktars N’Crys at one end of the lot, Al Gore Squats



Not So Lazy Boys, and other ab workouts

Until time


Quote of the Day:

“Heroes are made by the paths they choose, not the powers they are graced with.” – Tony Stark



Pray for Bad Boy’s wife and 2.1, latest updates look good.

Westeros 2-25-2019: Today’s Theme is No Theme

After a weekend on call, YHC didn’t have the mental sharpness to craft an overly complicated playlist and workout theme, but sometimes you just need to get out  into the gloom and get better.  Six HIM came out to join the fun.

PAX:  Hi_Viz, PA, Porcelain, Pumpkin Spice (FIFO), Right Said, Vector (QIC)

Conditions:    35 not-quite-Ironclad-credit degrees and perfect

Mosey to the back of WEMS for the

Warm-o-rama:  SSH x 20, WMH x 12,  LBAC x 15, Seal Claps x 15, Reverse LBAC x 15, Good Mornings x 12

Partner up for first round and mosey to the front of the school.

First Round: Pendulum DORA

Partner #1 starts — 100 incline merkins, 200 LBCs, 300 squats with Partner #2 running first to the right side of the school to perform 3 burpees, then run past the PAX to the left side of the school, perform 3 burpees, head to middle to tag partner.

Second Round:
At step risers by playground, PAX perform Dips as one-at-a-time each walk along the wall hands-to-elbows (a walking Makhtar N’Diayes – Ugh, UNC Sucks) and restart Dips on other end until PAX finished. Rinse & repeat.

Third Round:
7s: Pull-ups and Bavarian Split Squats.

With some time left, max-out pull-ups with partner to reach 40.

Mosey to parking lot for Mary of Flutter Kicks, Alabama Prom Dates, Hello Dolly, WWIs, 30-60-90 degrees, and Boxcutters.  Time called.

Move – Saint Motel
Take on Me – a-ha
Dangerous – Big Data
September – EWF (no, PA, this wasn’t played at my graduation)
My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark – Fall Out Boy
Out of my League – Fitz & the Tantrums
Here it Goes Again – OK Go
Ready to Go – Republica
Seven Nation Army – White Stripes


  • The Scorpion is coming – CSAUP on the Wild Westside, 4 AOs, plenty of fun.  HC today!  0600 on March 23.
  • Prayers for Bad Boy, his M, and impending 2.1 after an unexpected fall.
  • Discussed importance of having HIM out even if on IR — use time to do PT or modify but still part of the PAX.
  • Plenty of Q spots open for March!  Sign up today!
  • Closed out by noting that on some days, you may not have the energy to plan a theme/overcome fatigue, but important to keep moving forward.  I’m grateful with each post for the HIM who have made me better and keep pushing me to be a HIM.  ISI.  Was an honor to lead you men this morning. SYITG,


6 PAX for Warm West Park Boogie

Weather: 42 and felt like 42

QIC: RightSaid


Mosey warm-up lap around track/parking lot




Air presses

Cherry Pickers



Indian run mosey from Morrow Rd to 63rd to New York to 60th back to parking lot

7s up driveway (burps and squats)

Merkin Doomsday clock to Burn Baby Burn, Disco Inferno (Had to cut it off at 250 merkins)

Dealer’s choice Mary


Freddy Mercuries

Box cutter hello dollies

90 degree leg lifts

Big boy sit-ups

60 second plank


Life lesson: Be aware of the limits that you place on yourself.



Trapper Keeper


Mystery Machine

Pumpkin Spice

Lunch Lady




Save the date for west Nashville AO CSAUP: March 23. Stay tuned for official announcement.
