Titan 03.13.19 – Side to Side

16 of Nashville’s finest celebrated this 50’ish degree morning with a healthy dose of lateral exercises and running.  Short sleeves, gloveless hands, and even bare chests were all reported.  It’s spring men.

Pax: Floppy D, CCR, Hot Route, Princess Aurora, Porcelain, Firefox, Crawlspace, Right Said Fred, Crablegs, Blue Mule, Pumpskin Spice, Hi Viz, Preacher Man, Harvey Updyke, Cunning Linguist, Brother at Law (Q).

WOR: Kind of did a bunch all over the place.

10 SSH

Run a bit

10 merkin speed bump

Run a bit

Walking lunge and twist to a flock of seagulls

Run a bit to backside of Parthenon

Then circle up at the porcelain dragon: SSH x30, GM x10, WMH x10, LBAC x10, Reverse x10, Navy Baby Seal Claps x10, Overhead Press x10


Mosey up to upper level of Parthenon and perform the following as we made our way around entire perimeter: squatted side shuffles long side of parthenon, Lateraltenant Dans short side (side lunge one leg, side lunge other leg, squat), then repeat the other long side and other short side.

Next we revisited one of my favorite types of sets, a roughly 5 minute AMRAP super set with some hearty running in between:

Set 1: 10 Ariana Grandes (lateral lunge to lateral slide, push back up and repeat on opposite leg) x10; 2) Mike Tyson Merkins x15

Run Ellipse at roughly 70% effort

Set 2: Lateral box jumps x10 (modify with lateral step up); repeat other side x10; Carolina Dry Docks x10

Run Ellipse at roughly 70% effort

Set 3: Low, slow, deep skaters x20; Uneven merkins x10

Mosey to side parking lot and split into two roughly even groups for two sets of suicides.

  1. Group 1 runs light pole suicides while other half does atomic merkins; switch out.
  2. Group 1 runs light pole suicides while other half SSH; switch out.

Mosey to statute of virtue for MARY:

American Hammers x20

Leg crossed single leg Alabama Prom Dates x10 each leg.

Alternating Shoulder taps x20

Side Plank roughly 20 seconds each side

WMH x10 for a final side to side stretch.


3/29 Leadership lunch at Richland with Ret. US Army Ranger John Belman.  See Slack for details or contact Bagger.

3/23: Westside CSAUP The Scorpion.  Begins at Titan and ends at West Park.  See Slack or contact Princess Aurora for details.

PA will throw a generic F3 Nashville shirt order up on the website for newer F3 members to get in on the fun (pyramid scheme).  The Scorpion also has a shirt up there for participants.  Look for the link on Slack.

Couple of births among the PAX.  Congratulations and prayers offered up to Preacher Man and Bad Boy.

Prayers: New family members, Hot Route’s family friend died in a plane crash leaving a widowed wife, and Bagger’s friend unexpectedly losing a baby at delivery.  Apologies if I forgot somebody’s intention but I think that was it.

Always an honor to lead and be lead.

Brother at Law
