Bomber 7.10.20 was a Blast

Gloom: warm and not humid if you stand perfectly still


PAX = 18



Covenant Eyes



Black Lung





Michelin Man

Natty Ice




River Dawg


Right Said



mosey to Woodlawn trailhead to big parking lot



Cherry Pickers

Overhead Press and arm circle medley

Lunge with thoracic twist

Hip curls

Spiderman merkins



mosey to bottom of driveway hill

partner DORA

100 merkins

200 “jump” squats

300 crunches



15 minutes of unguided Mary, dealer’s choice style. Rep counts varied greatly.

Sweat was bountiful.


Cafe Prius served up hot coffee post-workout. There was even creamer. What’s next–sugar?!




Atlantis 7/9/2020

Atlantis 7/9
8 for an under the sea adventure lunging to greatness. Bareback, D-Frost, TK, Long lost Porcelain, Parachute Pants, Crablegs, Toothless, and YHC Covenant Eyes
25 ssh
10 wmh
10 GMs
10 cherry pickers

Moseyed down to lower parking lot via a lap around the fields

3 parking lot sections
Lunge to travel-exercise every 4 spaces till grass patch
– [ ] 20 merkins till first grass patch
– [ ] 20 ww1 till second grass patch
– [ ] 20 jLO to last patch
Coming back
– [ ] 30 shoulder tap to grass patch
– [ ] 10 burpee to next patch (coming back)
– [ ] 20 squat to start (skipped for time)

Mosey to upper parking lot.

15 box cutter
15 American hammer
15 flutter kicks
20 Freddie Mercury’s
10 hello dolly
15 LBC
20 Alabama prom dates
20 happy crunchy frog

5 minutes of stretching to take care of our bodies! Forgot how good the scorpion and reverse scorpion felt.



7/2/20: 244

PAX: Crablegs, Parachute Pants (FNG), Swingline, Bare Back, Toothless, Covenant Eyes, Pumpkin Spice, Hi Viz, T Cell, Siri, and Trapper Keeper (QIC).

Disclaimer was givin and PAX mosied around walking trail to the back parking lot for warm up.

Warm up:

SSHs x 14 IC
Squats x 14 IC
LBACs x 14 IC
RLBACs x 14 IC
Butt Kickers x 14 IC
High Knees x 14 IC

Mosied up to the pizza hut pavilion for the thang.


To celebrate 244 years of America the beautiful the PAX was commissioned to complete 244 reps of each exercise listed, and after each exercise the PAX would mosie around the side walking trail to loop back to the pavilion.

Side Straddle Hops
Jane Fondas (122 each leg)
Little Baby Crunches
Calf Raises
Split Squats
Flutter Kicks (both legs count as one)
Single Leg Lifts (122 each leg)

The PAX got as far as the Jane Fondas before we had to drop the mosing around the loop, and then eventually ran out of time afterthe 244 calf raises.

QIC was a little bit to enthusiastic making the list. Maybe because I knew high caliber/overachieving HIM would be showing up. Do not worry, the list will be completed soon.


It was a pleasure to have Swingline join us from F3 Franklin and he also brought an FNG (Parachute Pants) with him, which was also a pleasure to welcome him to F3.

~Trapper Keeper

Titan 6.17.20

Perfect weather – just slightly cool.



Black Lung
Cub Cadet
Michelin Man
Right Said (QIC)
Bad Boy
D Frost

Long mosey around Centennial warm up (fences everywhere)

Warm up:


overhead presses


Cherry Pickers

Merkin Doomsday clock to Thunderstruck by AC/DC (people’s chair after failure)

Grass hill repeats with SSH until all-in to Chariots of Fire theme song
Mary – dealer’s choice to Proud Mary by CCR

Next two QICs:
Cub Cadet


Fun was had by all.


Parking lot coffeteria at Cafe Prius.



Agility Fest

PAX: Not a Sport, Hugs Not Drugs, Umbrella, Toga (QIC)

Gloom: 70 and sunny

Four HIM posted at The Purple Cow to get a bit more agile this morning.  Lateral movement and recollections of sports seasons gone by were rampant.

The Thang:  warmup mosey to BHS field, standard warmarama then lineup for ye ol’ agility drills: high knees, butt kickers, stick and move, 2 in 2 out, side to sides, carry overs, and d back drills.

Head back to BMS parking lot, dodge the dump trucks, then form up for EMOM 7s with burpees and WWIIs.  Finish with some Mary.

Stay Classy,


Lunging up to lovers circle

Monday 6/8/20

PAX: Defrost, Harvey Updyke, BnB, Vector, PA, Drago, Hi Viz, Siri, Right Said, Cub Cadet, Black Lung, Trapper Keeper (QIC).

Gloom Factor: 73° with lower humidity

Disclaimer given and then mosied around to the east side of WEMS for warm up.


IPW x 12 IC
SSHs x 12 IC
Squats x 12 IC
LBACs x 12 IC
BBACs x 12 IC
Air presses x 12 IC
RLBACs x 12 IC
RBBACs x 12 IC


After the PAX warmed up we took a run up to the base of lovers circle where we transitioned to walking lunges from the base, up to the circle.

Once we reached the circle the PAX participated in clock work which consisted of every quarter of the circle the PAX performed a different exercise. The PAX start at 12 o clock with 12 SSHs, and then moved the big hand to 15 burpees, then to 30 merkins, and then to 45 squats. I difference to time the PAX did not complete the hour but made our way back down to WEMS. Once the PAX reached the pinic tables at WEMS, divided among the tables to take on 15 split squats with each leg while the other portion of the PAX took on 15 merkins and then flip-flopped.

Headed back to parking lot for some Mary.


Freddy Mercury’s x 10 IC
J-Los x 10 IC
Flutter Kicks x 10 IC
HCFs x 10 IC
Box Cutters x 10 IC
LBCs x 10 IC
Hello Dollys x 10 IC
Drago’s Russian Twists x 10 IC
WWIs x 10 IC
APDs × 10 IC
BBSs x 10 IC

Prayer for our country, communities, leaders, and prayer that we value and love others no matter race, creed, ethnicity, etc., for everyone is made in the image of God.

~ Trapper Keeper

May 27, 2020 – Remember the Titan

May 27, 2020


Temp: 60s

Gloom: Why did Snoop Dogg need an umbrella? (Fo’ drizzle.)




Black Lung



D Frost

Trapper Keeper


Right Said



Mosey to Lizzie the Dragon



Seal Claps

Air presses

Cherry Pickers




Mosey to Parthenon parking lot

Circle up

F3 version of improv game Zip-Zap-Zop

Each PAX calls an exercise and a rep count and “throws” that exercise to another PAX

All PAX perform exercise. Pax who received exercise calls next exercise and next PAX. Repeat until time. Memorable exercises include merkins, burpees, Iron Mikes, squats, planks, hillbillies, correct form box cutters, and sprints.

Social distance was maintained. A good time was had by all.




Rain & Parking Lot Pain

Gloom Factor:  Dark and Rain…lots of it.

Pre-Party:  Nimbus and listening to the radio in our own cars debating whether or not we really wanted to workout in the monsoon.

PAX in Attendance:  Record attendance – Glengarry, Nimbus1500, and Creeper!

Warm Up: None.  Too much rain and little patience for baby arm circles and side straddle hops.

Thang 1

Mosey to bridge and Bear Crawl the length of it.  Mosey to parking lot of Pork Belly Farmhouse.

Thang 2

Each assigned their own “Parking Curb” (not saying that’s the technical term for it).  4 exercises using the curb as a foundation:   Plank Merkins x 25, Merkins x 50, Loaded Beasts x 75 (each side = 1 rep), and 100 “Rapid Fire” (each foot = 1 rep); MOT between each set = Bear Crawl to other “Curb” across from starting point and Mountain Climbers x 25 (1 leg = 1 rep), Bear Crawl Back to starting point.

Thang 3

Round 2 with own “Parking Curb”. 4 exercises using the curb as a foundation: Carolina Dry Docks x35 (Nimbus termed them “Dry Dicks” but I remembered what the third F of F3 means, so I didn’t use it…well, I guess I just did), Merkins x 50, Squats standing on Curb x 75 and 100 “Rapid Fire” (each foot = 1 rep); MOT between each set = Walking Lunges to other “Curb” across from starting point and Loaded Beasts x 25 (1 leg = 1 rep), Walking Lunges back to starting point.

Thang 4
Mosey back to bridge and Bear Crawl all of it.  Mosey back to parking lot.

No coffeteria, no music.  Just rain.  Straight up prison workout.

Prayer Requests
Continued prayers for LMP’s wife and his brothers recovery, families still recovering from the tornado.
Announcements                                                                                                                                     Reminder that the end of this month is deadline to give to the Alvarez family

Thought of the Day:  John 16:16-33 “I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble. But take heart!  I have overcome the world.”    In this time of uncertainty, fear of the unknown is crippling a lot of us.  While this coronavirus is something not to be taken lightly, this passage is a great reminder of where our focus should be.  We will have trouble in our lives.  All of us have ran into some before.   This time would be considered troubling.  It’s on us to lead with no fear showing others what faith looks like even though it’s tough to do.  Jesus kicked death in the face (that’s my redneck translation of the last sentence of the passage).  So let’s kick fear in the face and live our lives with no fear, faith, and a servant’s heart.

Bomber 3-13-2020: 50

To celebrate the 50th birthday of YHC tomorrow, 16 PAX welcomed the day and enjoyed a 50 themed party

PAX:  PA, T-cell, Crablegs, Drago, Toothless, Bareback, en fuego, Cub Cadet, Pop-a-Lock, Hambone, Hi-Viz, Pumpkin Spice, Cunning Linguist (“The Colonel”), Porcelain, Dfrost, Vector (QIC)

Conditions:   Balmy, high-50s.

Playlist:  Turning 50 is a big deal that requires a big playlist. Music from the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s and genres ranging from rock, country, folk, disco, new wave, and R&B.

In da Club – 50 Cent
Birthday – The Beatles
It’s My Party -Leslie Gore
Stayin’ Alive – Bee Gees
Respect – Aretha Franklin
What’s My Age Again?  Blink -182
1985 – Bowling for Soup
I Don’t Need Your Rockin’ Chair – George Jones
A Little Respect – Erasure
Old Man – Neil Young
When I’m Sixty-Four – The Beatles
50 Ways to Lose Your Lover – Paul Simon
Happy Birthday – Altered Images

Warm-o-rama, Thang, Mary:  

50 reps each of

Seal Claps
Moroccan Night Clubs
Jump squats
Plank Jacks
Lunges x 2
Pull-ups and Box Jumps
Flutter Kicks (with AARP card relay)
J. Los
Freddy Mercurys


  • Prayers of thanks for Michelin Man’s 2.0 (a.k.a Training Wheel)
  • Prayers for those affected by last weeks tornadoes
  • October –> TN Convergence — be there!
  • And sincere thanks for the HIM and F3.  Days like today and times like these vividly illustrate the importance of F3 in our lives. Being an HIM, inspired by all of you, has made me such a better person and leader. This week (and the weeks to come) has benefited from my time with you. 50 is a big line to cross, but one I feel much more prepared to traverse. Keep pushing and inspiring me and each other. #ISI



Honoring the Day We Lost Waylon 2.13.20

Honoring the the day we lost Waylon Jennings in 2003 – 2/13/20
PAX @Covenant Eyes @Crablegs @defrost @Toothless @Bareback @CowBell

Gloom Factor: Misty and 45F

Disclaimer was said – PAX mosied around the side loop of the park reaching the back parking lot destination

Warm up:
SSHs x 20 IC
Baby Arm Circles
Willy Maze Haze(y) x 15 IC
Good Mornings x 10

PAX lunged in a straight fashion while listening to “only daddy that will walk the line”
moving on to a suicide style sprint to the tune of “Ramblin Man”
Mosey to the Pizza Hut:
Commenced “are you sure Hank done it this way” Merkins
an ironical “rainy day woman” ad lib exercise/
Pax became “Highway Men” as the song played cruising along the water highway
Performed OYO reps on the swings for pull-ups for “luchenBACK texas”
continued rambling back up to the pizza hut for “DIPS of Hazard theme song” performed on the benches
PAX took down “MAMAS don’t let you BURPEES grow up to be cowboys” burpee apocalypse with class
some “are you ready for the country” crunches

PAX performed a non Waylon related experimental game of pick an exercise zummie zummie in the circle with a ring of fire suggested by @Covenant Eyes to finish strong

thanks for the patience on the VQ