Bomber 11-11-2022: Celebrating 5 Years in the Beautiful Driving Rain

A shy over 5 years ago, I finally relented to Ebola’s prodding and came out to meet a bunch of men, working out, in the dark cold gloom. Led by Hambone, I thought I would (but proudly did not) splash merlot after the WOR.  Flash forward to 2022, and the positive impact of F3 on my life, especially the past 3 years, has been huge (if my biceps are not quite so).  Thus, this morning, I wanted to celebrate all things 5.

PAX:  Black Lung, Focker, Legal Eagle, Michelin Man, Porcelain, Salpal, Supernova, T-cell, Tim the Toolman, Vector (QIC) and Wet Wipes with the dedicated wounded but healing walkers Cub Cadet and Firefox

Conditions:   Pelting sloppy rain, 60s – truly in the words of many PAX “beautiful”

Playlist:  Bands and songs with “5” in the name — a lot of bands with a lot of not so good songs:

I Want You Back – Jackson 5 (inadvertently deleted from playlist at the start by the soggy Q)
Wake Up Call – Maroon 5
Mambo No. 5 – Lou Bega
White Lines – Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five
9 to 5 – Dolly Parton
Video Killed the Radio Star – Ben Folds Five
She Looks So Perfect – 5 Seconds of Summer
5-1-5-0 – Dierks Bentley
Worth It – Fifth Harmony
Go Where You Want to Go – The 5th Dimension
Bad Company – Five Finger Death Punch
When the Lights Go Out – Five
Kick Out the Jams – MC5
Glad All Over – The Dave Clark Five (cut for time)
Superman (It’s Not Easy) – Five for Fighting (cut for time)

Disclaimer given and then mosey in the beautiful pelting rain to the McCabe Rec Center for the Sloppy Warm-o-rama (as Q tried to get music started):  

Squats, LBAC, Reverse LBAC, WMH, Good Mornings

The Thang:  5 Exercises, 5(0) Reps, 5 Sets

5 exercises: Merkins, squats, big boy sit ups, DIPs, pull ups

Do 50 reps of each, run around the Rec Center, repeat for 5 sets. Q, in the interest of time, Q reduced reps of a selected exercise to 5 with each set.

Mary:  Flutter Kicks, Ankle Lifts, 10 Burpees, and a few SSH to close us out.


  • Open Tab (or Maybe Tap Out, Tap In – we were confused) tonight — check Slack for deets and come for the beers and more importantly the discussion.
  • 30 seconds to listen to the world (and our walkers returning to the COT)
  • Sincere thanks to the HIM and F3.  This morning, being grown up dudes basically splashing in the rain, illustrates why F3 is so special.  Reach out to those we encounter who would benefit from F3 as I have — I am stronger physically, emotionally, mentally thanks to all of the HIM who I’ve encountered along this journey.  Keep pushing and inspiring me and each other. #ISI
  • Also, I unfortunately failed to send thanks for our veterans on 11/11 — appreciate all of you (including Porcelain and Cub Cadet who were with us this morning).
  • Cafe Dose followed and was awesome (complete with Focker looking like he walked out of the sauna at the Y)



Movement Monday

4/April 2022

Temp : 45
Gloom Factor : Low
PAX : CCR, Works 4 A Guy, Cinderella, A/R, EZ-GO, Movin On Up, Bagger Vance

0530 Disclaimer

Lateral Bounding R/L & F/R
Low Long Willy Mays R/L
Lower body Stretches

Mosey to top of bus loop
Gorilla walk F/R & L/R

Mosey to bottom of bus loop
5 Hill Sprints

Mosey to back lot
Bear Crawl
Crawl Bear
Gorilla Walk L/R

Mosey to blocks and back to playground
5 Turkish Get ups w Block R/L
5 Count Pull Up Hang at Top RnR x 5
5 Curl, Extend, Chop w Block R/L
5 Jump Pull ups w Slow movement down
10 ct IC Putin Pounders w Block
OH Block Carry R/L
Murder bunnies w block
Bunny drag w block
Return Blocks

5 Pull Ups
10 Merkins (5ct IC)
15 Squats (3ct IC)
Hold low squat 1’
5 Kick throughs R/L

Parking Lot Sprints x 3

Beast 5 ct IC R/L

Peter Parker Movements x 4 R/L

Plank Progression


Solid crew this am. Explored the space and got some good real life movements knocked out. Will keep working them out.
EZ-GO VQ next week. Y’all come out and support him.


Sweet 16

Incredible weather was not squandered this morning by the 10 Pax that rolled out of bed and chose the path of resistance.  Intent was to balance a little strength training with some metabolic conditioning.

QIC: Grisham

Pax:  PA // T-Cell // It’s Just Lunch // Bicentennial Man //  Loan Star (FNG) // Silver Medal // Howitzer // Formica // Gables



  • (4 X 16) Rows // V-ups
  • (2 X 8) HSPU // L-Sits


  • 5 Rds. – EOMOM (break reps in any manner)
    • 16 Pull-ups
    • 16 Hand Release Push-Ups
    • 16 Mtn. Climbers (4 ct.)


Moleskine:   Great to see so many out this morning.  Happy Birthday to It’s Just Lunch who turned 39 today and a warm welcome to Travis Dunn (“Loan Star”).  Also, great to see Silver Medal back in the mix after being on baby lock-down.

Hope you men all have a wonderful week.

Bomber 11-5-2021: Reviewing 5 Core Principles on the Q’s 4th

A chilly morning with the season’s first signs of frost greeted 21 HIM on the 4th anniversary of YHC showing up in the gloom, nearly falling out by the time Hambone finished his Warm-o-Rama, and deciding to keep coming out to this rag tag bunch of dudes for the next 4 years.  With many new HIM from the past few years around, I realized we hadn’t had much talk of some of the F3 basics.  So today, YHC (using a highly coordinated playlist) reviewed the 5 F3 Core Principles.  Giddy-up!

PAX:  Bad Boy, Black Lung, Blue Mule, Crablegs, Crawlspace, Cub Cadet, Firefox, Hambone, Hi-Viz, McAfee, Michelin Man, Natural Ice, Porcelain, Pumpkin Spice, Princess Aurora, Right Said, Siri, Spinal Tap, Supernova, Tool Man, Vector (QIC),

Conditions:   Frosty, 32 degrees.

Disclaimer given and then mosey up hill and down to the McCabe Rec Center for the Warm-o-rama:  
LBAC x 10, RLBAC x 10, WMH x 10 OYO, Good Mornin’s x 10 OYO

F3 Core Principles:

#1:  Workouts are free of charge.
Song: “I’m Free” – Soupdragons
Hold Air Chair until the word “free” noted in the song –> then do 1 burpee

#2:  Workouts are open to all men.
Song: “The Man” – The Killers
Stationary lunges until the word “man” noted in the song –> then do 1 jump squat

#3:  Workouts are held outdoors, rain or shine, hot or cold.
Songs: “Blame It on the Rain” – Milli Vanilli (or at least lip synched by them)
“Walking on Sunshine” – Katrina and the Waves
“Heat of the Moment” – Asia
“Cold as Ice” – Foreigner
DORA with partner:  100 Pull-ups, 200 WWIs, 300 Squats

#4:  Workouts are peer led with rotating leaders.
Song: “One Thing Leads to Another” – The Fixx
DIDs on the wall for duration of the song – 20 Dips, 20 irkins, 20 dirkins (repeat)

#5:  Workouts end with a Circle of Trust.
Songs: “Circles” – Post Malone & “A Question of Trust” – Billy Joel
Mary PAX Choice — a lot of goodies including Crunchy Happy Frogs to honor T-cell in his absence


  • Praises for Bad Boy and M 10th anniversary!
  • Sincere thanks to the HIM and F3.  F3 has been far more formative for me than I could ever imagine 4 years ago. Being an HIM, inspired by all of you, has made me such a better person and leader. Keep pushing and inspiring me and each other. #ISI



Titan – 11.3.21 – “The World Is A Vampire”

14 PAX (plus 1 runner) took the DRP and posted at Titan for a Smashing Pumpkins-inspired beatdown delivered by YHC.

PAX: Black Lung, Blue Mule, Crablegs, Crawlspace, DFrost, Dry Rub, Hambone, Michelin Man (runner), Porcelain, Right Said, Salpal, Siri, Tim The Toolman, Wood Rider

QIC: Cunning Linguist

Gloom Factor: Low to medium, depending on how you feel about the cold.

YHC arrived to Titan just in time to deliver the 1MW. At 0530, YHC gave a slightly verbose Disclaimer, and then we did a Mosey around the loop in front of the Parthenon for WOR.

15 x SSH
10 x LBAC
10 x rLBAC
12 x WMH
15 x SnL Squats

YHC then led the PAX to the halfway point of the loop and provided details about THANG 1 — a Smashing Pumpkins-themed workout, given that we are past Halloween, and it is fair game to smash all of the remaining pumpkins that we see in our neighborhoods, right?!


According to Porcelain, it’s against the law to smash pumpkins, so please DO NOT DO THAT.


We performed the following in letter pairs (first two were the SM, then the AS, then the HI, then the NG — same process for the word ‘Pumpkins’), running half a lap in between each pair of letters.

20 x Squats
20 x Merkins
20 x Air Press
20 x Squat Jumps
20 x Hillbillies
20 x Imperial Walkers
20 x Nerkins (Knuckle Merkins)
20 x Gorilla Hummers

20 x Pickle Pounders
20 x Ups (V-Ups)
20 x Merkins
20 x Press (Air Press)
20 x Kicks (Flutter Kicks)
20 x Iron Mike
20 x Nerkins
20 x Squats

Next, YHC led the PAX to the other side of the Parthenon for THANG 2

DIDs and Step-Ups
15 x Dips
10 x Incline Merkins
5 x Decline Merkins
50 Step-Ups (25 per leg)

The PAX appeared to be getting stronger here. It’s bizarre. It must have something to do with the power that is deep within the Parthenon. Noticing this, YHC felt obliged to deliver a 3rd THANG.

Bear Crawls/SSH/Lunges/SSH
PAX partner up and Partner 1 performs Bear Crawls along pathway to street while Partner 2 does SSH, then upon Partner 1 completion, they perform SSH while Partner 2 Bear Crawls to the street.
Reverse was Lunges and SSH.

With approx. 7 minutes left, we ran through the Parthenon to the other side for MARY.

Dealers Choice, Clockwise.
15 x Happy Crunchy Frogs
50 x Flutter Kicks (Black Lung FOR THE WIN!)
25 x WWIIs
20 x Alabama Prom Dates
25 x Freddie Mercury
20 x J-Lo
20 x Alternating Heel Taps (shoulders up for this)

End of Workout at 0615



Always an honor to lead, and as usual, the Men of Titan put in a fantastic effort this AM. Thank you for letting me take point this morning.

Prayers of congratulations for Salpal and the M for a successful 1st trimester — prayers of blessings for the future!
Prayers of congratulations for DFrost completing his PMP Certification — you’re a BFD now!
Welcome back, Minus3 — we always encourage those who are injured to show up for the workout and/or coffeeteria! 
Keep showing up!

See you all on the flip side.


21 Oct 21

6 Essential Functional Movements / Cardio EMOM

TEMP : 50ish
GLOOM : High

PAX: Spandex, shocker, Dan & Dave, black widow, Hambone, TOGA, Red Skull, Bagger Vance, whale water, match stick, Barely Legal, juicy juice, glow stick, Einstein, Yogi, September

Disclaimer Claimed 0530

WOR : Mosey to Bus Loop with some Side Shuffle, Bear Crawl and Bernie mixed in.


Reverse Hairburner
Drag (R/L)
Dead Lift
Right shoulder carry
Left Shoulder Carry
Curl/Press Lunge
Bear Hug Carry
Rows (R/L) x 13 Sgl ct

Shuttle Run (5-10)
Skips/Bernie (10)

Reverse Scorps
High plank foot in hand R/L


NMM: First 413 Q in 8 weeks or so. Good crew over there. JJ & WW back in the mix this time; their really leading well over there.
As we age, we need to be sure that functional movements and mobility are a large part of our routine. Hence the days work.
Tunes : Roku Erickson “Halloween 197-1981. Punk Pioneer.


Atlantis – 7.19.21 – “Who’s Next? Q’s Next!”

4 HIM (and 1 additional Running HIM) did that hard thing and posted for a challenging yet classic workout that was meant to highlight the importance of the fundamentals.

QIC: Cunning Linguist
PAX: Bareback, Oatmeal, Sooner, Pumpkin Spice (aka The Running HIM)

Gloom Factor: Virtually nonexistent with a light dusting of moisture

At 0530, YHC announced the Disclaimer and led PAX around the left-hand side of the loop and toward the lower parking lot where we deplaned for the Warm-O-Rama.


25 x SSH
10 x LBAC
10 x rLBAC
16 x WMH
10 x Imperial Walker
15 x SnL Squat

YHC then continued on a brief mosey toward the water tower (aka the ‘Bob Ross Thing’ where we began Part 1 of The Thang.

THANG 1:  DORA 1-2-3

YHC gave the history lesson for the day: this is the week of the 50th Anniversary of arguably the greatest rock album ever — ‘Who’s Next’ by The Who. Although, let’s be honest: if you actually argue with this sentiment, you probably hate puppies.

With the classic ‘Baba O’Riley’ booming from the Bluetooth speaker, YHC announced the classic Dora 1-2-3 in honor of such a classic album.

Partner 1 runs a lap around the Water Tower, Partner 2 does the following (and the Partners flip flop with each successive lap):

100 x Merkins
200 x LBCs
300 x Squats

Upon completion, Bareback gave us a 30 count

Then, YHC led his fellow HIM on over to the swings for Thang 2.


YHC expressed vulnerability here and admitted his love for pro wrestling. For those who have been paying attention, this is not a surprise. However, this set of PAX was less familiar with YHC’s vices (from what I could tell).

Tomorrow night, after a long 7 years away from the ring, CM Punk is (likely) returning. In honor of his return, YHC played ‘Cult of Personality’ by Living Colour (aka CM Punk’s entrance music) and we did the following OYO:

10 x Carolina Dry Docks
10 x Monkey Humpers
10 x Pickle Pounders
10 x UNKders (or ‘Down Unders,’ a pull up from under a swing)

Repeato until song completion.

Oatmeal gave us a 20 count.

Next, YHC led the PAX over to set of benches for another short THANG:


YHC played an Atlantis-themed song (namely, ‘Ocean Avenue’ by Yellowcard) while PAX performed the following until song completion:

15 x Dips
10 x Incline Merkins
5 x Decline Merkins

Sooner gave us a 10 count.

With just a few minutes to spare, we then set off on a mosey to STARTEX for Mary.


YHC put another relevant song on (‘Waterfalls’ by TLC) while leading PAX in the following:

10 x Freddie Mercury
15 x Big Boy Sit Ups
15 x LBCs
25 x Alabama Prom Dates
10 Alternating Heel Taps
1 minute Pigeon Stretch
10 x American Hammers

YHC officially called “All She Wrote” at 0615

We did that COT, and with no official announcements or prayer requests, YHC led a Prayer for Blessing and Healing, then we had on-site Coffeeteria and Fellowship with PAX.


Always an honor to lead, gents. Thanks for having me. I think I may have overdone it today, but I found myself digging deep because of your energy this morning. I just could not let y’all down!


Bomber – 07.16.21 – “NYD Redux”

18 HIM posted for a trimmed down re-test of the 2021 NYD Divergence circuit and to build upon their foundations.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Black Lung, BnB, Chowdah, Crawlspace, Hambone, McAfee, Michelin Man, Right Said, Rock Drop (LEX, SC), Suit (Smyrna, GA), Siri, Solo Cup, Supernova, T-Cell, Toolman, Vector, Wet Wipes


It’s been months since YHC last Qed, so after feeling good about myself for a decently executed welcome and disclaimer, PAX moseyed up the driveway and around community center to circle up for the first phase of the workout.


  • SSH x 11
  • LBAC x 11
  • OH Claps x 11
  • R LBAC x 11
  • SnL Squats x 11

Next up, we revisited the benchmark test from NYD ’21. Because only a handful of today’s PAX were present then, this was a new baseline for many (I smell another re-test). The only modification was that the time was shortened by 10 minutes. Never fear! for a rounds per minute rate can be calculated. AMRAP for 11’

  • Ab Thrusters x 5
  • Merkins x 10
  • Squats x 15
  • Prone Snow Angels x 20

Next up, in celebration of YHC’s eleventh year of marriage, we focused on building upon our foundation with none other than a leg-heavy round of elevens.

  • Explosive Bulgarian Split Squats x 10 > 1 (each leg)
  • Run up driveway
  • Curtsy Lunges x 1 > 10 (each leg)

SSH for the six right into Mary:

  • Plank
  • Bird Dog holds
  • Reverse Plank
  • Tabletop
  • Jane Fondas



Though my presence at workouts has been limited this year, it felt natural to pick right back up with the PAX if not physically at least relationally. That’s the magic of F3 and dare I say this group at Bomber, specifically.  Very appreciative of the Q opportunity, and, as hinted at above, look for another re-test in the fall. Better write that number down if you haven’t forgotten it already!


TAPs for those continuing to be impacted by COVID, both those receiving care and those giving it.

Michelin Man is itching for a shirt order. Sound off on Slack if you’re interested so we can ensure we’re good for the minimum. We’re looking at a high-visibility option to throw in the mix because S-s-s-s A-a-a-a-F-f-f-f-E-e-e-e…


PA out.

Westeros 7-5-2021: Party in the USA

6 HIM resisted the strong temptation of the post-fireworks/beers/brats/burgers fartsack and came out to make themselves better. What better way to do that than to a Q celebrating the holiday a mere hours past?

PAX:  Crawlspace, Cub Cadet, Oatmeal, FNG Supernova, Tool Man, & Vector (QIC).

Conditions:   mid-70s. Not too humid.

Playlist:  ‘Merica!

Living in America – James Brown
American Girl – Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers
American Idiot – Green Day
American Boy – Estelle w/ Kanye
Young Americans – David Bowie
Kids in America – Kim Wilde
Born in the U.S.A. – Springsteen
R.O.C.K in the U.S.A – John Mellencamp
America – Neil Diamond
Party in the U.S.A – Miley Cyrus
Surfin’ USA – Beach Boys

Disclaimer given and then mosey to the tennis court:

  • Warm-o-rama:   SSH x 20,  Squats x 15, LBAC x 15, Seal Claps x 15, RLBAC x 15, Willy Mays Hayes x 10 OHO, Good Mornings x 10
  • Stars:  At each corner of court, do 10 star jumps, then bear crawl (you’re welcome, Cub Cadet) to next corner and do another 10.  Stop after 50. Repeat with star merkins and lunges.
  • Stripes:  Run to front of WEMS.  Round of “13s” back-and-forth in front of school with squats on one end, merkins on the other.
  • Mary:  Mosey to Startex.  American Hammers x 15, Freddy Mercuries x 15, American Hammers (again) x 15, Box Cutters x 15, Flutter Kicks x 15, and American Hammers yet again (’cause “Merica!) x 15.


  • Welcome FNG Supernova, a friend of Spinal Tap, a hospitalist at Stonecrest who got his name due to almost missing the workout due to the “riveting” podcast on Supernovas he was listening to at the start.
  • Prayers and thanksgiving for those about to travel and those recently returned.

Thanks, HIM.  Honor to lead you this morning.



Bomber 6-18-2021: Making Faces

17 HIM came out to the gloom to make some faces.  In recognition of the long time during the pandemic when we didn’t see many faces but just a bunch of masks, YHC thought we’d workout to a “face” themed Q.  As usual, the playlist was weeks in the making . . . the workout, not so much.

Playlist:  Songs with Facial Features Prominently Featured (and no, all of these aren’t from, like 40 years ago . . . but some are.  They’re good tunes, so expand your music library, folks)

Eyes Without a Face – Billy Idol
Lips Like Sugar – Echo and the Bunnymen
Tongue Tied – Grouplove
World in My Eyes – Depeche Mode
Can’t Feel My Face – The Weeknd
Mouth – Bush
Blood Makes Noise (Ringing in My Ears) – Suzanne Vega
Over My Head – The Fray
Private Eyes – Hall & Oates
Head Like a Hole – Nine Inch Nails

PAX:  Chowdah, Crablegs, Crawlspace, Cub Cadet, Firefox, Hardcover (FNG), McAfee,  Michelin Man, Minus 3, Natural Ice, Right Said Fred, Siri, Solo Cup, Spinal Tap, T-cell, Weezer (Willy Lohman from Memphis), & Vector (QIC),

Conditions:   mid-70s. Not too humid.

Disclaimer given and then mosey up to the McCabe Circle:

“Eye #1”

  • Warm-o-rama:   LBAC x 15, Seal Claps x 15, RLBAC x 15, Willy Mays Hayes x 15 OHO, Good Mornings x 10,  SSH x 15
  • Circle O’ Merkins: Start with 1 merkin, add by 1 as we go around circle; once gets to Q, start counting down with 1 less per PAX


Get in groups of 3.  1 PAX starts at point 1 with squats, 2nd PAX at point 2 with WWIs, 3rd PAX at point 3 with Burpees. PAX 1 completes 50 squats and then tags partner at station 2, who moves to station 3. Round until all have completed all 3 stations.  Conveniently creates a nice triangular “nose” for our face.

“Smiling Mouth”

Two stations, from one end of path along driving range from stop sign to stop sign.  Sevens with Lt. Dan’s at East end of path, Plank Jacks at West end. Run back and forth, in a nice “smiley face” path.

“Eye #2”

Mosey to circle in front of rec center.

  • Squat relay: PAX perform squats (or jump squats or air chair or whatever we felt in the moment) while 1 runs the circle
  • Mary:  A range of exciting exercises like Flutter Kicks, LBCs, Boxcutters, J-Lo’s, and the ever so interesting Crablegs Tantric Pickle Pounders (clearly, some pickles don’t punt in as many steps as the HIM from Florida)


  • Welcome FNG Hardcover, a friend of Spinal Tap, who teaches Bible Studies at Belmont, wife is a librarian. Also to Weezer, visiting from Memphis.
  • Tonight is the night:  Campout at Cub Cadet’s Place, under the stars, on the river.  Truly an awesome location. Come for the company, the conversation, the bourbon, the BBQ, the beers.  Cubbie states he’ll lead a workout at 0600 — YHC is a bit worried about the risk for splashing merlot among the PAX.
  • Q spots are open for Bomber — hit up Michelin Man.  After today’s shambolic Q, hopefully you realize anyone can lead.
  • We ended with an F3 standard that had to go away during the pandemic – the Ball of Men. The last one held at Bomber was during my 50th birthday Q the first week of March. At the time, my life was spiraling into what was coming ahead and the stress of what we were all about to face overwhelmed me.  It was an honor to be the Q to bring the BOM back to Bomber.  Thanks to all of you for pushing me to be a better person each and every day. #ISI

Footnote: while the intent of the layout of the workout was to draw a face, it didn’t quite look so accurate in the end:

