The Pound (1/17/2019)


40 Degrees and Rainy


3rd Degree, Nimbus, CheezWhiz, Inspector Gadget, Typo+, Show Me, TV Guide, Altidore, Mic Drop, Stats, Tebow, Polar Express (RESPECT!), Creeper (Pre-Vac) and Sterno (Q)

Capri Lap


Warm Up:

SSH (IC) x 20
Shoulder Press (IC) x 20
LBAC (IC) x 20
Seal Jacks (IC) x 20

Time to get to work!

Burpee Apocalypse – 10 Burpees, 9 Burpees, 8 Burpees… all the way down to 1

Mosey to nearest shelter

D.I.D. – Dips (OYO) x 20
– Incline Merkins (OYO) x 20
– Decline Merkins (OYO) x 20

Aiken Legs – Squats (IC) x 20
– Box Jumps (OYO) x 20
– Lunges (OYO) x 20 (10 each leg)
– Split Jacks (IC) x 20

Mosey to Mill Creek Brewery Parking lot

PAX circled up for another round of Burpee Apocalypse.

Mosey to the nearest Shelter for another round of D.I.D.’s. Elevated Mumble Chatter forced Q to reward PAX with 10 more Burpees.

Mosey to another Shelter to finish second round of Aiken Legs. Q’s poor time management left 8 minutes on the clock and Q really doesn’t like Mary so what better way to finish the workout than with another round of Burpee Apocalypse.


Prayer Requests/ Announcements

– 3rd Degree’s wife is 37 weeks pregnant
– Nimbus welcomed two foster children into his family
– SoccerMom and family serving in Uganda
– Typo+ dealing with a broken nose

Great work today Gentlemen!


Nimbus’ Favorite Thangs

7 PAX out this morning in the low 20s for Nimbus’ list of Favorite Thangs!

PAX: Stats, Altidore, Tebow, Ragdoll, Sterno, Creeper & Nimbus1500


  • SSH x25
  • Tempo Squats x20
  • Big Arm Circles OYO (definitely needed before the sequence below)
  • Toy Soliders x10ish each leg OYO

The List

Thang Combo #1

Quick Mosey to the swing set for our partner swap Burpups (Prairie Grass Pullups for those of you who took the journey on the Oregon Trail pt. 2) and HipDips.  With 5 sets of 5, each PAX completed 25 Burpups and as many HipDips they could squeeze in while their partner was on the pull up bar.

Thang Combo #2

Mosey to the Snack Shack for some wall work.  In pairs, one PAX would run to the trees and back while the other PAX would do the wall exercise until the runner returned.  We did three rounds, 1st Wall Walkups, 2nd Balls to the Wall (lotta balls in my workouts lately?), 3rd Donkey Kicks.

Thang #3

Indian run from the snack shack to the bridge, where we did one lap of partner carries.  Each PAX rotated in as needed to complete the lap.

Thang #4

Since we were there and we hadn’t had enough shoulders yet, we Crawl Bear’d the bridge and Bear Crawled back.

Mosey back to launch


Quick mary with 3 mins remaining, but we got in some new flavors of planks I’ve been experimenting with…from my wife’s Barre classes:).  They have dumb names at Barre, so I’ll call the first one, “The Hillbilly Plank”.  We completed 20ish of those and then knocked out 10 “Push Planks” (name is in review).

Like most of my Qs, I had a lot more favorites to share, but didn’t have enough time.  A sequel is likely…

Weathering the Storm @ The Pound

7 PAX in Attendance:  Tebow, SoccerMom, Altidore, Kermit, Sterno, Stats,  & Third Degree (QiC)

5:15 pre-party of 5 Pull-ups, 7 Merkins and 9 Sumo-Jump Squats per round on the minute x 10 minutes endured by 3D & Soccermom (who will be my pre-party partner when this guys goes to Uganda? Applications being sought…)

 storm american murica american flag patriot GIF


  • Jog around parking lot x 1 to let Tebow catch up
  • SSH IC x 10
  • SJ IC x 10
  • 10 ISW IC x 10
  • LBACs & BACs forward and Reverse IC x 10 each direction
  • 30 seconds GM OYO

Thang 1

Mosey to Ball-field Stairs for Partner Stair-7s


  • Iron Mikes (jumping split lunges/scissor lunges) (1/2, 1)) at the bottom (still makes me think of Punch Out…Classic)
  • Yurpees at the top

video games nintendo GIF

MOT: Partner Broken wheelbarrow up the stairs (both go each round so 6 times each) and Bear-Crawl down the Hill

Mosey around track to Gazebo for an 11 count Copenhagen speedbump requested by SoccerMom…happy to oblige…

Mosey to parking lot to grab speaker for:

Thang 2

Explain Tabata (20 seconds maximal effort of whatever is called, followed by 10 seconds rest) Outline: Sprint ~100 yds, rest, Exercise, rest, back to Sprinting toward the original side of the field, etc. Rinse and Repeat X 2 Songs (8 rounds total per 4 minute song)

We did: SSH, Merkins, Imperial Walkers & Squats to Tabata Songs Playlist played through BT speaker carried back and forth across the field with Q.

Playlist: Smells like Teen Spirit & UpTown Funk (8 minutes total of Tabata)

Thang 3

A nice traditional end to a 3D F3Nolensville Q, the bridge…

“It’s kinda my thing…”

Bear crawl and then crawl-bear the bridge. Always a good time. Starfish to the 6. Counts as Mary, right?! Sure.

Mosey to Gazebo for spontaneous demonstration and 12 reps of Pickle Grinders on top of picnic tables

What?! Over already? The fun was just starting…to be continued at The Forge!


Stats was voluntold by Altidore to lead Post-party so we did a Sunrise Sampler of 12 reps of DIDs + Plyo Benchjumps in honor of the 12 days we have left before SoccerMom heads to lead F3Uganda, and more importantly, be a missionary with his family.

6 for Coffeeteeria provided by Tebow (thanks!)

Moleskin/What we Learned:

  •  I hope everyone had a great holiday. Looking forward to getting back some regulars when they return from being DR or being hit with an Aquaman Trident dipped in poisonous tree Frog Venom leaving them unable to leave the fartsack after HC’ing the night before…hold my nuts!
  • See you Saturday for another Q!!!!!!!!!!! (Unless someone appeals my signup, I am open to co-Q or relinquish my spot. Otherwise, happy to lead) Stats got some revenge on Altidore by voluntelling him to VQ…
  • Exhorted the PAX to arm themselves and make no provision for the flesh as delineated in Romans 13 which ends as follows:
    But put on the LordJesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh,  to gratify its desires. 
  • Our gloom and water-saturated beatdowns are helpful illustrations of spiritual battle throughout life where we are called to take the hard road, the less-traveled and difficult journey. Whether having to fight the siren-song of the fart-sack, or saying no to the helping of food or drink or show/website you know you should avoid, or having to get up one more time to serve your family, or one more project at work you have no idea what it’s for, we are called to say NO and make NO PROVISION for the flesh. WARPATH!
  • Come to Warpath X set for 5am Jan. 12 in F3Franklin. I need 5 HCs to rep F3Nolensville. Come and set a physical fitness marker with me. I am planning on a WarHalf and need a few more brave souls to partner with and HC.
  • New Year’s Day Convergence 1/1/19 will leave BrokenWheel Closed. Come and join in with F3 regional PAX from Nashville, Franklin and rep F3Nolensville! Deets to come…
  • Exciting additions and changes coming in 2019 to F3Nolensville! Stay tuned…

3D, out!

Merry Christmas @ The Pound – 12/20/18

14 PAX for a dark and rainy good time: Staples, Kermit, Show Me, TypO+, Griswold (FNG), Mursa, Cheese Wiz, 3rd Degree, Altidore, Stats, Sterno, Creeper, Netflix, Tebow (QIC). We had all the Christmas spirit feels with some Christmas music – with a minor malfunction (thanks, Mursa for the gloom-proof speaker).
3rd Degree and Creeper got in a pre-party of 8 rounds of 5 burpees with a sprint. Well done, fellas

WARM UP jog then,
SSH x10
Imperial Walkers x 10
Squats x 10
Merkins x 10

Let’s WORKOUT shall we
Run / politician suicides with exercises:
(Run) 0.5 light pole for 25 merkins (then politician back)
1 light pole for 50 iron mikes
1.5 light poles for 75 mountain climbers
2 light poles for 100 SSH

Mosey to Mill Creek Brewery happy hour:
Bear Crawl / reverse lunge suicides, then repeat with
Crawl Bear / lunge suicides

Happy hour continues:
10-1 reps of:
Apollo Onos
HR merkins
American Hammers

Lots joined in (were guilted in?) for a post party led by 3rd Degree (he likes to party) of 10 pull ups, 9 merks, 8 jump squats, 7 pull ups, …
Coffeeteria at Nolensville’s finest, Mama’s Java (pending E&B completion) with Numbtucks, 3rd Degree, and Show Me discussing the Christmas devotional.

Welcome, Griswold, Typo’s bro-in-law. Love the rake story. Classic Clark Griswold.

Continue to pray for Soccer Mom and his family as they’re about to move next month. Check out for more info and to stay caught up. Also be praying for Soccer Mom’s sister-in-law (and newborn baby) as she starts cancer treatment.

See y’all on Saturday. Merry Christmas!



Tour de Nolensville @ The Pound

tour de france pictures GIF

13 PAX in Attendance:  Creeper, Tebow, TV Guide, SoccerMom, Altidore, “Judge Judy” (FNG Nathan, Sponsored by Creeper, way to EH man!), MuRSA, Numbtucks, RagDoll, Kermit, Barney Fievel, Stats,  & Tercer Grado (Spanish for Third Degree) (QiC)

5:15 pre-party solo showing of Dancing Bear Pyramid by SoccerMom. I came in midstream and completed the back half of the pyramid and 7,6,5 pull-ups for penance.  BG Music today provided by AudioSlave, Tedashii, LeCrae, Trip Lee, Foo Fighters, and others.


  • Jog around parking lot x 1
  • SSH IC x 15
  • 30 seconds GM OYO

The Thang 

F3Nolensville Tour: Mosey ~2.5 miles total with various speedbumps. Whenever you finish a set and are waiting for the 6, Freddie Mercury (bicycle theme, get it?) We have to show our FNG what F3Nolensville is all about… We visited: NUMC and crawl-beared up the parking lot exit ramp,  next to the new storefronts being built at the corner of Rocky Fork/Nolensville Rd. across from the BrokenWheel Cemetery and busted out 20 and 15 inverted rows on the hand rails with 10 Lt. Dangers in between. Up and Mosey to the Amish Feed Mill for some Parking Lot Shuffle with suicide sprint and tap the curb with fingers, politician back and perform 2 merkins in the adjacent slot all the way around the lot. Next…it’s kind a my thing and we are right there so….BEAR CRAWL AND CRAWL BEAR THE BRIDGE! Welcome to F3Nolensville Nathan… GET SOME! (Amazing to see the growth with this particular exercise. Y’all are killing it!) 5 squat bonus for any stoppage along the way. Next, mosey to the parking lot of MillCreek Church of Christ for some parking lot line jump variations waiting for the 6 to keep the heart rate up. Next, Mosey to the parking lot of Powder Buy the POUND (they basically invited us) for some Clerkins, Derkins and Flutter kix till the 6. Recover and Mosey to the Mill Creek Brewery parking lot where a Volley Ball Net had been previously set up by Coach Numbtucks for some drills. We faced off with a partner and Jumped to block then side step and R&R down the length of the net. Then boxing training began with duck under sidestep of the net with jab/cross combo back and forth down the length of the net. I counted 6 net touch violations after I finished and so we did 6 penalty Yurpees as Coach would want us to. Time is slipping away so we moseyed to the Pound parking lot where we did a Sunrise Sampler till the 6 (10 Derkins, Irkins, Dips, Benchjumps) and then YHC forced the PAX to endure the mandatory post-party of Pull-ups to failure (proud of the effort! Keep this number in mind as you may see this again…Gauge the growth)

Tour de Nolensville part 1 complete!

CoT/Numbers/Names/Christening of FNG

Moleskin/What we Learned:

  •  I definitely missed being out in the gloom with you men, my friends, and am glad to be back
  • Great to meet another FNG via Creeper: “JudgeJudy”
  • See you Saturday for another Q!!!!!!!!!!! (Unless someone appeals my signup, I am open to co-Q or relinquish my spot. Otherwise, happy to lead)
  • Keep NumbTucks and his fam in your prayers as he leaves on a trip to Pittsburgh for his wife’s doctoral degree conference and then to the Bahamas for a getaway
  • Exhorted the PAX to consider and contrast the mindsets of Dickens’ character Scrooge from a Christmas Carol: a “squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous old sinner!” with Jesus Christ who, in Phillipians 2:5-8 is described as follows: 
    Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus,who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7 but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant,[c] being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” This is the bad and good news of Christmas…each one of us is naturally a Scrooge, a grasping, proud and covetous sinner, but when transformed by grace we can have the mindset of Christ, no longer grasping but giving in humility. This happens by faith and if you have questions or want to talk more about this, reach out to me and we can get a beer or coffee…

3D, out!

My Name is Al Gore and I Approve This Message

12 embarked on an Al Gore themed workout in the gloom. 5 came for a one-legged burpee pre-party (8 on the min). Thanks to 3rd Degree suggestion we had a leg/ab focused workout.

PAX: Altidore, Creeper, 3rd Degree, Soccer Mom, Stats, Pocahontas, Sprinkles, NumbTucks (QIC), Mic Drop, Nimbus 1500, TypO+, Inspector Gadget

Today I pulled out my inner coach from childhood and we got to work (3rd degree encouraged the inner coach for sure). This morning it was all about Al Gore, and there was an emphasis on form over speed.

Up Straddle Hop (one leg) IC X 20
Squats IC X 10
Arms Circles IC X 12 (forward and backward)
** At this point the Q revealed a proper Al Gore since we would be doing this most of the morning if you are waiting you need to be in Al Gore

THANG 1: Iron Hulk
with a ratio of 1:4, we did Merkins: Air Presses, starting with 1 Merkin: 4 Air Presses until we id 10:40.

THANG 2: Leg Wrecker
After numbering of in 2s, the 1s lined up 25 yards from the 2s facing each other. The 1s LT Dan to the 2s while the 2s hold Al Gore. Once 1s reach 2s the 2s LT Dan back to where 1s began. everyone stops and does Hydraulic Squats (10). Then rinse and repeat Lt Dan and Al Gore. Everyone does 10 Imperial Squats, rinse and repeat but do duck walks, with more Imperial Squats.
** in the middle we did some attitude adjustments with 10 one-legged burpees.

THANG 3: Swing Set Failure
After the legs are nice and warm we ran over to the swing set, the goal was 3 pull-ups with 1s while 2s performed monkey humpers, but halfway through the ice on the swing set made it difficult so we switched to Carolina Dry Docks, we performed around 10 rounds.

THANG 4: Captain Therkin
With a ratio of 1:4 we did 1 WW1: 4 American Hammers (each side is .5). After each “round” you do 5 Merkins. We went to 10:40 (Abs were hurting). At the end, we held Al Gore to finish our time.

Q Encouragement: Ephesians 5:6-14
A reminder to live in the light. It hurts to expose weaknesses and bring them into the light, but remember there is joy once we do. We are here for one another no matter what is going on.

Christmas Party is tomorrow at 601 Mer Rouge Dr 37135 at 6:00pm!!

11.29.18 – Increased Gravity at the Pound

Image result for macarena

Conditions: 37 degrees felt forgiving after the past few mornings. The PAX are thankful for the conditions and the chance to get a good workout!

3rd Degree led the PAX in a pre-party consisting of five pull-ups, five plank jacks, American Hammers and six Iron Mikes on the minute for 10 minutes. Participants included Creeper, Soccer Mom, 3rd Degree, Numbtucks and Cheese Whiz. The pre-party was kind enough to assist Barney in placing the coupons for the Thangs ahead.

14 PAX became one with The Gloom including: 3rd Degree, Soccer Mom, Cheese Whiz, Stats, Pocahontas, Sprinkles, Mic Drop, Inspector Gadget, Creeper, Numbtucks, Tebow, Altidore, Nimbus 1500, and Barney Fievel (QiC).

Disclaimer (non-standard)

Warm up:

After a quick half mile mosey, the PAX performed the following exercises to the cadence of “Here Comes the Hotstepper” by Ini Kamoze in constant motion:

  • Side to side overhead claps
  • Imperial walkers
  • Iron Mikes
  • Squats
  • Slow SSH

We’re nice and toasty for a new Thang!

Thang 1: Calculated Coupons

PAX line up with one large coupon (20 pounds) and one small coupon (5 pounds). A second 5 pound coupon awaits each PAX across the parking lot.

PAX begin with Hair Burners across the parking lot using the 20 pounder. Once there, the 20 pounder is left and the 5 pounder is transported back to the starting position via the crab walk. Finding themselves with two 5 pounders, each PAX cross the parking lot once more via lunges with one coupon in each hand.

Thang 2: Rock Hard Macarena

This is pretty simple. We performed the “Macarena” to the music with a 5 pound coupon in each hand. If anyone felt humiliated, their humiliation was quickly replaced with sore shoulders and arms.

Thang 3: Coupon Dodgeball

20 pounder = 4 points

5 pounder = 1 point

PAX count off into 1’s and 2’s to create two teams. All coupons are placed on the center line. Everything is performed while crab walking. PAX transport coupons back to their team’s line via the crab walk. PAX are able to take back as many coupons as they’re able each attempt. The side with the most points after 5 minutes wins!

Team 2 brought home the W today with a score in the neighborhood of 25-8. Way to show everyone that Team 2 is actually #1, or something.

One more half mile mosey finds us ready for some Mary.


Circled up for some GM and WMH OYO. 15 seconds of deep breathing closed us out.

Post party consisted of 33 derkins and was attended by 3rd Degree, Barney Fievel, Soccer Mom and Nimbus 1500.

1 Corinthians 1:17 – For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel—not with wisdom and eloquence, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power.

Don’t forget about the F3 Christmas Party hosted by Numbtucks!

  • Date: Friday December 7th @ 6pm
  • Location: 601 Mer Rouge Drive
  • Details: Adults only. There are still openings for one dessert, one beverage and two side dishes. RSVP with Numbtucks.


Thankful Q @ The Pound

Thanksgiving coming at ya like:

14 PAX in Attendance:  Creeper, Sterno, Tebow, TV Guide, SoccerMom Altidore, Gaylord Focker, Nimbus 1500, “Cirrus Black” (FNG Will, Nimbus’ little brother), MuRSA, Netflix, HushPuppy, CheezWhiz  & 3D (QiC)

Surprise! 5:15 pre-party solo showing of YHC doing 5 burpees and then sprint 2 light posts (~50 yds) per round. We did 10 rounds in 10 minutes. Creeper came in midstream and busted out 6 good sets. Gaylord got in 2. BG Music provided by TobyMac, Metallica, Greta van Fleet and others.


  • Jog around parking lot x 1
  • SSH IC x 15
  • IW IC x 10
  • Tempo Merkins IC x 10 (varying cadence)
  • SJ IC x 10
  • Tempo Squats IC x 10
  • 30 seconds GM OYO

The Thang(s) 

Apparently, NumbTucks got voluntold to cook 4 turkeys and hams, so I consulted with him for this part of the Q. Much love was sent his way as we busted out these sets…

We done DID it:
Derkins, Irkins and Dips in sequence. x3, x6, x9 & x12. Then back down the mountain with 9, 6, 3. Arms are pumped! But SoccerMom hasn’t had enough yet, “Is that it?” So we ended with 10 of each.

F3Nolensville Turkey-Trot. Indian Run 1 mile with a speedbump: We have to show our FNG what F3Nolensville is all about… lunge walk the short bridge 10 squats on far side, then lunge walk back.

Run past the long bridge (much to the appreciation of the PAX)…

Our family loves time together and games for the holidays…so we did:

The Deck of Death: 4 suits, 4 exercises. Do the number of reps on the card, all face cards are 10, Aces=11. Joker is 20 of Pax’s choice (mix & match or all of one). For today: ♥ = Iron Mikes (each leg = 1/2) ♠️= pull-ups  ♣️= Burpees ♦️= toes to bar.

Everyone got a turn and for some reason the Iron Mikes were very represented. Had my legs feeling like:


MoM: Pax perform a few Mary exercises:

We did: Flutter Kix with arms held up or out (not under butt) & American Hammers

CoT/Numbers/Names/Christening of FNG

Post-party of 26 burpees (3D pulled a 6 and planned to do Yurpees but STERNO was like, “PLUS??????” and YHC pulled a Joker, so modification to Burpees was announced. Strong Showing of most every PAX. Brutal finish!

But wait…There’s More! TVG hid his B-day until SoccerMom let it slip so we did 41 Merkins in his honor.

Moleskin/What we Learned:

  • So cool to see the beautiful Golden Full Moon and the colorful sunrise today, The Heavens declare the glory of God and I’m thankful y’all got out of the fartsack to witness it with me today.
  • Awesome to linger for 45 minutes of coffeeteria after the beatdown. Great to meet Nimbus’ Brother Cirrus and both Nimbus and CheezWhiz plan to bring more family Saturday. Sweet!
  • CheezWhiz has plenty of ideas for future Qs, CSAUPs, Gladiator-style F3 fights to the death, etc. Needs to sign up!
  • Exercise Self-Control and Discipline this weekend/holiday when men are expected to gratify the flesh and serve themselves. I’m not saying not to enjoy and be thankful for the gifts of good food and drink, I’m just encouraging to consider serving and not being a glutton…Aye?
  • I might need some help from Gramma to pass the potatoes after the DIDs though…
  • See you Saturday for a HushPuppy Q!!!!!!!!!!!

3D, out!

11/15/2018 The Pound – Coupon Dodgeball?!

Conditions: The elements sought to deter us. They failed. 33 degrees and getting colder, completely soaked and more wet stuff coming down all the time. Gloom showed up in full effect this fine morning.

9 PAX Embraced The Gloom including: Altidore, Stats, Pocahontas, Tebow, Numbtucks, Mursa, Mic Drop, Typo+, and Barney Fievel (QiC).


Warm up:

After a quick warm-up lap around the track, the PAX circled up for the following exercises IC: 10 SSH and 10 Seal Straddle Hop, 10 Squats, 10 LBAC, 30 seconds of GM, Al Gore, and WMH OYO.

Have you seen Barney’s truck? Beautiful machine. Black as the night and twice as mean. Best feature? All that bed space for coupons!

Thang 1: Mini-Cooper (2 laps)

10 reps of each of the following exercises performed with coupons between laps. Meant to be a well-rounded routine with one exercise for the legs, one for the chest, one for the core, and one for the arms.

  • Baryshnikov Squats: Legs rotated out to the sides, hips opened, heels raised, then squat.
  • S2S Merkins: Place one hand on coupon and other hand on ground, perform one merkin, switch hands, repeat.
  • Big Boy Sit-Ups into American Hammers.
  • One Colt 15 between each lap. A Colt 15 requires the PAX to curl the coupon 5 reps low, 5 reps mid, and 5 reps high. A reduction of the Colt 45 (same, but 15 reps each).

Thang 2: Hair Burners

PAX begin bear crawling across the parking lot with their coupons. To progress, PAX crawl forward, reach between their legs, grip the coupon and drag it forward and slightly ahead of them. Bear crawl forward and repeat. Every 5 “pulls” is accompanied by 5 Iron Mikes.

Thang 3: Coupon Dodgeball

If you can dodge a coupon, you can dodge a ball! PAX count off into 1s and 2s and break up into two teams. More coupons than there are PAX are arranged in a line halfway between the two teams. PAX must crab walk to the line of coupons and carry one back to their team’s starting line on their midsection. Passing coupons off to other PAX is allowed. Repeat and start crab walking all the way to the other team’s side and taking one of their coupons once there are no more in the middle. When “time” is called, team with most coupons on their side wins. The PAX clearly illustrated why the crab is the apex predator of the seas.


Circled up for some GM and WMH OYO. Then some power leg stretches called out by the Q. Mary was completed with a brief meditation meant to bring us back to our center and heighten our awareness of our surroundings.

We prayed for Sprinkles. He tweaked his back working out in the gym. Once again, Sprinkles proves that the safest place to work out is outside, in the freezing rain, at 530am.

“When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul.” Psalm 94:19

-BF Out-

A Quasi Veterans Day Team Work Salute


Pre Party: Led by NumbTucks himself one legged and all cast the vision for 6 PAX in 15 rounds of Merkins and LBCS on the minute. Pax included 3rd Degree, Soccer Mom, Gaylord Focker, Creeper, and Show Me

Parade Conditions: The Gloom was in full at 5:30am with Low’s in the 40’s but it didn’t stop 13 Pax from gearing up to lay it out in more ways than one….

PAX: 3rd Degree, Numbtucks, Creeper, Tebow, Soccer Mom, Pochantus, Sprinkles, Stats, Type O+, Nimbus 1500,  Gaylord Focker, Creeper, Barney Fievel, Show  Me (Q)

Warm Up: 

Baby Arm circles x 15

Over Head Claps x 15

Merkins x 15

Good mornings

Butt kicks x 15

Mosey to Parade Route…..

Parade March (Thang 1):

Partner up for a March!

Lap 1: Partner Carry as far as possible and switch followed by 15 Alternating Shoulder Taps

Lap 2: Lap the track then 15 partner throw down crunches each

Lap 3; Partner Cary as far as possible and switch followed by 15 partner curl ups each.

Let Freedom Ring (Thang 2): 

Frisbee is an American Freedom and its also what dogs chase… What better way to salute The Pound??

6 v 7 in a Ultimate Game of Ultimate of Frisbee

Game Rules:

Rule 1: Frist to 3 wins

Rule 2: Each change of possession = 3 Burpees by all PAX

Winning Team: 3rd Degree, Tebow, Numbtucks, Type O+, Creeper, Stats, Gaylord Focker….(They must be better dogs than us!) (Show Me is a sore loser)


American Hammers x 15

Flutter Kicks x 15

Amber Waves of America (Guest Q Soccermom!)


Ecclesiastes 4:12 – We need community!

Lift up Soccermom as he travels to Alabama and raises support, and Stats as his family and mom walk through loss.

Reminder: Get your F3 swag gear TODAY!!! Last chance call!!!