A Modified IronPax Appetizer

PAX: Silver Medal, Bagger Vance, Trapper Keeper, Porcelain, Moneyshot, Faulkner (Kotters), En Fuego (QIC)

Conditions: What you’d expect from an August 6th gloom

7 PAX showed up and showed out at III Pillars this morning, officially ready to conquer all that the 2019 IronPax challenge has coming our way.  0530 arrives, we exchange pleasantries and a disclaimer, and with that we grab a 20lb ruck plate and take our mosey to the base of Mt. Covenant, who YHC must say was also quick to show up and show out.  We set up shop for some WOR, ensuring an allowance of time for a slow count Scorpion Stretch routine, and then YHC explains the…


YHC alerted the PAX that the month of Sept. will bring us the 2nd annual installment of the IronPax challenge, thanks to our Greenwood brethren.  YHC had some back issues going on during the inaugural event, but was able to complete the Week 1 challenge from the prior year.  Paying full respect to the unfriendliness of that workout approx. 365 days ago, YHC decided it was exactly what we needed to get ready for this year’s event – with the primary modification being the insertion of Mt. Covenant and a 20lb ruck plate.

With that, it’s simple:

    • Divide into two teams, a team of 4 and team of 3
    • Each PAX perform approx.
      • 50 Squats
      • 40 Big Boy Sit-ups
      • 30 Merkins
      • 20 Iron Mikes (each leg down would be one rep)
      • 10 Burpees
        • Team format so that collective team could pick up any extra reps if a PAX was falling behind on rep count.  Most obliged.
      • At completion of above exercises, the team then runs to top of Mt. Covenant (Hill 1) and then over and down to the bottom at the Harding Road entrance (Hill 2).  R&R, only Bernie Sanders up Hill 2 and back down to base of Hill 1.
      • PAX performed a total of 3 sets of exercises and hill climbs, with all PAX at least making it a portion up Hill 1 before 30 minute time was called.
      • As for 20lb ruck plate, Team 1 carried up Hill 1 and back down Hill 2, leaving at base of Hill 2 for Team 2 to grab and Bernie with up Hill 2 and deliver back down at base of Hill 1 for exchange back.  Not easy – tclaps to BV and Moneyshot for getting two rounds up Hill 1 with it
    • Time was called; mosey back to the friendly confines and huddle of for some COT followed by Coffeteria.


  • Prayers for Faulkner and his family as they get re-acclimated back in Nashville
  • Continued prayers for full healing and recovery for Boone’s
  • F3 Nashville 5th Anniversary at Sevier Park – put it on your calendar now, Saturday September 14th
  • GoRuck Star Course – 26.2 miler – November 2nd
  • Swaggy P games kick off next week; details imminent

Always a pleasure gentlemen; appreciate the opportunity

En Fuego


Some 3S2T Fun in the IIIP Sun

PAX: Silver Medal, Toothless, Pop-A-Lock, En Fuego (QIC)

Conditions: Muggy to Quite Muggy

4 PAX heeded the call to action to show up and claim the guarantee that their 3S2T would be tested and improved.  0530 arrives, we disclaim, grabbed a 30lb ruck plate and began our mosey to the track to set up WOR.  Some SSH, LBAC, WMH, GMs and Scorpion Stretches later, we got into the…


Head to the end of the soccer field, partner up and begin with the Strength and Speed portion of the workout:

    • Perform 80 merkins, 60 squats and 40 WWIs as a team of 2 (roughly 40, 30 and 20 per PAX).  Pop-A-Lock goes into modification mode – believe he is still performing squats somewhere right now
    • Upon completion, sprint length of the field down, back and down again (180 yards total sprint effort)
    • R&R for total of 3 sets of the above

First circuit of Strength and Speed complete, we turn our attention to Stamina:

    • Coupon Bataan Death March
      • Last person drops and does 5 bodybuilders while the rest of the PAX Indian Run around the track (lead PAX carries the 30lb ruck plate);
      • After completing the bodybuilders, the bodybuilding PAX runs to catch up with the group, tapping the last PAX on the shoulder, who then stops to begin his 5 bodybuilders, while the former bodybuilding PAX runs to the front of the line and takes over coupon reigns.
      • Every one takes a turn running with coupon; complete just under .5 miles  

We then head to the playground and begin Circuit #2 of Strength and Speed:

    • Perform 40 2-count flutters, 30 Steve Irwins and 20 swerkins
    • Upon completion, sprint length of the field down and back (120 yards total sprint effort)
    • R&R, knocking 10 reps off each in the interest of time

All in, it’s back to Stamina – we grab the ruck plate and Indian Run around track a couple laps and then head back to Shovel Flag. Time called.  Huddle up for COT, followed by 100% attendance for some 2nd F Coffeeteria


    • Prayers continue for Boone’s and his family; YHC discussed a couple ways F3 as a group can help him out these next few weeks per communication with Boone’s M.  Details coming…
    • Swaggy P on its way – get ready to HC for some inner AO friendlies
    • Upcoming dates
      • Yuck Ruck – Aug 17th
      • 5-year F3 Nashville birthday convergence – Sept 14th
      • 26.2 GoRuck Star Course – Nov 2nd

Excellent job to the 4 PAX – always a pleasure and am appreciative of the opportunity to lead

En Fuego







III Pillars Turns One – We Party in Her Honor

PAX: Silver Medal, Lumbergh (Respect, and also LIFO), Pop-A-Lock, Moneyshot, DFrost, Princess Aurora, En Fuego

QIC: En Fuego

Conditions: Ideal for the muggy enthusiasts

YHC sent a pre-slack blast saying a party was going to be going down at III Pillars this week. Each PAX was encouraged to both RSVP and bring a gift in the form of a coupon. As 0530 approached, YHC disclaimed and thanked his fellow PAX for joining in the party festivities. Inquiring minds wanted to know what we were celebrating – YHC responded that was on a need to know basis, and you would know when you needed to know. With that, we gathered three coupons (one 30lb ruck plate and two 20lb ruck plates) amongst the 6 of us (Q fail #1 – more on that…) and began the mosey toward the soccer field. Circle up for WOR, knock out 12 reps of SSH, WMH, LBAC, Scorpion (a crowd favorite, or at least YHC’s) and GMs. During the GMs, YHC informs the PAX that on 6.12.18 III Pillars was officially born, and while a couple weeks late, today we were going to have a one-year birthday party in her honor. Also, during the WOR, Lumbergh arrives, and YHC immediately realizes we are a coupon short now with 7 PAX (Q-point, always arrive for the THANG with more gifts than needed to account for those PAX hitting snooze). YHC instructs the PAX to head to the playground and knock out sets of 6 pull-ups, 12 merkins and 18 squats while YHC heads back to the lot to grab an extra coupon. One 15lb set of bricks coupon and two rounds of the 6.12.18 combo later, YHC returns and we proceed for the party.


Partner up and head to the end of the soccer field – with each pairing needing one coupon. Coupon Shuttle Runs with a variety of 10-20-30s awaited us. Details:

  • Partner 1 would commence coupon run to the 20 yard line; perform 10 reps of the assigned exercise, run back to Partner 2
  • While Partner 1 is completing the shuttle run, Partner 2 performs rotation of 6-12-18s until Partner 1 returns, alternating between two exercises
  • Partner 1 and Partner 2 flapjack; and this process would continue to the 40 yard line and then the 60 yard line, with rep increases to 20 and 30, respectively

The exercises:

P – Plank-pull-throughs (with other Partner performing rotating sets of merkins and LBCs of 6, 12, and 18 reps)

I – Iron Mikes (other Partner knocking out APDs and flutters)

L – Leg Raises holding plate (other Partner knocking out squats and lunges)

L – Leg Squats (in the interest of time, combine with the Arm Presses below so effectively doing squat thrusters); other partner doing reverse burpees along with another exercise that has fallen victim to the delayed BB)

A – Arm Presses

R – Run back carrying the coupons, as time is officially up for this 45 minute throwdown. Close it out with COT and then some coffeeteria.

Job well done men. Great to be able to celebrate the first 365 days of III Pillars and looking forward to more of all things F3 over the next 365. Always an honor to lead, and I’m appreciative to live out the gloom with each of you.

En Fuego

III Pillars – 06.25.19 – “Bicentennial’s Favorite”

8 PAX hit up the hill of all hills on a mini-field trip at III Pillars. All lived to talk about it.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Bicentennial Man, Boone’s Farm, DFrost, En Fuego, Esso (The Fort), Hipster, Pumpkin Spice


After a quick disclaimer and an apology to Bicentennial Man, PAX we led on a medium mosey over to the parking garage entrance across from Mt. Covenant and convened for a COP, all IC:

  • SSH x 15
  • WMH x 16
  • LBAC F/R x 15
  • Merkins x 10

Gathered the PAX for a nice mosey all the way up to Covenant in hopes of getting a glimpse of downtown, but YHC didn’t really have a good enough idea of where the best sight lines were. No matter as we were as the top and that’s all that was needed.

Pair off for a some downhill relays on Mt. Covenant. P1 performs AMRAP Merkins while P2 runs to first lightpole and back. Flapjack, then RnR with 2nd, 3rd, and 4th lightpoles and squats, flutter kicks, and burpees, respectively. Plank and wait for six.

All in, and it was time to descend. P1 SSH while P2 bear crawls to 1st lightpole. Upon reaching destination, P1 runs to spot and begins bear crawl while P2 stays for SSH. Continue this “leap frog” all the way down to last pole.

With everybody at the last lightpole, lock arms for synchronized Lt. Dans all the way to sidewalk, then Indian Run back to launch for Mary.

  • Jane Fondas R/L
  • Alabama Prom Dates
  • WWIs
  • American Hammers
  • J-Lo’s
  • Crunchy Frogs
  • Bird Dogs



Welcome to Esso from The Fort. The moment he identified himself as a Clemson graduate, I knew he was a HIM. Glad to have a fellow Tiger in the mix, even if only briefly.

YHC attempted to use a bit of reverse psychology on the PAX as they started downhill, but I believe all would argue that the uphill portion was still just as painful in spite of it. Many were suspicious of a Crawl Bear up the hill but were relieved to see that hasn’t made it out yet.



  • 7/2 – 4:13 Strong Signing Day
  • 7/4 – Convergence at Bicentennial Mall – 0530-0630
  • 7/4 – Team Job 4th of July Blowout – 1600-2000
  • 7/26 – Nightpath – Percy Warner Park – 1900 until finished
  • 8/17 – Yuck Ruck – Details TBD
  • 9/14 – F3 Nashville 5th Anniversary at Stonewall

PA out.


III Pillars 6/18/2019 – Lightning Avoided

PAX: En Fuego, Toothless, Pumpkin Spice, Life Champ, Black Lung, Bareback, Crablegs

QIC: Boone’s Farm

Since thunderstorms were going right thru Nashville, we called an audible to change the venue to nearby Hill Center in Green Hills parking deck to avoid lightning and still allow for workout.


  • SSH x20
  • WMH x10
  • IW x10
  • Merkins x10


Mosey around parking deck to bottom of stairs for 11’s.

At bottom, burpees (10 -> 1)

At top, iron mikes (1 -> 10)


Partner up for DORA

Partner 1 runs lap around parking  deck level, Partner 2 performs exercises (combined total for Partners), flapjack

  • 100 merkins
  • 200 squats
  • 300 Flutter-kicks (4-count)

Time called.  Great work by all.

Continue to pray for those with illness and need of healing (Ludwig’s wife, Penny Loafer’s wife, Life Champ’s dad), good encouragement from En Fuego to take opportunity to share time with loved ones.

Ps 90:12 “Teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom”

Always an honor gentlemen,


III Pillars – 06.04.19 – “Leggy”

5 hit up the Pillars of Three for a fiery assault on the lower body.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Bad Boy, Boone’s Farm, DFrost, En Fuego


Medium mosey over to the track for a proper warmup in the COP:

  • SSH x 15
  • Jane Fondas R/L x 20
  • Alabama Prom Dates x 20
  • WMH x 20
  • LBAC F/R x 15

Each PAX gets three cones and lines up along the end of the field. PAX were instructed to take 10 Lunges forward, drop a cone, and repeat x 2. This was to adapt the workout to each man’s kinesiological tendencies and ensure all were doing the same number of reps.

Lining back up at the start, PAX then performed the following progression, lunging between cones:

  • Starting Line: 10 Merkins
  • Cone 1: 20 Merkins
  • Cone 2: 25 Merkins
  • Cone 3: 30 Merkins
  • Sprint back and plank/Air Chair for six

Round 2 was Jump Squats (#crowdpleaser) and Round 3 Big Boy Sit-Ups. For the final round, it was 30 Merks at Cone 1, 30 Jump Squats at Cone 2, and 30 BBSUs at Cone 3.

Skip on over to the playground for some pull-up action. Each PAX calls an exercise for the group and performs 15 Pull-Ups. RnR for round 2 with 8 reps.

After a quick gathering of the cones, the group made their way to the bottom of the side ramp to torch the legs one last time with Bernie Sanders up the hill x 5.

Mosey back for Mary:

  • Flutter Kicks
  • Leg Raises
  • LBCs



The howling was strong during the lunge ladder, and it reached a crescendo during those 30 Jump Squats. There was certainly much cursing under my breath and some jelly legs. Bad Boy even crapped himself a little.


  • Prayers for Penny Loafers’s M and praises and continued prayer for the improved condition of Aaron whom Bad Boy has mentioned was in a skateboarding accident a few weeks ago
  • June 21 – Leadership lunch brought to you by Vector – HC by June 17
  • July 4 – Convergence at Bicentennial Mall
  • Late July/Early August: Social Ruck CSAUP
  • September 14: 5th Anniversary Workout – Save the date!
  • Late October/Early November: TN CAN RUCK 002!
  • Be on the lookout for some site upgrades and other new initiatives to help connect the PAX and disseminate information

PA out.


III Pillars 5/28/2019

PAX: Bicentennial Man, Toothless, Trapper Keeper

QIC: Boone’s Farm


  • SSH x20
  • WMH x10
  • GM x10 OYO
  • LBAC x10 F/R
  • Merkins x10


Mosey the 0.75 mi route down to Hill Center in Green Hills to bottom of parking deck.

At bottom,

  • 10 burpees
  • 30 squats

Run to top of stairs ~4-5 flights,

  • 20 merkins
  • 40 LBCs

RnR – All PAX finished at least 7 rounds before we had to head back to start.

Finished with 30 flutter kicks IC in parking lot

Great work by all.

Continue to pray for those with illness and need of healing, Bicentennial Man and his dad mourning the loss of his mom, safe travels for Toothless and M trip to Italy.

Always an honor,


Physical Assessment Round 2 – Measuring Day

PAX: Boone’s Farm, Princess Aurora, Pumpkin Spice, Crablegs, DFrost, Lumbergh, Tampa Libra, Napster, En Fuego

QIC: En Fuego

Conditions: A perfect 61 degrees

On August 14, 2018, the PAX of III Pillars underwent a physical assessment to kick off the school year, with YHC informing the PAX that we would reconvene to perform that same assessment at the end of the school year in order to measure our progress over the 9-month period.  With YHC informing the PAX via slack what was waiting their arrival this week, the PAX showed up with their minds and bodies prepped and ready – Pumpkin Spice having visualized for hours a sub 22:00 performance and Princess Aurora knocking out a late-night Taco Bell run, stating his desire in seeking some flatulence-driven extra propulsion for the main event.  With that…

0530 arrives, Pumpkin Spice lets PA know he’s coming after his 22:43 post that took top podium in August, we disclaim and then mosey up to the soccer field.  WOR that included some WMH, LBAC, Moroccan night clubbing and Scorpion stretch.  We wrap up WOR and head to the far end endzone – where YHC instructs one final time what’s about to go down in physical assessment round 2.  It’s you against you out there, focus on proper form and let’s get after it.

The Thang:

Complete the following in order, for time.

  • 40 Merkins, run 2 laps (.25 miles)
  • 40 Merkins, 30 Jump Squats, run 2 laps
  • 40 Merkins, 30 Jump Squats, 20 Burpees, run 2 laps
  • 40 Merkins, 30 Jump Squats, 20 Burpees, 10 Big Boy Situps, run 2 laps
  • 40 Merkins, 30 Jump Squats, 20 Burpees, 10 Big Boy Situps, run 4 laps

All in the PAX completed 200 merkins, 120 jump squats, 60 burpees, 20 big boy sit ups (400 collective reps) and ran 1.5 miles. 

The unofficial official Results:

  • Pumpkin Spice – 21:41 (beyond impressive)
  • Boone’s Farm – 22:30 (90 second improvement from August – TClaps)
  • Princess Aurora – 25:24
  • En Fuego – 26:50
  • Crablegs – 27:29
  • Napster – 27:39
  • Lumbergh – 28:30
  • Tampa – 29:08 (modified due to injury, we saw some Chuck Norris going on throughout)
  • DFrost – 29:45

No time for Mary – mosey back for COT.


  • The PAX definitely put in the work this morning – no merlots splashed but several held back as each PAX competed against oneself in pursuit of their own respective goals.  All PAX came in sub 30 minutes – fantastic effort
  • Props to Pumpkin – he boldly proclaimed at the onset he was going after sub 22:00 and taking home the gold medal in doing so.  At 21:41, he delivered
  • Props again to Boone’s at knocking 90 seconds off his time from August.  I’m pretty sure YHC almost saw him breathe heavily toward the end.
  • Tremendous F3 spirit shown throughout – lots of verbal encouragement tossed as PAX cheered and supported their brethren.  Always great to see in the workouts

Job well done men – Honor to have led and appreciative to live out the gloom with each of you

En Fuego


III Pillars – 5/14/2019 – 7s Heaven

Conditions: Crisp, 48 degrees, gorgeous overall

8 PAX: Nibbler (F3 Metro), En Fuego, Toothless, Bare Back, Covenant Eyes, Trapper Keeper, Boone’s Farm, Crablegs (QIC)


  • PAX started with a quick Micro Mosey to a flat part of the parking lot for SSH, LBACs+Seal/Overhead claps + Moroccan Night clubs, followed by squats and some good mornings.


  • PAX made a mumble chatter filled mosey towards mount covenant and set up shop on the safety of the parking deck just across from the entrance. Today’s workout was a simple set of 7s, and after a bit of confusion/ word salad from the Q, the PAX got started with the 7s(sets’o’5)
    • Merkins (in sets of 5) at the bottom of the hill (30, 25, 20, etc..)
    • Travel the length of Mt. Covenant
    • Partner rows/curls at the top (5, 10,15,etc..)
  • This turned out to be a bit of Lethal Simplicity and, as has been tradition for the month of May, the Q’s eyes were bigger than his exercise tolerance. Most PAX stopped a trip or two shy of the overall mark.
  • We took a mosey back to the level ground of the III Pillars parking lot for 4-5 min of MARecoverY with stretching. YHC suffered a calf injury on the final hill trip that will likely lead to me being the Q of the #ModSquad for the next week or so.


  • Prayers for Ludwig’s wife and family during time of recovery for surgery
  • Continue to donate to Porcelain’s fundraising campaign for this weekend’s Ironman 70.3 in Chattanooga

III Pillars – 04.30.19 – “Super Dora”

6 PAX hit the beautiful blue track at III Pillars for a heroic edition of Dora 1-2-3. Conditions were super.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Boone’s Farm, Deuce (WL-Jackson), En Fuego, R/eddit, Tampa Libra


Disclaimer with a quick interruption by En Fuego to punish the PAX for failing to complete his challenge of serving our wives with one random act of kindness. 12 8ct Body Builders later, we took a mosey around the lot and up to the track for a COP:

  • SSH
  • SnL Squats
  • WMH
  • LBAC F/R
  • Merkins

Partner up and mosey over to the playground for a Jump/Pull superset, a staple in any superhero’s training program. P1 performs SSH x 75 while P2 performs pull-ups AMRAP. Flapjack. RnR x2 with every person having one opportunity to sub the SSH with the heavy rope jumps.

Keeping same partners, mosey back to the track for Super Dora. P1 runs a lap around the track while P2 performs the exercises, tagging out after each lap until all reps are complete.

  • Peter Parkers x 50 (each side)
  • Iron (Man) Mikes x 75 (each side)
  • Captain Thors (1 BBS+4 American Hammers) x 100

Time for a blind buddy run in honor of Vision. P1 closes his eyes and runs the track while P2 verbally and physically guides them. Flapjack.

Back to the parking lot for a little Mary and COT/BOM.


Great to have R/eddit back out and Deuce joining us from Jackson, MS. Many collisions were narrowly avoided during the blind runs, but I believe all fully trusted their partner and never opened their eyes. It’s possible that Boone’s Farm ingested some Super Soldier Serum as he seemed to be the most fit and agile. Tailgate coffeeteria was especially enjoyable.


  • Nolensville killed it with 28 at the inaugural CSAUP,  The Gauntlet. Look out for these guys!
  • 5/27 – Memorial Day Murphocalypse at Concord YMCA – 0500 – Come for the Murph, power through the WOD, and stay for the Speed Ruck
  • Redesigned Scorpion shirts should finally be coming!

PA out.