III Pillars Turns One – We Party in Her Honor

PAX: Silver Medal, Lumbergh (Respect, and also LIFO), Pop-A-Lock, Moneyshot, DFrost, Princess Aurora, En Fuego

QIC: En Fuego

Conditions: Ideal for the muggy enthusiasts

YHC sent a pre-slack blast saying a party was going to be going down at III Pillars this week. Each PAX was encouraged to both RSVP and bring a gift in the form of a coupon. As 0530 approached, YHC disclaimed and thanked his fellow PAX for joining in the party festivities. Inquiring minds wanted to know what we were celebrating – YHC responded that was on a need to know basis, and you would know when you needed to know. With that, we gathered three coupons (one 30lb ruck plate and two 20lb ruck plates) amongst the 6 of us (Q fail #1 – more on that…) and began the mosey toward the soccer field. Circle up for WOR, knock out 12 reps of SSH, WMH, LBAC, Scorpion (a crowd favorite, or at least YHC’s) and GMs. During the GMs, YHC informs the PAX that on 6.12.18 III Pillars was officially born, and while a couple weeks late, today we were going to have a one-year birthday party in her honor. Also, during the WOR, Lumbergh arrives, and YHC immediately realizes we are a coupon short now with 7 PAX (Q-point, always arrive for the THANG with more gifts than needed to account for those PAX hitting snooze). YHC instructs the PAX to head to the playground and knock out sets of 6 pull-ups, 12 merkins and 18 squats while YHC heads back to the lot to grab an extra coupon. One 15lb set of bricks coupon and two rounds of the 6.12.18 combo later, YHC returns and we proceed for the party.


Partner up and head to the end of the soccer field – with each pairing needing one coupon. Coupon Shuttle Runs with a variety of 10-20-30s awaited us. Details:

  • Partner 1 would commence coupon run to the 20 yard line; perform 10 reps of the assigned exercise, run back to Partner 2
  • While Partner 1 is completing the shuttle run, Partner 2 performs rotation of 6-12-18s until Partner 1 returns, alternating between two exercises
  • Partner 1 and Partner 2 flapjack; and this process would continue to the 40 yard line and then the 60 yard line, with rep increases to 20 and 30, respectively

The exercises:

P – Plank-pull-throughs (with other Partner performing rotating sets of merkins and LBCs of 6, 12, and 18 reps)

I – Iron Mikes (other Partner knocking out APDs and flutters)

L – Leg Raises holding plate (other Partner knocking out squats and lunges)

L – Leg Squats (in the interest of time, combine with the Arm Presses below so effectively doing squat thrusters); other partner doing reverse burpees along with another exercise that has fallen victim to the delayed BB)

A – Arm Presses

R – Run back carrying the coupons, as time is officially up for this 45 minute throwdown. Close it out with COT and then some coffeeteria.

Job well done men. Great to be able to celebrate the first 365 days of III Pillars and looking forward to more of all things F3 over the next 365. Always an honor to lead, and I’m appreciative to live out the gloom with each of you.

En Fuego