Bond, James Bond

AO: iiipillars
Q: Vector
PAX: Focker, Go Fish, Grape, princessaurora, Pep, t-cell, Zelenskyy, Formica, Haggis, Harbaugh, Swiffer, Tacklebox
FNGs: None
In celebration of James Bond Day (October 5th – who knew? Dr. No, the first Bond film was released in 1962 on that day) and because I thought it’d make a cool playlist, we put on our big boy spy shoes to celebrate 007.

CONDITIONS: Shaken, not stirred

PLAYLIST: Bond themes:
James Bond Theme – John Barry
Live and Let Die – Paul McCartney & Wings
The World is Not Enough – Garbage
Goldfinger – Shirley Bassey
The Living Daylights – a-ha
Nobody Does it Better – Carly Simon
Skyfall – Adele
A View to a Kill – Duran Duran
Goldeneye – Tina Turner
Die Another Day – Madonna
Another Way to Day – Jack White & Alicia Keys

WARMUP: SSH, LBAC, Seal Claps, Overhead Presses, Overhead Claps, RLBCs, Good Mornings, and Willy Mays Hayes to get prepped.

“007s” – To help those PAX on their Octoburpee Challenge, 10 burpee buy-in and the 7s x 3 rounds: each with burpees, of course (and some grumbling about why @Blacklung wasn’t there), with jump squats, Lt Dans, and WWIs as the other paired exercise. In between, a 10 count and a PAX note of their favorite Bond film . . . Moonraker? Hmm . . . sure.

“SPY”s to honor the PAX member most suave like Bond, T-cell, we did his favorite exercises renamed to fit the theme: Super DIPs, Perfect Incline Merkins, Your Favorite Decline Merkins . . .

MARY: Rounds of exercises starting with Alabama Prom Dates, because Bond has, ahem, other skills too . . .
And the astute among us (@GoFish) counted we were up to 93 burpees, so 7 more to get us to 100.

1) Octoburpee continues — grumbling as today’s workout “only benefitted @Focker” as he’s the only one participating, but didn’t we all benefit?
2) Game night at @Firefox’s house which already happened and was epic
3) BBQ at Tim’s with @Chunk’s brisket

Honor to lead you all! SYITG

Mediterranean Diet

AO: iiipillars
Q: Grape , Go Fish
PAX: Pep, Two Face, princessaurora, wardas1, Pencil Pusher, Harbaugh, Haggis, Gov’t Mule, Swiffer, Howitzer
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: just right

WARMUP: Mosey to the track – 2x

Starting off our Med diet…

Warmorama: GREENS
Groiners – 15x
Ranger Merkins -15x
Everest – 10x
(2 Sets)
Side Straddle Hop – 20x

Dynamic Stretching: OLIVES (down and back)
Lunge and Twist
Inch Worm
V-Ups – 15x
Elbow to Knee
Single Straight Leg

THE THANG: NUTS (46 reps each for Italy being founded in 1946)
Newton’s cradle
Updog Merkins

FETA (30 reps each for Greece being founded in 1830)
Elbows to knees (LBC)
T Ups

FISH (78 reps divided by 3= 26 reps each for ease sake for Spain being founded in 1978)
Freddie Mercs
Iron Mikes
Hand release merkins

MARY: Three Minutes of Menelaus (Sculptor):
25x Each
American Hammers
Box Cutters
Leg Raises

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Octoburpee, Night Moves

COT: Several St. Paul families with health issues (Cleek, Osenga, Igo)
Paul Dent’s friend in Iowa

Sorry for the delayed BB and if I missed any PAX or any COT!


AO: iiipillars
Q: Pep
PAX: Grape, Tackle Box, Baguette, Black Lung, Two Face, It’sJUSTLunch, Go Fish, Formica, swiffer, Hagis, harbaugh
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: clear and cool

– little baby arm circles – 10
– little baby arm circles (reverse) – 10
– seal claps – 10
– overhead claps – 10
– Moroccan night clubs – 10
– good mornings – oyo

– each exercise : 200 reps
– burpees
– prom dates
– fire hydrants
– American hammers

Octoburpee challenge

Baguette: grandma (Mary) surgery
Swiffer: friend who lost a baby
It’s just lunch: friend (Jerry) in hospital after car accident.

III Pillars – 09.26.23 – “Come Together”

AO: iiipillars
Q: princessaurora
PAX: Go Fish, Black Lung, grisham, wardas1, Two Face, Harbaugh, Baguette, Pep, Grape, Ben Cook, Zelenskyy
FNGs: None
The Beatles’ 11th studio album Abbey Road was released 54 years ago today. This workout was inspired by and soundtracked by this wonderful album.

“Come Together” -> “Something”
Mosey to field for COP
SSH x 11
WMH x 11
LBAC F x 11
OH Clap x 11
T-Raise x 11
LBAC R x 11

Jungle Gym
“Maxwell’s Silver Hammer” -> “Oh! Darling”
Captain Thor – starting at 1 Big Boy Sit-Up:4 American Hammers (2ct) up to 7:28
Jack Webb – 1 Merkin:2OH Press up to 9:18

“Octopus’s Garden” -> “I Want You (She’s So Heavy)”
AMRAP of 8 reps each

“Here Comes the Sun” -> “You Never Give Me Your Money”
11s – Jump Squats/Alabama Prom Dates with Bernie up the hill

“Sun King” -> “Carry That Weight”
6 Rounds in Ring
    Squat Hold

“The End” -> “Her Majesty”
Mosey back to Startex and Good Morning through the end

– Octoburpee Challenge starts Sunday!
– iiiP gear pre-order is live! See post above for link.

– Prayers for Pep’s cert, Zelenskyy’s mission trip to Brazil, Formica’s talent search, and Grape’s ear malady.

Go Tigers.
PA out.

III Pillars – 09.05.23 – “Fumble”

AO: iiipillars
Q: princessaurora
PAX: batter, Bad Boy, Cowboy, Harbaugh, Pep, Zelenskyy, wardas1, moneyshot, monster biscuit, Grape, Go Fish, Pencil Pusher, Young Pawn, It’sJUSTLunch, Focker, Betty Ford, Will Norton, Haggis, Swiffer, 0
FNGs: 1 0

After a brief disclaimer and admission to being a Clemson Tiger, YHC informed the PAX I would be attempting to make them experience the hurt and confusion I felt watching our season get off to a rocky start at Duke. While I’m not sure if I accomplished the hurt, confusion abounded throughout the workout!

Mosey to track for 4 laps/.5 miles at medium pace and followed with COP:
– SSH x 28
– LBAC F/R x 7
– SnL Squats x 28
– Merkins x 14


Head over to the jungle gyms and swingset to grab some bar for pull-ups. Max reps followed by equal number of seconds rest. Rinse and repeat until you can only get one rep.

Mosey back over to the short hill off the track. This is where I really laid on the confusion. Re-living the two fumbles and dropped passes, we dropped the B.A.L.L. as well. PAX continuously run down hill and back up stopping EMOM to perform 7 reps of exercises below. After going through entire circuit in the first round, I adjusted the game plan to be one exercise at each minute mark.
B – Burpees
A – Ab thrusters
L – Lunges (2ct)
L – Leg Raises

After one (or two) cycle(s) through, PAX were instructed to run the hill 16 more times, still stopping for exercise EMOM. Once all laps were done, PAX could rest for remainder of minute.

It was all as confusing it looks, but rest assured, it was very on brand for the Clemson offense.

Mosey back to startex for…

– APDs x 10
– Merkins x 15
– Jane Fondas L/R x 10

– 9/9 – @Cowboy on Q for a 9/11 workout at 0600 at Percy Warner Stairs.
– 9/13 – F3 Nashville’s 9th Anniversary workout at #titan. 0500 preamble led by YHC. 0530 main event with @DintyMoore
– 10/1 – Octoburpee Challenge begins. See @Black_Lung for details
– Prayers for @batter’s cousin’s marriage and @two_face’s next step in his career

Go Tigers.
PA out.

III Pillars – 07.11.23 – “Big Gulps, huh?

9 PAX including one WL got a taste of Slurpees and Big Gulps during a 7-Eleven-themed workout.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Batter, Formica, Go Fish, Grape, Harbaugh, Pep, T-Cell, ’88 (WL-Gold Rush)


Brief disclaimer and quick mosey to field per usual for a nice little warmup consisting of:

  • SSH
  • LBAC F/R
  • Moroccan Night Clubs
  • WMH
  • SnL Squats

Having just returned from a trip to South Dakota, YHC noted the toughness one would’ve required to settle that land and wanted to honor that with a quick but oh-so-painful routine. In Jack Webb style (1:2 ratio), PAX performed one squat followed by two Iron Mikes (1 ea leg). We took the count up to 5 and worked our way back down. This was most definitely a crowdpleaser and will be used again.

Mosey over to the jungle gym for Part 1 of the two-part 7-Eleven Series:

Standing 11s – Slurpee (burpee with star jump)/Pull-ups. No mosey in between, just rest as needed.

For Part 2, PAX moseyed back to midfield for a circuit we called the B.I.G. G.U.L.P. PAX worked through 32 oz reps of each exercise:

  • Boxcutters
  • Imperial Squat Walkers
  • Groiners
  • Gorilla Humpers
  • Undertakers (sit-up with legs flat and apart, like the wrestler’s famous reanimation)
  • Leg Raises
  • Peter Parkers

Mosey back to flag with enough time for a brief cool down of butterfly and glute stretches and some good mornings.



Glad to have ’88 in from Sacramento. We’re in the thick of sweating season, so it was good to show the Cali boy some humidity.


T.A.P.S. – Pep’s job, Franklin soccer parents


  • 7/17 – Yum Yum Q at iiiP!
  • 7/20 – Stairway to Heaven workout at Percy Warner stairs  with Harbaugh and Formica on the co-Q

PA Out

III Pillars – 06.13.23 – “TueCon IV”


20 HIM converged at III Pillars for TueCon IV and a no-frills full-body workout in sublime conditions.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Batter, Black Lung, El Capitan, Feel the Berns, Fodder, Formica, Grape, Grisham, Oatmeal, Old Crow, Pedialyte, Pep, Ringo, Siri, Sooie, Sooner, Subway, Yum Yum, Zelenskyy


Mosey to track for Warm-o-rama

  • SSH
  • LBAC F/R
  • WMH
  • Half-Groiners
  • Y’s
  • T’s

Upper Body

Jack Webb from 1 to 10. (55 Merks and 110 Air Presses total)

Mosey to swing set for Pull-Ups x 40. Break up as needed with Ab Thrusters in between sets and to wait for six.

Lower Body

Mosey to the “Little Mountain” to warm up the legs with Bernie x 4

AMRAP 15′ – Groups of three rotating through

  • Major Dans (Iron Mike-Drop Squat)
  • Alabama Prom Dates
  • Lap around track


AMRAP in 8′. 15 reps each.

  • BBSU
  • Lift Overs
  • Heels to Heaven
  • Heel Taps
  • Jane Fondas L
  • Jane Fondas R

AYG back to flag then COT/BOM


Great to see some familiar faces and some new ones as well. This morning’s weather was absolutely fantastic and enough to make me forget how crappy the workout was.



  • 6/15 – Gentlemen’s Cornerly – 1900-2100 at 438 Melrose Ave (Inside Woven Goods)
  • 6/16 – Open Tab – 1730 at Fat Bottom
  • 6/20 – Pep on Q at iiiP!
  • 6/28 – Night Moves – 1930 at Capitol Steps with post-Q hang at Von Elrod’s
  • 7/4 – Independence Day Convergence – 0600 at Sir Ellington


  • Sooner’s ultimate buddy’s shoulder
  • Martin family
  • Siri’s upcoming exam and child

PA out.

III Pillars – 04.11.23 – “What’s the 4-1-1?”

16 HIM picked up the phone and got dialed in for a 4-1-1 themed workout at III Pillars this morning.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Formica, Go Fish, Gov’t Mule, Grape, Grisham, Haggis, Harbaugh, Howitzer, It’s Just Lunch, Michelin Man, Paper Pusher, Pep, Ranch Hand, T-Cell, Zelenskyyy


After a haphazard disclaimer and brief preview of the theme, mosey to field for COP:

  • SSH
  • LBAC F
  • OH Clap
  • LBAC R
  • SnL Squat
  • WMH


Grab the 20lb slam ball and line up for a little game of “telephone.” Starting at the goal line, PAX stand shoulder to shoulder, pass the ball to the next man, running to the front to repeat until we’ve crossed to the opposite goal line. Repeat other direction. For third round, we switched to alternating behind the head and between the legs and then repeated again.


All talked out, we hit the bleachers to get “dialtoned.” PAX completed 4 rounds of 11 reps each of the following circuit with a lap in between each round.

  • D. – Derkins
  • I.  – Irkins
  • A. – Ab Thrusters
  • L. – Leg Raises
  • T. – T-Raises
  • O. – Overhead Squats
  • N. – Newton’s Cradle (2-ct)
  • E. – Eccentric APD (4-5 seconds to lower)

Rotary Phone

Mosey back to midfield and circle up facing outward and on our six. PAX pass the slam ball around the circle, aiming to get faster in each subsequent revolution. After some confusion with this antiquated piece of equipment, we threw it out and made our way back to flag for cooldown stretches and COT/BOM.


Hopefully PAX got all the information they desired from calling 4-1-1 today. Always appreciate the way y’all humor me and my silly themes. My hope is that y’all have as much fun doing the work as I do coming up with it.



  • Prayers for my mom, Louisville, and the Covenant and Nashville communities.
  • Prayers and praises for PP’s M’s last chemo treatment

Keep shining your light in this city and leading with kindness and conviction.

PA out.

III Pillars – 02.14.23 – “Lovefools”

Nine PAX acted like a bunch of lovefools after Cupid paid a visit to III Pillars this morning.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Go Fish, Grape, Grisham, Haggis, Pep, T-Cell, Vector, Yum Yum


Today’s theme followed the lifecycle of a young man’s date.

Mental and physical prep – Warmorama

  • SSH
  • LBAC F
  • OH Clap
  • LBAC R
  • WMH
  • Good Morning
  • Bulgarian Split Squats 2 x 10
  • Skullcrushers 2 x 10

Buying flowers – “Flower” by Moby

  • Classic routine of holding people’s chair and moving up and down on corresponding lyrics #crowdpleaser

Time to meet our date – Cindy

  • 20’ 12’ AMRAP of 5/10/15 with Pull-ups/Merkins/ Squats, respectively.

This place sucks, let’s go dancing – Cupid Shuffle

  • Plank circuit – J-Lo’s during chorus, Mountain Climbers, Kicks, and Low-to-High in sync with instructions

Misguided advances are rejected and we find ourselves alone back home looking through old Valentine’s cards – Mary

  • I’m Jane Fonda You
  • You Make My Heart Flutter Kicks
  • Be My Little Baby Crunches
  • You Make Me So Happy Crunchy Frogs (T-Cell)
  • I Want You to Be My Alabama Prom Date (Grape)
  • Let’s Monkey Humper Around (Yum Yum)
  • You Put the Pound in My Pickle (Grisham)

Frustrated by a date gone bad, it was time to take it out on this stupid little Valentine box with Boxcutters.



Thanks once again to the PAX for putting themselves out there this morning. Rejection isn’t easy, but we’re better for it. Glad to introduce many of these guys to the “Flower” routine. It’s certainly been a minute for me. Also, grateful for minimal judgement during the “Cupid Shuffle.” Certainly had to be where the date turned sour since Cindy realized we couldn’t dance. 



  • Pep’s job search continues, and his renovation has begun
  • Yum Yum’s mother’s health as well as his MIL’s health. Prayers for safety as they travel to visit.

Love you all. XOXO
PA out.

III Pillars – 12.27.22 – “Hippendicitis”

Three amigos enjoyed the cool temps and a stand-in Q at III Pillars this morning.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Go Fish, Grape


Post-disclaimer, PAX carefully moseyed up to midfield for warm-o-rama.


  • SSH x 20
  • Windmill x 10
  • WMH x 10
  • Imperial Walker x 15
  • SnL Squats x 10
  • Good Mornings x 10 OYO

Hop over to the jungle gym and find some space for a 20’ AMRAP circuit of the following:

  • Pull-ups x 5
  • Merkins x 10
  • Big Boy Sit-ups x 15
  • SSH x 20

Find some space on low wall for another AMRAP circuit:

  • Dips x 15
  • Step Down R x 10
  • Step Down L x 10
  • Bent-over Y Raise x 15
  • Run 120 yds

RnR for 12’

Mosey back to start and get 10 quick reps of side-lying hip adductions (Thighmasters?) on each side

COT/Triangle of Man


Felt good to lead again after having to punt on last Friday’s subzero Bomber and having the good problem of a steady stream of Qs and VQs at iiiP.

I owe it all to Hipster’s appendix which is the perfect segue into…



  • Hipster’s appendectomy and recovery
  • Grape’s and Go Fish’s small group
  • Holiday travel for all

Upcoming events:

  • 01.01.23 – NYD Convergence, 0600 at Bermuda Triangle in Brentwood
  • 01.02.23 – LeanPax Challenge begins – No alcohol, follow a *healthy* diet of your choice, and 30 minutes of exercise
  • 01.03.23 – Brewsday! (If you’re forgoing the above OR can stomach the taste of NA beer OR just want to hang out in a bar – all are acceptable)

Go Tigers!

PA out.