Metal Monday

Metal Monday

Gloom Factor:  Windy and chilly but warm enough for Motley Crue, AC/DC, and Van Halen.
Pre-Party:  Non-existent
PAX in Attendance:  Creeper, Huggy, Type O, Professor X (Respect), Barney Fyffe, Old Hickory,
Warm Up:  Disclaimer, Side Straddle Hops, Arm Circles, Mosey with Butt Kicks, Politicians with Bear Crawl back to starting point

My Playlist has commercials. Some called it Ghetto. My answer = more Motley Crue.

Thang 1

Mosey to the Pain Shack. Coupon Pyramid. 2 exercises for 2 rounds.

Round 1 (10 reps each exercise – start at 10 reps and work your way down to 1 rep):

  • Merkins
  • Squats

Round 2 (10 reps each exercise – start at 1 rep and work your way up to 10 reps):

  • Squat Thrusters
  • Swings

Thang 2

Mosey back to starting point.
Parking lot line pyramid. 2 rounds – start at 1 rep and work your way up to 10 reps.

Round 1

    • Squats
    • Merkins
    • 2 lunge walk steps to next parking line

Round 2

  • Burpees
  • 2 broad jumps to next parking line

Parking Lot Letdowns

1 suicide run and 1 minute of “Loaded Beasts” to end the morning

Number Off/Name-a-rama/COT
Prayer Requests

  • Prayers for LMP and his wife
  • Prayer for Barney’s family – Pat
  • Prayer for Staples Mom and family


  • Continue to look ways to serve as a group (financially and time) in our community

Basic F3 Training

Temp 50’s 

Prep-Party- Q’d by Mr. 3rd Degree, Nimbus 1500, Soccer Mom, Staples, & Creeper

Pre-Thang –
1/2 mile mosey start, stretches, 30 Tempo Merkins focusing on form with encouragement and form review between each 10, 1/4 mi lap. Circle up. 30 slow and focused Imperial Walkers. 50 LBCs, Supermans. 1/4 mile lap. Chin-up hang as long as possible, knee tuck hang as long as possible. 1/2 mile mosey.

The Forge 

14 PAX Staples, Professor X, FNG (Twinkie), Stats, 3rd Degree, Nimbus 1500, Creeper, SexEd, Tebow, Old Hickory, Huggie, Tom Petty, Soccer Mom,  & YHC KermiT.

Medic – Kanye, Social Club Misfits, Judah & The Lion, Twenty One Pilots

Warm Up – 

SSH’s IC 30x

IT Stretch

Toy Soldiers 10x


The Thang – 

-Basic Training-

10 Burpees

25 Merkins

10 Burpees

25 WWI

10 Burpees

20 Alabama Prom Dates

10 Burpees

50 Sumo Squats

10 Burpees

Bear Crawl ~40 Yards

Crawl Bear Back

Rinse and Repeat

High Plank was the wait on the six position

1 true audible called. 1/4 mile lap after round 2

We were able to get in 3 full rounds. It was hard, it was wet, but we all came out stronger. It’s fun to get out in the country and run around and use equipment, or coupons, or partner work.


This routine was designed to show you that you don’t actually need any of that to get a good work out in. Just need the drive to push your self and about a 7 foot open square space…


Thanks as always for allowing me to lead. You are a phenomenal group of men and I’m blessed to be a part of it.

CoT- Staples is moving his mom into memory care today. Please keep them in your prayers.

Soccer Mom and LMP are continual prayer request.

Announcements- Old Hickory mentioned an extracurricular run in mid January at Fall Creek Falls SP. Check Slack for Deets.

Peace Out


Bomber 12-27-19: Street Donuts and the Rock & Roll HOF

19 PAX emerged from their holiday food comas to get a little better.

PAX:  PA, T-cell, Crablegs, Firefox, Toothless, Bareback, Covenant Eyes, Crawlspace, Money Snake, Michelin Man, Blue Mule, Tiny Dancer, Turncoat (WL from Charlotte), en fuego, Miss Cleo, CTE (Kotters!), Fur Trapper (FNG),  Bongo Java (FNG), Vector (QIC)

Conditions:   Balmy, mid-50s.

Playlist:  To keep the PAX informed of important events in popular music, YHC crafted a playlist of the 2020 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame nominees (see also  An eclectic mix for sure (I’m partial to Depeche Mode and NIN myself).  Of note, likely the only time Judas Priest makes a Vector-patented playlist. I’ve starred those that I think make it in to the Hall for 2020:

Enjoy the Silence – Depeche Mode*
Bang a Gong (Get It On) – T. Rex*
I Feel for You  – Chaka Khan
Hit Me With Your Best Shot – Pat Benatar*
Head Like a Hole – Nine Inch Nails
China Grove – Doobie Brothers*
You’ve Got Another Thing Coming – Judas Priest
I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me) – Whitney Houston
So Much to Say – Dave Mathews Band
Spoonman – Soundgarden*
[Ended Here for Time but Full Playlist Below for Your Listening Pleasure]
The Boys are Back in Town – Thin Lizzy
Mo Money Mo Problems – Notorious B.I.G.*
Bang the Drum All Day – Todd Rundgren
Ace of Spades – Motorhead
Autobahn – Kraftwerk

(Sorry, MC5 — don’t know any of your songs so not on the playlist)

Warm-o-rama:   Mosey to circle by McCabe Pro Shop for SSH x 26 (to celebrate Toothless’s 26th birthday on Dec 26), Cherry Pickers x 12, Willy Mayes Hayes x 12, LBAC x 12, Overhead Press x 12, Reverse LBAC x 12, Good Mornings x 12 OYO, High Knees x 12

Round 1:
Mosey to top of hill for some 11s.  Jump squats at the top, merkins (of whatever type pushes you the most) at the bottom.  DIDs for those who finish early.

Round 2:
Mosey to playground and partner up for DORA:  100 Pull-ups, 200 Big Boy Sit-Ups, 300 Squats; Partner runs around Rec Center.

Mary:  Flutter Kicks, Crunchy Happy Frogs, and too many American Hammers until time.


  • Welcome FNGs Fur Trapper (Family line goes back to the founders of Nashville) and Bongo Java (Works at coffeehouse [NOT Bongo Java] and plays drums –  I mean, it was like a T-ball shot to name him).
  • Have to admit, this older HIM really enjoys when the younger PAX start to mumblechatter about the degree of difficulty of the workout.  Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.
  • Prayers for Bad Boy, Hipster, and Boone’s Farm, recovering from procedures and medical issues.
  • NY Day convergence at 0700 at The Hill.  Come sweat out all of that beer, bourbon, White Claw (nasty, dude, just nasty), or whatever you imbibe the night before.   Start 2020 out right with some HIM.
  • 17 for coffeeteria at Charbucks with some surprise snacks c/o Money Snake.  Tasted a bit cindery but delicious.  We won’t speak from whence they came (#streetdonuts):

  • As always, an honor to lead you, as you push me every time I come out.  Thank you.



The Rent Was Due

GLOOM FACTOR: Glorious high 40s and dry.

PAX: MicDrop, Professor X, 3rd Degree, Nimbus 1500, Creeper, Old Hickory, Huggy (QIC)

It was a fantastic morning for 7 PAX who were ready to pay the bill for indulging on the holiday.

Lap around the small loop, disclaimer

Circle up at the shelter for:

SSH x 15



Moroccan nightclubs x 15 DO NOT RECOVER

Overhead Press x 15

Squats x 10

Thang 1
Pyramid Circuit
5 consecutive rounds of 60 seconds of an exercise, 30 seconds of rest, adding an exercise each round..

Round 1: Hand release merkins

Round 2: Hand release merkins, sumo squats

Round 3: Hand release merkins, sumo squats, knee elevated prone shoulder taps

Round 4: Hand release merkins, sumo squats, knee elevated prone shoulder taps, burpees

Round 5: Hand release merkins, sumo squats, knee elevated prone shoulder taps, burpees, WWIIs

Thang 2
Wall Work
Mosey up to the concession stand.
People’s Chair (wall-sit) hold x 2 mins
BTTW hold x 2 mins

Mosey back down to the picnic shelter.
All PAX hold high plank, one PAX does a sprint up to the concession stand and back, then the next PAX, etc. Ran short on time here so only had time for four rotations.

Mosey to the parking lot for CoT.

Count-o-rama, Name-o-rama


    • Go sign up for a Q slot, the coming weeks are virtually empty.
    • Continued prayers for all our brothers going through tough times.

YHC took us out with a prayer. Helluva morning today, HIMs!

3 for 26 Dec 2019

3’s Company
Temp: 51
Gloom Factor: Moderate

PAX: Too Tall, Money Shot, Bagger Vance
QIC: See above

Long, slow mosey down the entry loop in front of old sanctuary to main entrance then back up behind elementary school. We looked for any stragglers including but not limited to Drs and our Q, Big Stick. No one availed themselves so we made our way up to the West EZ for

IW X 13 IC


EVO I : Dirty McDuece (BV)
12 Merks
12 Squat Jumps
12 V Ups
12 Burpees
12 Walking Lunges (ea leg)
12 WWI
12 Carolina Dry Docks
12 Quarter Lunges
12 Flutter Kicks IC
4 Merks, 4 Burps, 4 CDD
12 Squats
12 Am Ham (2ct)

Evo II : 4 Corners (Money Shot)

30 Dips at 50’
Bear Crawl to EZ
30 Box Jumps
Monkey Hump/Gorilla Walk to Sideline
30 Dirkins
Indian Run to 50’
30 Dips
Indian Run to EZ
30 WWI
Crawl bear to sideline
30 Peter Parkers
Karaoke to 25’ switch sides to 50’
30 Dips

EVO III : Sprints (Too Tall)
4×40’ Sprints (aka puke train)

Mosey to StartEx

Mary –
Plank :30
Ola Dolly x 13 IC
AL Prom Date x 13 IC
F Kix x 26 IC


Duffy family, Lanz in hospital
Jeweler’s MIL cancer surgery


12 More Days

PAX: Black Widow, Toga (QIC), Umbrella, Boone’s Farm, Leatherneck, Wish List (FNG Connor)

Gloom Factor: Sunny and 70

Six redwoods posted on Christmas Eve Eve to conduct one more version of the Twelve Days of Christmas, and John Denver and Muppets kicked us off.  It went something like this…

Mosey to foot of steps behind BHS STEM building to complete the following in escalating order:

  • One Bear Crawl Up and Down the Stairs
  • Two block curls with halos ea. direction
  • Three block tricep extensions
  • Four block squats
  • Five block merkins
  • Six times up and down the stairs
  • Seven block swings
  • Eight lawn mower pulls ea. arm
  • Nine block presses
  • Ten jump tucks
  • Eleven block sit-ups
  • Twelve block burpees

Mosey the blocks back to Leatherneck’s sled and COT.

NMM:  TClaps to Boone’s who able to EH Wish List into coming out this fine morning, and we wish him the best as he prepares for his OCS boards in the Spring.  Hopefully F3 Chattanooga can help him along the way.

Stay Classy and remember that Santa is watching!


Christmas Sub-Q

13 HIM got better this morning in warm temps for late December. Too Tall was too tired to make his Q, so YHC stepped up to recycle a previous workout.

PAX: Prevac (NoVac today), Floppy Disk, PSL, Paul Blart, OchoCinco, School Girl, Dupree, Grisham, Tampa Libra, Movin’ On Up, Yard Sale, Dilly Dilly, Ludwig van Oshkosh (QIC)

Short mosey over to Crievewood Baptist for WOR.

20 SSH
10 WMH
10 Good Mornings
10 LBAC – reverse
10 Seal Claps with Butt Kickers
10 Double Time Hillbillies with a nod to Movin’ On Up

Line up at bottom of hill in parking lot of Crievewood.

Round 1 – Lt. Dan to the top, then 20 good form squats at the top. Mosey back down, plank for the 6.
Round 2 – Broad Jump to the top, then 20 squats.
Round 3 – Lt. Danger to the top, 20 squats.

Mosey to the rails for a pyramid of rows and merkins.

1 row, 1 merkin, 2 rows, 2 merkins, etc… All the way up to 10, and all the way back down to 1. WWI for the 6.

MC was riveting during the pyramid. Consisted only of plans for Christmas and nothing else.

Mosey to pavilion.
With a partner, P1 runs a suicide, while P2 performs called exercise until P1 returns. Flapjack.

Round 1 & 2 – SSH
Round 3 & 4 – Mountain Climbers
Round 5 – Gorilla Humpers

Mosey to bus loop for a bear crawl to first speed bump, crawl bear to next speed bump, then run back to parking lot for Merry.


20 Flutter Kicks
2 Good Mornings

Merry Christmas to all. Have a safe and blessed holiday with your family and loved ones. Make some memories.

A Smyrna Crew Christmas Q! Dirty Santa 2

December 21, 2019

It time to start making some traditions now that Nolensville F3 has been around for over a year and made its mark on the region! So the Smyrna Crew (plus honorary member Ragdoll) picked up its high calling again, and led an amazing group of HIM in a Christmas Party to remember.   Dirty Santa made his rounds again this year!  LET’S PLAY!

Conditions: Just that right temp to make you think you need more layers than you really do, about 35 deg and more importantly NO wind and NOT WET.

PAX who made it:  Cheezwhiz (co-Q), Ragdoll (co-Q), KermiT (co-Q), Tebow, Creeper, TV Guide, Stats, Typo +, Huggy, SexEd, Nimbus 153454663, Barney Feivel, Staples, and Little Miss Piggy (co-Q)

PreParty: YHC too busy helping Santa decorate and set up but I did see that they started at 5:15 with some Ruck Running (maybe to Defiant and back?)

Warm up:   Disclaimer,  random number generator (me pointing to four different PAX) gave us numbers 3,5,12,15
Circle up: IC baby arm circles x12 each, Good Mornings OYO, Toy soldiers OYO x12 each leg, Cherry Pickers IC x12
Last warm up part — run 100 yds to light pole x10 burpees and return –PAX numbered off in order of their return –number 3,5,12, 15 would be the PAX who get to open presents !

MOSEY – To the soccer field we go…As we approached the upper parking lot some PAX writhed in merriment at the sight of a sparkling tree (mainly me…the excitement level within the group was straight Grinch like, as if the Grinch has stolen not only their gifts but there marbles as well).  Looks like Santa stepped it up a notch this year by adding some tinsel and decorations to the tree!  And shimmering below, were some presents all aglow.

Huggy got first crack at opening a gift, only to reveal —Thang 1 was inside:

“Taboo Tannenbaum” (courtesy of Ragdoll)

Partner up on the soccer field at the first light post.  PAX 1 drags PAX 2 supporting under the arms via politician style.  At halfway point, stop and everyone does 50 reps of squats (touch the ground each time).  Switch and finish out the length of the field. At end everyone does 50 Iron Mikes (each side is one thank the Lord!).  Repeat going back to the start but with jump squats in the middle.   Legs…Toast.   Back to the giving tree.

TV guide selected a second box to unwrap, finding Thang 2 inside:

“Tabat – YEAH!”  (courtesy of CheezWhiz)

You know it, and you love it!  But this time to some crazy Christmas tunes – 2 rounds (Mosey over to playground )
Round 1 – Pull ups/under dogs
Round 2 – V ups
Mosey back to the giving tree.

SexEd got his choice of the remaining 2 presents.  Inside, to no one’s  surprise, was Thang 3:

“The Twelve Days of Christmas!” (courtesy of YHC)

We had such a great time seeing what our true love gave to us last year, that I invited her along again this year.  And again, she must have been in a bad mood after not being able to find a parking spot at the mall for 30 minutes only to be cut off by someone taking the one she finally found and waited on patiently while the prior occupant stowed their packages in the trunk and then casually talked on the phone while fixing her hair before finally putting it in reverse and backing out.  Seriously, don’t expect much good from your girl at Christmas time if she isn’t in the mood.   Sooo, these gifts were the best she could come up with. We did the exercises just like you would have sang the song – yep with all the repeats.

1. 40 yd dash! , 2. knee tucks, 3. Yurpees (audible to Burpees after 3 rounds), 4. Iron Mikes, 5. Peter Parkers, 6. Flutter Kicks, 7. Hello Dollies, 8. American Hammers, 9. Alabama Prom Dates, 10. Merkins, 11. Lunges, 12. Squat Jumps

Creeper got the pleasure of opening the last present and found Thang 4:

“Reindeer Wrastlin’ ”   (courtesy of KermiT)

There is no greater way for Reindeer to keep themselves in shape than to do a little wrastlin! And we all know they can get a little complacent after a year of leisure building up to the one day that they have to work so hard to accomplish the impossible task on Christmas Eve.  So Partner up and get ya a little Reindeer Crawl Suicides!  10, 20, 30, and 40 yd markers. Partner resist one way and then switch for the way back.  Let’s get it going cause you only have 5 minutes!

Mosey back to the vehicles

CoT:  numbers/names/prayer/announcements to close
2ndF-PARTY TONIGHT BABY!  at Staples’ barn 6:00-9:00 pm
Jan1- New year, New decade 10 mile Rucking event
LMP’s wife — praise for a good second opinion, and prayer for wisdom on treatment options, and effectiveness of treatment
Staples’ Mother and family — peace and comfort with the need to move her into a care facility since the safety at home has become a concern.

Coffeeteria enjoyed by most, but conversation enjoyed by all!

What a great morning! Thanks to all of you for all the prayers and support this past couple months, and I love being out here with all of you whenever I can.  Thanks for letting us Smyrna-ites lead you fine gents through the FOW again.

Merry Christmas —
Little Miss Piggy , with CheezWhiz, Ragdoll, and KermiT


Pounding the Q’s 1st Year

Gloom Factor:  Frosty beard and stars
Pre-Party:  Hibernating
PAX in Attendance:  Nimbus1500, Creeper, Huggy, Type O, Professor X (Respect), Scrooge, Sterno, Old Hickory, Leatherneck, and Staples (YHC and QiC)
Warm Up:  Show Me lap, good mornings, huggers, Tebow stretch, disclaimer

Today is a trip down memory lane for me as we marked a year since I joined this group of HIMs.

Thang 1

Mosey to Defiant’s painground to visit the site of my first posting.
(5) sets of (5) reps OYO

    • Pull-ups
    • Copenhagens
    • Burpees

Thang 2

Mosey through the neighborhood to the invisible curb (where I broke my foot) at the Rec Center.
(3) sets of curb work OYO

    • Derkins
    • Calf Raises
    • Buy-out partner carries in honor of Netflix, Altidore, and Hambone who carried me to the truck in January

Thang 3

Mosey up the street and around Mill Creek Brewery.  Unfortunately, time ran short and we had to cut the man-maker/coupon work awaiting us.

Mary at the Parking Lot

LBC’s, Flutter Kicks, Low and Slow Squats

Number Off/Name-a-rama/COT
Prayer Requests

  • Continue to lift up LMP and his wife and family
  • Professor X’s friends dealing with cancer
  • Prayer for Sterno and his family and their baby on the way
  • Prayer for my Mom (and Dad) as we will move her into a care facility next weekend


  • Christmas Party this Saturday at our place (see Slack for details and side dish/dessert sign up)
  • Christmas Eve service opportunity with GlenGarry and family (serving lunch at the Rescue Mission)

My Shoulders Hurt – Broken Wheel, 12/17/19

12 PAX: Tebow (QiC), Staples, Creeper, Barney Fievel, Nimbus, Professor X, GlenGarry, Deliverance, TypO+, Stats, Huggy, TVG

Quick lap
SSH, BACs, Huggers
SSH, Merks, Squats
Calf/lunge stretch

Death by shoulder circuit
Round 1:  Merkin + MC + low MC + Merkin
Round 2:  2 Merkins + 2 MC + 2 low MC + 2 Merkins
Round 3:  3 Merkins + …
Up to 8 and back down to 1 with ~45-75s per round
(total = 128 merks, 128 MC, 128 low MC; I’m sorry)

Partner up
P1 – 10 plyo plank jack merkins, switch (apologies, again)
P2 – deck squats

Concession stand triplet:
Wall walks, Burpees, Squats (did it again)

33 SSH finisher

–  Prayers for Typo and fam, Show Me getting on the road, Soccer Mom, LMP
**CHRISTMAS PARTY THIS SATURDAY** 12/21, 6p-9p @ Staples’ barn; check slack for details and for the sign up sheet to bring sides, dessert; significant others welcome, but not kids

Great work,