III Pillars – 06.02.20 – The Oregon Trail

A new record PAX count for the new iiiP location (5) turned out this morning to take part in a journey down the Oregon Trail.

QIC: Toothless

PAX: Crablegs, En Fuego, High Flyer, River Dawg

Conditions: Excellent temperature and relatively low humidity, sunrise was an 8/10, field grass freshly cut


Decent amount of stretching while waiting on the PAX to assemble, gave an extra 2 for the sake of those coming in hot.

  • 20 x SSH
  • 25 x High Knees
  • 25 x Butt Kickers
  • 8 x Jump Squats
  • 10 x Willy Mays Hayes
  • 10 x Windmills
  • 10 x Whatever You Need


Round 1

Starting at old Independence, MO, the PAX loaded their gear into their wagons with 30 Squats every minute on the minute (EMOM) for 5 minutes.

Once the wagons were loaded, the PAX completed a roughly 30 yard Ox Crawl. That’s a newly coined exercise just for today consisting of 10 Bear Crawl steps capped with 5 Merkins per one rep – PAX did 5 reps.

After all of that traveling, it was time to go hunting and gather some food. Pax took off on a 1/3 mile Indian Run around the field, ending at the Balance Beams.

Round 2

The PAX were then struck with DIPtheria and proceeded to complete:

  • 30 x Dips EMOM for 5 mins = 150 total Dips
  • 40 x LBC’s EMOM for 5 mins = 200 total LBC’s

It was time for more grub, so the PAX took off for a rarely used modification of the Indian Run called the Scout Run. This is where the front runner picks a spot ahead of the group (~15yds away) and sprints there before returning to the back of the line of PAX. This continued around the 1/3 mile loop ending opposite STARTEX.

Round 3

The PAX were almost to Oregon, but they had to cross a river first. First the PAX completed 50 Merkins to make sure everything was packed down good and tight before making the crossing.

PAX proceeded to cross the river with:

  • 50 x Four Count Flutter Kicks
  • 50 x Australian Snow Angels

RIVER Dawg gave us a 15 count, which was enough time for the water to rise and begin washing away one of the wagons. PAX had to complete 20 Burpees quickly to rescue the supplies before they were washed away with the wagon.

PAX then ran back to STARTEX with a short Indian Run


Time was running short, but the PAX circled around the campfire and called out an exercise to do 5 reps of. The mumblechatter spiked here as some of the PAX wanted to start the countoff prematurely.

  • 5 x Big Boy Situps
  • 5 x Happy Crunchy Frogs (Happy Crunchy Trail Mix)
  • 5 x LBC’s
  • 5 x Freddy Mercury’s
  • 5 x American Flutters

COT/COMAD (Circle of Man Appropriately-Distanced)


  • Prayers for our city and nation as we deal with the chaos – know that your brothers are here for you if you just need to talk or do something to take a break
  • Thanks to the PAX this morning the Q sheet is filled up for the next few weeks, but let me know if you want to grab a spot as the time will come quickly. The PAX have enjoyed the new location, and I’m looking forward to further introductions of our regular Tuesday crew.

As always, it was an honor to lead!

– Toothless

Bomber – 05.29.20 – “Kotters”

14 PAX were welcomed back to the best AO in Nashville and treated to a ciabatta breakfast with a side of comeback sauce. Conditions were prime, spirits were high, and the playlist was extraordinary.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Bad Boy, Bareback, Black Lung, Covenant Eyes, Crablegs, Crawlspace, Cunning Linguist, Drago, D-Frost, Hi-Viz, Toothless, T-Cell, Vector


Kicked off the tunes with “Welcome Back” and issued the disclaimer before taking off on a medium mosey up and around the “Nip” and back with various forms of shuffles, high knees, and butt kickers along the way.

Posted up in the upper lot for COP:

  • SSH x 10
  • SnL Squats x 10
  • Half-Groiners x 10
  • Merkins x 10
  • LBAC F/R x 10

Following the warm apps, it was time for the main course. Today’s special was C.O.M.E.B.A.C.K. ciabatta, a tabata-esque dose of exercises, new, old, and twisted. PAX performed rounds of 30 seconds on and 10 seconds off for each of the following exercises, completing five rounds each before moving on to the next one:

  • Colonel Dans (Lt. Dan has moved up his way up through the ranks – jump lunge each side, followed by deep squat into a tuck jump)
  • Overhead Squats
  • Merkins
  • Extenders
  • Boxcutters
  • Angelfaces (prone position, with arms in front of you, perform snow angel motion with arms only, enjoy the shoulder burn)
  • Crabcakes
  • Kickbacks (quadruped position, with knee still bent, drive heel up into air and squeeze that glute)

Feeling pretty full, PAX head down to lower lot to enjoy their dessert of a pair of sprints to the top of the driveway. Mostly gassed, PAX circle up in the usual spot for a digestif of Mary to the sweet sounds of “Don’t Look Back in Anger” by Oasis, all exercises OYO:

  • LBCs x 25
  • Scissor Kicks x 25
  • Toe Touches x 25
  • Butterfly Crunches x 25
  • Plank and point, alternating each arm going forward until end of song

COT/COMAD (Circle of Man Appropriately-Distanced)


Just a few notes and highlights from the day.

  • Drago continues to add to his mystique by parking in the upper lot even when he’s early
  • Fascinating look into Black Lung’s current research as well as his life choices for those who closed out coffeeteria
  • T-claps to Bareback and Cunning Linguist for sponsoring coffeeteria with the Charboxes


  • TAPs for sick and injured and for family additions.
  • As you continue to get back out to workout, please reach out to someone to whom you haven’t spoken in a while. The last few months have been damaging in many ways apart from the virus, especially to those struggling with loneliness and addiction. Find ways to be grateful, and, if you are experiencing something difficult yourself, please ask for help or guidance.

It’s good to be back.

PA out.

May 27, 2020 – Remember the Titan

May 27, 2020


Temp: 60s

Gloom: Why did Snoop Dogg need an umbrella? (Fo’ drizzle.)




Black Lung



D Frost

Trapper Keeper


Right Said



Mosey to Lizzie the Dragon



Seal Claps

Air presses

Cherry Pickers




Mosey to Parthenon parking lot

Circle up

F3 version of improv game Zip-Zap-Zop

Each PAX calls an exercise and a rep count and “throws” that exercise to another PAX

All PAX perform exercise. Pax who received exercise calls next exercise and next PAX. Repeat until time. Memorable exercises include merkins, burpees, Iron Mikes, squats, planks, hillbillies, correct form box cutters, and sprints.

Social distance was maintained. A good time was had by all.




26 May 2020 Q

26 May 2020 Q

Temp: 60s
Gloom Factor: Nil

PAX: Foxtrot Talks A Lot, Yard Sale, Red Skull, Black Lung, Dupree, PSL, Bagger Cance (QIC)

Several awkward moments as YHC, RS and Dupree wondered who’s would show. Ended up with a quorum, so that was a bonus. Since YHC has been battling some shoulder injuries, today’s Q would be more cardio based and less pull/push based.

Started out w a short loop around the church complete w a couple of side shuffles returning to the main parking area where we met FTAL, YS and BL.

All IC X 13

Basically run the outer loop of the AG center down to Cul2vate up to the Mansion and back to start ex.

Along the way we stopped at

UT Extension
Squats x 26
High Plank x 26
Low Plank x 26
LBCs x 26
Lunge Walk x 26

Three Way Stop(ish) Sign
Jump Squats x 26
High Plank x 26
Low Plank x 26
LBCs x 26
Iron Mikes x 26

Bernie Sanders up to TWRA office
OH Squats x 26
High Plank x 26
Low Merkin x 26
LBCs x 26
Skaters x 26

Cruise to Cul2vate
Goblet Squats x 26
High Plank x 26
Low Merkin x 26
LBCs x 26

Back to the White Barn
Squats x 26
High Plank x 26
Low Merkin x 26
Bulgarian Split Squats x 26
LBCs x 26

Over to Ellington Mansion
Wall Sits x 26
High Plank x 26
Low Merkin x 26
LBCs x 26
Side lunges x 26

Back to lot for Mary:
Flutter Kix x 26
AL prom dates x 13
Ola Dollies x 26
AL prom dates x 13
Plank Progression 3 minutes


It goes without saying that the last few months have been less than ideal. So great to get a little sense of normalcy with 6 other HIM at Sir E; T Claps to them for joining in on the classic pearl on a string Q.


Dupree will be taking over as Site Q for the time being at Sir E due to Boy Band’s Covid ICU service this summer. ThanQ for stepping up brother.

New 413 class at The Stronghold starts on Thursday. Come join us tonight at Foster Ave this evening as we get to know the new crew and take them through the Naming ritual.


Rain & Parking Lot Pain

Gloom Factor:  Dark and Rain…lots of it.

Pre-Party:  Nimbus and listening to the radio in our own cars debating whether or not we really wanted to workout in the monsoon.

PAX in Attendance:  Record attendance – Glengarry, Nimbus1500, and Creeper!

Warm Up: None.  Too much rain and little patience for baby arm circles and side straddle hops.

Thang 1

Mosey to bridge and Bear Crawl the length of it.  Mosey to parking lot of Pork Belly Farmhouse.

Thang 2

Each assigned their own “Parking Curb” (not saying that’s the technical term for it).  4 exercises using the curb as a foundation:   Plank Merkins x 25, Merkins x 50, Loaded Beasts x 75 (each side = 1 rep), and 100 “Rapid Fire” (each foot = 1 rep); MOT between each set = Bear Crawl to other “Curb” across from starting point and Mountain Climbers x 25 (1 leg = 1 rep), Bear Crawl Back to starting point.

Thang 3

Round 2 with own “Parking Curb”. 4 exercises using the curb as a foundation: Carolina Dry Docks x35 (Nimbus termed them “Dry Dicks” but I remembered what the third F of F3 means, so I didn’t use it…well, I guess I just did), Merkins x 50, Squats standing on Curb x 75 and 100 “Rapid Fire” (each foot = 1 rep); MOT between each set = Walking Lunges to other “Curb” across from starting point and Loaded Beasts x 25 (1 leg = 1 rep), Walking Lunges back to starting point.

Thang 4
Mosey back to bridge and Bear Crawl all of it.  Mosey back to parking lot.

No coffeteria, no music.  Just rain.  Straight up prison workout.

Prayer Requests
Continued prayers for LMP’s wife and his brothers recovery, families still recovering from the tornado.
Announcements                                                                                                                                     Reminder that the end of this month is deadline to give to the Alvarez family

Thought of the Day:  John 16:16-33 “I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble. But take heart!  I have overcome the world.”    In this time of uncertainty, fear of the unknown is crippling a lot of us.  While this coronavirus is something not to be taken lightly, this passage is a great reminder of where our focus should be.  We will have trouble in our lives.  All of us have ran into some before.   This time would be considered troubling.  It’s on us to lead with no fear showing others what faith looks like even though it’s tough to do.  Jesus kicked death in the face (that’s my redneck translation of the last sentence of the passage).  So let’s kick fear in the face and live our lives with no fear, faith, and a servant’s heart.

Titan – 03.11.20 – “Lost at home”

9 HIM posted for an old school Q in YHC’s first Titan post since the park renovation began.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Black Lung, Cowbell, Crawlspace, DFrost, Drago, Right Said, Siri, Trap House


Medium mosey to greet the ducks and COP at the circle by the lake:

  • SSH
  • WMH
  • SnL Squats
  • LBAC F/R
  • Hillbillies
  • Imperial Walkers

Hop to the circle by Lizzie the Dragon for some bear crawls in cadence with breaks at each lightpost for 10 squats. RnR x 7 posts.

Indian Run to the Hill of Sisyphus for 11’s with Hand-Release Merkins up top and Jump Squats at the bottom.

Mosey to the playground for a 3-set pull-up routine working off individual max.

Mosey back to start for 3MOM:

  • Boxcutters
  • Flutter Kicks
  • LBCs



It’s been quite some time since YHC graced Titan with his presence, but it was good to be back at one of the OG AOs. Even with the ongoing construction, there’s still so much the park has to offer, and a love affair with the hill was rekindled.


  • TAP for sick, injured, and those displaced by tornado.
  • Encouragement to be smart about COVID 19 and to keep momentum going with serving those areas damaged by the tornado.
  • Statewide convergence October 16-17. 2nd F Friday night with a workout at 0700 at Bicentennial followed by a speaker. Get it on your calendar now so we can show up big!


Bomber 3-13-2020: 50

To celebrate the 50th birthday of YHC tomorrow, 16 PAX welcomed the day and enjoyed a 50 themed party

PAX:  PA, T-cell, Crablegs, Drago, Toothless, Bareback, en fuego, Cub Cadet, Pop-a-Lock, Hambone, Hi-Viz, Pumpkin Spice, Cunning Linguist (“The Colonel”), Porcelain, Dfrost, Vector (QIC)

Conditions:   Balmy, high-50s.

Playlist:  Turning 50 is a big deal that requires a big playlist. Music from the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s and genres ranging from rock, country, folk, disco, new wave, and R&B.

In da Club – 50 Cent
Birthday – The Beatles
It’s My Party -Leslie Gore
Stayin’ Alive – Bee Gees
Respect – Aretha Franklin
What’s My Age Again?  Blink -182
1985 – Bowling for Soup
I Don’t Need Your Rockin’ Chair – George Jones
A Little Respect – Erasure
Old Man – Neil Young
When I’m Sixty-Four – The Beatles
50 Ways to Lose Your Lover – Paul Simon
Happy Birthday – Altered Images

Warm-o-rama, Thang, Mary:  

50 reps each of

Seal Claps
Moroccan Night Clubs
Jump squats
Plank Jacks
Lunges x 2
Pull-ups and Box Jumps
Flutter Kicks (with AARP card relay)
J. Los
Freddy Mercurys


  • Prayers of thanks for Michelin Man’s 2.0 (a.k.a Training Wheel)
  • Prayers for those affected by last weeks tornadoes
  • October –> TN Convergence — be there!
  • And sincere thanks for the HIM and F3.  Days like today and times like these vividly illustrate the importance of F3 in our lives. Being an HIM, inspired by all of you, has made me such a better person and leader. This week (and the weeks to come) has benefited from my time with you. 50 is a big line to cross, but one I feel much more prepared to traverse. Keep pushing and inspiring me and each other. #ISI



Atlantis – 3.12.20 – “Bears on the Brain”

8 PAX did that hard thing and got better together while dealing with YHC’s bear fascination as of late.

PAX: Bareback, Crablegs, Dfrost, Pop-A-Lock, Pumpkin Spice, Right Said, Trapper Keeper

QIC: Cunning Linguist

Gloom Factor: Mild to non-existent. One might legitimately argue that it was ideal workout weather.

At 0529, YHC called out that One Minute Warning and then exactly one minute later, the Disclaimer was given (well, more like stumbled through, but we made it). Then, a quick mosey (into a slight mud puddle — my apologies, gents) all the way over to the farthest reaches of the lower parking lot at Atlantis for WOR.

15 x SSH
12 x LBAC
12 x rLBAC
12 x WMH
15 x SnL Squats

Next, YHC led a mosey to the near end of the parking lot for the first part of THE THANG.

Lately, all that YHC has been able to think about is “bears.” Literally. First, during the Moscow Mule workout at Westeros, we did tons of “Russian” Bear Crawls. Then, prior to the official cancellation of March Madness (now affectionately known as March Sadness),  YHC was thinking about my UCLA Bruins. And last but not least, I heard my buddy Cramer on Mad Money mention a “bear market” just last night. In other words, bears were everywhere in my mind. I had “bears on the brain,” one might say.

Because of this, our routines would likely include bear-related maneuvers, and the PAX would have to grin and –wait for it  — bear it.

I’ll be here all week, folks!

We started at the near end of the parking lot and individually performed Bear Crawls until the first lamp post.

Then, we sprinted to the second lamp post.

Next, we did Crawl Bears until the third lamp post.

Finally, we sprinted to the final lamp post. Rinse and repeat back to the start of THANG 1.

Simple, but effective.

After a brief countdown from 20-1, a mosey to the Bob Ross water tank for THANG 2.

Partner up as 1s and 2s for DORA 1-2-3.
1s run around the water tank, 2s perform:
100 x Merkins
200 x LBCs
300 x Squats
Tag in and out until completion.

With some time leftover, we took another mosey, this time to the upper parking lot (near STARTEX) for a bit of an experiment (before which, Pop-A-Lock called out “I love experiments,” or something to that effect). In fact, this was something I heard was created by our buddies at F3 Nolensville. So, we began THANG 3.

Bear Brawls
Keeping the same 1s and 2s from THANG 2, 1s get in Bear Crawl position, 2s put pressure on the shoulders of 1s for 3 rounds (and then alternating with each round).
Round 1, 50% resistance
Round 2, 75% resistance
Round 3, 100% resistance

This appeared to be well-received, as I heard some mumblechatter of approval amongst the PAX. If YHC played golf, he would likely give himself a golf clap right about now.

Then, very short mosey to STARTEX for Mary.

15 x Flutter Kicks
10 x Alabama Prom Dates
15 x Box Cutters
10 x American Hammers
12 x Freddie Mercury

At this point, it was 0615, so we called it a wrap and circled up for COT/ BOM.

Thank you to all who continue to show up when YHC is on the Q sheet. I continue to be humbled by the fact that you’d rather work out with me than ride the Peloton or go to the Y (not that there’s anything wrong with those things)!

-Thoughts and prayers were given for many folks, some of which were PAX-specific (including the Soft Shell Crab and the imminent Baby Pumpkin) and non PAX-specific.
-Congrats to Michelin Man and his M, as they had their “Training Wheel” this AM (and a Hat Tip to Bareback for the creativity).
-Let’s make a concerted effort to reach out to those who we haven’t heard from lately, as this coronavirus thing may be causing added anxiety amongst the PAX. Vector stated something similar in a recent Slack message of his, and YHC would like to second this concern.

This is your Colonel, signing off!

COVID-19 Racetrack 2020-3-12

PAX: Ochocinco, Umbrella, Faulkner, Old Fashioned, Soft Serve, Not a Sport, Backlash

QIC: Boone’s Farm


  • SSH x20
  • WMH x10
  • LBAC x10 F/R
  • Merkins x10


For those of us with kids in Wil-co schools out from COVID-19 reported in the county, we wanted to spread the joy.

Mosey to park for

  • pull-ups x19
  • Run 1 lap
  • RnR

Mosey to bottom of parking deck.  x19 of each exercise run up stairs to top of deck, run across top, down other stairs

  • C – Carolina DD
  • O – Original Merkins (creative license)
  • V – V-Ups
  • I – Iron Mikes
  • D – Dolly (Hello Dolly’s)

Completed 6 rounds before heading back to parking lot to finish.

Great work by all. Remember those who are sick and need of healing, those mourning over loss; we also are joyful with Not a Sport’s daughter becoming communicant member.  We grieve with those who grieve and rejoice with those who rejoice.

Always an honor,


AdeQuate Q


PAX: In Picture


Ssh, WMH, Scorps, Cherry Pickers

Count off to 4s

Hell in a Cell
15 X
1s – 8 ct BB
2s – Lt Dans
3s – Burpees
4s – Squat Jumps

Bear crawl baseline
Crawl bear alleys

All in, head to parking lot for Curbies
15-1 decline and incline Merkins
Bear crawl and crawl bear to and from each side of parking lot.

All in, mosey 1/4 way down greenway

hell in a cell on my count w a couple twists.

Mosey 1/2 up hill for some PreMature Mary and more Merks

Hit the lot for 54 Squats and circle up for Right On Time

Plank Progression
Flutter Kix X 50 IC
Plank some mo
Ola Dolly x 40 IC
Burpees on my count X 8ish


Great to see the PAX turnout in support of our Beastside Bros.

So, YHC lost his Weinke on the way over and had to improvise the Q. Was hoping my tunes would jog my memory but sadly had to defer to Big Stick who threatened to take his tunes and go home (turns out we all wish he had).

The theme was going to be a running heavy Q but thankfully, we just got to chill on the top side of the Buffalo.

Was also gonna Russian Roulette the tunes between 400mHz white noise on repeat, Beethoven and a bluegrass version of Taylor Swift’s greatest hits.

The consensus of the PAX was the MacGaugh’s donuts were better than anything YHC or Big Stick had to offer.


Prayers up for the displaced and hurting people of Middle Tennessee. Please look to slack or the Beastside Bros for more ways to help.

Families that need our prayers : Fogartys, Duffys, Sinclairs and surely more.

Great to hang w y’all. Look forward to coming back again soon.