New Year, Same PFT

PAX:  Umbrella, Venus, Faulkner, Toga (QIC), Too Tall, Ponzi, Hugs Not Drugs, Enron, Nurse Ratched, Penny Loafers, Not a Sport, Double Check, Plus 1 more?

Gloom Factor:  Nada, 70 and Sunny

13 redwoods set some bars today as the PAX took on the USMC PFT.  It went something like this:

Thang: Mosey to the park for a very brief warmarama with an explanation of the day’s events.  Two columns on the pull-up bars for strict form pull-ups.  Partner up for 2 minutes of crunches.  Mosey to the street and start 3 mile out and back route heading West on Maryland Way, turn left on Granny White and reverse direction at the Virginia Way light.

The PAX closed with a brief Mary session, COT and Umbrella’s finest roast.

NMM:  YHC hadn’t really done this since college, so it’s always good to see what that looks like.  The PAX will plan to leverage this little activity quarterly with goals now set for the coming months.  Strong work today!

Stay Classy,


Stonewall 2021 : Agassi and the Job Rocker 2.0

6 joined us today. @deepdish and @cowboy were early and late participants as they ran the big loop.
@Ringo, @moneyshot, @porcelain and myself held down the fort.
With Job Rocker 2.0 in hand, we moseyed to the tennis court.
The play list was all Eric Clapton. Old and new stuff. Apparently @moneyshot thinks that Clapton is boring and soulless. I beg to differ.

The WOD-
Warmup for 5 minutes
Then begin the Agassi Adventure. @porcelain looked up on our website the new found term for “suicides” as this is no longer PC. Apparently Andre hated running them on the tennis court, so the term “Agassi’s” was born.
Buy in on the baseline-
10 merks
10 dry docks
10 thrusters
10 dips
10 Freddy Merc’s
Then regular Agassi (running to free throw line, then half court, then opposite free throw line, then far touch line).

We proceeded to do this 8 times in total.

5 exercises To buy in the
3 regular running Agassi’s
1 side shuffle with hands up

Then small break that consisted of each man standing under their own basketball net and proceeding to do full squats then explode to touch the net with both hands.
This exercise was timed for a full 4 minutes with no break.

Then back to Agassi’s with the 5 exercises on the baseline to buy in.

2 sprinting full in under 32 seconds as group with @moneyshot winning

Then 1 crawl Agassi – first bear crawl(1/4), crawl bear (1/2), bear crawl (3/4), then crab crawl to far touch line and bear crawl home.

Then broad jump burpee Agassi.

Then Mosey to tennis court for another full court Agassi with net included.

Then mosey to parking lot for 7 minutes of Mary

Mixed bag of Margaret’s, Lbc’s, ankle touches, skyTouches, Ww 1’s, and Plank to finish.

Excellent work men. 100% attendance at coffeeteria.

It’s always fun hearing Deepdishes stories. Ask him next time you see him about his Lexus. 😊

Bomber – 01.01.21 – “NYD Divergence”

12 HIM braved the rain for a full-body assault to kick their 2021 off with a wonderful burn.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: CB, Crablegs, Crawlspace, Cub Cadet, Hi-Viz, Michelin Man, Red Skull, Siri, Toothless, Vector, Whataburger


After the obligatory wishes of Happy New Year and the disclaimer, mosey up to the clubhouse circle for COP:

  • SSH x 21
  • LBAC x 10
  • OH Claps x 10
  • R LBAC x 10
  • WMH x 10
  • SnL Squats x 10

Head over to the covered breezeway to find some dry ground for the main course. The start of a new year is the perfect time to take a measurement of our fitness. The idea behind this Benchmark WOD was to make it something easy to replicate throughout the year to mark progress. All you need is your body and less than 20 sq ft of space.

AMRAP for 21:00.

  • Ab Thrusters x 5
  • Merkins x 10
  • Squats x 15
  • Prone Snow Angels x 20 (face down, perform arms portion of snow angel)

With our number of rounds completed personally noted, it was time to actually get wet and mosey down to the low wall back at the flag. 2020 may have beat our “butts,” but we put it “behind” us and showed 2021 who’s “boss” with this posterior-focused circuit. All exercises x 20 (each side where applicable). 3 rounds total.

  • Jane Fondas
  • Elevated Single Leg Hip Thrust (foot on low wall)
  • Frog Pump (APD with soles of feet together and heels pulled toward crotch)
  • Explosive Bulgarian Split Squat (rear foot elevated, explode up out of split squat enough for foot to leave ground)

Time to shake out the legs and get some running in. Hill sprints up the driveway to the stop sign nonstop for five minutes. Rest as necessary.

Finally, PAX circled up in lot to give the lower body a break and get our Blackjack Webb on. 1:3 Merkin:Air Press (from knees). Ladder up to 7:21.

Breathing a sigh of relief after that final air press, it was time for Mary. All exercises x 21 IC (single count)

  • LBCs
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Box Cutters
  • Scissor Kicks
  • Leg Raises



Really proud of the guys that showed up in the face of what was supposed to be some nasty rain, and I was pleasantly surprised that it actually let up for basically just the hour we had together. Qing the NYD workout is always fun for me, and I’m really grateful that the PAX haven’t voted me out of that role yet.

I shared some words about today really being no different than yesterday with the exception that a few numbers on the calendar changed, and I firmly believe that. A quick rollover of the clock isn’t enough to heal the hurt and brokenness in the world. Thankfully, it’s also not enough to wipe out all the good and right things we’ve experienced over the last year. However, one can’t argue the mental shift that occurs at the start of something new, and I would encourage all of you to think about what you’d like to accomplish this year and set goals to achieve it. Most importantly, invite someone into that pursuit because it’s the accountability and encouragement that will make the difference in seeing those goals through.


  • Crawlspace on Q next week at Bomber
  • Check out Big Bang’s message about the Backyard Ultra to support Spicoli. Kicks off tomorrow and involves *a lot* of running.
  • Go Tigers.

PA out.

Black Belt Training – 2020/12/21

PAX: Wedding Singer, Olan Mills, Toga, Blackwidow, Venus, Hugs Not Drugs

QIC: Boone’s Farm

Disclaimer and mosey to the BHS track for 1 lap warm-up for work on football field:


My kids are training for their Tai Kwon Do black belts, and in addition to all the kicks, etc there is other physical accomplishments that they are training for so the PAX had the chance to participate with some add-ins:

  • SSHx25 IC
  • sprint to 50 yard line
  • Merkinsx20
  • sprint to opposite end zone
  • WWIIx20
  • sprint back to 50
  • squatsx20
  • sprint back to end zone
  • RnR for 8 total rounds

Had to cut off after 8 rounds for time, Mosey to start

Announcements: Umbrella 12 days of Christmas meet at top of parking deck for Racetrack. Prayers for Wedding Singer’s daughter and uncle with COVID. Continued prayers for Umbrella’s family.

Thankful Advent gives us opportunity to reflect on promises fulfilled and also look toward yet to come.  Our hope is not in princes but the One who is truly unshakable regardless of circumstance.

Always an honor to lead.


Trust me… it’s getting easier

PAX: Umbrella, Toga, Black Widow, Not-a-sport, Double Check, Venus, Offshore, Nurse Rachet, Penny Loafers, Olan Mills (QIC)

Rendezvous at the garage. Disclaimer &  mosey around the garage stalling for the uninformed to arrive.

Little warm up with some SSH, BACs, Good Mornings, Willie Mays Hays


3 sets with 2 exercises each. Each set starts with 15 reps of exercise 1  next to stairwell, run to opposite end of the garage for 15 reps of exercise 2, run back to stairwell and up to level 2. Decrement reps by 1, rinse and repeat up to level 5. People’s chair back at level 1 waiting for the six. Start set 2…

Set 1: WW1 & 8 count bodybuilder

Set 2: Toe-Knee’s & Burpee

Set 3: American Hammer & Merkins

Pleasure to lead you guys this morning.

12 Days of Christmas up next week. Currently it’s record against the PAX is 3-0. Come help us get our first victory.


Two Much Coffee

PAX: Boone’s Farm, Penny Loafers, Nurse Ratched, Hugs Not Drugs, Toga (QIC)

Gloom Factor: 70 and Sunny

Five fought off the signs of a chilly, blustery morning to get a little better in the gloom.  Here’s how it went down:

Mosey to BHS track for warmarama then head to the goal line for THE BEAST with tiny animal interludes.  It went like this:

  • Complete 6 merkins at the 25, 50, 25, touch the goal line and repeat on the way back. Broadjumps/Kangaroo hops back and forth in the end zone 4x
  • Round 2= Jump Squats and Bear crawls 4x
  • Round 3= WWII and duck walks 4x
  • Round 4= Something and gorilla walks 4x
  • Round 5= Lunges and Inch Worm merkins 4x
  • Round 6= burpees

Indigenous People’s Run back to the flag and Mary till time expired.

Announcements and Prayer Concerns:

  • Kids and teachers finishing out the first half
  • Nurse’s coworker’s father having brain surgery
  • YHC is stepping down as AOQ and we are entering the dawn of the Boone’s Farm regime.  Long live the AOG!

NMM:  It’s good to know that the PAX reads Slack prior to arrival.  Everyone brought coffee mugs and Boone’s even thought YHC was signaling him to bring coffee.  Which resulted in 2 carafes of coffee floating around.  Good problems to have!

Stay Classy,



Pole to Pole

11 Dec 2020
Pole to Pole

Temp: 72
Gloom Factor: Nil

PAX: Siri, Spinal Tap, Hi Viz, T Cell, Princess Aurora, Minus 3, Reveille, Right Said, Crawlspace, Cub Cadet, Bad Boy, Hambone, Red Skull, River Dawg, Hambone, Crablegs, Black Lung, Michelin Man, F3G, Rich Soil, Vector, High Flyer, Natural Ice, Bagger Vance


0530 – Dosclaimer
0530:30 – Count off in 4s

IW X 13 IC
HB X 13 IC
Squats x 13 IC

High Plank for Instructions

Each group would start at a corner of the range. At each pole PAX were to deconstruct a burpee as so : One Thruster, One Merkin, One Squat Jump
At pole 2, increase to 2 of each movement all the way up to 20 since there are 20 poles.
As usual, YHC’s comz skills came under fire from T Cell and Bad Boy.
We performed these movements for 30’ then circled back up for

F Kix x 20 IC
5 Atomic Merkins
AL PD variations x 20 IC
5 Diamond Merks
Ola Dolly x 20 IC
5 Ranger Merks
Box Cutters x 20 IC
5 (8 CT) Body Builders

GMA x 5 IC


NMM: Ole Bomber has come a long, long way from the days of PA, HiViz and YHC as well as the #KBA campaign championed by T Cell. Great work cultivating a brotherhood in Sylvan Park y’all.

In light of watching the standard doc this week, today’s work was designed to be monotonous, boring even…just keep grinding men.

Prayer Horn:
F3G’s Dad
Sinclair, Byles, Tallula families
Medical pros
Metro Schools

NYD Divergence at normal AOs, 0630-0730, Q compliments of PA



10 Dec 2020
Q on the Fly

PAX: Red Skull, BnB, Money Shot, Rug Dr, Umbrella, Black Lung, Bagger Vance

After what seemed like an eternity, it was decided at 0533 that YHC was in fact the QIC and off we went with the Disclaimer following us down Lealand.

Mosey 1/4 lap to Maplehurst then back to the Stable for

Cherry Pickers x 10 IC
Bounding in Place x 13 IC
Drunk Mike Phelps x 10 IC
IW x 10 IC
Squats x 10 IC
Peter Parkers Light x 10 IC

Mosey to end of the lot and bear crawl up sidewalk to Pull Up Station.
One Pull Up per pax (7 total) while other 6 performed
Plank, Box Cutters, Merkins, Atomic Merkins, Lunges, Flutter Kix, Low Plank

In honor of Umbrella’s first visit to Green Machine, we ran the entire loop. Only pit stop was to identify a piece of utility pole we’d need later in the am.
Pull Up Station at opposite corner for
One pull up and one Knees to Elbows per PAX while the other 6 performed
People’s Chair, Flutter Kix, Iron Mike’s, Dips, Merkins, Plank, ?


Parking lot work
Bernie Sanders 50’
Karaoke 25’


Log Work

Two Pax roll log up the hill 50’ or so and carry it back while others

Return log to top of hill and circle up at end of lot for

5 Atomics
AL PD RT leg up / LT leg up x 14 IC
5 Atomics


I owe y’all 3’ next time we get together.
BnB on Q next week.
Goal is to find a way into the track. May need to get Venus down here since he’s got two Mustangs at LA.


Prayer Horn:
Baas Family
Byles Family
Sinclair Family
Medical professionals
Kids in schools


Rob Baas Tribute Workout – The RaceTrack

02 Dec 2020

Temp – 19; Gloom Factor – High; PAX Turnout – Humbling

30 HIM showed up in cold and the dark to help pay tribute to my late brother.  Funyuns, Penny Loafers, Hugs Not Drugs, PSL, Big Stick, Red Skull, Dr. Smartt, Ginger, Toga, Bagger Vance, Not A Sport, Ponzi, Olan Mills, Faulkner, Too Tall, Leatherneck, Yard Sale, FTTAL, Offshore, CCR, Black Widow, Boone’s Farm, Tampa Libra, Nurse Ratched, Blue Mule, High Flyer, Big Bang, Razorback, Floppy Disk, Umbrella – QIC

5 burpees to get the blood moving and long mosey to parking lot behind Hill Center.


10 x Hillbillies; 15 x SSH; 10 x SNL Squats; 10 x BAC forward/reverse; WMH OYO, Good mornings OYO


Rob Baas – Born 9/29/74 – Father, Son, Brother, Uncle & Friend     

Part 1: Tour around Hill Center – 9 Speedbumps/29 reps at each bump:

SB1 – Diamond Merkins x 29

SB2 – Prisoner Squats x 29

SB3 – WW1’s x 29

SB 4 – Wide Grip Merkins x 29

SB 5 – Single Leg Squats x 29

SB 6 – WW2’s x 29

SB 7 – Incline/Decline Merkins x 29 total

SB 8 – Box Jump/Step Up x 29

SB 9 – Plank Hold x 74 seconds

Part 2 – Redline – Rob had a love for speed, whether riding his motorbikes or Indy Car Racing – Goal is to push our redline

Parking Garage – Politician on the flats, sprint the incline, 4 x burpee at top of each incline.  All the way to 6th floor top of parking deck where PAX met for:


We paused for Mary at top of parking garage to do so underneath a glorious sunrise – Thanks Rob

29 x Reverse Crunch; Low Plank into J-Lo’s x 15 count; 74 – 4 count Flutters

Mosey back to parking lot for COT

Thank you for the love today, men.  This F3 community has been the foundation of the best relationships I have formed since moving here  3 1/2 years ago.  I have been witness to this community rallying around each other at every turn and this week it was me and my family that have needed the prayers and support.  And of course F3 Nashville delivers.  Your prayers have carried us these past four days, and I am grateful.  Please be on watch for anyone you know that you think may be struggling with mental health issues.  For my brother it was mental health and alcoholism that overtook him, but maybe we can reach out to someone who we know may be struggling and just love on them.  Who knows, it may be just what they need to be encouraged to keep going.  From the bottom of my heart, I remain grateful to each of you brothers.

Much Love & Peace – Umbrella


30 Nov 2020

TEMP : 38

PAX : Yard Sale, Accounts Receivable, Faulkner, Bagger Vance (QIC) … CCR rolled in for 2nd and 3rd Fs

Disclaimer Claimed

Grab a mini coup and head to Pavillion

Hops w BAC x 10 IC (F/R)
Side Hops w Mike Phelps x 10 IC
DL w Mini Coup x 10 IC
GMA x 6 IC
HB x 10 IC
IW x 10 IC


35 Mini Coup swings
30 Merks
25 Pull Ups
20 Box Jumps
1 Baseball loop (RX : 1 Mile)

As Many Rounds as Possible

We all got through 4 rounds


Plank 30”
Wall Sits RT leg across LT
Wall Sits LT leg across RT
Plank Progression 2’
Wall Sits RT leg extended arms parallel to ground
Wall Sits LT leg extended arms parallel to wall



Looks like we need a KEEP DETENTION ALIVE campaign. Cold, wet weather post Thanksgiving had to be the culprit.

Good to have CCR catch some 2nd and 3rd w us at the end. He’s looking for an alarm back up if anyone has ideas.


Job Ruck this Saturday. Hit up Grease Trap for details.

Prayers up for the Umbrella and Ludwig families as they go through medical and family struggles.

Prayers up for the Fennema family. Pastor Mike just moved here from Augusta, GA and was recently in a tragic mountain biking accident. He’s at Vandy right now. See GoFundMe attached.

Fundraiser by Brittany Same : Praying for Mike Fennema
