III Pillars – 07.11.23 – “Big Gulps, huh?

9 PAX including one WL got a taste of Slurpees and Big Gulps during a 7-Eleven-themed workout.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Batter, Formica, Go Fish, Grape, Harbaugh, Pep, T-Cell, ’88 (WL-Gold Rush)


Brief disclaimer and quick mosey to field per usual for a nice little warmup consisting of:

  • SSH
  • LBAC F/R
  • Moroccan Night Clubs
  • WMH
  • SnL Squats

Having just returned from a trip to South Dakota, YHC noted the toughness one would’ve required to settle that land and wanted to honor that with a quick but oh-so-painful routine. In Jack Webb style (1:2 ratio), PAX performed one squat followed by two Iron Mikes (1 ea leg). We took the count up to 5 and worked our way back down. This was most definitely a crowdpleaser and will be used again.

Mosey over to the jungle gym for Part 1 of the two-part 7-Eleven Series:

Standing 11s – Slurpee (burpee with star jump)/Pull-ups. No mosey in between, just rest as needed.

For Part 2, PAX moseyed back to midfield for a circuit we called the B.I.G. G.U.L.P. PAX worked through 32 oz reps of each exercise:

  • Boxcutters
  • Imperial Squat Walkers
  • Groiners
  • Gorilla Humpers
  • Undertakers (sit-up with legs flat and apart, like the wrestler’s famous reanimation)
  • Leg Raises
  • Peter Parkers

Mosey back to flag with enough time for a brief cool down of butterfly and glute stretches and some good mornings.



Glad to have ’88 in from Sacramento. We’re in the thick of sweating season, so it was good to show the Cali boy some humidity.


T.A.P.S. – Pep’s job, Franklin soccer parents


  • 7/17 – Yum Yum Q at iiiP!
  • 7/20 – Stairway to Heaven workout at Percy Warner stairs  with Harbaugh and Formica on the co-Q

PA Out

The Knoll – Backblast 06.22.2023

Gloom: 11/10
PAX: The Banker, Ranger, Sooie, Bumblebee, Morning Star, El Capitan, Timber
QIC: Detective Pikachu
Theme: Introduction to Rugby, Bellevue Edition

Warmarama: 6 will be 1st, 1st will be 2nd run around The Loop, passing the rugby ball back to the man behind you, until it got to the 6. The 6 sprinted up and repeato. Every dropped ball = 5 merkins. Ball dropped 5 times on the Loop
At StartEx, 25 Low and Slow Squats, and PAX stretch OYO

Thang: Rugby Drills
Thang 1: Square Passing Drill
Thang 2: 3-Line Passing Drill
Thang 2.1: 3-Line with QIC as Defender
Thang 2.2: 3-Line with QIC and Bumblebee as Defenders
Thang 3: Quick primer on the Foot part of Rugby Football
Thang 4: 10 Minutes of Touch

COT: Keep the soon-to-be First Time Fathers in your prayers (and their wives, too, I guess).

Announcements: Brew Ruck on Saturday. Check slack for details. Come out for all or part of it and drink some beers with us.

Moleskin: Thanks for having me out to Nashville’s Newest AO. Y’all have a great spot with plenty of possibilities, and a fantastic AOQ in Morning Star leading the charge. It was my pleasure to work out with y’all this AM.
DP Out

III Pillars – 06.13.23 – “TueCon IV”


20 HIM converged at III Pillars for TueCon IV and a no-frills full-body workout in sublime conditions.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Batter, Black Lung, El Capitan, Feel the Berns, Fodder, Formica, Grape, Grisham, Oatmeal, Old Crow, Pedialyte, Pep, Ringo, Siri, Sooie, Sooner, Subway, Yum Yum, Zelenskyy


Mosey to track for Warm-o-rama

  • SSH
  • LBAC F/R
  • WMH
  • Half-Groiners
  • Y’s
  • T’s

Upper Body

Jack Webb from 1 to 10. (55 Merks and 110 Air Presses total)

Mosey to swing set for Pull-Ups x 40. Break up as needed with Ab Thrusters in between sets and to wait for six.

Lower Body

Mosey to the “Little Mountain” to warm up the legs with Bernie x 4

AMRAP 15′ – Groups of three rotating through

  • Major Dans (Iron Mike-Drop Squat)
  • Alabama Prom Dates
  • Lap around track


AMRAP in 8′. 15 reps each.

  • BBSU
  • Lift Overs
  • Heels to Heaven
  • Heel Taps
  • Jane Fondas L
  • Jane Fondas R

AYG back to flag then COT/BOM


Great to see some familiar faces and some new ones as well. This morning’s weather was absolutely fantastic and enough to make me forget how crappy the workout was.



  • 6/15 – Gentlemen’s Cornerly – 1900-2100 at 438 Melrose Ave (Inside Woven Goods)
  • 6/16 – Open Tab – 1730 at Fat Bottom
  • 6/20 – Pep on Q at iiiP!
  • 6/28 – Night Moves – 1930 at Capitol Steps with post-Q hang at Von Elrod’s
  • 7/4 – Independence Day Convergence – 0600 at Sir Ellington


  • Sooner’s ultimate buddy’s shoulder
  • Martin family
  • Siri’s upcoming exam and child

PA out.

Operation Overlord WOD MOD

8 June 23
Temp – 65
Gloom Factor – Nil

PAX – Satellite, Elmer Fudd, Take 3, The Doctor, Cowboy Up, Gloves, Bulldog, Chef, Red Shark, Close Trim, Nomad, Ball Box, Ring Worm, Casual Fridays, Chunks, DP, Tampa Libra, Ginger, PopALock, Skeet, Sam Walton (WL), Peg Leg, Decaf, Red Skull, Bagger Vance

0529:30 – Disclaimer
Walkout to Downward Dog x 5
Thread the Needle x 3

THANG – Operation Overlord Remembrance

Partner Run w block to the back gate and back … if your partner stops for any reason then both of you must perform 10 Partner Wheelbarrow Merkins

6 Rounds –

(6) Burpees
(6) Block Presses
(19) Squat Jumps
(44) Arm Lock Walking Lunges {each, single ct}

Partner Run w block to the back gate and back … if your partner stops for any reason then both of you must perform 10 Partner Wheelbarrow Merkins

1 Round w/o Block RnR above

79 Block WWII w Partner

Plank Progression



The D-Day operation of June 6, 1944, brought together the land, air, and sea forces of the allied armies in what became known as the largest amphibious invasion in military history. The operation, given the codename OVERLORD, delivered five naval assault divisions to the beaches of Normandy, France. The beaches were given the code names UTAH, OMAHA, GOLD, JUNO, and SWORD. The invasion force included 7,000 ships and landing craft manned by over 195,000 naval personnel from eight allied countries. Almost 133,000 troops from the United States, the British Commonwealth, and their allies, landed on D-Day. Casualties from these countries during the landing numbered 10,300. By June 30, over 850,000 men, 148,000 vehicles, and 570,000 tons of supplies had landed on the Normandy shores. Fighting by the brave soldiers, sailors, and airmen of the allied forces western front, and Russian forces on the eastern front, led to the defeat of German Nazi forces. On May 7, 1945, German General Alfred Jodl signed an unconditional surrender at Reims, France.

World War II: D-Day, The Invasion of Normandy | Eisenhower Presidential Library




Stronghold 06.01.2023

AO: Stronghold
Gloom: 8.67/10
F3 PAX: Ripcord, Shocker, Solo Cup, Dannon Dave, Red Skull (AOQ), Toga, Pop-A-Lock, Chunks, Ringworm, Skeet, PegLeg, Saigon Sam (WL, Jacksonville), Young and Restless
4.13 PAX: Ball Box, Elmer Fudd, Cowboy Up, Close Trim, Nomad, The Doctor, Bulldog, Take 3, Gloves, Satellite, Shelf, Red Shark
QIC: Detective Pikachu

0530: Disclaimer, Mosey to Auditorium Loop

Warmup: Walls of Jericho
7 reps of the following 7 exercises:
Side Straddle Hops
Imperial Walkers
Single-leg Squats
World War Ones
Flutter Kicks
Single-leg Deadlifts

Then a lap around the Loop. Repeat for a total of 7 times. Bonus Points for those who yelled during the last lap

Mosey to Basketball Court
Tried to spell GRIT with exercises, but Walls of Jericho took a little too long
G – would’ve been Gas Pumps
R – would’ve been Ring of Fire with WW1’s
In the Plank Tonight, with buyout of running suicides on BB court
Thunderstruck: SSHs, with a squat at every “Thunder” in the song

COT: Me and Pop-A-Lock travelling this weekend (not together)
Check Slack for upcoming events (Beer and Diaper Night, Open Tab, Brewsday)
Pray for these men as they stick to this program and develop GRIT to get them through this hardship into a better future.

Bomber 5-26-2023: Graduation

It’s been a bittersweet few weeks at YHC’s house, as my 2.0 Thomas has picked his college destination (Boiler Up!) and last Saturday graduated from high school.  As our relationship hits an important transition, YHC wanted to celebrate graduation and provide some life lessons. As an added bonus, my 2.O as well as Cub Cadet’s 2.0 Edward came out for their first F3 workouts.

PAX:  23 (to celebrate the Class of ’23?)  Chunks, Cream Cheese, Cub Cadet, Dinty Moore, Firefox, Focker, Hambone, Legal Eagle, Kat Scan, Princess Aurora, Ranch Hand, Shockdoc (FNG),  Siri, Solocup, Spinal Tap, Steampunk (FNG), Supernova, T-cell,  The Flop (FNG), Toolman, Topps (FNG), Vector (QIC), Wet Wipes 

Conditions:   60 degrees and perfect

Disclaimer given and then start the playlist:  
Pomp & Circumstance to start the day, but sometimes graduation means learning hard lessons . . . cue

Everybody Wants to Rule the World – Tears for Fears
(“Welcome to your life. There’s no turning back.”)

Everyone does SSH until the song title is sung –> 3 burpees.  Song timed at 4 minutes to reflect 4 years of high school.

Graduate – Third Eye Blind
(“Do you live the days you go through?”)
Unwritten – Natasha Bedingfield
(“Live  your life with arms wide open.”)
Life’s What You Make It – Talk Talk
(“Baby, life’s what you make it. Celebrate it. Anticipate it.”)
Don’t Stop Believin’ – Journey
(“Don’t stop believin’. Hold on to that feeling.”)
Breakaway – Kelly Clarkson
(“But take a risk, take a chance, make a change, and breakaway.”)
Wide Open Spaces – The Chicks
(“Room to make her big mistakes.”)
Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) – Green Day
(“I hope you have the time of your life.”)
You Get What You Give – New Radicals
(“You’ll be okay, follow your heart.”)
Hey Look Ma, I Made It – Panic at the Disco
(“Think I must be dreamin’, wide awake and dreamin'”)
Celebration – Kool and the Gang
(“So bring your good times and your laughter too. We gonna celebrate your party with you.”)

  • Warm-o-rama:    WMH, Good mornings, LBAC x 15, RLBAC x 15, Imperial Walkers x 20
  • Thang 1:  GRADUATE

G:  Gorilla humpers x 50
R: Raises of calves x 50 (each leg)
A: American Hammers x 50 a side
D: DIPS x 50
U: Underdogs x 50
A: Air Presses x 50
T:  Tunnel of Love x 2 teams
E: Erkins x 50

  • Thang 2:  Partner UP – DORA

50 Pull-ups
150 Squats
250 LBCs

Partner runs around Rec Center

  • MARY:

Flutter kicks, Hello Dollys, Boxcutters

  • COT

Thanks, HIM for helping Cub Cadet and me celebrate Thomas and Edward and reflect on their graduation.  Those with little ones, realize their graduation day will be here much faster than you want (the days are long but the years are short). While, yes, I did make my 2.0 splash (sorry T!), later that day he said, “Dad, I think I will come out again. When I was doing it, it was no fun, but you feel so much better if you start your day that way.”  Perhaps we have a new convert? We’ll see.  Remember, we all have our graduations, big and small.  Cherish those around you and make in impact in their lives.  You all do that for me and hopefully I return the favor.



22 May 23 Q

22 M 23 Q
Temp : 60
Gloom Factor : Nil
PAX: W4AG, Donkey Hammer, A/R, CCR, Floppy Disk, Movin on Up, Esposa, Focker, Deep State, EZGO, T Cell, Winona, Bagger Vance


Mosey to the Baptist Church

Activation – 1/2 kneeling squat press, SSH, adductor rockers, cat/cow, thread the needle/spider stretch

EVO I – Sprints – high knees, high skips, butt kickers, karaoke, sprint back

EVO II – SGL L SQ2B x 5 R/L, SQ THRST x 10 DeadBug W Block x 10 (2ct) RnR x 2

EVO III – Goblet SQ2B x 10, Supine Block Press x 10 R/L, Eccentric Pull Ups x 5 (5ct), SGL L hip thrusters x 10 R/L RnR x 2

EVO IV – Gorilla Crawls, Bear Crawl Kick Throughs x 2

Mary – F Kix, Plank Progression

10 Burpee Buyout
3 Good Mornings


NMM : Full body work today. Slight modification of a gym workout I’ve been doing for a few weeks now. Glad we could modify as needed to make it work.

Solid crew as usual under the guidance of Works For a Guy but now his long awaited successor has been made official. After weeks of background checks, onboarding, a 7 day fast and silent retreat the new AOQ for Detention takes the reins, welcome Deep State. The bar has been set pretty high. W4AG was only 18 and rode a bike to workouts when he started and now look what’s he’s done with the place. So now Deep State will have to build on what’s been carefully and artisinally curated for him.

BH : Praying for summer schedules w kids and travel.
Nancy from F3 SpringHill is doing chemo for stomach cancer. It’s terminal cancer and he’s trying to find a study somewhere to get into in hopes of getting a cure or at least more time with his wife and kids.
Topanga’s mom is having vision issues and needs prayer.
Praise for CCR’s Charlie as he finishes this chapter of his 3+ year battle w leukemia.


ImprompQ 21/Apr/23

Temp – 53

Gloom Factor – Nil

PAX : Tampa, Esposa, Pedialyte, Black Widow, Donkey Hammer, EZGO, Accounts Receivable, CCR, W4AG, Deep State, Winona, Bagger Vance

QIC : Winona VQ BV

SSH X 13
Superman Stretch


Modified Sharknado BLIMPS Buffet

Burpees, Lunges (SGL), Inch Worms, Merks, P Jax, Squats
Bus Loop Clockwise
Grab Some Wall

Burpees (Rev), Lateral Lunges, Incline Merks, Super Slow Squats
Bus Loop Counterclockwise

Bear Crawl down the hill towards back of CHE
Let it go (ie sprint from side driveway to hedge row by power box)
Inverted Rows
Max Pullups
Pests w Block
Sprints n Skips x 5

Back to the blocks for more
Pests dbl leg, SGL leg
Palloff press w block

Split into 2 groups
Red Rover Burpee Broadjump

APD finish position x 20 IC
Low Plank
Speedy F Kix



The morning started off pretty normal. Did some stretching, some chatting then headed west on a mosey. This is where things got weird … our Q, Winona was a bit fixated on Qing up the tunes and suddenly went down. We are still investigating the security footage but there was either
1) a sniper that took him out 2) a random pothole that occurred overnight 3) Deep State tripped him or 4) he didn’t see the speed bump. All signs pointing to 4.

Pedialyte swooped in to do triage and the rest of us took a mosey around the mini diamonds and circled up in the lot. When EZGO asked “Who’s gonna Q” obv ATQ piped up and off we went.

BH –
Prayers up for Movin on Up’s family as his Grandfather passed away earlier this week.

Praying for our children specifically those in middle school dealing with all that goes along w MS.

413 Strong Signing Day on Friday. Hit up Red Skull for details.

Safety and speed for those running the Rock n Roll this weekend.


14 April 23

And The

Temp – 50s
Gloom Factor – Low

PAX : Black Widow, Donkey Hammer, A/R, Esposa, Floppy Disk, EZGO, W4AG, Deep State, Bagger Vance

Disclaimer Claimed 0530

Long, Fun Mosey w Various Movements

Activation x 5
Walkout to DD throw in some Merks/CDD
Spider Lunges
High Skips
Tilting Airplanes RnR
Reverse Toe Touches

Natural Movement 30”
Bear Crawl Kick Thru
Crawl Bear
Reach Backs

Power Time/Reps
Squat Complex (TUT) 10
Merkin Complex (TUT) 10
Hip Thrusters x 8 R/L RNR X 2
Eccentric Pull Up Complex (TUT) 6s X 3
Single Leg Hops 5 R/L RnR x 3
Step Into Box Jump 8 R/L RNR X 2
Sprints X 6

Stability 30” x 3
Low Plank
Shoulder Taps
Star Plank
Table Top
Pigeon R/L



Back to some new classics. Some MC mixed with groans of anguish indicated a good time by all.

Possible Local Boy sighting right after HSPUs.



Echo and the Bunnymen
Diana Ross and the Supremes
Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers
Lionel Ritchie and the Commodores
Sly and the Family Stone
Buddy Holly and the Crickets
KC and The Sunshine Band
Joan Jett and The Blackhearts
Bruce Springsteen and The E Str Band Ft Tom Morello
Bob Seger and The Silver Bullet Band
Bob Marley and the Wailers
Mike + The Mechanics (?)
Joe Strummer and The Mescaleros
Elvis Costello and the Attractions
Prince and The Revolution
Fitz and the tantrums
Benny and the jets
Grace potter and the nocturnals
The Head and the Heart
Jason Isbell and the 400 unit

III Pillars – 04.11.23 – “What’s the 4-1-1?”

16 HIM picked up the phone and got dialed in for a 4-1-1 themed workout at III Pillars this morning.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Formica, Go Fish, Gov’t Mule, Grape, Grisham, Haggis, Harbaugh, Howitzer, It’s Just Lunch, Michelin Man, Paper Pusher, Pep, Ranch Hand, T-Cell, Zelenskyyy


After a haphazard disclaimer and brief preview of the theme, mosey to field for COP:

  • SSH
  • LBAC F
  • OH Clap
  • LBAC R
  • SnL Squat
  • WMH


Grab the 20lb slam ball and line up for a little game of “telephone.” Starting at the goal line, PAX stand shoulder to shoulder, pass the ball to the next man, running to the front to repeat until we’ve crossed to the opposite goal line. Repeat other direction. For third round, we switched to alternating behind the head and between the legs and then repeated again.


All talked out, we hit the bleachers to get “dialtoned.” PAX completed 4 rounds of 11 reps each of the following circuit with a lap in between each round.

  • D. – Derkins
  • I.  – Irkins
  • A. – Ab Thrusters
  • L. – Leg Raises
  • T. – T-Raises
  • O. – Overhead Squats
  • N. – Newton’s Cradle (2-ct)
  • E. – Eccentric APD (4-5 seconds to lower)

Rotary Phone

Mosey back to midfield and circle up facing outward and on our six. PAX pass the slam ball around the circle, aiming to get faster in each subsequent revolution. After some confusion with this antiquated piece of equipment, we threw it out and made our way back to flag for cooldown stretches and COT/BOM.


Hopefully PAX got all the information they desired from calling 4-1-1 today. Always appreciate the way y’all humor me and my silly themes. My hope is that y’all have as much fun doing the work as I do coming up with it.



  • Prayers for my mom, Louisville, and the Covenant and Nashville communities.
  • Prayers and praises for PP’s M’s last chemo treatment

Keep shining your light in this city and leading with kindness and conviction.

PA out.