PurpleCow – 2022/3/21

PAX: Barkley, Venus, Faulkner, Olan Mills, Blackwidow, Red Skull, Penny Loafers, Nurse.Ratched, Hugs not Drugs, Toga, Wedding Singer, House on the Praire

QIC: Boone’s Farm

Conditions: crisp 40


Circle up:

  • SSH x20
  • Squats x10
  • Michael Phelps x10
  • Merkins x10


Mosey to GWP along path around to playground parking lot and partner up.  P1 run lap around parking lot while P2 performs reps (combined) of exercise, flapjack:

  • Burpees x50
  • Squat Jumps x100
  • Merkins x150
  • LBC x200
  • Flutters x250 IC

2 sprints across half of parking lot.  IPR back to start for Ring of Fire Merkins, J-Lo’s x20 IC slow and Low, Time.  COT.

Prayers House on the prairie recovery, look for ways to be servant particularly wives, kids and those we routinely impact.

Great effort by all this morning.  Coffee fellowship enjoyed by all.

Always an honor,


18 March 2022


Temp: 55
Gloom Factor: High

PAX: EZGO, Hiser, Works for A Guy, Pedialyte, Accounts Receivable, Movin On Up, Bagger Vance

Painfully obvious that the AOQ had not lined someone up to Q today. YHC & A/R briefly discussed #Sharknado but couldn’t remember the order or the exercises.

0530:30 Disclaimer

Mosey Hogan to Trousdale to back parking lot where we all marveled at the fresh, clean blacktop.

Bunny Hops
1/4 split squats
Seal Jax Skiers

Mosey to bus loop:
Bear Crawl to Crawl Bear to Crabwalk to Bear Crawl.

Reverse Burpees

Mosey to Trousdale side shuffle right then left to bottom of bus loop.

Skips to first Bradford Pear sprint to second.
Reverse skips to third Bradford pear. High plank and walk arounds.

Table push/pull.

5 Pull Ups
10 Swirkins
15 Squat Jumps

6 Rows
12 Atomics
18 Thrusters

RnR above

Grab blocks – Farmers carry to front wall. Wall sits. Supermans to failure.
Block Carries.
Block Row, Hinge, Plank Jax
Return blocks

Sprint – 10 reverse thrusters
Sprint – 10 heels to heaven
Sprint – 10 APD

Bear crawl kick throughs


Good mix of movements, nasal breathing and variety of work sets.
Nice to have Hiser from F3 Davidson back out with us.
Grateful to BigStick for reaching out and asking me to Q 🙄
Coffee Talk – wrecks, traffic, potholes, KY losing, UT winning, bad referees, The Hill (RIP), etc.
No playlist

BH: Prayers up for Ukraine, our world, grateful for the blessings we have, people who lost power in The Shire and their recovery, 413, traveling mercies.


III Pillars – “EMOMa So Ugly…” – 03.08.22

7 PAX gathered on a brisk Tuesday morning for a slow burn of a full-body workout designed to get you beach ready just in time for spring break.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Formica, Grisham, Howitzer, It’s Just Lunch, Pumpkin Spice, T-Cell


Disclaimer and mosey to the track for a warmup lap and COP:

  • SSH x 20
  • LBAC F x 10
  • Overhead Press x 15
  • LBAC R x 10
  • WMH x 20

Phase 1

PAX gathered ’round the jungle gym to embark on an EMOM circuit hitting all major muscle groups as well as the aerobic system, all to the sucré sounds of mostly French electro house. PAX perform reps as prescribed and rest for remainder of minute. Exercises as follows:

  • 0:00 – Pull-Ups x 10
  • 1:00 – Hand Release Merkins x 15 – upped to 20 for second set onward
  • 2:00 – Big Boy Sit-Ups x 15
  • 3:00 – Squats x 20 – scaled up to 1.5x Squats for second set onward
  • 4:00 – 200m Run

RnR up to 25:00

Phase 2

Quick jog over to track gate and down Bernie Incline for a leg afterburner. Iron Mikes x 10 (2=1) followed by Bernie up to gate and jog back down. People’s Chair for six and go again x 2 for 3 rounds total.

Phase 3

Indian Run back to parking lot and circle up for 4MOM:

  • APDs x 10
  • Boxcutters x 10
  • LBCs x 10
  • Shoulder Taps x 10
  • Jane Fondas x 10 ea



Glad to have Howitzer back out, and great effort by all throughout the EMOM circuit. T-claps to Pumpkin Spice for pushing the pace on the 200s and also to Grisham for providing Spice with a riveting final 200 duel. As predicted, the 200m rest period was the shortest and added an extra level of difficulty to the pull-ups. At first glance, the workout didn’t seem to intimidating, but after witnessing Grisham shed a layer each round, YHC started to feel better about his Q.


Continued prayers for IJL’s friend, Formica’s dad, and Howitzer’s M.

Upcoming: Grow Ruck 27 here in Nashville – 04/29 – 05/01. Kick off the weekend with some HIM over beers and hot chicken, wake up Saturday for a morning workout, dive into the four quadrants of Preparedness in the F3 curriculum at GrowSchool, and embark on an overnight ruck designed to you push beyond your comfort zone and accelerate your leadership.  Hit up Big Bang and Tampa Libra with any questions, and be on the lookout for some promo videos.

PA out.

What is this Q called?

Temp: 40 ish
Gloom Factor: Nil

PAX: Lochte, BNB, Bad Boy, T Cell, The Shield, Works for a Guy, Topanga, Bagger Vance

Disclaimer and some additional excuse making about this is a new routine, YHC will need to Weinke, etc.

Side shuffle (L/R) Pole to Pole
Karaoke (L/R) Pole to Pole
Bear Crawl Crawl Bear
Mod Gorilla (R/L)

In Nose out mouth x 10
In nose out nose x 10
In mouth out mouth x 10

SSH x 20
Seal Jax x 20
Glute bridge (r:l) x 8
Straight leg swing(r/l) x 10
Rolling v sit x 5
Neck flexion x 10
Neck rotation x 10
Scapula merkins x 10
Merkin to downward dog x 10
Spider lunge w extension x 10
Baby arm circles (F/R)
Shoulder corkscrews x 10
Sumo squat slow n low x 10
Reverse lunge w twist x 5 (r/l)
Speed skaters x 10 (r/l)
Inch worms x 10

PAX split into 1s & 2s
1s to the top pull up station
2s stay at the bottom
Pull Ups at station then flap jack for merkins at opposite station.

Pull Ups

Skips pole to pole
Bernie Skips pole to pole
AYG to StartEx


NMM: Focused on different movement patterns, less quantity more quality. Tempo and time under tension training. Getting breath under control, getting nasal, slowing breath down. Today’s music was from WNXP playlist on Spotify. Today’s workout title came from Bad Boy, T Cell and BNB riding me all morning and the fact that I have nothing else pithy to call it.
BH: Ukraine, 413 starting again next week, marriages, SB travel.


Time to Let Your Donkey Out

PAX: Offshore (kotter), Umbrella (afraid to get wet), Hugs Not Drugs, Venus, Cinderella, Barkley, Nurse Ratched, Penny Loafers, THE Black Widow, Toga (QIC), Honeydo (FNG), Ponzi, EZ Go, Wedding Singer

Gloom Factor: Nil, 70 and Sunny

14 redwoods showed up in some lovely weather to get a little better, faster, and stronger.  Here’s how it went down.

Disclaimer then mosey to the short track, do a lap and sorta circle up for warmarama.  Divide into two teams with Team One (a very individualistic group) going clockwise and Team Two (much more team focused and supportive) went counterclockwise.  Both teams had to mosey around the track and complete 5 pull-ups and 10 merkins at bars and 10 donkey kicks and 10 WWII on the porch before meeting back at the start.  Repeato x3

Take a break by working on Mary then do three more laps with chin-ups and offset merkins at the bars and lunges and donkey kicks at the porch.  Repeato x3

Do one more round with pull-ups and burpees at the bar and donkey kicks and squats at the porch.

Mosey to the parking lot for a fair amount of Mary.

Announcements: GrowRuck is coming!  Talk to Tampa or Big Bang ASAP.  We also had great news that Umbrella’s missing friend from BG was found and is back with his family.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead!

Stay Classy,


Movement > Quantity

Temp: 42
Gloom Factor: Low

PAX: Yard Sale, PSL, Black Widow, Venus, Noodler, D’Frost, Accounts Receivable, W4AG, EZ-Go, Uncle Jerry, Foxtrot, Bagger Vance (QIC)

Disclaimer 0530

Skip (F/R)
Side Shuffle x 2
Karaoke x 2
Bernie x 2
IW x 12 IC
Scorpion X 8 IC
Seal Jax X 10 IC


I. Tempo 6s
Split Squats

II. Movements 1’

Speed Skaters
Bear Crawl
Crawl Bear
Bear Crawl
Bunny Hop
Inch Worm to Peter Parker
Unloaded Get Ups
Row, Row, Hinge, Hinge
180 Broad Jumps

III. Speed

Nasal Breathing

Low Squat Challenge


Focused on proper form with lateral and functional movements over lots of reps in linear fashion.
Lots of groaning and grunting. Always a good sign.
Totally dropped the ball on nasal breath work.




03/03/22: Berner

AO: Atlantis

Conditions: Glorious

QIC: Pumpkin Spice

PAX: Bareback, DFrost, Hambone, I-Beam (F3 Knoxville), Lunch Lady, Oatmeal, Sooner


I was warned that Lunchlady would be late, so we started with 50 SSH in cadence, only to realize Lunchlady would be even later than expected. We took a mosey around the big field and ended in the large parking lot.

LBAC x 15

rLBAC x 15

Moroccan Night Clubs x 15

High Knees x 15

Butt Kickers x 15




The PAX assembled at the base of the parking lot for successive shuttle runs involving the medians, which are roughly 50 yards apart. Run to the first median, bernie back. Run to the second median, bernie back… etc. for all 5 medians. After completing each median shuttle, complete the following exercises:

  1. 5 Burpees
  2. 5 Burpees, 10 Overhead Presses
  3. 5 Burpees, 10 Overhead Presses, 20 Merkins
  4. 5 Burpees, 10 Overhead Presses, 20 Merkins, 30 Big Boy Situps
  5. 5 Burpees, 10 Overhead Presses, 20 Merkins, 30 Big Boy Situps, 40 Squats

SSH for the six. After all was completed, the PAX then lunged to the first median, did 5 burpees. Lunge to the second median, do 10 Overhead Presses. Lunge to the third median, do 20 Merkins. Lunge to the fourth median, do 30 Big Boy Situps. Lunge to the 5th Median, do 40 Squats. Then Crawlbear back to the start.

Mosey to the swings, everyone do 10 Underdogs and 10 Swerkins. Mosey to the startex for 1 minute of Flutter Kicks and 1 minute of American Hammers in cadence.


Nice to have Hambone visiting, wish it occurred more often. I should have toned down the cardio, because the mumblechatter one might expect from a combined Lunch Lady and Hambone attendance was underwhelming.


Prayers for all the parents out there figuring out how to best shepherd their children.

– Spice

Purple Cow – GW’s Birthday 1 Day Early – 2022/2/21

PAX: Umbrella, Not a Sport, Barkley, Venus, Garfield, Faulkner, Olan Mills

QIC: Boone’s Farm

Conditions: mid 40’s


Mosey to BHS track for 1 lap than circle up:

  • SSH x20
  • Squats x10
  • LBAC F/R x10
  • Michael Phelps x10
  • Air Presses x10
  • Merkins x10


Mosey to goal line.  Even though 1 day away, we’re celebrating George Washington’s birthday this morning 2/22/22:

  • Merkins x22, LBC x22, spring to 50, catch breath, sprint to other goal line
  • Squat Jumps x22, American Hammers x22 IC, spring to 50, catch breath, sprint to other goal line
  • CDD x22, Wrestling Bridges x22, spring to 50, catch breath, sprint to other goal line
  • Lunges x22, Flutters x22 IC, spring to 50, catch breath, sprint to other goal line
  • Repeat x3

Mosey back to start for COT:

Prayers for Not a sport’s mom battling depression, Hug’s niece’s cancer, House on the prairie Marine OCS, Merida and wife’s jobs keeping them apart for next several months, Umbrella’s wife’s change of treatment

Great effort by all this morning.  Coffee fellowship enjoyed by all.

Always an honor,




TEMP : 26

PAX : Boone’s Farm, Black Widow, Olan Mills, Hugs not Drugs, Penny Loafers, Faulkner, Red Skull, NotASport, TOGA, Ponzi, Venus, Barkley, Nurse Rached, Bagger Vance




10 X merkins, squats, pistol lbc 5 ct Cadence
10 X Burpees, GMA


10 X merkins, Mtn climbers, f Kix 5 ct cadence
10 X Burpees, Cherry Pickers


10 X Merkins, squat jumps, Superman’s 5 ct cadence
10 X Burpees, Chain Breakers


10 X Merkins, lunges, ola dolly 5 ct cadence
10 X Burpees, American Hammers

Mosey back to StartEx

Wall Sits : Regular, RT leg only, LT leg only

Bear crawl from the wall to

5’ Plank Progression


NMM: Thank y’all for bearing w me on the new cadence call and for partnering up to ensure proper form for your PAXters. Very little MC due in large part to the coolish weather. Grateful for the Leadership of Boone’s Farm, TOGA, Black Widow, et al in Bwood.

BH: Prayers up for Hugs Not Drugs niece, Carly and for Umbrella’s wife.
Convergence Franklin 26 Feb 0600-0730. Coffeeteria after. Hit up Hoser for details.


The Return of the Block Party

PAX: Pipes, Shaguar, Pusher, Jimmy John, Astaire, Moonwalk, Works for a Guy, Hambone, Bagger Vance, Detective Pikachu, Crawl Space, Dan and Dave, D frost, Red Skull, Toga QIC), The Black Widow

Gloom Factor: Nil, 70  and Sunny

A hearty sixteen posted to get a little better in the gloom.  It went something like this:

Disclaimer, mosey to everyone’s favorite gravel lot, standard issue WOR (including nipple sharpeners), then lineup for some grass drills= PAX in one line facing the fence, chop legs like the mountain climber, and then roll right, left and forward based on the Q’s cadence.  Complete 4 rounds

Partner up, mosey to block pile and collect one block for each team before heading to the bball court.  Lineup on the baseline for some block work:

  1. Round 1: P1 bear crawl down the court and mosey back while P2 executes block shoulder presses, flapjack and repeato x3
  2. Round 2: P1 Carryovers down and back while P2 executes block squats, flapjack and repeato x3
  3. Round 3: P1 burpee broad jump down and mosey back while P2 executes WWII with blocks, flapjack and repeato x3
  4. Round 4: P1 lunge down and mosey back while P2 executes block curls, flapjack and repeato x3
  5. Round 5: P1 crab walk down and mosey back while P2 executes block swings flapjack and repeato x3

Deliver blocks back to the deck in a nice, neat pile, and conduct some very quick Mary in the parking lot while waiting for the 6.

Announcements: See Red Skull’s note in channel about a 5k to run with the 4:13 speedsters, see BV’s note (in ‘main’ channel) about an upcoming convergence in Franklin.  Prayers for Pusher’s son turning ONE TODAY!!

NMM:  It’s always an honor to lead at 4:13.  Most of us haven’t faced the challenges these young men have in their rearview or the ones they have in front of them.  Stay humble, work hard, support the man next to you, and enjoy a jock jams playlist where appropriate.

Stay Classy,
