Man-Making Murph @ ThePound

Conditions: About 48 degrees. Gloom is in full effect. Perfect for this morning’s routine.

Pre-Party: YHC led Kermit & Stats in a Bearway to Heaven with the actual artists who wrote the song serenading us from Stats’ vehicle’s speakers. Nice touch! WaterBoy (Franklin PAX) joined up for some burpees at the finish line with YHC. Great job HIMs who are breaking PRs in the process! When I encouraged Stats and Kermit to get in their Burpees and crawl now because there wouldn’t be during the THANG, Stats got a little concerned about what was coming….

11 PAX in attendance: (unfortunately there were some casualties to WhiskeyKnee that couldn’t make it in today due to recent beat-downs (RoadRash & Barney)) However, Kermit, WaterBoy, Sterno, RagDoll, Inspector Gadget, Nimbus 1500, Stats, ShowMe, Tebow, OldHickory & 3rd Degree (Q) got after it.


  • Jog around parking lot x 1 (then circle up) (ShowMe Lap)
  • SSH IC x 5
  • SJ IC x 6
  • Tempo Squats IC x 7
  • GM OYO

Explained the concept for today: modified Murph. Great standard to measure fitness over time as it is done for best time. Lets Get it!


Partner up! All PAX chose the 1/2 mile lap and division of exercises accordingly x 4. Battle-buddies will pace and push each other to complete the:

Image result for murph

No Mary since no time! 


Inspector Gadget was the 9th man and shared about family (wife and 3 kids), profession (Metro Detective), has lived in Nashville 19 years and married for 18.

What we Learned:

  • Today’s workout is a CrossFit routine in honor of Lt. Mike Murphy (Commanding officer of Marcus Luttrell of Lone Survivor). He was a true HIM who led and served others to the sacrifice of himself.
  • Thanks to Kermit & Tebow for Coffee!!! So cool to hang out with 9 other guys for an extended time of fellowship.
  • Arms got super pumped between laps…The Murph is no joke.
  • Don’t eat burgers and onion rings the night before a Murph. Lesson learned Nimbus!
  • The MEDIC was needed all the way around the track, but was a comfort at the pain-station.
  • YHC shared from Hebrews 13 that we are not to be controlled by love for money, but to be content with what we have because God promises to always be with his people. We don’t have to fear man, what can he do to me? We are stewards of our lives and resources from Him and will give account to Him for how we used them. I encouraged folks to make sure they are right with their Maker, because every other relationships is affected by this primary one. Also, let’s live today knowing that at any time our last day may come. If you want more info, to discuss or debate, hit me up and let’s get some coffee or happy-hour to discuss further…

Post Party: Stats led us in 10 Yurpees, strong finish! ShowMe was especially appreciative.


  • F3 Nolensville will launch our 4th AO, DEFIANT, this upcoming 3/25/19 (Monday) at Nolensville Elementary 5:30-6:15. Bootcamp style workouts. (one more step to becoming our own region)
  • The Gauntlet is coming! 5/4/19 F3Nolensville’s first CSAUP event. Today was in prep for that…2.5-3 hours, ~8 miles, 5 AOs, endless memories…
  • Warpath is returning April 13. Sterno is geeking out! WarHalf would be similar to what is planned for The Gauntlet if you want a preview…
  • RagDoll is planning F3Dads local event and F3Franklin is hosting one soon as well.
  • ThirdThursday lunch (2ndF) will be TODAY at 11:30– ~1pm at Los Cabos in Nolensville
  • Make sure to sign up for Q slots for F3 Nolensville on under Q Sign up (created a link in this sentence) or I will gladly take them all!

See you Saturday for Coach NumbTuck’s glorious return…3D-out!

BOMBS on stonewall

March 16, 2019

Gloom: crisp 40 degrees

PAX: Jeweler, En Fuego, Deep Dish, Right Said, Pumpkin Spice

QIC: Crawlspace

Warm up: quick 1 mile jog around/ through the park

Meat and potatoes: BOMBS – 3 groups of 2 PAX – One bear crawled/lunged to the community center then jogged back to swap with working PAX


    • 150 Burpees
    • 150 Pullups
    • 150 Merkins
    • 150 Big Boy Sittups
    • 150 Squats

FUN: tennis ball tag in the parking lot of community center – two PAX were “it”, 4 PAX ran! 15 side straddle hops if you were tagged or hit with a tennis ball. If you threw and missed: 30 side straddle hops. After 3 tags you pass the ball.

7 min Mary: After some fun we hit the soft mulch of the playground for some pass the lead ab work. Work included little baby crunches, Freddy Mercury’s, heel tags, boxcutters and the alphabet.

COT: Everyone is getting excited for the Scorpion this Saturday! Also RightSaid and I plugged the ramp building for the elderly service project immediately following (and every third Saturday of the month.)

All in all it was a great morning and I’m always proud to have led these men!





BEARing with Me @ BrokenWheel

polar bear GIF

Conditions: About 30 degrees and FROSTY. Polar Bear Playground weather…Beautifully clear sky with constellations on display and a nearly full-moon. Gorgeous…

Pre-Party: YHC led Kermit in a classic Bear-Crawl and Crawl-Bear over the Bridge. I timed the crawls and brought the timing up later to a couple PAX who sought to break the sound barrier in an attempt to beat the time…

13 PAX in attendance: Kermit, Inspector Gadget, Nimbus 1500, Stats, Altidore, RoadRash, Sterno, Scrooge, Tebow, Barney Fievel, Gaylord Focker, Netflix & 3rd Degree (Q)


  • Jog around parking lot x 1 (then circle up) (ShowMe Lap)
  • SSH IC x 50
  • Goofballs IC x 50
  • Tempo Merkins IC x 15
  • Tempo Squats IC x 15
  • Tony Horton/Michael Phelps stretch OYO
  • GM OYO

Explained the concept for today: I had planned a completely different workout, but the frost killed it. Another time then…ADAPT AND OVERCOME! What follows was the sadistic spontaneity that sprung from my mind:

The Thang(s) 

Bearway to Heaven: Bear crawl and then crawl-bear sprint the parking lot lines (every 2 lines = 1 station) with Burpee Speedbumps at every station (10, 8, 6, 4, 2) all set to the 8:16 minutes:seconds of Stairway to Heaven. It rocked! Some lucky PAX were able to finish with a 10 burpee buy-out since they had time to spare. YOU TRY IT! All Pax gave max effort. HIM Inspector Gadget gave up his time to get some gloves for newer PAX RoadRash. Well done…


Dancing Bear Pyramid: PAX perform 1 Merkin and then recover to perform 1 Dancing Bear (Andean Bear from Nashville Zoo on news…basically a jump squat and OHP). R&R going up in reps of each of 1:1 ration until at 10 & 10. Then back down the other side of the pyramid back to 1 each.


EmBEARassing Partner-Carry Variations: Piggy Back & Wheel Barrow the parking lot and flapjack with partner for the return. Apparently, some PAX are very comfortable with each other. Others get tongue-tied and cuss at each other on accident…SHOTS FIRED, #4thF

In between sets Nimbus wanted to pulse-plank, and we accommodated his request to Van Halen BG music. J-los were thrown in for good measure.


It’s kinda my thing and we have to show our newbie RoadRash what F3Nolensville is all about… Bear crawl and Crawl-Bear the bridge (3 squat bonus for any stoppage)…Time was called due to YHC poor time management while some PAX were modifying or finishing the crawl-bear…Cobains…


Stats was the 9th man AGAIN, so Scrooge took the plunge and shared about family (wife and 3 kids under 6), church attendance (with Sterno in Brentwood) & hometown/college UT Martin (wide receiver with a PR of 4.5 40yd dash time), he plans to Q and smoke us all with football drills…stay tuned…

What we Learned:

  • Thanks to Tebow/Nimbus for Coffee!!! Rifle Coffee, MudRuck, hair on the chest kind of coffee! Please let the PAX know how and when to donate for supplies PRN.
  • The MEDIC needed its own MEDIC & Nimbus was happy to accommodate. There were songs about Jumping, Toad-sucking and Country boys surviving…Inspiring…
  • Glad to see RoadRash come out and push hard! He said it sucked worse than the first time. Thanks bud…welcome to F3Nolensville. (was that a second Merlot Splash?)
  • Netflix was lured from the FartSak by <32* temps. He loves that toboggan hat, and so do we…
  • Barney and Nimbus crawled the bridge and sought to break records like: video zoo GIF
  • I’m glad to know and be sharpened by each of you. Thanks for BEARing with me. Keep posting!
  • I love bears…the end.

Post Party: 15 HRCs, a BEAR of a woman & a strong finish to the morning!

6 PAX stuck around for coffeeteria. (Kermit, Barney, Tebow, Nimbus, Gaylord & YHC)


  • F3 Nolensville will launch our 4th AO, DEFIANT, on 3/25/19 (next Monday) at Nolensville Elementary 5:30-6:15 Bootcamp style workouts. (one more step to becoming our own region)
  • Make sure to sign up for Q slots for F3 Nolensville on under Q Sign up (created a link in this sentence) or I will gladly take them all!
  • The Gauntlet is coming! 5/4/19 F3Nolensville’s first CSAUP event. 2.5-3 hours, ~8 miles, 5 AOs, endless memories…JUST SAY YES!
  • ThirdThursday lunch (2ndF) will be this Thursday starting at 11:30 at Los Cabos (new Mexican restaurant in new buildings off Nolensville Road and Clovercroft/Rocky Fork Rds.) See you there!


Blarney Stoned – 03.18.2019

14 turned out for an Irish folk-scored, coupon-heavy (Blarney Stones), cardio-heavy, workout at Detention.  Because I’m related to CCR, it was my AO with him on 2.0 duty.  It’s the law.

PAX: Floppy D, Reefer, Ludwig, PSL, Greencastle, Dmish, Drone Zone, Old Hick, Dine and Dash, Black Lung, Dilly Dilly, Brother at Law (O’Q), Movin’ on Up, Bad Boy.

WOR: Ran a bit, did the greatest hits a bit: SSH, GM, WMH, LBAC, RLBAC, Navy Babies, Overhead Press, Slo and lo merks.

THANG: Count off 1’s and 2’s.  1’s go grab blarney stones.  2’s head to Pavillion.  One partner would do an exercise while the other did a run.  Here’s what we did:

One partner suicide sprints while the other did the following exercises.  Flapjack after each suicide and wait for the six: 1) Goblin squat; 2) RDL with upright row; 3) plank jacks; 4) coupon lunch; 5) curlies for the girlies.

One partner runs the hill while the other did the following exercises.  Flapjack after each hill and wait for the six: 1) bench jumps; 2) RDL with curl; 3) blarney o’hammers nee american hammers nee Russian twists;  4) lateral coupon lunge; 5) dips; 6) squat thrusters.

Return coupons.  Stop at the railing for 17 rows, 17 merkins, 17 rows.  Cool.

Return to top lot for sprinting mary (TM).  True Moo cut off our sprinting lanes, so we did a sprint and back instead of our typical 100m dash.  Alas.  Sprint, flutter kicks x25, sprint, high plank followed by 20 ASTs, sprint, circle up for Alabama prom dates, I think maybe american hammers again, then GMs to see us on through.

With final sprint we officially cleared 2 miles by my watch.  A good weekday morning for sure.



3/29 Leadership lunch at Richland with Ret. US Army Ranger John Belman.  See Slack for details or contact Bagger.

3/23: Westside CSAUP The Scorpion.  Begins at Titan and ends at West Park.  See Slack or contact Princess Aurora for details.

Great to have Bad Boy out with us 6 days after welcoming his new baby girl.  Looked super rested.

Prayer: Grateful to be able to get up in the morning with you all.  Don’t want to take it for granted.

Brother at Law

Ultimate at Westeros 3/18/19

39 degrees and pretty gloomy.






Havey Updyke


Pumpkin Spice



Blue Mule

Right Said





Seal Claps



Cherry Pickers


The Thang:

Ulimate Frisbee. Getting scored on costs 10 burpees. An incomplete pass gets you 5 Merkins (even if it was a perfect pass).



7 minute abs in 2 minutes – LBCs



Scorpion CSAUP this Saturday

Trivia at Edley’s Sylvan Park tomorrow night at 8pm

Leadership luncheon March 29th

Check your Ironclad standings. Time is running out.


-Right Said

Hail Caesar Coupon Circuit

High 40s with a bit of the gloom back from springing forward.  3+1 late arrival for pre-hustle run.  YHC-Porcelain on the Q pre-staged coupons in parking lot by the playground.  19 total Pax: PA, Hi-viz, Pumpkin Spice, Hambone, Ride Along, TK, Studio 42, En Fuego, Crab Legs, Blue Mule, Cunning Linguist, Tiny Dancer, Crawl Space, FNG-Speed Bag, Shadow, Pop-a-lock, Bareback, Toothless.

Disclaimer than short mosey to the parking lot for COP.  Quick warmup: 20xssh, 10xslow and low merkins, 10xslow and low squats, 10xwmh.

Started explaining different workout stations.  The thang: 2 min AMRAP(as many reps as possible).  Should have explain at start instead of end.  Speaker on the ready to cycle through music on the 2 minute to signal rotation.  Also, ran out of time to prepare numbered signs for stations.  Some did not remember their numbers when group counted off for station to start at.  Every 5th station was a rest station to critique form or as Ride Along so eloquently put it hype man.  Every man passed off high score of reps to next man entering the station.


Parking lot

1-sprint suicides

2-deadlift 135# barbell

3-jump rope

4-farmers walk with 5 gallon sand buckets

5-rest/candor form critique

Monkey Bars


7-weighted pull-up 35# weight belt

8-bear Crawl suicide playground to sidewalk


10-rest/candor form critique


12-overhead press 95# barbell


14-underdogs (aka Irwin’s or kangarows)

15-rest/form critique

16-sumo deadlift high pull 55# kettlebell

17-wall ball throws with squat (20# large soft medicine ball)

18-tricep wall ball throws (8# small soft medicine ball)

19-rest/form critique

got through 15 stations before 0612 end exercise to review high scores

as we knew blue mule is a lifting machine for strength wins.  I was unaware of shadow’s stamina with a couple of calisthenics rep wins.  PA showed his jump rope speed.

Got some good feedback from the pax on this format I have been working on.  Thanks PA for the vary exercise critique for peak performance.  Hope everyone got some good feedback from their brothers along the way or learned that they can use some more candor.

got a little out of order on the sequence of events calling for a quick after action review.  Announcements covered the Scorpion coming next Saturday at 0600 launching from the Parthenon.  The third brother Pickney arrived this morning.  Eldest brother Crawl Space has the strong nickname of Speed Bag prepared as his brother is another XC runner and did some fraternity boxing.

COT-prayers for Christchurch and more peace and love in this world.




March 12th Man CLARITY


Def: The quality or state of being clear; Lucidity: Clearness of thought or style, a presumed capacity to perceive the truth directly and instantaneously.  

This essay has been a bit tougher to write than last week’s entry on DISRUPTION.  Possibly because I am still drilling down on my CLARITY and possibly because there is a bit of spiritual warfare taking place in my midst.  Just as Ebola and Grease Trap displayed True Leadership going through times of DISRUPTION, this week’s focus is on a PAX that displays what I refer to as the 1st C, CLARITY that comes only after we have been disrupted.  CLARITY of why, CLARITY of who, CLARITY of how and CLARITY of what.  

When I think of CLARITY, I think about MISSION, as defined in Q Source as Service in the high impact zone (Q2.3).  A High Impact Man, a HIM, lives in this Zone.  

Think for a minute about the story of the Israelites who wandered in the desert for 40 years.  The reality is, even with a group that size, they probably could have made the trip in a matter of weeks but without a course of action taken to achieve an articulated purpose, they wandered.  (Q2.3). Obviously, God had a plan and a course of action and a why for their wandering but they didn’t have any CLARITY for it whatsoever.

When most people encounter DISRUPTION, there is no clear path, only the fog of war and the chaos of not knowing.  As we become TRUE LEADERS in these times of DISRUPTION, our target comes into view.  I believe it is this view of our target that gives us CLARITY and puts us on MISSION.  

To me, the truer meaning of CLARITY comes from LUCIDITY, a presumed capacity to perceive the truth.  

Most of you know Funyuns as a GoRuck’n beast, a guy that gets up and gets after it around 0445 most mornings and the former site Q for Racetrack.  I want to tell yall how he has demonstrated CLARITY to me and is a TRUE LEADER.  I first met Funyuns at our Memorial Day Modified Murph in 2015, he was an FNG.  So how about that, a dude shows up on his off day from work to get better with a group of guys he didn’t know outside of his EH, Baltic Predator.  (Side note, BP had been sidelined with Thyroid cancer and bad knees from his time in the NFL.) So here Funyuns shows up and lays it all out there with us.  Fast forward to 2019 and Funyuns has been one the HIMest HIMs we have, leading, serving, EH’ing and living out F3.

About a year into our friendship, Funyuns shared some of the details about his DISRUPTION.  That DISRUPTION which we won’t cover here has led to many positive outcomes for Funyuns as well as those of us who know him…whether we realize that or not.  I argue that the most important outcome of that DISRUPTION was CLARITY.  

Leadership traits I experience through my brotherhood with Funyuns…

His Relationship with his Maker (WHY):

Funyuns has a deep love for Jesus and knows that any CLARITY he will ever live in comes through a daily walk with the Lord.  My man Funyuns is a deep reader of God’s word and communicator with God throughout the ritual of daily prayer.  

If you don’t have an open line of communication with your Maker, you won’t have CLARITY and you won’t lead well.  Why? We are designed to be in relationship.  

His Relationship with his Family (WHO):

Funyuns loves his wife Jaclyn and his baby girls Mary Michael and Lela.  This sounds like a pretty low bar but man if you have ever spent any time with Funyuns you know his devotion to them.  This devotion emanates from Funyuns in how he talks about them and how he serves them.

If you aren’t loving those well that you are in proximity to (your WHO), if you don’t have CLARITY around the “Die to Self” mentality they need, how can you be a servant leader at work, at F3, in your community or in your place of worship?  Those of you who ascribe to my particular worldview can think of the ultimate HIM who laid down his life for us.

His Relationship with his Friends (WHO pt 2):

What does true friendship look like to you?  Do you have a crystalline definition of true friendship on your heart?  Are your true friends faces burned in your mind’s eye? That’s it for me, it is easier for me to see those HIM in my mind as opposed to defining them with you know, words.  When I think about the true friends I have, Funyuns would be on my Mt. Rushmore. You all know the benchmarks to friendship…Borrow your Vehicle > Help you move > Advice on work > Pray over You (getting a bit more real now).  What about that HIM that asks you the hard questions? Do you have that guy on your team? What about the guy that gets in there where the dark stuff is? You got him too? You have to get clear on who those HIM are that get beyond the surface, the ones that are deeper than a rain puddle and Funyuns has done that.  He is that 2 AM call for some of us and when you get CLARITY, you will be that 2 AM call for others.  

His Relationship with his Work (WHAT):

What does CLARITY in terms of work tell us about leadership?  How has Funyuns CLARITY with his work taught me about leadership?  I will share that with you through a quick example.  Last winter, Funyuns and Big Bang were training for a custom F3 Heavy.  Those dudes were crushing regular F3Nashville and F3Franklin AOs after doing their own 45-60 minute Pre-Parties.  As a follower of Funyuns on Strava, I would see regular posts of 12 Mile solo Rucks on Sunday mornings. Those solo Rucks are the loneliest of the lonely and he did them week after week because he had the CLARITY of crushing the F3 Heavy in NC.  

Great story, how does CLARITY in work come into play?  Well about a week before the Startex, Funyuns partner/employer had a family emergency.  No big deal, his bossman would be back in time for Funyuns to clown car over to NC with Big Bang.  Only that he wasn’t, he was delayed and that put Funyuns in a pickle. No big deal, Funyuns could head out for one weekend, the techs on his team could handle the office, his friends in the industry would be on call for any emergency that came up.  But no, Funyuns CLARITY was devoted to his work, to his goal of buying the practice, to his years of dedication and skill building.  As someone who has had to bag out on a Big Hairy Audacious GORUCK event, I can assure you losing out on this event was weighing on him.  There would be other HTLs, other GORUCK events, a STARCOURSE to crush.

A lesser man, a MASCOT would have put in the B team, called in some favors but not Funyuns.  He sacrificed a short term, albeit badass event, for the long term right thing to do.  The leadership lesson that Funyuns confirmed for me here was that you don’t use short term information to get CLARITY on long term decisions.  

CLARITY is a result of DISRUPTION, great leaders are true to their MISSION when their behavior exhibits adherence to the following (HOW):

  1. An open, ongoing dialogue with your Maker through the study of the scriptures and through prayer
  2. Loving and serving well those you are in proximate relationship with
  3. Being that 2 AM phone call guy
  4. Favoring the dedication to the long term goal over the feel good use of short term information…not letting the short term cloud the long term

PARTING SHOT: Can you be on MISSION without CLARITY?

Bassmaster Classic

Pre Party: Stats and 3rd Degree – Bearway to heaven

Conditions: Clear, Cold 35 degrees just the way the big bass like it pre-spawn baby. Get the red lipless crank baits ready! Day 2 of the bassmaster classic is on!

Pax: 11 Pax Gaylord Focker, Ragdoll, Old Hickory, Stats, Little Miss piggy, Scrooge, 3rd Degree, TV guide, Kermit, Typo O positive guided by Q Show Me decided to come out for what they thought was going to be a little leisurely bank fishing but they were wrong. That ain’t how its done on the elite series. Anglers go hard.

Warm Up:

15 – SSH (IC)

15 – Arm Circles Forward (IC)

15 – Arm Circles Backward (IC)

15 – Merkins Low and Slow (IC)

15 – Squats (IC)

Q Asked PAX if they knew what day it was. After a few failed guesses Q informed them Day 2 of the Classic! Lets get it!

Mosey to Breakfast where thanks to Stats we were reminded that tournaments can’t be won on Day 2 but they can be lost! Go hard!

Q asked what every Fisherman has to do before they hit the water? Breakfast!

Thang 1 : Breakfast. Sun rise sampler x 5 

5 – Dips

5 – Derkins

5 – HRCS

5 is a really important Number come tournament time…. We need 5 Big ones in the livewell at the end of the day so we got to do some running. Since we don’t have the boat we’ll have to get it done the old fashion way….

Thang 2: Lake RUN (AKA Suicides on Tennis Court) x 5 rounds 

Now that we’ve done a little bit of Running we do what every elite series angler does. Throw in another big dip of Copenhagen baby.

Thang 3: 49 Dips – for the 49th annual bassmaster classic on the Tennessee River in Knoxville this weekend!

Sometimes you do a bunch of running and things don’t work out on a particular spot like you think they would. Maybe the water got dirty over night or the fish you had found in practice moved. PAX followed Q on a mosey to a new fishing hole since the gates were open to the field but the frost ruined the spot. So we had to do what good anglers do and what good dads, fathers, and husbands have to do daily. ADJUST! Gotta fish the water you’re dealt…..

Thang 4: Graphing….. We did some more running because our fish kept moving and so we did too. Pax did a mosey to a pseudo bridge where Q challenged Pax to duck walk half and Bear crawl Half. Q and Pax were unsure how we connect this to bass fishing but Ducks are a good bait!

Mosey to the Parking Lot where Pax finally were able to settle down a few key spots we’d nailed down through our lake searching…. Graphing pays off in the end!

Thang 5: 4 Corners. 

Q should have connected Pax 4 Corners to our own 4 Corners Marina on Percy Priest but we’ll save Percy Priest for later….

Round 1 – 7 Burpees at each parking lot corner while moseying between corners

Round 2 – 14 Flutter Kicks at each corner

Round 3 – 21 Merkins at each corner

Mosey back to the lot for Mary


The 1972 Bassmaster classic was held on our own Percy Priest Lake. This weekend marks only the 2nd time its ever been to the state of Tennessee. So we decided to honor the legacy

19 – WW1

72 – Flutter Kicks (IC) Q had to take a few breaks to make it all the way but we finished!


Remember Gaylords Mom as she battles memory loss along with Polar Express as he comes back from triple bypass. Lift of Gaylord and Cheezwiz both as they strive to be good leaders in their families during difficult times. Typo O and others Q included will be traveling this week for Spring Break. As its brought to your mind lift up those who will be on the roads as traveling can be really stressful.

Lets all embrace the good Spring weather God’s giving us right now and do our best to get outdoors with our neighbors and be salt and light in our communities.

Upcoming announcements: 2nd F next Thursday at the new Mexican  restaurant will be headed up by 3rd Degree. 2nd F next Saturday a gun range trip headed up by Stats!

Post Party: 3rd Degree, Ragdoll, TV Guide, Stats, Little Miss Piggy and Kermit wanted to catch some bigger fish and since they got the draw for the second flight in they headed to the democratic national convention to do so.

1 Minute Al Gore, 30 Seconds of Bernie Sanders (Politician Backwards) and 30 Seconds of Hilary Rodham Clintons.

Their rods were sore from all the hook sets after that for sure!

Fisherman were some of the first disciples Jesus called. They are hard core dudes. Franklin may have kicked our tails last week at Convergence but we are better for it. Keep up the good work guys and keep on castin!

VQ: The Crazy 8

A strong Cruelhall pax of 17 made their way out into the gloom on this beautiful 49-degree morning to get better.  At the request of Baggervance, very little cotton made an appearance.

Pax: Flutag, Ludwig, Baggervance, Blue Devil, Offshore, Brother-at-law, Black Lung, Sterno, A_R, Blackwidow, PSL, Bigstick, Reefer, Dmish, Lumbergh, Capslock

WORLittle bit of everything to get rid of the slight chill in the air.

-Quick mosey around the Cruelhall Castle

-15 SSH

-20 Good Mornings

-15 Willy Mays

-15 High Knees

-15 Arm Cirlces forward & reverse

-Possibly some extracurriculars that I’ve missed

THANG: We started out light and built round by round, keeping the pax together with Flutterkicks in between.  Got 7 great rounds in before we almost had to call it due to time, but the pax wouldn’t have it!  We squeezed in that 8th round because that’s what we came for.

ROUND 1 – 5 burpees, Parking Lot Loop

ROUND 2 – 5 burpees, 10 Merkins, Parking Lot Loop

ROUND 3 – 5 burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 WWI, Parking Lot Loop

ROUND 4 – 5 burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 WWI, 20 Block Curls, Parking Lot Loop

ROUND 5 – 5 burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 WWI, 20 Block Curls, 25 squats, Parking Lot Loop

ROUND 6 – 5 burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 WWI, 20 Block Curls, 25 squats, 1 minute elbow plank, Parking Lot Loop

ROUND 7 – 5 burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 WWI, 20 Block Curls, 25 squats, 1 minute elbow plank, 35 Side Straddle Hops, Parking Lot Loop

ROUND 8 – 5 burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 WWI, 20 Block Curls, 25 squats, 1 minute elbow plank, 35 Side Straddle Hops, 40 shoulder presses w/block, Parking Lot Loop

Mary: To add to the fun we closed out with some additional burpees, crunches, and a brief conversation with the Sky Q before making our way over to the always tasty and delicious spice enhanced coffee.


3/29 Leadership lunch at Richland with Ret. US Army Ranger John Belman.  Details will be in slack or contact Bagger.

3/23: Westside CSAUP The Scorpion.  Begins at Titan and ends at West Park.  See Slack or contact Princess Aurora for details.

Prayers:  Bagger’s friend unexpectedly losing a baby at delivery.  Apologies if I forgot somebody’s intention but I think that was it.

Run with faster men.

Movin On Up


Soopa-Koopa @ ThePound 3/14/19

Image result for gif koopa

Conditions: About 67 degrees and WINDY. Gloom is in full effect with spring forward.

Pre-Party: YHC led Kermit & Creeper (arrived after round 2, classic!) for 10 burpees on the minute for 10 minutes. I think Stats also joined in around round 6 or 7, but the fog of war was pretty thick and I am not really sure…Hate those during, but love them afterwards…

13 PAX in attendance: Kermit, HushPuppy, Creeper, Inspector Gadget, Nimbus 1075.5, Stats, ShowMe, RoadRash, HotNReady, Typo+, MicDrop, OldHickory & 3rd Degree (Q)


  • Jog around parking lot x 1 (then circle up) (ShowMe Lap)
  • SSH IC x 10
  • SJ IC x 10
  • GM OYO
  • Quad Stretch OYO

Explained the concept for today: modified Cooper Routine (origianlly 1/4 mile track lap with burpees, merkins and squats after each lap) with Mario and Boston, MA accent twist…the Soopa-Koopa.

Thang: Soopa-Koopa:

Partner up! You and your teammate will pace and push each other to complete one 1/3 mi. lap, then the following exercises in succession. Then Rinse and Repeat but decrease number of reps of each exercise by one each every lap (unless you’re Kermit in the Fog of War who did 10 of everything, every lap). Start with 10 of each after first lap.

Exercises were:

Pull-ups, Atomic Merkins & Floating Starfish (each side was 1/2)

YHC and partner Nimbus (T-claps brother for pushing me) were able to lead and complete down to the 4 reps lap but encouraged all PAX to attempt 10 reps of everything since time was wrapping up on the last lap. In all, we completed 2.33 miles (7 laps) and 55 reps of each exercise in the ~40 minutes we were allowed to use.

No Mary since no time! Pax had interspersed Ab work throughout the morning with atomic Merks and Floating Starfish…so no hard feelings


ShowMe was the 9th man and shared about family (wife and 3 sons), profession (pastor at Revive Church in Nolensville), hobbies (hunting, baseball coach)

What we Learned:

  • Thanks to Kermit for Coffee!!! Please let the PAX know how and when to donate for supplies PRN.
  • Math is Hard when you are in the heat of battle…
  • The MEDIC was needed all the way around the track, but was a comfort at the pain-station.
  • Glad to see RoadRash come out and push hard, even with a mid-routine bathroom break 🙂 And with a Merlot Splash! Thanks bud…welcome to F3Nolensville.
  • HotNReady & OldHickory have officially changed membership to Nolensville, welcome!
  • HushPuppy was lured from the FartSak by >60* temps and did great today! Welcome Back…
  • YHC shared how a proverb affected him recently and inspired the Q…The wounds of a friend are faithful, while profuse are the kisses of an enemy. I may have wounded you today with this routine, but the goal is for your good. I could have led you in AMRAP Good Mornings or a 15 minute pace jog and a sit-up or two, but which routine is going to push you to grow and get better? Surround yourself with true friends who will confront you when you’re wrong and care for you by correcting you instead of a bunch of yes men who would never confront you. If you want more info, to discuss or debate, hit me up and let’s get some coffee or happy-hour to discuss further…

Post Party: 14 Clurpees, strong finish!

Multiple PAX stuck around for coffeeteria.


  • Recent Nolensville/Franklin Convergence was a huge success! T-Claps to the 13 PAX able to represent F3Nolensville! 29 total came.
  • F3 Nolensville will launch our 4th AO, DEFIANT, on 3/25/19 (Monday) at Nolensville Elementary 5:30-6:15 Bootcamp style workouts. (one more step to becoming our own region)
  • The Gauntlet is coming! 5/4/19 F3Nolensville’s first CSAUP event. Today was in prep for that…2.5-3 hours, ~8 miles, 5 AOs, endless memories…
  • ThirdThursday lunch (2ndF) will be led by YHC next week. Deets forthcoming…
