Westeros 2-25-2019: Today’s Theme is No Theme

After a weekend on call, YHC didn’t have the mental sharpness to craft an overly complicated playlist and workout theme, but sometimes you just need to get out  into the gloom and get better.  Six HIM came out to join the fun.

PAX:  Hi_Viz, PA, Porcelain, Pumpkin Spice (FIFO), Right Said, Vector (QIC)

Conditions:    35 not-quite-Ironclad-credit degrees and perfect

Mosey to the back of WEMS for the

Warm-o-rama:  SSH x 20, WMH x 12,  LBAC x 15, Seal Claps x 15, Reverse LBAC x 15, Good Mornings x 12

Partner up for first round and mosey to the front of the school.

First Round: Pendulum DORA

Partner #1 starts — 100 incline merkins, 200 LBCs, 300 squats with Partner #2 running first to the right side of the school to perform 3 burpees, then run past the PAX to the left side of the school, perform 3 burpees, head to middle to tag partner.

Second Round:
At step risers by playground, PAX perform Dips as one-at-a-time each walk along the wall hands-to-elbows (a walking Makhtar N’Diayes – Ugh, UNC Sucks) and restart Dips on other end until PAX finished. Rinse & repeat.

Third Round:
7s: Pull-ups and Bavarian Split Squats.

With some time left, max-out pull-ups with partner to reach 40.

Mosey to parking lot for Mary of Flutter Kicks, Alabama Prom Dates, Hello Dolly, WWIs, 30-60-90 degrees, and Boxcutters.  Time called.

Move – Saint Motel
Take on Me – a-ha
Dangerous – Big Data
September – EWF (no, PA, this wasn’t played at my graduation)
My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark – Fall Out Boy
Out of my League – Fitz & the Tantrums
Here it Goes Again – OK Go
Ready to Go – Republica
Seven Nation Army – White Stripes


  • The Scorpion is coming – CSAUP on the Wild Westside, 4 AOs, plenty of fun.  HC today!  0600 on March 23.
  • Prayers for Bad Boy, his M, and impending 2.1 after an unexpected fall.
  • Discussed importance of having HIM out even if on IR — use time to do PT or modify but still part of the PAX.
  • Plenty of Q spots open for March!  Sign up today!
  • Closed out by noting that on some days, you may not have the energy to plan a theme/overcome fatigue, but important to keep moving forward.  I’m grateful with each post for the HIM who have made me better and keep pushing me to be a HIM.  ISI.  Was an honor to lead you men this morning. SYITG,


The Return of the Golden Horseshoe

PAX: Boone’s Farm, Black Widow, Leatherneck, Toga (QIC), Offshore, Backlash

6 redwoods posted for a totally dry day at The Purple Cow.  Gloom factor was low, and we got after it something like this:

Quick disclaimer and warmorama before heading over the the BHS track.  Begin the Gold Horseshoe:

  • Lap 1 (already done running to track)
  • 20 merkins, lap 2
  • 20 merkins, 20 storm squats, lap 3
  • 20 merkins, 20 storm squats, 20 dry docks, lap 4
  • 20 merkins, 20 storm squats, 20 dry docks, 20 WWII, lap 5
  • 20 merkins, 20 storm squats, 20 dry docks, 20 WWII, 20 in-place lunges, lap 6
  • 20 storm squats, 20 dry docks, 20 WWII, 20 in place lunges, lap 7
  • 20 dry docks, 20 WWII, 20 in place lunges, lap 8
  • 20 WWII, 20 in place lunges, lap 9
  • 20 in place lunges, lap 10 = victory lap

Mosey back to flag for Mary.

NMM:  The Golden Horseshoe is an oldey but a goodey and has to be completed in 33 minutes.  Boone’s came the closest while the rest of us were back getting ready for lap 9.  Everyone put some serious effort to this and took note of where they finished so we can get better in the Sprint.

Stay Classy,



Gloom Factor: Max
Temp: 43

PAX: CCR, PSL, B@Law, Yard Sale, Reefer, Lumbergh, Ludwig, Umbrella, Black Widow, Big Stick, Floppy Disk, A/R, D’Mish, Black Lung, Bagger Vance
QIC: D’Mish and BV

Mosey big loop back to lot for WOR:
All IC X 10
Squats, Merkins, WMH, GMA
Air Presses IC X 1

Modified MARSOC Long Card

0. Side Straddle Hops 30-4
0. Half Jacks 30-4
0. American Hammers 10-4
0. Wind Mills 10-4
0. Merkins 50-2
0. Chest Press Flings 15-4
0. Dive Bombers 20-2
0. Squats 50-2
0. Wind Mills 10-4
0. Up Back and Over 10-4
0. Cherry Pickers 15-4
0. Merkins 50-2
0. Good Mornings 10-4
0. Sit Ups 200-2 (sets of 50 w Supermans in between)
0. American Hammer 10-4
0. Merkins 50-2
0. Leg Lifts 30-2
0. LBCs 50-2
0. Good Mornings 10-4
0. Squats 50-2
0. 8 Count B Builders 20
0. V-Ups 20-2

YHC had to bow out at this point. D’Mish took over and rowed/sprinted the PAX to the finish.

Got about 1/2 thru Long Card. Yall look it up, it’s a real Ace Kicker.
T Claps to D’Mish o Nuts for Qing WOR & Mary for me.

First Friday lunch 1 Mar at Cookery. 1130.
Stronghold last workout this Thursday, the 28th, let’s overwhelm them with support and HIM posting with them.
2 March Biscuit Run, hit up Braddock in Franklin to post.
22 March 12th Man Lunch at Richland CC, YHC is hosting. 1130 forks up, $20 per man.


Sloppy Stonewall

PAX: Bagger Vance, Big Stick, Carebear, Hambone, Crawspace, Crablegs, Nuder (Birmingham), Slider (Birmingham), Rudder (Columbia, SC), Smokey (Toledo), Milton Bradley (FNG), Bad Boy (QIC).

Temp: 56 Degrees, and rain…lots of it. LOTS OF IT.

LOT’S OF RAIN. Great showing from PAX visiting from out of town. I believe in my 4+ years of F3, we never had some many at the same time at an AO. YHC took into consideration the amount of rain that he modified from his original plan to give us some refuge from the rain. Pain was still delivered.


SSH X 30

Cherry Pickers x 15

Willy Mays Hayes x 20

Little baby arm circles – F, B, Seal Claps.

The Thang:

An American Hero, Fallen solider, Zachary Tillier was honored today. I’ve done this once before, but didn’t read a lot about the background of the fallen solider. 

Round 1: 10 Burpees

Round 2: 10 Burpees, 25 push-ups

Round 3:  10 Burpees, 25 push-ups, 50 lunges

Round 4: 10 Burpees, 25 push-ups, 50 lunges, 100 sit-ups (Bagger chose to do in the POURING rain and soaked grass…others followed)

Round 5: 10 Burpees, 25 push-ups, 50 lunges, 100 sit-ups, 150 air squats

Completion of WOD, Zackary Tillier

Next up:

100’s : 100 SSH’s x IC (Burner), 100 step-ups (each leg counts as one), 100 squats

50’s: 50 Dips, 50 Mountain climbers, 50 Urkins

Quick Mosey over to kids side playground. PAX line up one behind the other for a Bear Craw ‘indian run’ around the playground circle. By this time YHC’s arms were smoked, and I may have run into Big stick in the end because my right arm gave out. Sorry, bro.


Flutter kicks x 30 x IC

American Hammers x 20 x IC

Purple snakes x 10 each side x IC

V-ups x 15 OYO


  • March 22nd – Leadership Luncheon. Bagger Vance has an sports agent coming, which should be awesome to hear. Richland Country Club.
  • CSAUP is March 23rd. Starting at Bomber. Plan on several miles.
  • Welcome FNG Milton Bradley. His brother from Toledo (smokey) EH’d him while he was in town. He lives in Donaldson, hope to see him back.

Prayer requests:

  • Wife of Cowboy (Birmingham, not Nashville), lost his wife to breast cancer. PAX in Birmingham are wearing pink in memory. Keep him in your prayers.
  • Daughter of Rudder, Angela Mitchell is high-risk at the beginning of her pregnancy (13 weeks). Doing great, just keep in prayers.
  • Keep YHC’ M in your prayers. We are ~2 weeks away from arrival of baby girl. All is progressing well.

Coffeeteria: Hambone, Crawspace, Crablegs, Bad Boy

Tag-Team Takedown @ TheForge

11 PAX in Attendance:  Sterno, Typo+, Nimbus 1500, Kermit, MuRSA, Altidore, Stats, Barney Fievel, Gaylord Focker, Creeper & 3D (co-Qs)

I couldn’t convince Typo+ to join me sitting in his warm, dry, running car @ 5:45 for a pre-party with YHC doing 10 Slurpees (Sloppy, wet burpees) on the minute for 10 minutes, so I did them solo in his sideview mirror and Creeper in classic Creeper-fashion joined at about round 4 and completed the party. Much better than a solo post. Thanks Bruthurrrrr!

BG Music provided by Rush, Queen and Ozzy on my jambox under the dry hatchback of my car. Good times. Barney got in a round or two also.

6am, let’s do this!

HulkMania took over to warm us up and take the first 1/2 of the Q.


  • Jog around parking lot x 1 (then circle up)
  • SSH IC x 20
  • LBACs Forward IC x 20
  • LBACs Reverse IC x 20
  • GM OYO

The Thang(s) 

Tag-Team Routine: Mosey to the parking lot and partner-up for bear-crawl 3 parking spaces, 10 tag-team merkins, crawl-bear back. Then lunge walk, 10 Bro-burpees (high-ten at jump) lunge-walk back. R&R x 3.

Then mosey to the Middle-school for…

Battle Royale!

We split into 4 groups in 4 corners. 7:14:21:28 reps of Burpees, IC 4 count flutter-kicks, Merkins and then squats at the different corners in respective rep numbers. Complete reps and progress as teams. Different MOTs included lunge-walk, duck-walk, bear-crawl, huffy-bike, etc. Then go back down from 28:7.

That was 1/2 of the match then Creeper tagged me and Q was passed to 3D as the Ultimate Warrior:

YHC had noticed while huffy-biking around the lot that there was an unlocked section of fence and drainage overflow aka pond right next door…

Cage Match:

Pax were led to the cage and told to lunge walk through the pond to the other side. Water was up to our knees and ice-cold. Super-fun. Altidore was having so much fun that he dove into the water and came up spluttering a few extra Fs and was so excited and thankful for Q’s leadership that he wanted to tackle someone. At the other end we grabbed the cage on our 6s and did 25 IC 4 count toes to cage.


We couldn’t let Altidore have all the fun so Pax were led to bear-crawl the pond. Sterno was in his element: 

Then there was a flash-sale of hill crawl-bears. So we did x 4. Buy 3 get 1 free.

Mosey back toward parking lot but speed-bump of Bus Burpees. 5 Burpees on one end of the bus, squatting side step or karaoke to other side for 5 WWIs. R&R for 15 total of each exercise.

Mosey to the tennis courts and grab some bench for DADsDips, Angle-Grinders, Derkins and Supermen. We did sets of 3:6:9.

Then we went to the parking lot and did 5 AYG sprints pole to pole.

Lastly, since it’s kinda my thing, we went to ford the creek and… Bear crawl and Crawl-Bear the short bridge



  • 3rd F opportunity: boobooNumbTucks plans to host a fire-side 3rd F soon. Deets to come.
  • 2nd F opportunity: Daddy-daughter dance this evening. 3D, Typo and Kermit will join forces with some F3Franklin Dads and their 2.0s for some fellowship and dancing. Looking forward to it!

Bullhorn/What we Learned

  • Glad to hear good news about Altidore’s M and their upcoming 2.2.
  • Keep Typo’s Mom’s recovery, Gaylord’s upcoming Grad-school, AuntBea and YHC with newborn’s at home and as always, SoccerMom in Uganda.
  • Put March 9 on your calendar for convergence with F3Franklin Planned for 6-7:30 at Pinkerton Park. Clown Cars Assemble! 2 weeks away! TheForge will be closed.
  • Thanks to MuRSA for the tunes today.
  • Kermit, Barney and Tebow on deck for leading us in 1stF this next week. Come get some!
  • I’m proud of and thankful for you all taking on uncomfortable challenges and throwing down alongside me.

3D, out!

Duplication Breakdown

It was a balmy morning and 8 PAX came out to greet the day with a smile on their faces.

QIC: Boy Band

PAX: Black lung, Frugal Macdougal, Money Shot, Venus, Razorback, Prevac, Too Tall

05:29:30 – Disclaimer

05:30:00 – 1 Burpee, 1 Merkin, 1 Squat, 1 WWI

Mosey to the track for a COP: SSH, Good Mornings, Willie Mays, LBACs forwards, Seal claps, Overhead claps, LBACs backwards


Duplication workout. We started with the original set of burpee, merkin, squat, and WWI. With each new set, we doubled the distance run and the number of reps performed on the previous set as follows.

Start: 2 Burpees, 2 Merkins, 2 Squats, 2 WWIs
Run 100M -> 4 Burpees, 4 merkins, 4 Squats, 4 WWIs
Run 200M -> 8 Burpees, 8 Merkins, 8 Squats, 8 WWIs
Run 400M -> 16 Burpees, 16 Merkins, 16 Squats, 16 WWIs
Run 800M -> 32 Burpees, 32 Merkins, 32 Squats, 32 WWIs

PAX were starting to slow down at this point, many had disrobed, and Prevac did his thing, so we transitioned to phase 2 (#MARYround).

Bearcrawl 12.5yds -> Run 87.5yds -> 10 4ct flutter kicks
CrawlBear 25yds -> Run 75yds -> 20 4ct flutter kicks
Bearcrawl 50yds -> Run 50yds -> 40 4ct flutter kicks
Alternating Crawlbear/bearcrawl (25 yds each) total 100yds -> 80 LBCs

We took a final lap around the track for 400M and then mosey’d back to the parking lot.

06:14:30 – 1 Burpee, 1 Merkin, 1 Squat, 1 WWI


Thanks for giving me the chance to lead. This workout really got tough there in the higher duplications. Fibonacci squence workout is next.

Team Suicides

Team Suicides

15 HIM got to experience the one thing at basketball teams love and hate the same time with alittle F3 twist

PAX in attendance: ABC, cunning linguist, porcelain, Crawlspace, Right Said, Badboy, T Cell, En Fuego, Crab legs, Fire Fox, Ride Along, Silver Medal, Shadow,Trapper Keeper, Vector, Hambone, Tiny Dancer; Princess Aurora (coffee; get well soon!)

QIC: Ride Along


February: 45 degrees, cloudy, and wet


Mosey up down the hill and through the neighborhood to the park entrance to the middle rock behind not the apartment complex



  1. Side Straddle hops x20,
  2. little babby arm circles (forward and reverse) x 15each
  3. Willie Mayes Hayes x 15
  4. Good Mornings x15

PAX counted to 1’s and 2’s and partnered up. Mosey back to the parking lot


PAXs that’s were partnered together  worked to reach cumulative exercises goals of 150 Merkins, 200 LBCs, 300 squats. 1 PAX member stared with doing sucides with  1 burpee, sprint back to partner, touch, sprint to cone 2, 2 burpees, sprint back to partner, touch, sprint to cone 3, 3 burpees, sprint back, switch with partner. PAX member picks up where PAX member doing the exercises left off.

Mosey to the playground


11s-pull ups to 1 jump squat and alternate until 11 jump squats were completed with 1 pull up

Mosey back to starting parking lot and conducted the following Ab exercises for the remaining 5 minutes:

Fullter kicks

Box Cutter’s

American Hammers

Little Baby Fullter Curls


Sent prayers to BadBoys and his Family as they prepare to bring a new child into the world.

Thank you for allowing to conduct my VQ today!

6 PAX for Warm West Park Boogie

Weather: 42 and felt like 42

QIC: RightSaid


Mosey warm-up lap around track/parking lot




Air presses

Cherry Pickers



Indian run mosey from Morrow Rd to 63rd to New York to 60th back to parking lot

7s up driveway (burps and squats)

Merkin Doomsday clock to Burn Baby Burn, Disco Inferno (Had to cut it off at 250 merkins)

Dealer’s choice Mary


Freddy Mercuries

Box cutter hello dollies

90 degree leg lifts

Big boy sit-ups

60 second plank


Life lesson: Be aware of the limits that you place on yourself.



Trapper Keeper


Mystery Machine

Pumpkin Spice

Lunch Lady




Save the date for west Nashville AO CSAUP: March 23. Stay tuned for official announcement.


F3 Casino at the Pound (Nolensville)

9 Pax gathered to test their luck at a game of chance and pain.Image result for casino gif

3rd Degree and Barney Fievel Pre Party:

10 rounds of 5 pull ups 7 pushups and 9 Mike Tysons, I think???

PAX: Altidore, 3rd Degree, Sterno, Typo Positive, Creeper, Kermit, Barney Fievel, Tebow, Stats (QIC)

Quick mosey around the parking lot circle up.



GM OYO, WMH OYO, 13 SSH, 13 Baby Arm Circles, 13 Reverse Baby Arm Circles.

The Thang

Pax rotated rolling 6 dice for the number of reps, picking a card from the F3 Dexicon mode of transportation cards, then picking an exercise card. If the Pax did not like the exercise card they had the option to “double down” (doubling the reps rolled) and re-draw another exercise card. Pax then would MOT from one light pole to the first light pole, exercise and MOT back to the “Casino” table. We gambled ourselves into a respectable upper body workout. The series of events are as follows.

  • Bear Crawl – 19 Monkey Humpers
  • Karaoke – 25 alternating shoulder taps (each side is a half)
  • Karaoke – 52 arm circles (Sterno Double Down)
  • Sprint – 24 Hand Release Merkins
  • Sprint – 34 Calf Raises (Creeper Double Down)
  • Bear Crawl – 26 Flutter Kicks IC
  • Lunge Walk – 36 Hand Release Merkins (Barney Double Down)
  • Duck Walk – 19 SSH IC
  • Sprint – 58 Incline Merkins (Stats Double Down)
  • Karaoke – 31 Wide Arm Merkins
  • Sprint – 28 Floating Starfish
  • Bear Crawl – 46 Chuck Norris Merkins (fist merkins/Altidore Double Down)


Count off/Name o Rama/Announcements/Prayer Requests

Typo’s Mom’s Recovery

Kermit’s Daughter Baptism this Sunday

Altidore’s LP9 first expecting checkup at Vanderbilt today

Weather/Flooding Safety

2F today 11:30 at Campo

Ephesians 2:8-10

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith- and this is not from yourselves, it is a gift of God- not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared for us in advance for us to do.

Let us remember the good news is that God made a way for a right relationship with him it is not by anything we do.

It was a honor to lead today, Stats out!!!


It’s raining outside

3 PAX (Blackwiddow, Umbrella, & Offshore (QIC) braved the rain, thunder and lightening to get a little better at the racetrack today.

Warm-up – drive up to parking deck to shake off the water

SSHx15, baby arms x 10, Imperial Walkers x 15, air presses x 10, squats x 10, willie mays x 10, good mornings.

Thang –

  • sevens up the parking deck (burpies and jump squats) alternating floors (i.e., 6 on floor 6, 5 on 5, etc.).
  • parking deck run starting on first floor – run on straight ramp – 10 merkins at end. Backwards run up slanted ramp wiht 10 merkins at end. Up 6 floors then down alternating lunges x10 each leg for merkins
  • brief mosey to end of parking deck to do wall push-ups x 10 in honor of Grisham
  • end with mary – flutter kicks x 30, LBCs x 30, Imperial Walkers x 20, Hillbillies x 20, WW1s x 15, American Hammers x 30, high plank 1 min, low plank 1 min.

Thanks for the few, the proud and the brave this morning throughout the downpour.