Thangs Ladies Love at The Forge

It’s two days post Valentine’s Day and the F3 men of Nolensville gathered at The Forge for an after-VDay support group to learn a little something about romance and the things ladies love.

3rd Degree with an intimate preparty: Numbtucks & 3rd Degree went out for a pre-date doing 10 burpees on the minute for 10 minutes. Precious.

PAX: Tebow, Sterno, Typo+, Show Me, NimbusFifteenHundredSyllables, Barney Fievel, Netflix, Aunt Bea on a scooter, Stats, 3rd Degree, MURSA, Dr. Little Miss Piggy, TV Guide, Old Hickory, Kermit, CheezWhiz, Numbtucks, and RagDoll (QiC).


  • 10 Side Straddle Hops
  • Toy Soldiers (high leg kicks) on your own
  • Butt Kicks on your own

Thang 1 that Ladies Love: Chick-Fil-A Parking Lot

If there’s one thing ladies love, it’s Chick-Fil-A.  Any day, show up at Chick-Fil-A between lunch and dinner and it’s slammed with preschoolers and yoga-pants.

So you wanna take your family out to Chick-Fil-A you say? Your lady will love it, but good luck finding a parking spot amidst 900 minivans. For Thang 1 we’re gonna practice parking at Chick-Fil-A … here’s how it works:

  • On one long aisle of a parking lot there are 6 parking spaces marked with cones. In each spot there is an exercise named: 30 Imperial Squat Walkers, 20 Yurpees, 25 Mountain Climber Merkins, 30 Roly-Poly’s, 50 Jump Squats, 20 War Hammers.
  • PAX mosey up the aisle looking for an open parking spot with a cone. If it’s open, one jumps in and does the named exercise.
  • The rest of the PAX continue around the parking lot and go down the next aisle where a mode of transportation is marked: Mosey, Duck Walk, Sprint, Crawl Bear.
  • PAX continue around and around the parking lot, alternating into open parking spots as available, and paying attention to the continuously changing mode of transportation down aisle #2. No double parking!

We do this for about 25 minutes until Meat Loaf is done singing “Out of the Frying Pan.” Everyone did great here and I think all found a parking spot. You’re set to take your family to Chick-Fil-A any day!

Except Sunday of course.

Thang 2 that Ladies Love: Sparking Joy with Marie Kondo

Oh yes, ladies love to organize their house like Marie Kondo. Who’s Marie Kondo you ask, you uncultured neanderthal? Well, ask your significant other – she knows. But for the uninitiated it’s something like this:

  • First you take all your crap out of your closets and dump it on your living room floor.
  • Then you go through each item and decide if it “sparks joy” for you. If it sparks joy, you keep it. If it doesn’t, you throw it out.

Simple, right? See, tuning into your feminine side is not hard gentlemen. Let’s practice.

We line up at one end of the parking lot and Q has a random PAX call out an exercise. We perform a number of them, and then Q has another PAX decide if the exercise sparked joy for them or not. If it sparked joy, we do more. If it did not, we sprint to the other end of the parking lot and still do more. We did things like…

  • Iron Mikes (they sparked joy)
  • Suzanne Somers (she did not spark joy)
  • Lieutenant Dan’s
  • Burpees
  • Merkins
  • Good mornings (thanks Netflix)

Thang 3 that Ladies Love: Remembering Important Dates

Ladies love it when you remember important dates, like their birthday! To practice we’re going to spell out the word BIRTHDAY with exercises.

We go around the circle to celebrate the significant others of our F3 men by remembering their birthday.  For example, I think Tebow’s wife was born on the 26th of some month, so we did 26 Burpees…

  • Burpees
  • Iron Mikes
  • Ranger Merkins
  • Tony Hawk Burpees
  • Hydraulic Squats
  • Duck Walks
  • American Hammers
  • Yurpees

Now, I don’t know why, but you all hooked up with ladies who were born in the 2nd half of the month. We did lots of things. But good for you – you got stronger.


Stoked to have my first FNG naming opportunity this morning as we welcomed Andrew “Scrooge” into our fold. Thanks for coming out brother – well done and hope to have you back soon.  MURSA with the 9th Man – good to have you back friend.


Boy you were all chatty this morning. Let’s see if I can remember this…

  • Typo+ will be organizing a 2nd F lunch next Thursday. Details to come on Slack.
  • Stats is organizing a 2nd F outing to the Pistol Range on March 23rd @ 10:00am. Stay tuned for more info.
  • Sterno and Co. are helping us organize donations for refugee students at Tusculum Elementary. They’ll make a 3rd F Costco run for supplies soon – you can participate by sending money via Venmo to @jered-parks (that’s Altidore).
  • F3 Nolensville & F3 Franklin will be hosting a Convergence at Pinkerton Park in Franklin on Saturday, March 9th, 6:00-7:30.  That means no Forge that morning, but let’s all represent Nolensville and skedaddle down to Franklin to meet some other F3 brothers.
  • And MURSA has more gloves than he has hands, so hit him up if you need gloves.


  • Prayers for Typo+’s mom who is having some reconstructive surgery following breast cancer on Tuesday morning.  Let’s all lift her up this week.
  • Let’s celebrate the new life of 3rd Degree’s 2.4, Coulson! Congrats bro!
  • And Numbtucks is down for the count with a knarly knee. Nice to see some true 2nd F & 3rd F being performed by Dr. Little Miss Piggy on the patient this morning… and some 4th F being performed by the patient. Get better soon dude.

Postparty was a Stats & 3rd Degree 16 rep Sunrise Sampler. Tasty!!

Glad to have you all out this AM! You’re getting stronger, you’re getting faster… and you’re getting dizzier every time you do a Tony Hawk Burpee. Peace!

~ RagDoll

Valentine’s Day K.I.S.S at West Park

PAX: Crablegs, Porcelain, Cunning Linguist (QIC), Vector, Lunchlady, Crawlspace, Doctor Doodle (FNG), Mystery Machine (FNG)

Weather: A perfect 42 degrees

Arrival at 0527 saw Crablegs fetching the shovelflag (and YHC nearly ran him over with his ride – my apologies, good sir), and then running it back to the post location. Thank you, Crablegs – ’tis difficult to hold an F3 workout with the shovelflag! Also noticed Vector testing out his Bluetooth speaker but unable to get it to connect, but YHC only has so much power in this world…

At 0530, YHC offered up the Disclaimer and then led a mosey around West Park (which I am referring to as Waterworks until further notice). Mumblechatter revolved around exactly how 2 FNGs found out about this newest of new posting locations. Great questions all around.

Pull off ¾ of way around paved track for WOR (with a LOVE-influenced playlist, thanks to Vector):
14 x SSH
14 x LBAC
14 x rLBAC
14 x Slow and Low Squats
14 x WMH
Counted off 1s and 2s and then mosey to gazebo/playground area for

K = 100 Knerkins (aka Chuck Norris)
I = 200 Incline Merkins
S = 150 Step Ups
S = 150 Squats
1s run to pod/container/connex box and back, 2s start with Knerkins. Tag in, tag out until complete.

Since we had time left, we went to the lower parking area for two rounds of THANG 2: Bear Crawl Ring of Fire
PAX including YHC circled up and started bear crawl until YHC yelled STOP. Then PAX, one at a time, in order, began a set of 10 Merkins while the others held Plank.

Two rounds was enough before we had to mosey to starting point for 3MoM, followed by the CoT, (including the naming of 2 FNGs) and then a solid BoM.

• Another Q, another feeling of positivity afterward. So thankful to be able to lead such High Impact Men.
• This was the first time YHC has Q’d where there were FNGs. I am truly grateful to lead their first in-person exposure to F3. Let’s all welcome Doctor Doodle and Mystery Machine!
• Thanks again to Vector for the playlist. The music kept us all motivated to love one another.

• Let’s keep filling up the Q Sheet! Link is on Slack for those who don’t know where to find it.

CL Out. Peace.

Hotel workout style

PAX: Bagger Vance, Pumpkin Spice, Porcelin, TK, Hi-Viz, Crablegs, Boy band, Vector, Harvey updyke, FNG Big Pharm, Bad Boy.

Temp: 40 (ish) degrees.


SSH X 30

Running man x 10 (each leg)

Willy Mays Hayes x 15 IC

High Knees x 20

Little baby arm circles x 15 (Forward and Reverse)

The Thang:

Very short mosey the side of gym where instructions were given. Since I travel a lot, sometimes I have to get creative. Figured I would bring some pain

Workout stations (single and some partners based on number of PAX)

  1. Lunges with 25lb weights
  2. . Squats
  3. Merkins with rotating arms to the sky
  4. Shoulder raises with 15lb weights
  5. Jump squats
  6. Single arm kettle bells swings
  7. 30lb ruck plate shoulder raises

Timer: PAX not partaking in a station was bear crawling to the sidewalk (~20 yards), run up the sidewalk, bear craw down the other side of the hill. (THIS WAS A BEAST).

Complete one full round. Mosey back to the parking lot.

(Quick) MARY:

Flutter kicks x 30

Announcements: Welcome Big Pharm! Great EH, Bagger Vance.


Mardi Gras, Ash Wednesday, and Lent

20 HIM got refreshers in work-life balance and reminders about the importance of continual self-improvement. It truly was an honor to lead you men. Hope you enjoyed the Mardi Gras sound track packed exclusively with New Orleans artists.

PAX in attendance: Badboy, T Cell, En Fuego, Mystery Machine, Hot Route, Boy band, Crab legs, Fire Fox, Ride Along, Silver Medal, Shadow, Pumpkin Spice, Hi Viz, Crawl Space, Porcelain, Pop-A-Lock, Trapper Keeper, Vector, Hambone, Tiny Dancer; Princess Aurora (coffee; get well soon!)

QIC: Tiny Dancer


Dream-like for February: 50 degrees, cloudy, and dry


Mosey up hill, down driveway, down stairs, to community center parking lot

Soundtrack: Struttin on Sunday, Aaron Neville


  1. Side Straddle hops x12,
  2. little babby arm circles (forward and reverse) x 12 each
  3. slow and low squats x 10
  4. Walking Merkins x15

PAX were taught about the tradition of Mardi Gras and its reminder that we should always ensure that we take the appropriate time in moderation to relax and spend time with family. As long as you are taking care of your family and yourself, play as hard as you work!

Parade Route – 15 min

PAX were divided into 1’s and 2’s. 1’s stayed at playground with the music and 2’s went to top of the hill.

Playground: 30 merkins, 5 pullups, 10 split lunges

sprint up hill

Top of Hill: 5 burpees, 10 WW1’s

run mosey route back to playground for 3.5 revolutions (restricted by time)


  1. Go to the Mardi Gras – Professor Longhair
  2. Carnivale Time – Galactic (feat. Al “Carnival Time” Johnson)
  3. Hey Pocky A-way – The Meters
  4. Mardi Gras Day (feat. Rebirth Brass Band) – Kermit Ruffins and Rebirth Brass Band

Mosey to parking lot

Bead Cleanup

Prior to the hard stop of Mardi Gras fun at midnight on Ash Wednesday, there is a mad dash for beads uncaught from the parade. PAX paired up with unfamiliars and relay raced in a 2-station shuttle-run / suicide format for a little friendly competition.

While one flutter-kicked into perpetuity, the partner completed the 2 station suicide run, found waiting throws at the far end of the parking lot, and brought them back to their partner. After a 5 merkin handoff, the other PAX would likewise complete the suicide run.

After round 1 finished in dispute, (much like the NFC championship, Who Dat) Pumpkin Spice and his partner took round 2. Congrats, men!

Mosey to softball diamond

Ash Wednesday 

“From dust you are, and to dust you shall return,” are the famous words of the Catholic priest at Ash Wednesday mass. With that in mind, as one does after taking full advantage of Carnival season, the PAX purged themselves of their personal weakness and reflected on both spiritual and secular lessons from scripture while doing burpees and atomics in the dust. Get some.

From best recollection, rounds were as follows:

  1. Joel 2:12-18: (even now, return to the path) 20 burpees
  2. John 15:5-8: (stay on the vine) 10 atomics
  3. Luke 9:59-60:  (no excuses; don’t let anything keep you from fulfilling your responsibilities) 15 atomics
  4. Matthew 24:9-13: (this only ends at death, so keep getting after it!) 10 burpees

Mosey back to parking lot for 1 minute of flutter kicks

Many prayers went up for Princess Aurora and for my daughter Lucy. 

Again, it truly was an honor to lead you men. You have made me such a better man over the last 8 months, and it was very fulfilling to finally give back.


14 February 2019 Where’s the Love?

Temp: 45
Gloom Factor: Moderate

PAX: Donkey, Red Skull, Water Boy, Radio, Life Champ, Mater, Turbo, Kid, Luigi, CAPSLOCK, Frozen, Scar, Styles, Timón, Black Widow, Rabbit, Pop A Lock, Hot Route, Play, Bagger Vance

QsIC: Play, BV

0530:23 Disclaimer

Mosey to Upper Lot for WOR:

All IC X 13

Mosey around STEAM building to back hill for the

THANG: courtesy of Play

Monster Merkins at bottom of hill
Bear crawl to top
On the evens Squats Jax
On the odds 2 count jump lunges

Grab some Wall for the 6 … We all Mosey’d back to the bottom to help Donkey finish his MMs

Back to the Wall for some Supermans

All in…Mosey back to StartEx. Play swept the 6 and we had time for a MARSOC #Primer

30 Merkins
30 Grisham Squats
30 LBCs
10 Burpees
10 Windmills
30 Merkins
30 Prisoner Squats
30 Flutter Kix
10 Burpees
10 Cherry Pickers
30 Merkins
30 Detainee Squats
30 Flutter Kix
10 Burpees


NMM: Nice work from Play, way to take charge and crush your VQ.
All PAX incl YHC were smoked on our last set of Franklins er Burpees.
BH: Step up to Q
YHC on March Leadership lunch

Play and BV, Out

Guess Who’s Back?! Baby Daddy at the Pound

My Bambino arrived 1 week ago, so, Big Papa is back on Q to celebrate! Today’s theme is to go to the breaking point and keep going, like a parent with a newborn waking every 1-3 hours and being the loudest sleeper ever, and yet needing you to care for them. Love keeps going!

13 PAX in Attendance:  Matlock, Sterno, Tebow, Typo+, ShowMe, MicDrop, Nimbus 1500, Kermit, TV Guide, TapOut, Stats, Inspector Gadget & 3D (QiC)

Stats, TVG (Great to have you dude!) @ 5:15 for a pre-party showing with YHC doing Stats’ favorite burpee-free routine (5 Pullups, 7 Merkins and 9 Squats per round). We did 1 round on the minute for 10 minutes. Had to focus hard to keep that form going! Great work all! Thanks for leading Stats.

BG Music provided by Dr. Dre feat. SnoopDogg, Greta Van Fleet & AudioSlave.

5:30, let’s do this!


  • Jog around parking lot x 1 (then circle up)
  • SSH IC x 10
  • SJ IC x 10
  • IW IC x 10
  • Tempo Squats IC x 10
  • Tempo Merkins IC x 10
  • GM OYO

The Thang(s) 

3rd Degree’s version of Royal Burpee in honor of his 4th 2.0

Royal Burpee: PAX perform 10 of each Burpee variation called

We did:

  • C: Clurpees
  • O: One-legged
  • U: (Silent Y)Urpees
  • L: Lungees
  • S: Double Shots of Jack
  • O: One-legged
  • N: (Silent K)Nurpees (Knuckle-Burpees aka meat-grinder, Good thing none of us are hand-models

Everyone gave max effort to give 10 good form burpees per round and honored my 4th 2.0 the right way. Thanks for the shower gifts gentlemen. Just what I wanted for paternity baby-shower.


It’s kinda my thing… Bear crawl and Crawl-Bear the bridge (3 squat bonus for any stoppage)…

This is a mental game where you have to convince yourself you can do more and not quit!

A couple PAX performed their Virgin Pole-to-Pole Bear-crawl (MicDrop, Kermit) maybe another…not sure. Regardless, great work by all!

Lastly, 15 minutes of fun with an exercise cube game provided via MuRSA (Where is he?!) where the PAX circle around Q and roll the cube back and forth performing whatever exercise and # of reps as indicated on cube. We Did: X-Jumps(very manly) at least twice, Jump-squats many times, Merkins, Butt-kicks (too many), Jump-lunges (aka IronMikes), Water Breaks (AKA Yurpees), 1 Minute Plank, Calf-raises, and of course, Burpees. Sterno hadn’t had enough so the cube was rolled one more time for 10 Jump Squats.



  • 3rd F opportunity: Sterno and Altidore will make Costco runs for supplies for refugee elementary students at Tusculum schools through a NumbTucks connection. Deets to come to Venmo money to these HIMs who agreed to head up a supply purchasing run.
  • 2nd F opportunity: 3rd Thursday Lunch next Thursday. Typo+ will give more deets next week. (Aka, decide where 🙂 )
  • Shared a little about how Love doesn’t wait for the object of affection to be lovely, but loves anyway. We are made lovely if you are a Christian through the love of God shown to you while you were His enemy! If you are interested in more details, hit me up and I would love to get lunch, a coffee or beer and talk more. Go love somebody!

What we Learned

  • Great to meet Matlock!
  • We need an official F3Nolensville name for the cube thing. Pain-cube? Let’s work on this…
  • Creeper is planning to Q soon (Right Creeper?!)…stay-tuned.
  • Put March 9 on your calendar for convergence with F3Franklin Planned for 6-7:30 at Pinkerton Park. Clown Cars Assemble!
  • Thanks to Kermit & Tebow for Coffee!!!
  • Everyone is getting stronger, faster and better the more you post. I am proud of you all! In the 10 months F3Nolensville has been posting there is growth! Let’s keep giving it away and inviting/Emotionally-headlocking (EHing) new guys that need this too. My Drive-by EH of a passing car during X-Jumps was not very effective. Oh well, GREAT WORK!

PostParty: Stats led a Sunrise Sampler of 14 reps of DIDs + Plyo Benchjumps in honor of VD.

3D, out!

A Stroll at Titan

Pax: Bad Boy, Blue Mule, Centipete, Crab Legs, Cunning Linguist, G String, Halpert (WL from Memphis), Harvey Updyke (QIC), Hi-Viz, Porcelain, Reveille, Trapper Keeper, Vector

Conditions: 35ish and dry, gloom factor medium


WoR: Moseyed from statue of JT to southern end of the main field. Circled up for:

  • SSH x20
  • Good Mornings x10 oyo
  • WMH x10
  • Imperial Walkers x20

Thang: The sidewalk monster at Westeros sent YHC for a tumble Monday morning, leaving me with a bruised palm heel and tweaky wrist. As such, my Q plan was modified to stay off the hands as much as possible, which naturally led to lots of running. Altogether the pax clocked around 3.4 miles, stopping every 1/3 of a mile or so for a dealer’s choice exercise, of which 10 reps were performed. Choices included jump squats, dips, burpees, regular squats, Freddie Mercuries, scissor kicks, and some other stuff I’ve now forgotten. The last leg involved an all-you-got sprint up the hill west of the Parthenon, before convening back at JT’s statue for a quick Mary consisting of 25 Crunchy Happy Frogs.

CoT: Great to have Halpert (a paper salesman) join us as a guest from Memphis. Heard a little more from G String, our sixth man. Prayers for Bad Boy and family as they look to welcome a 2.0 in 4 weeks, give or take.

Moleskine: The leadership lesson today is that restraints, while sometimes frustrating, can provide clarity and focus. A minor injury limited my options this morning, but simple was still effective. Self-imposing restraints, even when all is well, may help with cutting through the noise and focusing on the outcome. Thanks for the opportunity, men. A pleasure as always.


2 PAX post in rain 12 FEB 2019 @ III Pillars

PAX:  Blue Mule (Q), En Fuego

Conditions:  Not ideal.  Rainy and cold.  Very rainy.  Did I say rainy?

Wet Warm Up:  Mosey for a few minutes, some with a 25# coupon.  Arm circles and seal claps and squats.

Soggy Calisthenics:  Pull ups, coupon thrusters, squat jumps.  20 seconds on, 10 seconds off.  After we did that until we were sick of it, then we did 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of the same exercises.

Deluge Buddy Drags:  Two laps around the ~1/4 mile track.  First lap switch roles every 20 steps.  Next leo switch every ten.  Tclaps to En Fuego — I think I weigh twice what he does and not a complaint out of him.

Life Lesson:  The life lesson here is obvious.  Sometimes the world throws rain at you.  And a lot of it.  And then sometimes life makes you run around with bricks and thrust them.  And sometimes you have to carry someone through it.  But, through faith, through fitness, through fellowship, and through preparation, these life obstacles can be overcome… And can make you smile.

Pleasure to be part of this community.

See you in the gloom.

Blue Mule OUT.




You’ve been William Wallace’d

What a beautiful morning!  almost 60deg and raining, perfect for a F3 beatdown.  12 HIMs showed up for a William Wallace beatdown.  Welcome to FNG, Matlock.  Sterno, thanks for bringing him out!


PAX: MicDrop, Barney Feivel, Creeper, NumbTucks, Kermit, Snowball, Nimbus1500, Sterno, Matlock (FNG), Stats, Tebow, Typo+ (QIC).


Pre-Party: 10 Burpees on the minute for 10 minutes, led by NumbTucks.  NumbTucks, Stats; Late Arrivals: Creeper, Barney Feivel.


Mosey, Disclaimer, etc


12x SSH IC; 12x LBAC IC, 12x RLBAC; Stretch OYO


Let’s Get It Started In Here…

William Wallace

PAX break into 4 groups of 3.  PAX 1 in each group runs to the middle, does the exercise, runs back.  PAX 2 and 3 plank and wait.  PAX 1 finished, PAX 2 goes, and so on.  Once all 3 complete, rotate to new workout.  All groups complete all 4 exercises.

  1. 10 Squats / 10 Baryshnikov Squats (Legs rotated out to the sides, hips opened, heels raised, then squat.)
  2. 5 Captain Thor (An ab exercise done in a 1:4 ratio. 1 big boy sit up to 4 American Hammers (Russian Twist).)
  3. 20 Bulgarian Ball Busters (Reverse lunge ending with a sharp knee-up. Should be accompanied by a karate sound for maximum effect.) Each leg is 1.
  4. 10 Burpees (do it!)


Indian Run

PAX all do a slow run.  Last PAX sprints to front and joins the line.  All PAX follow in like manner until all PAX have a chance to run to the front.  Thanks to Sterno for staying with the 6 on this run.  Make our way back to the parking lot.



PAX line up at light pole.  Run to next light pole, do 10 Merkins.  Run back to first light pole and do 1 Jump Squat.  Total of 11 reps.  Continue in like manner decreasing Merkins and increasing Squat Jumps, keeping total reps at 11 at each light pole.



PAX plank head-to toe.  Last PAX rises and hops over each PAX in succession until they get to the front, then plank.  Progress until each PAX has hopped.



Count-o-rama, Name-o-rama; naming of FNG; closing prayer.


Great job today folks! I’m honored to lead you on my 50th post.



Floppy’s 39th bday celebration

PAX: PSL (personal seat license), Black Lung, Bagger Vance, CCR, Brother-at-Law, Umbrella, Black Widow, Tampa Libra, Panhandle, Too Tall, Pope, Dr. Smartt

QIC: Floppy Disk

13 thumbed their nose at the less than ideal conditions to come out to Sir E and help YHC celebrate his 39th birthday, the day after. Figure 8 warmup mosey to start things off then we convened in the lower church parking lot for some WoR.

Warm-o-Rama (all IC)
SSH x39 (a little hiccup on the cadence)
Squats x39
BAC F x20
BAC R x19
Plank Jax x39

Short explanation on today’s theme, in case it wasn’t obvious. We would do 39 total reps of various exercises generally broken up into 3 sets of 3 exercises with 13 reps each.

Mosey to the playground. 3 sets of 13x each: Pullups, Rows, Dips. BV asked if he could modify with Merkins in lieu of Dips. YHC obliged.

Mosey back to the lower lot. 3 sets of 13x each: Jump Squats, Jump Lunges (13 each leg), Tuck Jumps. The burn set in quickly on this portion. Short quad stretch to follow. We didn’t need anyone cramping up.

Short mosey across the street to the chains. Slightly modified 3 sets of 13x each: Bicep curls (each arm), Upright Rows (each arm). Only 2 exercises for this portion which really tested YHC’s OCD proclivities.

Mosey up to the big house… annnd… mosey a little more to the first speed bump of the top loop. We would perform our next set of exercises at this and 2 more locations around the top loop. 3 sets of 13x each: Atomic Merkins, Mtn. Climbers (13 each leg), J-Lo’s (13 each side). We enjoyed a brief respite from the rain on the porch of the auditorium for our second set, and a few PAX doubled down under the big house porch for our 3rd set.

Mosey back to the start. Let’s not neglect those abs.

Flutter Kicks x39 (IC)
Box Cutters x13 (IC)
LBCs x13 (IC)
Alphabet Abs (all uppercase)
Low Plank 1:15

Done! Great work, gents! It was wet out there, but we got it done. Good to have ATL Willie Loman, Panhandle, join us. Hope you can make it out again soon.

Floppy Disk