Mardi Gras, Ash Wednesday, and Lent

20 HIM got refreshers in work-life balance and reminders about the importance of continual self-improvement. It truly was an honor to lead you men. Hope you enjoyed the Mardi Gras sound track packed exclusively with New Orleans artists.

PAX in attendance: Badboy, T Cell, En Fuego, Mystery Machine, Hot Route, Boy band, Crab legs, Fire Fox, Ride Along, Silver Medal, Shadow, Pumpkin Spice, Hi Viz, Crawl Space, Porcelain, Pop-A-Lock, Trapper Keeper, Vector, Hambone, Tiny Dancer; Princess Aurora (coffee; get well soon!)

QIC: Tiny Dancer


Dream-like for February: 50 degrees, cloudy, and dry


Mosey up hill, down driveway, down stairs, to community center parking lot

Soundtrack: Struttin on Sunday, Aaron Neville


  1. Side Straddle hops x12,
  2. little babby arm circles (forward and reverse) x 12 each
  3. slow and low squats x 10
  4. Walking Merkins x15

PAX were taught about the tradition of Mardi Gras and its reminder that we should always ensure that we take the appropriate time in moderation to relax and spend time with family. As long as you are taking care of your family and yourself, play as hard as you work!

Parade Route – 15 min

PAX were divided into 1’s and 2’s. 1’s stayed at playground with the music and 2’s went to top of the hill.

Playground: 30 merkins, 5 pullups, 10 split lunges

sprint up hill

Top of Hill: 5 burpees, 10 WW1’s

run mosey route back to playground for 3.5 revolutions (restricted by time)


  1. Go to the Mardi Gras – Professor Longhair
  2. Carnivale Time – Galactic (feat. Al “Carnival Time” Johnson)
  3. Hey Pocky A-way – The Meters
  4. Mardi Gras Day (feat. Rebirth Brass Band) – Kermit Ruffins and Rebirth Brass Band

Mosey to parking lot

Bead Cleanup

Prior to the hard stop of Mardi Gras fun at midnight on Ash Wednesday, there is a mad dash for beads uncaught from the parade. PAX paired up with unfamiliars and relay raced in a 2-station shuttle-run / suicide format for a little friendly competition.

While one flutter-kicked into perpetuity, the partner completed the 2 station suicide run, found waiting throws at the far end of the parking lot, and brought them back to their partner. After a 5 merkin handoff, the other PAX would likewise complete the suicide run.

After round 1 finished in dispute, (much like the NFC championship, Who Dat) Pumpkin Spice and his partner took round 2. Congrats, men!

Mosey to softball diamond

Ash Wednesday 

“From dust you are, and to dust you shall return,” are the famous words of the Catholic priest at Ash Wednesday mass. With that in mind, as one does after taking full advantage of Carnival season, the PAX purged themselves of their personal weakness and reflected on both spiritual and secular lessons from scripture while doing burpees and atomics in the dust. Get some.

From best recollection, rounds were as follows:

  1. Joel 2:12-18: (even now, return to the path) 20 burpees
  2. John 15:5-8: (stay on the vine) 10 atomics
  3. Luke 9:59-60:  (no excuses; don’t let anything keep you from fulfilling your responsibilities) 15 atomics
  4. Matthew 24:9-13: (this only ends at death, so keep getting after it!) 10 burpees

Mosey back to parking lot for 1 minute of flutter kicks

Many prayers went up for Princess Aurora and for my daughter Lucy. 

Again, it truly was an honor to lead you men. You have made me such a better man over the last 8 months, and it was very fulfilling to finally give back.