Nolensville The Pound “Northern Lights Festival” 1.31.19

Gloom Factor – A frozen 17 degrees.

11 Pax embarked on a magical beat down at the first ever F3 Nolensville “Northern Lights” festival.

PAX – Show Me, Nimbus 1500, 3rd Degree, Sterno, Kermit, Creeper, Barney Fievel, Tebow, Inspector Gadget, TV Guide, QIC Stats.

Quick mosey around the parking lot.


Good Mornings, Cherry Pickers and WMH OYO.


Mosey to the football field (festival ground)

The AO was arranged with a line of green safety glow sticks at either end of the field (about 70 yards apart) A radio with music placed at the far end (the stage).

Thang 1 – Setting up the camp ground. Ascending the “Dancing Bear” pyramid with increasing reps of dancing bears 1-2-3… until we reached 10.

Dancing bear – a set of merkins with equal sets of squat jumps adding an air press at the top of each jump, the exercise is done in phases IE 5 is 5 merkins followed by 5 squat jumps/air-presses.

Thang 2 – Spartan sprints, PAX sprint from one line (campground) down the field to the line with the music (stage) and perform 10 Warhammers jog back to the first line until all in then sprint back to the music and do 10 Burpees. Rinse repeat which ended after 10 total sprints.

Thang – 3 Taking down the campground, by descending 10-1 dancing bears.

COT – Read the Bob Goff quote “If I had one last meal, I wouldn’t spend it with the person I knew would betray me. Love does. This quote captures the simplicity and complexity of the gospel and Jesus. We remembered Charlotte in prayer and asked for the discernment to love others well.


Had a blast leading this morning thanks for coming out.


Stats out.



1/24/19 Individual Winter Hillympics Week 1

8 Posted at The Hill on 1/24 for Week One of the Individual Winter Hillympics, a two week competition to crown a Winter Hillympic Champion.  Prevac was unfortunately battling a sickness, so he wasn’t able to take part.  Points were awarded for 1st (3 points), 2nd (2 points), and 3rd (1 point).  Additionally, everyone who showed up got a point. Here’s what went down:

PAX: Frugal MacDoogal (QIC), Boy Band, White Russian, Yard Sale, Tampa Libra, Black Lung, Pyro (F3 Jacksonville), Zamboni (F3 Jacksonville)


Mosey to Track


SSH x 10, GM x 10, WMH x 10, FBAC x 10, RBAC x 10, Overhead Claps x 10, Squats x 10

Competition #1: 400m run

  • 1st: Tampa Libra
  • 2nd: Boy Band
  • 3rd: Yard Sale

Competition #2: 50 Yard Sideways Crab Walk

  • 1st: Yard Sale
  • 2nd: Boy Band
  • 3rd: Frugal MacDoogal

Competition #3: 100m run

  • 1st: Boy Band
  • 2nd: Tampa Libra
  • 3rd: Yard Sale

Competition #4: 50 Yard Bear Crawl

  • 1st: Yard Sale
  • 2nd: Pyro
  • 3rd: Zamboni

Mosey to the weight room, grab the weight (65lb. – barbell with 10lb. on each side) and partner up.  Partner One does AMRAP while Partner Two counts and rests then swap.

Competition #5: 1 Minute Curls

  • 1st: White Russian
  • 2nd: Tampa Libra
  • 3rd: Yard Sale

Competition #6: 1 Minute AMRAP Upright Rows

  • 1st: Yard Sale
  • 2nd: White Russian
  • 3rd: Boy Band

Competition #7: 1 Minute AMRAP Shoulder Press

  • 1st: White Russian
  • 2nd: Boy Band
  • 3rd: Tampa Libra

Competition #8: 1 Minute AMRAP Squat

  • 1st: Black Lung
  • 2nd: Pyro
  • 3rd: Tampa Libra

Competition #9: 50 Merkins

  • 1st: Black Lung
  • 2nd: Zamboni
  • 3rd: Tampa Libra

FINAL POINTS after Week 1:

Yard Sale: 13

Tampa Libra: 11

Boy Band: 11

White Russian: 9

Black Lung: 7

Pyro: 5

Zamboni: 3

Frugal: 2

Tighten – 01.30.2019

10 men woke up this morning and said “Dang it’s cold, and is it snowing now?” and still came to Titan.  Love it.

When: 01.30.2019 5:30 AM

Conditions: 20 degrees, windchill lower, with progressively sticky snowflakes throughout the morning.

Pax: Brother at Law (QIC); Bad Boy; CCR; Rev; Porcelain; Crab Legs; Hi Viz; Pumpkin Spice; Trapper Keeper; Tampa Libra.

WOR: Easy mosey taking the long way to the backside of the Parthenon, where we did a nice mix of SSH, GMs, WMHs, lung and LBAC, lung and RBAC, overhead press, and seal claps.

THANG: Mosey back to the front of the Parthenon and under cover, where we would perform four super sets.  You would keep doing each super set AMRAP for five minutes.  When I called time, then we all run the big hill loop.  Gather back at the Parthenon and move onto the next super set.

Set 1: Lateral box step up x10 on each leg; box jumps x10

Run the big hill loop.

Set 2: DIDs for 4 minutes (20 dips, 15 incline merkins, 10 decline merkins)

Run the big hill loop.

Set 3: Bunsen Burners (bulgarian split squats x10 each leg); 40 mountain climbers.

Run the big hill loop.

Set 4: Broad jump as far as possible, then fast feet backwards to starting point x10; plank jacks x10; Carolina dry docks x10.

Run half the big hill loop and gather at virtuous statue for…

MARY: Simple, but effective: 1 minute high plank, 30 seconds side plank, 30 seconds other side plank, 1 minute high plank, 5 GMs, 10 WMHs.  All done.

Announcements: First Friday Lunch this Friday, February 1, at the Cookery at 11:30 AM.  Be there.  Tampa Libra will not be there.  West Park (name TBD) tomorrow at 5:30.  Q Source with Porcelain at 3 Brothers after Titan.  I could not make it but I’m sure it was great.

Prayer Requests: Pumpkin Spice’s wife’s knee (meniscus surgery); Bad Boy’s M is six weeks away from their next 2.0 and related Bad Boy is cramming in a lot of business travel in February to be home for deliver, so prayers for safe travels too; Crab Legs is in a good place after some discernment about work, so hoping to keep that momentum moving forward.

Theme of today’s prayer, in continuing with my personal work with Ignatian Spirituality, was focusing on cura personalis, Latin for “care for the whole person.”  I think F3 does a great job with that and has really helped me focus on all aspects of my life.  More reading here if you’re so inclined:

It didn’t feel as cold as the mercury indicated and the snow was truly beautiful, so it made for a very special Titan this morning.  Always a privilege to lead and be pushed by you guys.

Brother at Law


1/24/19 The Stronghold – My Legs are Cold

Pax: Play, Rabbit, Water Boy, Scar, Luigi, Slim, Timon, Kid, Frozen, Lockbox, Turbo, Donkey, Radio, Pumba, Lightning, Styles and Mater, Pop-A-Lock, Bad Boy, Brother-At-Law, CCR, LaPew, Bagger Vance, Red Skull




Good morning x10
LBAC x10 F and R
Willy Mays Hays x10
Seal Claps x 10
Squats x10
SSH x 100 (25 pushup penalty) – told the Pax the general structure, but not ending number. Got some mumblechatter closer to 75, a couple dropped out and gave 25. First lesson in perseverance.


Q’s legs were cold. Ran to the east side. Squats.

Run to end of alley – 25 squats

Q’s less were still cold. Returned to start point. Squats.
Run back – 25 squats

Ran to the south field, because YHC’s heart rate was “low”.

Counted off, did a modified BOMBS workout:

1 Pax ran to pole, other did exercises.
50 Burpees
100 Mountain Climbers
150 Merkins
200 LBCs => about this point Q started questioning his life choices.
250 Squats

Ran to basketball court for Mary

25 flutters
25 WWIs
10 Muktars n’ Cry

Theodore Roosevelt’s Man in the Arena, from Citizenship in a Republic, April 23, 1910

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

Encouraged the PAX to push through hard things, to persevere, because those not in the battle with us are coaching from an armchair.

1/30/19 – The Racetrack – Double Shot of 7’s

Gloom Factor – High – balmy 23 degrees

5 Pax braved the frozen tundra of The Racetrack to put in a double shot of 7’s this morning and an Ironclad Winter Challenge sub freezing bonus point.

PAX: Big Bang, Black Widow, Bagger Vance, Razor, & Umbrella (QIC)

After quick disclaimer – 10 burpees to get the blood flowing and off we went for a warm up mosey around the track to the middle of field for WOR:

20 x SSH
10 x BAC Forward
10 x BAC Reverse interrupted by some mumblechatter about minivans and mistaken kid identity
10 x Seal Claps
10 x OH Press when out from the darkness and snow comes Razor to join the PAX
10 x Imperial Walker
10 x SnL squats
10 x Tempo Merkins

Thang 1 – First Shot of 7’s
7’s – Start at one end of field with sumo jump 180 squats, “sprint” to other side for Yurpees (a friendly nod to our brethren in Nolensville).

Short mosey to the bottom of hill on Maryland Way

Thang 2 – Second Shot of 7’s
Start at the bottom of the hill for a Jacob’s Ladder 7 rounds of hill repeats with Double Shot of Jack Burpees at the top increasing in amount for each hill repeat.

Finish our second round in time for quick mosey back to parking lot for Mary:

20 x LBC’s in cadence
20 x Flutters IC
20 x Alabama Prom Dates IC
20 x Shoulder Taps IC
45 second Lanny Lou hold


Spoke to the PAX about operating in an environment and thought process of fear, specifically from a position of a fear of failure as a business leader, husband and father. Also being mindful of allowing guilt and shame to creep into our self talk. Jesus never spoke, and never speaks, to us in the form of fear, shame and guilt. These are workings of the devil. Big Bang and Razor offered some additional words of wisdom here for the group.  Much appreciated.   Closed in prayer for our fellow brothers and to live today in a way that honors God.

It was a pleasure to lead you men this morning. Thanks for coming out on a cold, snowy morning.

Peace out,


My Hammies are Barking – Detention 01.28.2019

25 beauts showed up to get better on a cool Monday morning.  What a way to kick off the week.  Here’s how it went down.

When: 01.28.2019 5:30 AM

PAX: CCR (Co-QIC); Brother at Law (Co-QIC): Juan Valdez; Black Lung; BV; Boy Band; T-Cell; Kiss by a Rose (FNG); Frank and Beans (FNG); Floppy D; Accounts Receivable; Dine and Dash; Dilly Dilly; Too Tall; Dmish; Caps Lock; Edible Arrangement; Razorback; Tampa Libra; Ludwig; PSL; Walter White; Toto; Yard Sale; Vegemite.

Tunes: An extremely eclectic mix of Weather Report, Sturgil Simpson, Drive-by Truckers, Gang of Youths, Jawbreaker, Susto, Band of Horses and Fleetwood Mac.

Warmup: Bus loop mosey with some shuffles, then everybody grab a coupon (shout out to Razorback who grabbed the large rock instead) and met at the Pavilion for a fast-paced brother WOR, which included: SSH, GMs, WMH, LBAC with lunge; RBAC with lunge; hopkicks (obviously); overhead press; seal claps; low and slow squats; low and slow merkins.

THANG: Brother at Law kicked us off with the following 12 minute super-set:

Squat and press x10; plank for remainder of minute

5 low, 5 high, 5 full curls; plank for remainder of minute

RDLs x10; plank for remainder of minute.

Do that a total of four times, then CCR tagged in.

Mosey to the bottom of the Hill for a couple of suicides.  Exercises 1/3 up the hill then back to the bottom; exercises 2/3 up the hill then back to the bottom; then pull ups at the top of the hill.  Here were the sets:

Set 1: 1/3 = Atomic merkins x10; 2/3 = Jump squats x10; 3/3 = 10 pullups.  Flutter kix for the six.

Set 2: 1/3 = 4 count mountain merkins x10; 2/3 = jump lunges x10; 3/3 = 10 pullups.  20 more atomic merkins and WW1s for the six.

Set 3: 1/3 = 10 reverse burpees aka Grishams; 2/3 = burpees x10; 3/3 = 10 pullups.  20 mountain climber merkins and then plank for the six.

Drop off coupons and mosey to upper lot for final workout: Diagon Alleys.  Shuffle and shuttle run the zig zag the diagonally striped parking lanes and at the bottom of each “stall” (for lack of a better word) do 3 merkins.  My guess is there were 10-12 stalls, but I wasn’t counting.

That’s all she wrote.

Announcements: Welcome FNGs Kiss by a Rosé and Frank and Beans.

Tampa Libra confirmed that First Friday Lunches are still going strong, be there this Friday, February 1, at the Cookery at 11:30 AM.  BV reminded folks to check out 4:13 Strong on Thursdays, one of the coolest things going in F3 these days.

Prayers for Black Lung’s father-in-law and their entire family as he struggles with advanced stages of cancer.  I think for many of us a grandparent was the first serious death in our lives, so special prayers for Black Lung’s children especially as it can be a hard and confusing time.

I offered up my intention for the week, which was Ignatius’s Presupposition, the general theme of which is to not assume the worst in people and to instead put a good interpretation on another’s actions/statements at the outset, then work from there.  Helpful lesson in these times and something I often forget.

Always an honor to lead.

Brother at Law and CCR

Polar Pain

The polar vortex blew in 17 PAX this morning to Broken Wheel where our theme was simply to keep warm and not die of hypothermia. It would have been a very Oregon Trail way to go, but, not on my watch!!

There was a Preparty, but: NumbTucks yelled something grumpy and unintelligible when I asked him what they were doing, so I let it be. To a bystander it looked like sprints between light poles with speed bumps of shivering.

PAX: Nimbus1500, CheezWhiz, Netflix, NumbTucks, Show Me, Creeper, Tebow, MicDrop, Stats, Gaylord Focker, Snowball, Barney Fievel, Steinbrenner (F3 Memphis), Sterno, Kermit, Inspector Gadget, and RagDoll (QiC).


  • 40 Side Straddle Hops
  • 10 LBAC’s forwards and backwards in cadence.
  • Stretch out the legs with some Toe Touches, Willie Mays Hayes and Good Mornings, and away we go!

Thang 1: Urban Typewriter

We’ve done the Typewriter a few times before on the glorious Forge football field, but we’re remanded to a parking lot this morning with only parking space stripes to guide us. So we’ll call this the Urban Typewriter.

  • Starting at the edge of the parking lot the PAX perform 10 Ranger Merkins (that’s a Merkin with your arms pulled back toward the bottom of your ribcage)
  • Then duck walk approx 40 yards towards the other end of the parking lot
  • Move forward approx 5 yards and perform 10 Burpees
  • Bear crawl back across the parking lot 40 yards
  • Repeat 10 Ranger Merkins and continue to serpentine your way through the lot, moving ahead 5ish yards each time you cross the lot.

Now, you kids that are over 35 should know what a typewriter is: that old writing machine where you press a key, and a hammer raises to strike an ink ribbon to impress a letter on a sheet of paper. Keys get pressed, the carriage moves right to left, until you get to a new line and it all starts over again.

Well, our typewriter looked more like one of those janky old rusty bits someone dug out of a dumpster behind Goodwill where all the keys are locked up, and you press one key and 5 letters all try to strike the ink ribbon at once, and it ends as a whole gobbed up inky mess that jacks up your paper.

I admit, performing the Urban Typewriter with little more than faint parking lot stripes to guide you is a challenging task, and as Q, I take responsibility for any unclear directions. The function was there – we’ll need to keep working on form.

At any rate, the PAX were breathing hard at the end of 10 passes across the parking lot.

Mosey 1: Catch Me If You Can

We line up for an Indian Run, 1.25 times around the the track. Last PAX in line drops to do 3 Yurpees (check the Exicon, courtesy of F3 Nolensville), then sprints to the front of the line, tagging the last person in line on his way past who then drops to do 3 Yurpees.

Thang 2: Wall Work

We pull off at the Snack Shack to do a Nimbus1500 favorite thing – Wall Walk-Ups. After pairing off…

  • Partner 1 does 5 Inverted Box Jumps (start at the top, jump down), while
  • Partner 2 does as many Wall Walk-Ups as possible (begin in high plank position, then walk your feet backwards up the brick wall of the Snack Shack, then down again).

Rinse and repeat this, increasing the number of Inverted Box Jumps by 5 each set – 5, 10, 15, 20 – until Q calls time or Barney Fievel breaks your phone.

Mosey 2: Catch Me If You Can (Redux)

Those who had already done Yurpees get to start at the front of the line while we continue our Indian Run. We complete another .75 times around the track and then stop off at the picnic shelter.

Thang 3: Arm To Table

We number off in groups of 4, each standing at the corner of a wooden picnic table bench. We do three sets of:

  • 5 Derkins
  • 5 Overhead Presses of the picnic table

I know there was some jealousy for those who didn’t get to do Yurpees on our Indian Run, so after circling up we all do 3 Yurpees together for good measure.

Nameorama / COT

I was impressed to have 17 PAX on what I think has been one of our coldest mornings of the winter so far… even while missing a couple regulars on IR. Great job men!

Creeper gave us a 9th Man overview of his life which included the fact that he is an Eagle Scout, how he started dating his wife when she was but a young intern at a local church (he assures us she was 18 and not his intern), and how he’s a professional wrestling super-fan. Who knew! I honestly don’t think we could handle any more info from Creeper than we got today – mind blown.

Continued prayers for Soccer Mom and fam. Keeping 3rd Degree and his fam in prayer as they prepare for 2.0. And healing for all our injured PAX.

Really enjoyed seeing you all and leading you this morning. Until next time, peace!

~ RagDoll

5.4 Kilometers in European 3.35 miles in American – Stonewall

8 HIM came out to a chilly start of a beautiful Saturday morning.

PAX:  FoxTrotTalksALot, BlueMule, BigStick, Edible Arrangements, Life Champ, Boy Band, Deep Dish, & yours truly TheJeweler

Conditions:   A pleasant 34 degrees and partly cloudy

Warm Up: To kick things off we moseyed from the parking for a 3/4 mile trot down Lealand, rt. on Battlefield , rt on Granny White & left onto Gale to the grassy knoll just up from the dog park.  Along the way, we did high knees, butt kicks, karaoke, and ballerina skips.

#Disclaimer followed by 15 x SSH, 10 x Good Mornings, 10 x WMHs, 15 x Air Presses, 10 x BACs, 10 x Reverse BACs.

The in an effort to kill 3 Fs with one stone, the PAX was instructed to pick a member of the group and learn one interesting fact and one ideal or principle that the other lives by throughout the workout.  PAX will be quizzed after the circle of trust and any forgotten details will result in a 50 merkin penalty for the group.

We started with a 400m sprint from the knoll down Gale Ln to the stop sign at Belmont Blvd.  PAX waited in push-up position until all in.  5 x Merkins in cadence.  Big Stick didn’t recovery correctly so PAX did an additional 5 Merkins – lesson learned!

Hop over to Christ The King field.

6 x Roll Back Burpees (From standing position you roll on your back, then in one motion you roll forwards thrusting your feet behind you ending in a push-up, then jump back up to the sky as you would to finish a regular burpee)            6 x Burpee Jacks (A burpee ending in a jumping jack)                                                      6 x Burpee Rolls (Drop to a pushup roll to one side & then jump up to finish the burpee… that’s one).                                                                                                                           6 x Half Burpees (Requested by BigStick… basically don’t jump at the end)

PAX was then instructed to grab some fence for 25 leg raises.

After demonstrating the Merkin, LBC, Burpee, & Scissor Kicks we kicked off:  2 x 400m Circuits (no breaks):  Sprint ~100m across the field 10 Merkins, 100m back 10 LBCs, 100m Sprint 10 Burpees, 100m Sprint 10 Scissor Kicks & 10 Cross Overs.

After Deep Dish proved that the white man still can’t jump in his glorious attempt to dunk a soccer ball, we moseyed indian run style back to the Stonewall playground.  For some partner work: 1 does Pull-ups while the partner does lunges.  Pull-ups 10 x 8 x 6 x 4 x 2 cut down (switch out each set).

At this point the Q had other plans but Deep Dish really wanted to introduce the boys to Tabatta Jeweler style, so Q called an audible.  We moseyed over to the parking lot entrance on Clayton street with enough time for 2 songs Rocky & Uptown Funk.

1 Round = One 4 min song like so: Sprint 20 sec – 10 sec rest, 20 sec SSH, 10 sec rest, Sprint 20 sec, 10 sec rest, 20 sec Merkins, 10 sec rest, 20 sec sprint, 10 sec rest, 20 sec LBCs, 10 sec rest, 20 sec sprint, 10 sec rest, 20 sec lunges.

FYI: 10 songs are on the playlist… Soon!      Image result for mel gibson soon gif

Not much time left so we moseyed over to the tennis court.  Line up on one side in high plank.  5 merkins, side crawl (in high plank position) to the centerline 4 merkins, side crawl to center of courts 3 merkins, rotate 180 degrees, side crawl to the centerline 2 merkins, & finish on the other side with 1 merkin.  Mosey back to the parking lot.

MARY:  25 Flutter kicks in cadence… TIME!


  • Forgive me if I get this wrong… but Boy Band mentioned that a family member was recently diagnosed with cancer.   Prayers for the entire family and medical staff.

POST COT QUIZ: The PAX was asked to learn something interesting about another HIM & something that person lives by or ascribes to.  I’ll just highlight a few:    Edible Arrangements has 3 kids – who knew?!  Deep Dish lives by the principle of “Always be the first to apologize”.  My favorite of the day came from FoxTrot, “The Optimist Creed”.  Here’s the link to read it:

All 8 PAX attended coffee and mumble chatter with a brief appearance from Baggervance post 14 mile run with a cowboy.

Was an honor to lead you men this morning. SYITG,


You’ve had the rest, now have the West – AO Launch

8 PAX showed up for the *official* inaugural West Park AO Launch.

We took this opportunity to explore many of the features of the park, discuss names and marvel at a water tank that could have only been painted by Bob Ross himself. There was a disclaimer somewhere in there as well.

PAX:  Pumpkin Spice, Vector, Hi-Viz, Right Said, Crawlspace, Porcelain, Crablegs (YHC) and Cunning Linguist

Conditions:   High 20s, windy, excellent

Warm up got started with a trip around 75% of the 1 mile loop encircling the park. This gave us a 270 degree view of the water tank prior to landing near the playground area .

Warm-o-rama:  SSH, high knees, merkins, squats, WMH, LBACs, OHCs

Thang 1:

PAX Partnered up and got to a round of DORA.

The exercises were 100 Merkins, 200 Step ups and 300 LBACs (alt 15 forward and back).

The running target became progressively further with each round finding the PAX at a garbage can further and further away.

Thang 2:

PAX got the opportunity to spend time with a new take on an old favorite: The DIDI

3 Rounds of DIDIs as follows:

20 Picnic Table Dips

15 Incline Pushups

10 Decline Pushups

15 Irwins (Irwin -aka Steve Irwin – aka Down under: Inverted row underneath the swings with hands on swing or the chains)

We finished out the day with 2 hill sprints up the entrance to the park and a COT.


YHC is honored and proud to have the chance to help grow F3 Nashville with the launching of this AO. Looking forward to seeing more PAX out here on Thursdsay mornings and can’t wait to see where this goes.



Titan Games – Jan 23 2019

PAX:  Studio 42, Apgar, Blue Mule, Reville, Porcelain, Incognito (WL from F3 Lexington), Harvey Updike, Right Said, BnB, G-string, Bicentennial Man, Crablegs (YHC), Trapper Keeper, Brother at Law

Conditions:   Easily in Double Glove range


PAX started the brisk morning off with a mosey to the concert venue near West End Ave for a muddy WOR that included LBACs, Merkins, high knees, air presses and squats – not necessarily in that order. We picked partners and took a mosey to the first challenge of the day.

Part One:

PAX lined up at the base of the hill that approaches 31st ave and traveled up in the form of a Crawl Bear. Each PAX performed 2 merkins for every 5 hand moves up the mountain until they reached the top where 10 jump squats and a significant degree of mumble chatter awaited them.

Back down the hill with an alternating leg lunge for more mumble chatter and 10 burpees.

Part Two:

PAX moseyed to the ellipse on the back side of the parthenon, found the aforementioned partners and prepared for DORA.

100 Merkins – 150 squat press (squat w/ overhead press modification) – 200 LBCs (cadence style, so 1 LBC = 0.5 rep)


1 Minute of Mary found just enough time for 10 burpees to close out.


  • Prayers for my close friend whose wife had really terrible post-delivery course after their first child this week.
  • West Park AO launching this week
  • Q sheet open for February

Several PAX continued to get better mentally with Q source study at 3 bros.

