Stone Cold Cooper at Broken Wheel

stone cold steve austin GIF

Conditions: The temperature was 15 degrees but the wind made it feel closer to zero. Combine that with a nice layer of ice on everything and you’ve got yourself some premium Gloom.

10 PAX in Attendance:  Barney Fievel (YHC), ShowMe, SexEd, Nimbus 1500, Hot Dish, Tebow, Gaylord Focker, Kermit, NumbTucks, and Staples.

Warm-Up/Disclaimer – Just as we start to take off for our ShowMe lap, another vehicle pulls up. That’s right, its your boy, ShowMe showing us why we call it a ShowMe lap!

First THANGs First: Stone Cold Cooper

Mosey up to the sheds where we stored the cinder block coupons from the Gauntlet. Bust out 20 blockees and take a half mile lap. Repeat, decreasing 5 blockee reps each round. Equals 50 blockees and two miles.

Second THANG = Pull-Up Apocalypse

PAX form several lines in front of the swing sets and perform a pull-up apocalypse starting with 10, OYO.

Bear Crawl the bridge and back because we love it.



  • 3rdF (Faith) opportunity: We’re raising funds for Safe Families that will be our “buy in” to the FitTest on November 23rd. Any raised funds can be sent to the @F3Nolensville Venmo account or can be handed over in another fashion to Numbtucks.
    • GlenGarry also recently put a call to action out there for any PAX that want to help organize us better as it applies to 3rdF opportunities. He and Staples are looking for others to form a 3rdF Committee. See them for more details if you’re feeling led to mobilize F3 Nolensville for the good of our community.
  • 2ndF (Fellowship) opportunity: Seriously, I want us to have another game night. I hosted last time and will do so again! NumbTucks, O master of games, what game do you have for us next?!
  • 1stF (Fitness) opportunity: The Gauntlet and IronClad Challenge were total successes. Props to each PAX that participated in either. Next up, our fittest face off against the fittest from the other Middle Tennessee regions at Nolensville for the FitTest Challenge, Saturday November 23rd at Nolensville High. Please come and be a part of this. Even if you’re not competing, we need at least two non-competing participants to help monitor and time people. We’ll all be thick in the fog of war and can’t really be trusted to do anything for ourselves (at least I can’t).
    • Finally, I’ve been running the F1 aspect of F3 Nolensville since we got started and would really like to take on one or two others to form a committee. Let me know if you’re interested. It would entail organizing our CSAUPs, coordinating fitness-related events and Convergences with other regions, ensuring we have the needed number of AOs, and making sure F3 Nolensville always has a plethora of opportunities for PAX to sharpen each other physically.


THE FEW, THE PROUD, THE…[ones who show up at 0530 with a wind chill of 11 degrees]

244 years ago this week the “most powerful fighting force on the planet” was established: the United States Marine Corps.  YHC’s father was a Marine officer in Korea and landed in Incheon on 10 November, 1952.  Happy Birthday Marines!

QIC: Silver Medal

PAX: En Fuego, Moneyshot, Bicentennial Man, High Flyer

CONDITIONS:  Wind chill of 11…what do you think it was like?

MOSEY (“slow calculated ice dance”)

Started with a long mosey trot around the church parking lot then back up around the back of the retirement center g-i-n-g-e-r-l-y placing every step.  Heading back to the main parking lot a skidding/sliding noise was heard by all, but alas, it was just bicentennial who had discovered that sliding on the ice [on his feet] was easier than running on it.  Pretty impressive.  Skipped typical WOR because who really needs to warm up anyway in these temps?

THANG (modified heavily)

Audible 1- The impending ice looming, YHC decided the night before to pivot and not go off-campus…some “field” training would be perfect.  So three on-campus main events were planned. (Audible 2- we only really got to one of them).

  • MARSOC Short Card.  Straight from the USMC Special Operations Command website.  If you haven’t done this, try it.  Simple 15-20 minute routine but a good one that will get the heart pumping without moving out of a 3’ radius.
    • 30 Merkins
    • 30 Squats
    • 30 LBCs
    • 10 Burpees
    • 10 Windmills
    • 30 Merkins
    • 30 Mountain climbers
    • 30 Flutter kicks
    • 10 Burpees
    • 10 Cherry pickers (4-count)
    • 30 Merkins
    • 30 SSHs
    • 30 Supermans
    • 10 Burpees
    • 10 Chain breakers
    • 30 Merkins
    • 30 Lunges
    • 30 Hello dollies
    • 10 Burpees
    • 30 American Hammers (modified count)
    • 50 dips (modified from AMRAP pull ups as bar was inaccessible)
  • In preparation for his Korea deployment in 1952, my father attended the USMC’s Mountain Warfare Training Center in Pickel Meadow CA (in the Sierras).  So to remember that we headed up to field for second and third acts that would include plenty of mountain “crawling” training.  Gate is frozen shut.  The locking device was plastic so we decided not to break it.  Ice was everywhere so jumping it posed risks.  Mosey around to Bernie Hill gate (which was also in the same frozen condition).  But who would have thought, Bernie Hill was [almost] completely dry.  So….
    • 3 rounds of El-Capitans/Everest combo (Lt Dans uphill);
    • 4 rounds (I think) of uphill Bearcrawl.
  • Long mosey back to main parking lot for some Mary that included ample J-Los, Freddie Mercurys, WWIs, Flutters, WMHs, and extra stretching that didn’t occur during WOR.

Lots of time was wasted with slow mosey and botched plans.  The lack of continuity was frustrating but on a day like today, you just keep moving.


  • Prayers for Hipster’s recovery
  • Prayers for High Flyer’s “you know, um, procedure” this Friday.  Moneyshot’s prep advice was duly noted by all.

I appreciate you guys making it out there this morning.  Had some curveballs thrown but we kept moving and made it through.

Silver Medal

Hambone’s Extremely Late Backblast

Date: 11/2/2019 – 0600-0700
Q: Hambone

Pax: Black Lung, Money Shot, High Flyer, FTTAL, Drago, Deep Dish, Big Stick

Disclaimer: The disclaimer may have been given in short form

20 SSH IC x 20
Good Morning OYO
Squat IC x 20

Slowwwww joggggg

The Thang:

30 minutes of intervals

2 minutes OFF

1 minute On

Total: 2.0ish miles

Hill Sprints

17 sprints up the hill to the flag
walk / slow jog back down

Once the pax completed their hills sprints, they headed back to the parking lot for:

Alabama Prom Dates IC x 20
Low Flutter IC x 15
LBCs IC x 20


Worthy to note that the pax covered 4.13 miles in total. Varying speeds coupled with tapered intensity allowed the pax to cover ground and improve.

Maupin Hero WoD @ Defiant for Veteran’s Day ’19

PAX in attendance: Stats, HotDish, Jeeves, Prof. X, Huggy, Typo+ and 3D (YHC, QiC)

Image result for maupin wod

Today we were able to commemorate the life of a fallen hero, SPC, Matt Maupin, US Army. SSG Maupin was captured then executed by Iraqi insurgents in ‘04 and his remains weren’t recovered until ‘08. The attack took place on 9 April ‘04, hence the 4 rounds and 49 reps.

Here is the story and meaning behind the workout:

Live in the knowledge that you are protected by heros who sacrifice so you can enjoy what you do…

For me, I also remember that as a Christian I have been bought with a price and no longer live unto myself…that’s thanksliving

3D, out…

Nolensville’s CSAUP: Enter the Gauntlet

F3 Nolensville was started April 2018 with our first AO, Broken Wheel. A year and a half later, we’ve grown to a total of 6 AOs, including two new all running and all rucking AOs, Runegades and RuckU, and have welcomed dozens of new PAX. We continue to grow and sharpen each other in Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith.

Today, we rise to the challenge of F3 Nolensville’s semi annual CSAUP, the Gauntlet. This challenge consists of 4, mini AOs spread out across an 8- (or was it 9?) mile course designed by YHC. Ready for a little Tour de Nolensville? LET’S ENTER THE GAUNTLET!!!

Conditions: About 25 degrees and rising. This Gauntlet started later in the morning than the Spring Gauntlet by 30 minutes. That and the recent time change meant we were only in the dark during the first AO (mine), all of which was on the football field. By the time we took off, the sun was rising and we were just getting started.

18 PAX threw down, including: Barney Fievel (YHC), Huggy, Kwame, MicDrop, Typo+, Sex Ed, Pom Pom, Maniac (FNG, welcome), Ragdoll, 3rd Degree, Kermit, Staples, TV Guide, Cheese Whiz, Pancreas, Old Hickory, Jeeves (pre vac), and Hot Dish.

After a brisk trot around the parking lot and onto the football field, Disclaimers and Opening Remarks were made.

Warmorama consisted of ten SSH IC, 30 burpees, and two good mornings. If you weren’t warm before, you’re getting there now!

AO #1: The Forge

Led by Barney Fievel (YHC)

I am tickled pink in all the best places to report that several PAX remarked that my Q was the most difficult of the 4. The fact that it was also the first must have crushed some of you mentally. That is delightful and outstanding!

Merciless Dr Evil GIF

Bear Crawl 100 yards, goal line to goal line, crab walk back, and finally broad jump across a third time. I just don’t get why you people don’t like crab walking. Pancreas gets it. Amirite?!

PAX circled up for a little something we like to call “Amber Waves of ‘Merkins”. PAX begin in the high plank position. One Pax begins routine by going down and holding the merkin position, signaling the PAX on his left to do the same in a waterfall. The original PAX, still holding the down position, can only rise back into the high plank position when the PAX on his right has gone into the lower merkin position. We did about 8 rounds of this and saw who among us isn’t above screwing over the guys to his left!

YHC was about to have us do something half baked involving push ups under the bleachers. Opted to have all PAX perform AMRAP pull ups once before moseying off the grounds. Well done, HIM. Onward!!

AO #2: Defiant

Led by Typo+

5 Yurpee buy in. The yurpee is a dastardly little exercise, invented by Dr. Yuri Speclanovichdevonovidch. Actually, I’m pretty sure Ragdoll, CheezWhiz or some sick combination of the two are what led to this little devil. Burpee with a clap merkin and two (count em two) jumping knee taps.

PAX broke into two groups and did parking lot burpees all the way down the front parking lot. Once there, mosey to your left, line up, and bear crawl to the concrete wall. Rinse and repeat one more round.

Mosey to PainGround. The frost on the swings caused us to disperse across the grounds, making comms difficult for the coming routine, but we pressed on:

Partner Up. P1 performs 8 burpees while P2 performs air squats. Switch. Continue as an Apocalypse routine (descending one rep each round). 5 Yurpee buy out. The fog of war seemed was thick on the pain grounds today. A sign that someone delivered a thorough thrashing! We thank you, Typo+!

Dumb And Dumber Television GIF

AO #3: Broken Wheel

Led by Sex Ed

The look of despair on the face of the PAX when the gate swung open revealing cinder blocks made me light up like a Christmas tree. Thank you for that gift, Sex Ed. PAX cusacked their coupons to the lower parking lot where we could ensure the jagged, rocky surface of the parking lot could cause additional pain while we performed the following routine. One minute of each of the following. Rinse and repeat for a total of 20 minutes.

      • Goblet squats
      • Mountain climbers
      • Coupon swings
      • T-merkins
      • Jump split squats
      • Coupon rows
      • Side lunges w/touch
      • Shoulder touches
      • Forward lunge w/twists
      • Push presses

This was a lot of fun! Pom Pom, my friend in town from F3 Johnson City, and I were across from each other in the circle. We made it a point to watch each other the entire time and not let the other stop movement or use poor form. The result is that I’m sore in places I didn’t know I had. Thank you, Pom Pom and thank you Sex Ed! This HIM has been stepping up and helping F3 Nolensville grow. TClaps, sir!

Back To The Future Love GIF

AO #4: The Forge (Final Round)

Led by Kermit

The bearded one has brought us a game of Station Tag! The PAX thank you and jump to the task eagerly and with a real whiz bang attitude! Actually, we looked like we were ready to lay on the couch for a few days but you didn’t seem to care much, as you explained the routine:

Pax formed 7 groups, 6 groups rotating at the following stations and a 7th group running a lap on the track. The group running on the track finishing a lap and taking the place of station 1 kicks off everyone’s rotation. The stations:

    1. Skaters
    2. Clap Merkins
    3. WWIs
    4. Flutter Kicks
    5. Floating Starfish
    6. Squat Jumps

The AO was concluded with 10 burpees. Felt like being hit in the face. One, last, time. Thanks for that Kermit! We are thankful for the beat down you have provided.

Tired Fuck My Life GIF by TV Land


YHC wanted to make it known that F3 Nolensville is a group of men that follow Jesus, first and foremost.


The highlight of coffeteria had to be when Little Miss Piggy came with a pot of coffee in hand. He had to miss the beat downs because him didn’t feel well and him just a little guy. Just kidding, buddy. We appreciate you!


  • Spring Hill’s F3 Dad’s Event
    • Today, Sunday November 10th
    • 3PM at Harvey Park
  • F3 Nashville Convergence
    • Tomorrow, Monday November 11th
    • 530AM at Franklin Road Academy
    • Old Hickory is an HC for this and I’m on the fence.

Until next time! The Gauntlet will return!!


8 November Robbie Miller Hero Workout

Temp: 32ish
Gloom Factor: Moderate

PAX: D’Mish O Nuts, Floppy Disk, PSL, Accounts Receivable, Yard Sale, School Girl, Ludwig, 85, Pedialyte, Movin On Up, Too Tall, Paul Blart (FNG), Bagger Vance

0529:45 Disclaimer

Lots of early MC RE: temperature, wind and proper attire…more on that to come.

Normal long mosey down Trousdale, up bus loop over to shed to pick up Coupons.

Circle up under pavilion. High plank for 6 …quick review of F3’s 5 core principles and our #Mission as well as another Disclaimer for our FNG.

SSH x 13 IC
Squats w Block x 13 IC
High Knees > Butt Kickers x 13 IC
WMH X 13 IC (YHC was reminded this is a stretch and to slow down)
NO GOOD MORNINGS to the chagrin of D’MON.
5 Ct Burpees x 5

Robbie Miller WOD from GoRuck’s Heavy Hitter Monthly Challenge.

12 Rounds:
6 Pull Ups
6 Burpees
6 Mountain Climbers (4 ct.)
6 Coupon Get Ups

Plenty of time left so we dropped off the ‘Pons and headed to the front wall for
6 Mike Tysons
5 Mike Tysons

Side Shuffle down Hogan and then Circle up for

6 MOM:
Flutter Kix X 50 IC to commemorate the 50 year anniversary of something that happened 50 years ago today.
5 Merkins
25 Ola Dollies IC
High Plank
5 Merkins
20 AL Prom Dates IC
5 Merkins
High Plank Yoga version for Too Tall


Sustained cold weather for the foreseeable future. All agreed that wind was the main culprit in today’s discomfort.
It’s Tights season once again for Too Tall.
Floppy gets all his hats for free and his Cabelas hat was on point today.
Ludwig will dress more appropriately next week to account for wind chill.
D’Mish O Nuts (stylized as D’Mon) needs us to chip in for a new pair of Ninja Ice. I thought he’d just bill CPA for some but apparently that’s frowned upon.

• Continued prayers for Sinclair family.
• Tampa Libra’s ongoing adoption process.

11/7/19: Fit-ish


Location: Atlantis

Conditions: 50s and drizzling

QIC: Pumpkin Spice

PAX: Crablegs, Lunch Lady, Pop-a-Lock, TK, Toothless

Today’s workout was a taste of the upcoming “Fittest Competition” facing the best Middle Tennessee has to offer in the way of High Impact Men.


The PAX made their way around the big loop, as is customary for a typical Atlantis Q. This was followed by some WOR in the dry refuge of the Pizza Hut.

Warmorama :

  • SSH x 15
  • LBAC x 15
  • rLBAC x 15
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x 15
  • WMH x 15

Following the WOR, the PAX immediately jumped into a Hand-release Burpee Apocalypse. 10… 9… 8… you get the picture. The PAX really enjoyed this one.

We then went for a mosey taking the long loop around Atlantis.

Next up was 100 yards of Bear Crawls. It was 60% of the way through this that YHC realized his bum shoulder still has a great deal of recovering to do in order to crawl like the days of yore. The PAX then Broad Jumped their way back the other 100 yards.

Then a second long loop mosey.

Next were 100 yards of high skips, followed by 100 yards of reverse high skips.

The PAX then moseyed their way to the Pizza Hut. We did 50 dips, then ring around the Mary. Exercises included:

  • Box Cutters
  • Cutter Boxes
  • Jane Fonda
  • Alabama Prom Dates
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Captain Thor
  • Crunchy Happy Flutters (this is not an exercise worth repeating, sorry Pop-a-Lock)


  • We got but a taste of the impending Fittest Competition. Hats off to the PAX who will endure this misery.
  • Bareback withdrew his HC at the 11th hour. We think he was busy crafting his impending masterpiece of a Q at Bomber tomorrow.
  • PA ghosted us with an HC no-show. We waited an extra 30 seconds, shed a tear, and moved on.
  • We reminisced the excellent Blue Ghoul workout from last week — it has been decided that Blue Mule will forever be the Nashville Halloween Q-master.


  • Continue to be praying for Bad Boy, Hipster, and Shadow who are recovering from injuries
  • Be on the lookout for an all-too-rare Lunch Lady Q at Atlantis next week!

– Pumpkin Spice

November Rain @ The Pound

A slight rain to kickoff the activities and steady throughout the workout…
15 PAX in attendance for the main event: Staples, BarneyFievel, Hushpuppy Prof. X, OldHickory, Jeeves, HotDish (PreviouslyPotluck),  Stats, MicDrop, Nimbus 1500, Tebow, Kermit, SexEd,  TVGuide, and Glengarry.

10 Burpees, Hill Bear Crawls, Field Running, Rinse and Repeat w 20 Jump Squats and 30 MTN Climbers.

Mill Creek Mosey w 3x Hill Bear Crawls, 10 Fingertip Pushups, 20 Diamond Pushups, and 30 Knuckle Pushups.

Parking Lot Team Sprint Relays – losing team w 10 Burpees. Q lost with pulled hammy.

#toooldtoberunnningsprints #noiinteam #f3

7 at Titan – 11.6.19







Money Snake

Right Said

Q: Right Said


Warm-o-rama was a mosey around the construction fence stopping at each sign for an increasing number of merkins/squats. Mosey ended at oval “racetrack” by the Parthenon. A few quick good mornings, LBACs, and then it was a mosey to the hill where we usually do 7s or 11s.



What’s better than playing frisbee when you can actually see at that hour? Playing frisbee on a steep hill. The teams were small, but tenacious. If your team got scored on, it was 5 burpees. If you scored, it was 5 merkins. Burpees and merkins increased with each score (thus, increasing incentive not to get scored on). Teams swapped uphill advantage each score.


No time for Mary

Great coffeteria at Three Brothers afterwards.


The Hill 11/7/19

8 PAX at The Hill this am for a lightly rainy morning but otherwise nice cool morning to get some good work in.

PAX: Frugal Macdoogal (QIC), Bagger Vance, Yard Sale, Big Stick, Red Skull, Money Shot, Black Widow, Faulkner

Here’s what happened:

Disclaimer then mosey into the South Campus gym to pick up sandbags and take them up to the football field.

Circle up in the endzone for WOR:

SSH x 15, GM x 10, WMH x 10, Imperial Walkers x 15, Hillbillies x 15, FBAC x 10, RBAC x 10, Overhead Claps x 10, Seal Claps x 10

We then lined up on the endzone for a 100 yard sprint.  Quick rest then sprint back 100 yards for some sandbag work.

Round One:

  • 100 yard Sandbag Squat Throws – with the sandbag at our chest, we would squat down and shot put it as far as possible.  Jog up to that spot and rinse and repeat until getting to the other endzone. Plank and wait for PAX.
  • Merkins x 20 OYO
  • Jog 100 yards and back

Round Two:

  • 100 yard Sandbag Snaps – with the sandbag on the ground, we would line up like a center in football and snap the sandbag between our legs as far as possible.  Backpedal to that spot and rinse and repeat until getting to the other endzone. Plank and wait for PAX.
  • Sandbag Toe Touches x 20 OYO
  • Jog 100 yards and back

Round Three:

  • 100 yard Sandbag Side Toss Left to Right.  Lining up facing the stadium, we would grab the sandbag low at our back foot and toss as far as possible with a high release point above your other leg.  Side shuffle to that spot and rinse and repeat until getting to the other endzone. Plank and wait for PAX.
  • Carolina Dry Docks x 20 OYO
  • Jog 100 yards and back

Round Four:

  • 100 yard Sandbag Side Toss Right to Left.  Lining up facing the stadium, we would grab the sandbag low at our back foot and toss as far as possible with a high release point above your other leg.  Side shuffle to that spot and rinse and repeat until getting to the other endzone. Plank and wait for PAX.
  • Sandbag American Hammers x 20 OYO
  • Jog 100 yards and back

Round Five:

  • 100 yard Sandbag Press.  Holding the sandbag at shoulders, we would walk 5 yards, stop and then press one time.  Every 5 yards, we would increase press reps by one, maxing out at 10 presses at the 50 yard line before decreasing reps by one to the other endzone. Plank and wait for PAX.
  • Single Leg Donkey Kicks x 20 each leg OYO
  • Jog 100 yards and back

Round Six:

  • 100 yard Sandbag Reverse Throws.  With the sandbag on the ground and facing the endzone, we would pick it up and toss it over our heads as far as possible.  Backpedal to that spot and rinse and repeat until getting to the other endzone.  Plank and wait for PAX.
  • Merkins x 20 OYO
  • Jog 100 yards and back

Round Seven:

  • 100 yard Sandbag Squats.  Holding the sandbag at chest, we would walk 5 yards, stop and then squat one time.  Every 5 yards, we would increase squat reps by one, maxing out at 10 squats at the 50 yard line before decreasing reps by one to the other endzone. Plank and wait for PAX.
  • Sandbag WWIs x 20 OYO
  • Jog 100 yards and back

Mosey back to the South Campus Gym to return the sandbags and then jog up to the lot for COT.

Great work today fellas!

Till Next Time,

Frugal Macdoogal