Gonna Fly Now

PAX: Crablegs, Pumpkin Spice, TK, Toothless and En Fuego (QIC)

Conditions: Favorable

0530 and we see Pumpkin moseying in from the front porch.  Knock out a few SSH while we await his arrival.  Upon it, we disclaim, then YHC informs the PAX that on November 21, 1976, exactly 43 years ago to the day, Rocky opened in theatres in New York City.  The film was made on a budget of just over $1mm and went on to earn over $225mm, and set off a series of 7 more films that collectively earned 10 Academy Award nominations and 3 Oscars.  None obviously better than Rocky IV where Rocky nearly single-handedly ended the Cold War.  Today, we honor the GOAT that is Rocky Balboa with our Rocky-inspired workout.

Mosey around the loop and set up WOR in the lot under the lights.  In Rocky fashion, 12 jump ropes, 10 jabs, 10 Rocky Balboas, and 11 Butkus stretches (Rocky’s dog, looks quite similar to a Scorpion Stretch).  Total of 43 reps of WOR to represent the 43 years.  Move to the Thang:


30 minute AMRAP (As Many “Rounds” as Possible) of the following 8 circuits (for the 8 total movies), each with 24 reps, all picked due to heavy representation throughout the Rocky training montages and played to the beat of all the Rocky classics:

  • Merkins (single-hand if you can; last 3 of each round must be clerkins – as Rocky throws three clerkins in the Rocky I training montage amidst the single-hand)
  • Down-Unders – Atlantis’s way of doing a pull-up, a favorite of the Italian Stallion
  • From the swings, head to the water tank, where a 30lb ruck plate awaits for one lap around the tank (training montage I begins with Rocky running with coupons in hand)
  • Goblet squats utilizing 15lb coupon (Rocky squatting with the log)
  • Overhead presses utilizing 20lb ruck plate
  • Ivan Dragos – standing hammers utilizing 15lb coupon
  • WWIIs – Pax instructed to end with four count jab combo, props to TK, clearly not his first time delivering said combo.
  • Finish with a consistent in every training montage – the sprint.  No steps to represent Philly in Rocky I, we opt instead to sprint up the hill from the lot to Morrow Street.

After 30 minutes, we all barely answer the bell (thanks to the coupon runs around the tank) for 90 seconds of Mary – perform leg raises in cadence.  YHC instructed the PAX to imitate Rocky with only shoulder blades touching the ground – none of us obliged.

Time called and we head back for COT.  Prayers and congrats to Pumpkin with little one on the way.  Good luck to the PAX representing Nashville in the upcoming fitness contest.

Good work to all the PAX – Rocky would approve as it wasn’t an easy AMRAP.  Always great to be with the HIM of Atlantis.

En Fuego

The Playlist:

  • Gonna Fly Now – Theme from Rocky
  • Eye of the Tiger – Survivor
  • Burning Heart – Survivor
  • Hearts on Fire – John Cafferty
  • Training Montage from Rocky IV
  • No Easy Way Out – Robert Tepper
  • Living In America – James Brown




Tuesday at Bernie: 11/19/19

Gloom Factor: 43° and drizzling

PAX: Bi-Centennial Man, Cowboy, Crablegs, En Fuego, Money Shot, Silver Medal, and Trapper Keeper (QIC).

Took a little mosie to the front side of SPs and up the stairs and back around, then traveled up to the middle of the field where the PAX warmed up.

SSHs × 15 IC
Squaats! × 15 IC
WMHs × 15 IC
Good Mornings × 10 OYO
LBACs × 15 IC
RLBACs × 15 IC

PAX then mosied from the field around to the bottom of Bernie hill.


PAX performed 6 sets with 3 stops.
Set consisted of: 5 burpees at the bottom of Bernie hill, then run up Bernie hill to the edge of the field (1st stop) where 10 squats were performed. Then PAX bear crawled across the width of the field to half way point (2nd stop) where 15 air presses were performed. Then PAX traveled from the mid point of the field to the other side by way of side lunges. PAX traveled back to starting point by reversing the mode of travel but without performing exercises.

Note: Side lunges were switched when traveling back to mid point.

After all 6 sets were complete, 30 burpees, 60 squats, 90 air presses, and 120 SSHs were performed.

At the end of the 6th set, 5 more burpees were performed for good measure.

Mosied back to parking lot for Mary.

Alternating Shoulder Taps × 10 IC
Flutter Kicks × 10 IC
Hello Dollies × 10 IC
90° Leg Raises × 10 IC
LBCs × 10 IC
Merkins × 10 IC
SSHs × 30 IC

Always an honor to lead the HIM!

~Trapper Keeper

This Is Not a Running AO

Temp: 50
Gloom Factor: High
Morale: Higher
PAX: Money Shot, Hambone, Care Bear, Tampa Libra, Bagger Vance

Trust Mosey Train over to playground, scrapped for two man Trust Mosey to Rec Center Lot for

WMH X 10
Imp Walkers x 13 IC
Hillbillies x 14 IC



1. 30 Merkins
2. 30 Air squats
3. 30 Pistol LBCs
4. 10 Burpees
5. 10 Windmills
6. 30 Merkins
7. 30 Mountain climbers
8. 30 Flutter kicks
9. 10 Burpees
10. 10 Cherry pickers (4-count)
11. 30 Merkins
12. 30 Lunges
13. 30 Supermans
14. 10 Burpees
15. 10 Chain breakers
16. 30 Merkins
17. 30 ?
18. 30 Hello Dollies
19. 10 Burpees
20. 10 Phelps

Trust Mosey to Picnic I


AMRAP 20 Minutes
1. 5 pull-ups
2. 10 Merkins
3. 15 air squats

Walk to Main Lot


Plank Progression
5 Merkins
Plank Progression
5 Merkins


Bear Crawl/Crawl Bear w 5 Merkins +/- 30 yards
Karaoke Rt w 5 side lunges
Karaoke Lt w 5 side lunges
Side shuffle Rt w 5 Burpees
Side Shuffle Lt w 5 Burpees
Politician w 5 Rev Burpees
Politician w 5 Rev Burpees

Plank Pointers R
Plank Pointers L
Plank March R
Plank March L
20 Pistol LBC IC
5 Burpees
Divers R
Divers L


This is not a Running AO.


413 Strong Supper 5 Dec on Campus


3S, 2Turkeys – 14 for a gloomy gobbler at Bomber

We had 14 PAX + a brief coupon delivery man (PA) for a gloomy gobbler. We fully utilized the 3S2T philosophy – Sauce, Sides, Serious Precipitation + Turkey & Turkey. Joke still didn’t land…We all learned that the human body don’t rust in the rain.

PAX: Porcelain, Blue Mule, Duplex, Right Said, Toothless, Hambone, Cub Cadet, Black Lung, Bicentennial Man, HiViz, T cell, River Dawg, Covenant Eyes

QIC: Crablegs

Conditions: Gloomy. ~58F with a nice, progressive rain shower that finished conveniently at the same time as the workout.


  • Most Thanksgivings begin with a bit of travel so PAX took a meandering road trip mosey around the McCabe clubhouse area. We were fortunate for no unnecessary slowdowns or disagreements about the radio.
  • Next was a brief, non-creative Warm-a-rama with highlights of the moroccan night club and OYO good mornings.


  • PAX counted off and picked partners because nobody should be alone on Thanksgiving.
  • We all headed to the coupon corner to gather up the necessary tools to prepare for the feast. We had cinder blocks, kettle bells, Ruck Plates, Bumper plates, Mule bricks and others – shout out Blue Mule, PA, Cub Cadet, EnFuego, T cell and Porcelain for the coups. Sorry if you brought a coup and I missed you here.
  • PAX began to prepare the Thanksgiving TURKEY. One partner took a turkey trot to the top of the hill and made room for the meal with 3 burpees at the top while the other was going for AMRAP of the Turkey exercises below.
  • T-U-R-K-E-Y
  • Turkins- strongly resemble Merkins
  • Upright Coupon Rows – to row the Mayflower
  • (plymouth) ROCKERs – similar to a coupon side lunge
  • Korn bread Koupon thrusters (like the band)
  • Elf on the shelf – American Hammer style movement with a coupon thruster in the middle, in order to both retrieve and place said elf on said shelf.
  • Yam Yurpees

PAX then brought their air chairs to the air table and passed the plate. Once the plates were sufficiently passed, we went back for seconds and modified the Turkey to swap the 3 burpees up top for 1 Yurpee and the Yam Yurpees with American Yammers, which are exactly what you think they are (+coupon).

PAX returned to the table for more plate passing, this time with double the plates. Perfect form was needed to impress the in-laws and most succeeded.


It was a pleasure to get back and lead the PAX at #Bomber. Many thanks to all getting out in the rain and making the most of the DRP. We missed our brothers in the Vandersack (s/o Pumpkin Spice, Vector, $$$nake). Prayers for Covenant Eyes’ friend Nathan and their family after the recent loss of his mother and for all of those lonely and without family during the Thanksgiving season (esp River Dawg’s Wife’s Ministry). There’s no room in the backblast to express my gratitude towards the PAX of F3 for helping my own acceleration.


  • Be on the lookout for info regarding Thursday workouts next week. #Atlantis is likely out, but we’ll see.
  • 11/23 – The FitTest Challenge at Nolensville High – 0600
  • 12/1 – 3rd F opp with Crievewood Baptist and Room at the Inn – details and sign up here
  • 1/16 – Gentleman’s Dinner at Jimmy Kelly’s – 1800 – HC here

Gobble gobble,


Westeros – 11.18.19 – “Woooow”

13 PAX kicked the week off with a short but sweet Owen Wilson birthday tribute and not so short hardcourt throttling.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Black Lung, Crablegs, Crawlspace, Drago, Harvey Updyke, Hi-Viz, Pumpkin Spice, Right Said, Siri, T-Cell, Vector


Mosey over to the WEMS circle drive for a little COP:

  • Overhead Claps
  • Werkins
  • E2K
  • Newton’s Cradle
  • Werkins
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Lunges
  • SSH
  • Overhead Press
  • Newton’s Cradle

Happy birthday, Owen Wilson. Now let’s mosey over to the tennis courts for 4-line suicides across both courts. RnR x 3. With the last one complete in 55 seconds, the PAX were challenged to complete one more in 45 seconds or less or else do it again. First try was a success!

Still on the tennis courts, PAX lined up for some 11s with Prisoner Squats and Hand Release Merkins traveling by Broad Jump out and Crawl Bear and back. (For the sake of time, once 8 HRMs were completed, running was subbed for the Crawl Bear)

All in and the PAX split into two groups to head over to they playground for some Pull-ups. Each team would complete 150 Pull-Ups while the other did Flutter Kicks.

Mosey back to the parking lot for some Mary:

  • LBCs
  • Alabama Prom Dates
  • Single Leg APDs
  • American Hammers
  • Long Slow Flutters



Not much to report other than Crablegs not catching on to the Owen Wilson COP until the very end of the workout. I like to this he’s focusing his mental energy on doctor things.


  • 11/23 – The FitTest Challenge at Nolensville High – 0600
  • 12/1 – 3rd F opp with Crievewood Baptist and Room at the Inn – details and sign up here
  • 1/16 – Gentleman’s Dinner at Jimmy Kelly’s – 1800 – HC here

Pleasure as always, gentlemen.

PA out.

FitTest preview at Sir E

PAX: Dupree, Too Tall, Foxtrot Talks-a-lot, Black Widow, Prevac, Boy band, PSL, JK, Red Skull, Pedialyte

QIC: Floppy Disk

11 on a drizzly morning at Sir E.

Disclaimer dispensed, head up to the big house for some Warm-o-rama.

WoR (all IC)
SSH x20
Windmills x10
Good morns x10
Willie Mays x10
High Knees x10
Squats x10

THANG – taste of the FitTest in Nolesville this coming weekend.

50x hand-release burpees
Mosey to the big lot
Bear crawl hopefully about 100 yards
Crawl bear back
Mosey upper loop (a little over 0.5 mile)
Crab walk hopefully about 100 yards
Broad jump back
Mosey upper loop (a little over 0.5 mile)
Bear crawl about 30 yards
Crawl bear back
25x hand release merkins
25x jump squats

Mosey back to the church lot for some Mary

20x Flutter kix IC
10x Good morns IC

Tough workout today. These are a few of my least favorite things. When I announced the 50x hand release burpees PSL said, “That’s unfortunate”. Indeed! Everyone worked hard, though, and pushed through the discomfort.

Until next time,
Floppy D

FitTest Prep + Some Block Work

Conditions: 42 and almost raining, not as bad as the weather app said.

12 PAX in Attendance:  Barney Fievel, ShowMe, SexEd, Nimbus 1500, STERNO, Gaylord Focker, Stats, Mickey Mouse, GlenGarry, Professor X, Huggy, & LMP.

Warm-Up/Disclaimer – Did the ShowMe lap, totally missed the disclaimer.

In Honor of/Preparation for fit test, we got some reps

First THANGs First: Hand Release Burpees on the 48 seconds

As a trial run to improve times, we did 5 sets of 10 hand release burpees every seconds to shave some time off our opening act Saturday.

Mosey to the BC Bridge for more FitTest reps

Second THANG: BearCrawl/CrawlBear the Bridge

Then Run Half Mile Loop

Third THANG: CrabWalk/BroadJump the Bridge

Then Start the Half Mile Loop in Indian Run

In the interest of time…stopped at the sheds

Forth THANG: Partner Block Work

50 Block Merkins between partners – Rotating run to the Batting Cages

100 Block Squats between partners – Rotating run to the Batting Cages

150 Block Curls between partners – Rotating run to the Batting Cages

Finish the Half Mile Loop back to the parking lot



  • 3rdF (Faith) opportunity: We’re raising funds for Safe Families that will be our “buy in” to the FitTest on November 23rd. Any raised funds can be sent to the @F3Nolensville Venmo account or can be handed over in another fashion to Numbtucks.
  • 2ndF (Fellowship) opportunity: GAME NIGHT this Thursday Night (the 21st).  Starts at 8:30ish – Location details coming…
  • 1stF (Fitness) opportunity: FitTest face off against the fittest from the other Middle Tennessee regions at Nolensville for the FitTest Challenge, Saturday November 23rd at Nolensville High. Please come and be a part of this. Even if you’re not competing, we need at least two non-competing participants to help monitor and time people.
    • It also appears that there there is a bit of a convergence pre-party in the works, stay tuned for updates from Barney on slack…5:15am is what it’s looking like.
  • Prayers For LMP & Fam – They’ve got a Doctor’s appointment today and are expecting some results.


Blackjack at Defiant

PP: 3rd Degree, Mursa, and someone else.

GLOOM: cold, dark, and ready to roll

PAX: 3rd Degree, NumbTucks, Staples, Stats, Mursa, Professor X (Respect), Typo+ (QIC)

Q rolled in hot and set up the shovel flag while PAX were doing a ShowMe lap.




12x SSH IC

12x Low-in-Slow Squats IC

12x Low-in-slow Merkins IC

Run 1 lap around the school and meet back on the Pain Ground.



Let’s play some BlackJack.

20 reps of Exercise 1; 1 rep of Exercise 2

mode of transportation from 1 to 2: Lunge Walks

Mode of transportation back: BroadJumps

Exercise 1: using a swing, get into plank, put your feet on swing and bring your knees to your chest.

Exercise 2: Good ‘ol fashioned Pull-Ups!


We made good progress, but what was most impressive was Professor’s epic Mumble Chatter about Roger Staubach being the best Cowboy ever, and something about his mom being from Oklahoma.  Oh, and NumbTucks got a splinter…only a problem because of your Ranger Panties!



Prayers for SoccerMom and he and his family come home for 6 weeks on Furlow.  Look forward to seeing him again soon.

Game Night in SilverStream Thursday night…once NumbTucks gets permission.

Stay Tuned for Christmas Party info.



Explore the space

CCR, Bagger Vance, PSL, Too Tall, AR, Rooster, Grisham, Dine N Dash, BoyBand, FTTA, Faulkner, School Girl, Ocho Cinco, Movin On Up, Prevac, JK, Floppy, Ludwig, Paul Blart

Mosey the ball field loop. Circle up under pavilion for 30 SSH, 12 GM’s, 10 Squats, and 20 Hillbillies

YHC was excited to explore an unused area of the AO. Mosey to the gully for instructions.

1. 2:4 Jack Webb with Irkins on the slope. 2 Irkins, 4 AirPresses..4 Irkins, 8 AirPresses……up to 20 Irkins, 40 AirPresses

2. Partner up. Partner 1 does 1 Burpee, ~5-6 ft Wall Climb, 1 Lt. Dan, back down – going up 1 rep each time.

Partner 2 runs to the swings and back. Switch.

RR until around ~8-10 reps.

3. 1:2 Jack Webb with Dirkins on the slope.

4. Partner 1 starts moving Lt. Dan on the bus loop while Partner 2 runs to the swings and back. Switch.

After a mosey back to the lot circle up, on your 6, for 10 minutes of MARY.
20 Captain Thor OYO
20 Flutters IC
20 Alabama Prom Date IC
20 Flutters IC
25 Single-Leg Alabama Prom Date IC
25 Single-Leg Alabama Prom Date IC
20 Flutters IC
10 Fire Hydrant each side
10 Fire Hydrant with kick each side
20 Captain Thor OYO

For I will pour water on the thirsty land,
and streams on the dry ground;
I will pour my Spirit upon your offspring,
and my blessing on your descendants.
– Isaiah 44:3

Magnificent 7 @ The Pound – 11/14/19

7 PAX chose wisely; they were Kermit, Staples, Prof X, Huggy, Hot Dish, Stats, & Tebow (QIC)

After the last couple of frigid days, this morning’s ~30 degree temps felt balmy.

Quick lap, SSH, HB, IW, BACs, Lunges, Squats, Merkins, MC

Brief explanation of a minor theme for today: injury prevention. We do a lot of forward/backward movement, but not much lateral movement. This means we’re no doubt deficient in some of those critical stabilizer muscle groups that can help us bullet proof our knees from injury. With that being said,


Bear crawl two light poles down
*every 4 parking space lines perform 20 lateral hops
Then, Crawl Bear/Crab Walk back

Partner up, 4 Rounds:
P1 – hop on one leg (seriously)
P2 – side shuffle down two light poles, sprint back, switch
*5 burpees for each partner if P1’s second leg touches the ground before P2 returns (no penalties were awarded)

10 burpees, 10 lungees

Short mosey to the concession stand, Partner up, AMRAP 6min
P1 – wall sit
P2 – (4 MC + 4 Low MC + 4 Merkins) x 4, switch
*these were pretty nasty; we’ll see them again

Flutters IC (get those soft, bent legs outta here)

Mosey back to parking lot for
10 burpees, 10 lungees

MARY: bear crawl stance shoulder taps x 20, Huggers, GMs

Prayers for Staples’ mom and LMP’s wife.
Great job by all,