Wet Bomber


Cub cadet, Nanny, Crawspace, Porcelain, Hi viz, Tiny dancer, Bicentennial Man, Vector, Pumpkin spice, T cell, PA, Bad boy (QIC)

Temp: 70 Degrees, and rain…lots of it. LOTS OF IT.



High knees  x 20 IC
SSH x 20 IC
Seal claps x 20 IC
Willy Mays x 15 IC
Before mosey, wanted to get a slight burn.
1 Air press – 1 wide Merkin
2 Air press – 2 wide Merkin
3 Air press – 3 wide Merkin
etc…up to 10
The Thang:
Mosey to driving range poles:
Partner up – Rotating pole between partners.
PAX 1: Bar Craw to first pole while
PAX 2 Lieutenant Dan lunges to next pole
Alternate until completed.
Mosey to Playground:
Stay in partners –
Round 1:
50 pull ups
100 dips
Round 2:
100 merkins
200 squats
Extra credit:
Pull-ups till burn out while partner planks. Drop more than 5 seconds, you’re done.
Mosey back toward parking lot only to stop at the bottom of the hill.
PAX to sprint to top of hill and perform 5 burpees. Slow mosey back to bottom. Plank and wait.
Rinse and Repeat x 3



American Hammers x 30 x IC


  • Leadership luncheon is June 21st @ Cafe at Thistle Farms. How to deal with difficult people buy Dr. Jerry Hickson. Please RSVP to T-Cell by June 17th.
  • July 4th bicentennial mall. 1 hour
  • September 14th 5 year workout. #strivefor100

Prayer requests:

  • Gillian – Heart valve replacement complications.
  • Cub cadet friend named Alecia – Has breast cancer
  • Penny loafer wife has cancer, please pray for their family.

Sloppy Stonewall

PAX: Bagger Vance, Big Stick, Carebear, Hambone, Crawspace, Crablegs, Nuder (Birmingham), Slider (Birmingham), Rudder (Columbia, SC), Smokey (Toledo), Milton Bradley (FNG), Bad Boy (QIC).

Temp: 56 Degrees, and rain…lots of it. LOTS OF IT.

LOT’S OF RAIN. Great showing from PAX visiting from out of town. I believe in my 4+ years of F3, we never had some many at the same time at an AO. YHC took into consideration the amount of rain that he modified from his original plan to give us some refuge from the rain. Pain was still delivered.


SSH X 30

Cherry Pickers x 15

Willy Mays Hayes x 20

Little baby arm circles – F, B, Seal Claps.

The Thang:

An American Hero, Fallen solider, Zachary Tillier was honored today. I’ve done this once before, but didn’t read a lot about the background of the fallen solider. 

Round 1: 10 Burpees

Round 2: 10 Burpees, 25 push-ups

Round 3:  10 Burpees, 25 push-ups, 50 lunges

Round 4: 10 Burpees, 25 push-ups, 50 lunges, 100 sit-ups (Bagger chose to do in the POURING rain and soaked grass…others followed)

Round 5: 10 Burpees, 25 push-ups, 50 lunges, 100 sit-ups, 150 air squats

Completion of WOD, Zackary Tillier

Next up:

100’s : 100 SSH’s x IC (Burner), 100 step-ups (each leg counts as one), 100 squats

50’s: 50 Dips, 50 Mountain climbers, 50 Urkins

Quick Mosey over to kids side playground. PAX line up one behind the other for a Bear Craw ‘indian run’ around the playground circle. By this time YHC’s arms were smoked, and I may have run into Big stick in the end because my right arm gave out. Sorry, bro.


Flutter kicks x 30 x IC

American Hammers x 20 x IC

Purple snakes x 10 each side x IC

V-ups x 15 OYO


  • March 22nd – Leadership Luncheon. Bagger Vance has an sports agent coming, which should be awesome to hear. Richland Country Club.
  • CSAUP is March 23rd. Starting at Bomber. Plan on several miles.
  • Welcome FNG Milton Bradley. His brother from Toledo (smokey) EH’d him while he was in town. He lives in Donaldson, hope to see him back.

Prayer requests:

  • Wife of Cowboy (Birmingham, not Nashville), lost his wife to breast cancer. PAX in Birmingham are wearing pink in memory. Keep him in your prayers.
  • Daughter of Rudder, Angela Mitchell is high-risk at the beginning of her pregnancy (13 weeks). Doing great, just keep in prayers.
  • Keep YHC’ M in your prayers. We are ~2 weeks away from arrival of baby girl. All is progressing well.

Coffeeteria: Hambone, Crawspace, Crablegs, Bad Boy

Hotel workout style

PAX: Bagger Vance, Pumpkin Spice, Porcelin, TK, Hi-Viz, Crablegs, Boy band, Vector, Harvey updyke, FNG Big Pharm, Bad Boy.

Temp: 40 (ish) degrees.


SSH X 30

Running man x 10 (each leg)

Willy Mays Hayes x 15 IC

High Knees x 20

Little baby arm circles x 15 (Forward and Reverse)

The Thang:

Very short mosey the side of gym where instructions were given. Since I travel a lot, sometimes I have to get creative. Figured I would bring some pain

Workout stations (single and some partners based on number of PAX)

  1. Lunges with 25lb weights
  2. . Squats
  3. Merkins with rotating arms to the sky
  4. Shoulder raises with 15lb weights
  5. Jump squats
  6. Single arm kettle bells swings
  7. 30lb ruck plate shoulder raises

Timer: PAX not partaking in a station was bear crawling to the sidewalk (~20 yards), run up the sidewalk, bear craw down the other side of the hill. (THIS WAS A BEAST).

Complete one full round. Mosey back to the parking lot.

(Quick) MARY:

Flutter kicks x 30

Announcements: Welcome Big Pharm! Great EH, Bagger Vance.


“Friendly Friday”

PAX: PA, Crablegs, Hot route, Porcelain, hambone, Tiny dancer, brother-in-law, T-Cell, Vector, Cunning Linguist, Hi-viz, Right said, Ride-along, Silver medal, Bicentennial Man, Studio 42, Trapper keeper, Firefox, Lunch lady, Bad Boy.

Temp: 22 Degrees.

Chilly 22 degree morning didn’t stop 20 PAX to come out to get better. YHC posted on slack if any PAX could bring an FNG to a Friendly Friday workout sub 25 degrees, they would officially get 5 reps off of every exercise. How many did we have? Zero. So I changed up the workout a little.

Quick Mosey around the back of the golf course. On the way picked up the pre-hustle crew, which including one nifty head-lamp from PA. Was a lot darker behind the course than I thought it would be. YHC had head-lamp envy.


SSH X 30

Cherry Pickers x 15

Willy Mays Hayes x 20

High Knees x 25

Air Press x 25

The Thang:

Mosey back down to the parking lot to the hill, for a good round of 11’s.

Simple: Burpees & Squats.

I will say, there wasn’t a lot of Mumble Chatter, but a lot of heavy breathing. The combination of the 11’s + Hill + temp = heavy breathing.

Completed 11’s, PAX went over to the wall. Line up, Plank position parallel to each other. One by one, each PAX would step behind the Plank and lift legs for a little bicep action. This was both tough for the PAX curling legs, and the 20 PAX holding plank.


Flutter kicks x 30

Crunchy Frogs x 15

Hello Dolly x 30


Prayers to Ride-along’s family for the passing of his Grandfather.

Congratulations to PA and his new job! Will be on the road to the West Coast more, but still commits to posting on Friday’s.

Leadership Luncheon: January 18th. Dr. Clay Stauffer. Richland Country club. 11:30. Please HC to Bad Boy to get a count for the food order.

Coffeeteria: PC, Tiny Dancer, Studio 42, Ride-along, Hambone, Bi-centennial Man, T-Cell, Vector, Hi-Viz, Crablegs, Right said, Cunning Linguist, Bad Boy.

What my 4-year old has taught me about leadership

What my 4-year old has taught me about leadership

My wife and I have a very active 4-year old son. Anyone who has spent a lot of time with children knows they often don’t have a filter. At times this can be bad, but sometimes it is very thought-provoking. I’ve read many great articles over the years on leadership from high-profile CEO’s, High-ranking Military officers, and inspirational leaders. I have learned a lot from these various sources however, I am finding some of the core foundations of leadership can come right from our children.

Below are few candid comments that have been shared by my son over the last several months that have made me stop and reflect on leadership.

“It’s dark upstairs, will you hold my hand?”

As a leader, we sometimes lead our teams into the “unknown”. It can be a change within the organization, a big meeting we are preparing for, a customer-facing event that could go in many different directions, you name it. We need to instill the confidence and trust within our team to let them know it will be alright and we will be with them every step of the way. It’s important they know we are there for them and will we go at it together. Prior to being in leadership myself, I had the misconception that good leaders had all the answers. I now know from personal experience that isn’t always the case. Although, I often don’t have all the immediate answers I have found that people always appreciate the presence and support of knowing they aren’t facing a situation alone.

“Sometimes you win and sometimes you don’t, but it’s okay.”

Everyone in some capacity whether in sports, work, or your occasional Monopoly game is competitive (in my son’s case, any game involving hockey). We won’t win all the time, but it’s how we react to our losses that tell us a story about ourselves. I have found that in leadership it takes emotional intelligence to not have a bad attitude after a loss. It is important to quickly assess and analyze where we went wrong and learn from it.

“Sharing is Caring”

If there is one word that we say the most when we are with our son and other kids, it’s “share”. I love to learn. I want to read books and articles about leadership successes and how to replicate them, but I also enjoying reading about challenges and failures. In leadership (and personally), I feel it’s equally important that we share where we have had success and where we have struggled. I have found that I have learned more from conversations with others sharing experiences than any other avenue of learning.

In our four years with our son, we have had some humbling conversations. Sometimes it’s a laughable moment, sometimes not. I believe that leadership principles happen around us daily, however, it all depends on how we look at them. I am still learning every day on how to be a better leader. I look forward to all the additional things he will teach me as he grows.

-Michael Jobe (Bad Boy)

Wedding Bliss

PAX:  Trapper Keeper, Blue Mule, Hi-Viz, Right Said, Vector, Pumpkin Spice, Porcelain, Bad Boy (QIC).

Temp: 55 with slight cool breeze.

Warm up with a quick mosey around the neighborhood heading down West End to have some good light.


SSH x 27
Slow and low x 11 IC
Baby arm x 11 IC
Air press x 11 IC
Overhead claps x 11 IC
Willy Mays x 11 IC
Mosey to tennis court
My 7-year Wedding Anniversary 11-5-11. Add up the date you get 27.
Round 1:
Man makers 11
Burpees 5
Plank jacks 11
Line jumps 27 (Each jump counts as one)
Round 2:
Mountain climbers 11 IC
Burpees 5
Air squats 11
Line jumps 27 (Each jump counts as one)
Round 3:
Monkey humpers 11
Burpees 5
Shoulder taps 11
Line jumps 27 (Each jump counts as one)
Round 4:
Hand release Merkins 11
Burpees 5
Lieutenant Dans 11
Line jumps 27 (Each jump counts as one)
Rinse and Repeat all 4 rounds
Before we leave the tennis courts…Suicides! Times 3.
Head back to parking lot.

MARY: Freddie mercury’s x 27 IC, Hello dollies x 11 IC, 6 inches hold x 11 IC, Hello dollies x 11 IC (Last 3 exercise legs didn’t hit the ground.


  • Pray for Vectors wife has she heads to France for a work conference. Pray even harder for Vector has he has the kids.
  • Continue to pray for me and my M. 21 weeks pregnant this week, found out last Thursday that we are having a baby girl!
  • First 12th man being held on December 12th. Check Slack for details (Leadership channel). Don’t just bring yourself, invite someone outside of F3.

It was great to lead you men this morning.

-Bad Boy


PAX:  Blue mule, En frego, Hi viz, Crab legs,  Vector,  T cell,  PA,  RIGHT SAID,  Bad boy, Porcelain, Trapper Keeper, Bicentennial Man, Revelry

13 PAX learn a lot more about Fatherhood this morning. Strength, Patience, and Endurance was all tested.

Temp: Cool 73 degrees with 80% humidy.

Warm up with a quick mosey around the neighborhood. New homes going up if anyone is interested. Medium price ~$800k…

COP: SSH x 30 IC, High Knees x 30 IC, Merkins x 15 IC, Mountain Climbers x 20 IC, Willy Mays x 15 IC Each Leg, Good Mornings x 15 OYO.

Each exercise represented a point in a fathers life where he would feel such pain or exhaustion in a muscle group. After each exercise, PAX completed a sprint up the hill with a mosey back down to complete the next exercise.

F – Fast sprints x 3
A – Air presses  x 60
T – Single Leg Thrusters x 30
H – Monkey Humpers x 30
E – Elbow plank progression
R – Reverse Lunges length of hill
H – American Hammers x 30
O – Overhead Claps x 60
O – Overhead squats x 30
D – Dips x 50

MARY: Fludder Kicks x 30 IC, LBC x 30 IC, Nolan Ryans x 15 IC Each arm


This Tuesday, June 19th, Send off for Crawfish, Third Person, and Mickey Mouse at Edley’s in Sylvain Park @ 8pm.

Tin Can Ruck – See PA’s announcement on Slack.  ~6 hours or running starting mid-Saturday morning, July 21st.

It was awesome to lead you men this morning!