Sloppy Stonewall

PAX: Bagger Vance, Big Stick, Carebear, Hambone, Crawspace, Crablegs, Nuder (Birmingham), Slider (Birmingham), Rudder (Columbia, SC), Smokey (Toledo), Milton Bradley (FNG), Bad Boy (QIC).

Temp: 56 Degrees, and rain…lots of it. LOTS OF IT.

LOT’S OF RAIN. Great showing from PAX visiting from out of town. I believe in my 4+ years of F3, we never had some many at the same time at an AO. YHC took into consideration the amount of rain that he modified from his original plan to give us some refuge from the rain. Pain was still delivered.


SSH X 30

Cherry Pickers x 15

Willy Mays Hayes x 20

Little baby arm circles – F, B, Seal Claps.

The Thang:

An American Hero, Fallen solider, Zachary Tillier was honored today. I’ve done this once before, but didn’t read a lot about the background of the fallen solider. 

Round 1: 10 Burpees

Round 2: 10 Burpees, 25 push-ups

Round 3:  10 Burpees, 25 push-ups, 50 lunges

Round 4: 10 Burpees, 25 push-ups, 50 lunges, 100 sit-ups (Bagger chose to do in the POURING rain and soaked grass…others followed)

Round 5: 10 Burpees, 25 push-ups, 50 lunges, 100 sit-ups, 150 air squats

Completion of WOD, Zackary Tillier

Next up:

100’s : 100 SSH’s x IC (Burner), 100 step-ups (each leg counts as one), 100 squats

50’s: 50 Dips, 50 Mountain climbers, 50 Urkins

Quick Mosey over to kids side playground. PAX line up one behind the other for a Bear Craw ‘indian run’ around the playground circle. By this time YHC’s arms were smoked, and I may have run into Big stick in the end because my right arm gave out. Sorry, bro.


Flutter kicks x 30 x IC

American Hammers x 20 x IC

Purple snakes x 10 each side x IC

V-ups x 15 OYO


  • March 22nd – Leadership Luncheon. Bagger Vance has an sports agent coming, which should be awesome to hear. Richland Country Club.
  • CSAUP is March 23rd. Starting at Bomber. Plan on several miles.
  • Welcome FNG Milton Bradley. His brother from Toledo (smokey) EH’d him while he was in town. He lives in Donaldson, hope to see him back.

Prayer requests:

  • Wife of Cowboy (Birmingham, not Nashville), lost his wife to breast cancer. PAX in Birmingham are wearing pink in memory. Keep him in your prayers.
  • Daughter of Rudder, Angela Mitchell is high-risk at the beginning of her pregnancy (13 weeks). Doing great, just keep in prayers.
  • Keep YHC’ M in your prayers. We are ~2 weeks away from arrival of baby girl. All is progressing well.

Coffeeteria: Hambone, Crawspace, Crablegs, Bad Boy