Toilet Tag!

AO: the-knoll
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: morning stār, Sooie, Timber, The Banker, El Capitan, Lunch Lady, G-string, Link, Fish Biscuit, Tonks, Bumblebee
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: No Lightning

WARMUP: Mosey around the Knoll mimicking silly movements from the 2.0.

Link gave us cadence for SSH, BAC, BAC BAC, IW, WMH

Tabata 25 seconds work/15 seconds rest

Pull ups x2
Mountain Climbers x2
Merkins x2
Jump Squats x2
Dips x2
Step Ups x2

2 Rounds of Toilet Tag
Links take on Freeze Tag. Two PAX are it. If you get tagged you hold a low squat and put your arm up to “get flushed” to unfreeze.

Repeat Tabata Above

Two more rounds of Toilet Tag

Tabata Core
WWI x2
Revolutionary Rotations x2
Leg Raises x2

One final round of Toilet Tag!

MOLESKINE: “If you find yourself alone, you’ve gone to far.” Bit of organic COT that came from the workout… thanks to Lunch Lady for sharing some good vibes and thoughts on this statement.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: May You Pull Up challenge ongoing. Invitation to meet June 1st 6am at Pain Train to test your improvement. 2.0s welcome and we’ll have some coffee and doughnut holes.

Bellevue Community Festival this Saturday. Check out Sooies post.

COT: Reminder that you’ve earned the things you’ve got. Enjoy them. Cherish them. Share them. And then a reminder to put in the hard work. Cheers to yall brothers!