How to make burpees easy

AO: handsomizer
Q: Focker
PAX: Grape, Slumlord, Freakonomics, Natural Ice
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: the best

WARMUP: mosey for 40 yards until my metallic ankle locked up. Then yoga to loosen up and get that new blood produced and pumping

THE THANG: on the stairs, after each round, run to the top and back down to next landing
20 SSH
20 burpees
20 drop squats
20 dry docks
20 heel lifts
we added a pump to the burpee every round. For example on round #4, we did 4 merkins on each burpee
5 rounds completed
Burpee count 100 (but 220 burpees worth of merkins)

MARY: breath work and heart rate


COT: my favorite coffeeteria so far in my year and a half of F3. Small group this morning led to some great chances for opening up