Two Face VQ

AO: iiipillars
Q: Two Face
PAX: Pep, Haggis, gov’t mule, Two Face, Grape, Go Fish, t-cell, princessaurora, LorelaiG, Fanny, Formica, Bolt
FNGs: None

25 Side straddle hope, in cadence, 4 count
20 LBACs, in cadence, 3 count
20 Imperial Walkers, in cadence, 3 count

THE THANG: partner up
1. Sprint up hill, jog across field; 100 merkins (Partner 1 10, P2 plank – rotate to 100); jog back to bottom of hill and wait for Pax with AL Prom Dates (to the beat of No Sleep til Brooklyn)
2. Sprint up hill, bear crawl across field; 100 LBCs (P1 10, P2 hold 6 inches up – rotate to 100); jog back to bottom of hill and wait for Pax with Flutter Kicks
3. Sprint up hill, jog across field; 100 squats (P1 10, P2 air chair – rotate to 100); jog back to bottom of hill and wait for Pax with stretch
4. Lap track and meet in the middle
5. Circle up and each man shared a thing they’re grateful for, a life hack and a worry they’re carrying. 3-5 burpees in between each man.
6. Lap track
7. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 pull ups at playground


ANNOUNCEMENTS: PA birthday workout Wednesday, 8/21 at 5:30.