Second chances

AO: greenmachine
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: t-cell, Triple Pane, moneyshot, Wolfpack, Topanga, Works for a Guy, Legal Eagle, Hanes, Michelin Man
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Real nice.

WARMUP: Mosey to the football field and stretch.


Five rounds of…
– Run 200 yards
– 30 Air Squats
– Run 200 yards
– 30 Merkins

PAX had a certain amount to complete the exercises each round…
R1: 6 minutes
R2: 5:30 minutes
R3: 5 minutes
R4: 4:30 minutes
R5: 4 minutes

Mosey back to flag (Sprint up hill)

Squats Ring of Fire to 5
Merkins Ring of Fire to 5

4 rounds of 30 seconds work, 15 seconds rest of…
– American Hammers
– Straight leg raises

Michelin Man and Legal Eagle got scared and decided to do their own thing following a ChatGPT half marathon training plan that Legal Eagle has deemed “The best training plan I have ever, in my life, ever, come across. It was amazing!”

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergences are coming. Prepare!

COT: Messed up last time I was invited to Q here and had to back out night before… grateful to Focker for giving me a second chance. Reminder to PAX to take second chances when they’re given, be open to handing them out when you can and perhaps take the time to seek them out for yourself as well.