The quiet return

AO: pain-train
Q: G-string
PAX: FLO, Timber, El Capitan, Pebbles
FNGs: None
Beautiful summer morning ending with an epic sunrise.

– inchworm walkouts to merkin
– runners stretch
– GOAT stretch
– High plank with five merkins following the mission and each core principle
– Mosey around the track, pick up coupons and burden carry to playground

Thang 1: E2MO2M
every two minutes, complete the following
– 15 shoulder presses
– 10 floor-to-ceilings
– 5 burpees over the block
Completed seven rounds. After the fourth round, add two reps to each exercise if finish before the first minute.

Thang 2: MOT race
Split into two teams. One person on the team raced while the other did block curls.
Race down the cones doing three MOTs on the way out then sprint back to start.
– alligator crawl
– Bear crawl
– Gorilla run
Winning team does 10 block leg extensions per leg. Losing team does 15 goblet squats.
Ran four races

To close it out, we did two rounds of ten SADs (slow ass derkins)

The media portrayal of dads is usually trash. Homer is a lazy idiot, the sultan in Aladdin is a doofus, Bluey’s dad is attentive but he “doesn’t remember the boring stuff” (sunscreen, floaties, essentials). Our kids need good, responsible men to look up to, and the stories we tell should reflect that. Right now, being the prince isn’t cool, and princesses have to do it all themselves.

We need to give our girls an image of good men, so they aren’t satisfied with bad men. And we need our sons to aspire to be heroes who can slay the dragon.

– TWO VQs next week at the Knoll!

– prayers were offered up