Dick Winters Memorial D-Day Workout

AO: thebuffalo
Q: greyalbum
PAX: Ultratecht, Hot Route, The Bobs, Daylight, Hipster
FNGs: None


Mosey to waterfront
Seal claps
Overhead press
Runners Stretch


MISSION OBJECTIVE #: Secure enemy position at the picnic shelter. First man full sprint to the shelter and back to drop his fictitious grenade and get back before it “explodes.” His time becomes the bar for the PAX.

Each subsequent man must make it back in equal or faster time. Any man who misses the time is wounded and must be healed by the PAX doing 10 burpees.

While each man makes his run the PAX alternate between Merkins and LBCs.

Once enemy position is secured PAX do 3 rounds of 10 pull ups, 10 dips, 10 WW2 sit ups.

MISSION OBJECTIVE #2: Get entire platoon 100ish yards from picnic shelter, across the grass field, to edge of woods into safety.

First man bear crawls across the field and then stands with raised fist once he reaches safety. His time becomes the bar for the PAX.

Each subsequent man must bear crawl in equal or faster time or he is considered wounded and must be healed by PAX doing 10 burpees.

While each man makes his way across the PAX will alternate between Squats and American Hammers.

1 man didn’t make it across in time and the PAX completed 10 burpees.

Slow mosey up the stairs through the woods. At random points Q yells “get down” and everyone planks and waits until cleared to continue moseying up the hill.

MISSION OBJECTIVE #3: Group wall sits behind rock wall at edge of parking lot. Keep your heads below the wall for safety! Everyone jumps over the wall, runs to the coupon pile, and carries a coupon over their head.

Once at the basketball court complete 20 overhead press, 20 curl, 20 row, 20 chest press, 20 skull crusher, 20 coupon crunches.

Leg raises
Prom dates
American Hammers

PLAYLIST: Band of Brothers Soundtrack