Deck of cards workout

AO: the-knoll
PAX: Wolfpack, morning star, Sooie, Pebbles, G-string (Eli Kresta), El Capitan, Malibu, Bumblebee
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 30 degrees, a little snow, a little

-Mosey to stop sign and back
-5 motivators
-10 lunges with twist
-Baby arm circles 12 forward 12 back
-10 Slow squat 4 count
-10 cherry pickers 4 count
-stretch out on own

Card workout: cards were pulled one at a time from a 52 deck of playing cards. Yes number on the card determine how many reps of an exercise the PAX had to perform.
-clubs : mercans
– club facecard: mountain climbers
-hearts: squats
-heart facecard: jump squat
-diamonds: sit ups
– Diamond facecard: run to stop sign at top of hill and back
-spades: lunges
– spade facecard: iron mikes

Finished with ring of fire mercans: PAX had to hold the plank position while each PAX in order of where they were in the circle did 5 mercans.

MOLESKINE: Discussed how the anterior midcingulate cortex in the brain is like a muscle unlike many other parts of the brain; it can grow or atrophy based on the work you do. The anterior midcingulate cortex is linked to will power, discipline, and goals, and it is strengthened by continually doing things you may not want to do.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: biscuit run in Franklin coming up, terrible mile coming up as well will most likely send a carpool out there on that day.

COT: finished meeting in prayer.