The Buffalo – Third Running – 05.17.2019

The third running of The Buffalo went as follows:

PAX: Vegemite, Hot Route, CCR, Pocket Chicken, Ed Hocules (FNG), Brother at Law.

Conditions: Warm.  Humid.  Thick.

Mosey around the block up to 19th and back to the parking lot for some WOR.  SSH x20; GM x10; WMH x10; LBAC x10; RLBAC x10.

Thang: Mosey to the big hill on Shelby Ave as it meanders into the park.  Stop at the jungle gym on the way for 5 pull ups for good measure.  Once we get to the hill, a round of 7’s with Carolina Dry Docks at the top and jump squats at the bottom.  First time doing anything on that hill and it’s a monster.  More to come in future weeks.

Mosey to tennis court.  Burpee broad jump baseline of court, then Lt. Dan the long-side (alleys).  Make your way all the around the court.  Plank and wait for the six.

Partner up for some Suicide Dora 123’s using the alleys with merkins, LBC’s, squats.

Mosey back to playground and benches for 4 four rounds of: 30 second box jumps on picnic benches followed by 5 pull ups.

6MOM: Some high plank, some american hammers, some flutter kicks, then some high plank.



Announcements: Great to have FNG (Ed) Hocules (aspiring football referee that also has muscular arms) combined with Hercules because why not.  He rolled up on his bike and noted on his way out that next time he would drive.  It appears he may have underestimated the workout.  Let’s keep those FNG’s coming!  Hocules was my friend but we’ve had a good steady stream of new guys.  Let me know if you know guys in East that could benefit from F3!

Discussed new 4:13 class going through mental toughness week and starting week of 5/20.

Memorial Day CSAUP at Concord Road YMCA from 5-8 am.  Join for any hour block that works for you.  Chicken Pocket, Hot Route, and YHC will likely be with our wives and children at SLAM in Shelby Park, where our M’s workout, because husbands are invited on federal holidays.  Let me know if you’re interested.  Kids are not only welcomed, but encouraged.

Prayers offered up for Sinclair family and discussion on ways to chip in.

I offered some thoughts on how it’s been a stressful couple of weeks but how important perspective is and how blessed I am.


BOGO @ Defiant

Pre-Party: YHC led Staples, Typo+ and TVG in a Pull-up + Dwarf Kick Apocalypse. Brutally fun.

11 PAX in attendance for the THANG (Double digits for Defiant!): Creeper, Staples, TVGuide, Numbtucks, Barney Fievel, PlayBoy, Centerfold, Altidore, Typo +, HushPuppy & 3rd Degree (Q) got after it.


  • ShowMe Lap to the Back Lot, Circle up!
  • SSH IC x 5
  • SJ IC x 5
  • GoofBalls IC x 5
  • Tempo Merkins IC x 5
  • Tempo Squats IC x 5

Explained the concept for today: Tabata


Explain Tabata (20 seconds maximal effort of whatever is called, followed by 10 seconds rest) Outline: ~75-80% Sprint, rest, Exercise, rest, back to Sprinting toward the original side, etc. Rinse and Repeat X 4 Songs (8 rounds total per 4 minute song)=16 GRUELING minutes. NumbTucks nearly lost it…

We did: SSH, Merkins, Imperial Walkers, Squats, GB, Seal Jacks, IronMikes, American Hammers, LBCs to Tabata Songs Playlist played through phone speaker carried back and forth with Q.

Playlist: Smells like Teen Spirit, The Kids Aren’t Alright,  M.G.M.T., Counting Stars (16 minutes total of Tabata)

Thang 2: DDoD: Discounted Deck of Death:

Everyone picked up a coupon from Staples’ truck, AKA Deer’s Bane, then circled up in the parking lot. We played Deck of Death with deck of cards, but add the coupons, so it’s discounted…

Going in a circle, each PAX draws a card from the deck that corresponds to an exercise and number of reps.

Spades = OHP with Coupon

Clubs = blockees (coupon burpees)

Hearts = Curls for Typo

Diamonds = Squats with coupon

Aces=11, Face cards=10 and Jokers are 20 of drawer’s choice (can mix and match)

we played 2 full rounds with occasional sales and BOGO (double down) called out by YHC

everyone saw me shuffle but since the first 3-4 cards were blockees, everyone thought I was Mel Gibson from Maverick

Lastly, partners walked the lot while everyone left behind did plank variations. P1 farmer-carried 2 coupons while P2 cheered on and took over if needed. When the end of the lot was reached, flapjack who is carrying and head back. Everyone carried their own load and did great!

Minutes of Mary:


Flutter Kix

Floating Starfish x 10 (each side half), we don’t do these enough because they were hard!


What we Learned:

  • Centerfold is headed back to Branson, MO but did a great job and is welcomed back anytime!
  • Double digits at our newest and hardest AO to post to is great! Strong showing gentlemen! Let’s keep it up.
  • Thanks for pursuing me and pacing me and sharpening me. I need you guys…
  • YHC shared that tomorrow is his 14th Wedding Anniversary and it is all of Grace. God has been so kind. And what helps me to treasure this time and seek to make the most of my relationship with my wife is realizing it is a temporary gift. I will face God one day and give account for every word, thought and action…I pray we love our families with the realization in mind. Let’s serve today in light of this.


  • Memorial Day CSAUP including preparty Murph set for 5/27/19. Brentwood YMCA, Murph Preparty 5-6, Hero of the Day Workout 6-7, then Ruck Post-party.
  • RagDoll did a great job planning and leading our first ever F3Dads local event yesterday, May 19th, Sunday afternoon. It was an initially soggy Free event with kid-friendly 45 minute workout with fellowship time afterwards. F3Nolensville has a strong snack game and folks hung out for a longtime!
  • 2ndF opportunity Saturday for a brisket-fest. Check out Slack. 
  • NumbTucks will also be reading and leading a 3rdF discussion June 29th after the Forge on the Dude’s Guide to Manhood. You can check it out and buy it HERE

Stay on the Path…3D-out!

Round Three for PFT Prep.., a Swingin’ Good Time

PAX: Tiny Dancer, Offshore, Umbrella, Boone’s Farm, Olan Mills, Penny Loafers,  Black Widow, Toga (QIC)

Conditions: Sunny and 70

A lucky 8 showed up to put in a little PFT prep in the gloom.  Here’s how it went down:

Quick disclaimer then mosey to GWP, warmup COP: SSH, cotton pickers, Don Quixote, squat thrusts, T-ups, scorpion stretch

Mosey to playground for PFT Prep Round 3= Partner up with P1 executing an exercise while P2 executes a different exercise.  Quick switch every 30 secs for 3 rounds then move to next station.  Stations=

  1. Pull-ups and atomic pushups
  2. Curls and Atomic oblique merkins
  3. Rows and suspended crunches
  4. power pulls and suspended oblique crunches
  5. One round attempted of Suspended Spiderman merkins and suspended pikes

Indigenous People’s Run back to flag and Mary.


  • No workout next week.  Go to the convergence!
  • New AO in Spring Hill, see Tiny Dancer
  • Prayers for those awaiting test results and in need of healing

Stay Classy,


47 Attend the Inaugural F3 Dad’s Event at Nolensville

PAX: TV Guide, Altidore, Tap Out, Playboy, Swinger, Centerfold (FNG), Cheez Whiz, Typo+, 3rd Degree, Hot n Ready, Toad (FNG), Tiny Dancer, MicDrop, Staples, Oil Slick (FNG), Hush Puppy, RagDoll (QiC) and all our kids.

Today we learned about and practiced the core ideals of F3:

  • Fitness, Fellowship & Faith
  • Doing your best (even if you can’t do it the fastest or the mostest)
  • Leave no one behind
  • To lean on our friends and trust those who have our backs

Things even us grown-ups need to be reminded of daily.


  • 10 Side Straddle Hops
  • 10 Deep Squats
  • 6 Broad Jumps – Forwards & Backwards
  • 10 Merkins

Then we put them all together and shook them all about in sequence:

3 SSH + 3 Squats + 3 Jumps Forward + 3 Jumps Back + 3 Merkins

Thang 1: An Indian Run that Came Undone

We all lined up, dads with 2.0’s by their side, to do an Indian Run around the track.  Well, that was the intention. We started to run but I don’t think any families made it from the back to the front of the line.  Oh well. We tried. 

We did get a little jog in though, so that’s good enough.

Speed Bump: I have a 2.0 named Jedi Shark. His favorite exercise is the burpee, so we showed everyone how, and then did a few of ’em.

Then we ran back to field for Thang 2 where the rain let up!

Thang 2: A Beary Fun Relay Race

Two teams were created. Each team divided in half and lined up across from each other, about 20 yards apart. On Q’s command, the two teams relay raced each other.

Each family moved together, dad’s bear crawling while kids one-foot-hopped across the field. We reminded each other that we never leave anyone behind. Kids, stick with your dads and make sure he completes those bear crawls!!

Thang 3: Choose Your Own Exercise

Next we circled up and each family collectively chose an exercise for the group to perform. While the group performed the exercise, it was the dad’s job to run around the circle as fast as possible carrying all of their 2.0’s.

We did side straddle hops, and burpees, and planks, and merkins, and imperial walkers, and WWI’s, and American hammers and a number of other things that made us all tired.

Props to Hot N Ready who had the bulkiest load with 3 kids on his back at once.

Game Time! Sharks & Minnows

We split into two teams, lined up across from each other on the field about 30 yards apart.

One team was called sharks. The other team was called minnows.  On the shark’s command, minnows had to run across the field without getting tagged by a shark. If they did get tagged, then the minnow became a shark on the next pass.

The sharks gave quite a show of force and tagged all but 5 of the minnows. After a few rounds of this our fishing expedition was done and we called it a day.

COT & Nameorama

We chatted about how we all need friends in our life that we can trust – who will have our backs when things get tough. I’m thankful for my F3 friends and how we live out this charge every week.

We enjoyed getting to know all of our fellow PAX 2.0’s, and named a dozen or so FNG kids  (+ 3 FNG adults). Great job on making it out today and braving the rain!

It was a blast leading your families today! Thanks for the opportunity to share F3 with the younger generation. Can’t wait to do this again soon!!

~ RagDoll

TGIM – Thank Goodness it’s Monday

PAX: Pop-A-Lock, Nibbler from F3 Charlotte, Right_Said, Crawlspace, HighViz, Vector, Harvey Updyke, Deep Frost, Bad Boy, Pumpkin Spice, & YHC TheJeweler

QIC: TheJeweler

Conditions: About 70 degrees and not too gloomy if I’m being honest

Disclaimer: I’m not a pro, do this at your own risk, modify as needed, don’t die or sue me.

Warm-O-Rama: Mosey from the main parking lot around the field in front of the school to the tennis courts… circle up: SSH, WMHs, Hill Billies, BACs (F & R), Air Presses, Good Mornings.

To get the arms warmed up (b/c we planned to use them extensively later on… NOT) we grabbed some fence on the court for 10x hand stand pushups.  Then we lined up on the near side tennis court doubles line and we side bear crawled across both tennis courts… the catch is each time you hit a white line you did merkins… the merkins done as a count down… first line was 10, second line was 9 and so fourth to the last and 10th line where you only did one.  At the half way point you rotate the side bear crawl around Pi Radians (that’s for you Pop-A-Lock).

Ok the THANG: We jogged back to the far corner of the main parking lot (near where we started).  Since I was feeling generous this morning, that counted as our 800m (it’s 830m around the park).  We did 80 SSH, ran a 700m – 70 air presses, (for time we skipped the 600 & 500), 400m – 40 squats, 300m 30 merkins (10 regular, 10 wide, 10 diamond), 200m – 20 lunges, 100m – 10 burpees… mosey back to the start.

MARY: 10x WW1s, 20 Flutter Kicks, 1 min low plank…. TIME!

Excellent work gents!

Announcements & Prayer Request: MD Murph, Ludwig’s wife having surgery this week.  Definitely forgetting some stuff here gents… many apologies.

Pleasure to serve and be served!

YHC ~ TheJeweler


Circuit City

PAX: Crablegs, Vector, Trapper Keeper, Cunning Linguist, Toothless, TheNanny, & YHC TheJeweler

QIC: TheJeweler

Conditions: 70 degrees, foggy, gloom factor HIGH!

Warm-O-Rama: Disclaimer…. Jog from the parking lot around to the playground… circle up.  20 SSH, 10 Good Mornings, 15 WMHs, 10 Hill Billies, 10 Imperial Walkers, BACs, & Air Presses.  Sprint Drills: High Knees & Butt Kicks

The THANG: We started off with 2x 400m circuits.  The circuit consists of a 100m sprint, 10 merkins, 100m sprint, 10 LBCs, 100m sprint, 10 burpees, 100m sprint 5 flutter kicks & 5 crossovers.   Between the circuits we jogged 100m for recovery.

Mosey back to the playground for some burpee fun.  Each burpee consisted of 6 reps:  Regular Burpees, Burpee Jacks, Walmart Burpees (roll back on your back then kick your legs back to a pushup and back up is one), Burpee Mountain Climbers, Side Burpees (legs get kicked out to the right and left), Superman burpees.

Mosey back to the start of the circuit for one more go at the 400m circuit.  This one really gets the heart rate up.

With everyone a bit winded, we jogged to the water tank for a little partner work.  We split up in teams of two… each team had to complete 300 squats.  While one team member was performing squats, the other sprinted 1 lap around the water tank.  Trade out and repeat until all squats are complete.

MARY: 10x WW1s, 20 Olympic Sit-ups aka Rocking Chairs, 30x Flutter Kicks…. TIME

Announcements: Memorial Day Murph

Prayer Request: Ludwig’s Wife… and i’m probably forgetting some again but that’s my fault for being behind on posting this BB.

As always, thank you gents for allowing me to lead and for pouring into my life.


YHC ~ TheJeweler


I made myself tired

PAX: CareBear, Deep Dish, Foxtrottalksalot, Black Lung, Life Champ, Hambone, & YHC TheJeweler

QIC: TheJeweler

Conditions: Sunny, 80 Degrees, gloom factor low

Disclaimer was give then quick jog down the road and circle back to the lot

Warm-o-rama: 30 SSH, 15 Good Mornings, 15 WMHs, 15 Imperial Walkers, 15 Hill Billies, 15 BAC, 15 Air Presses,  Sprint Drills for 20m: High Knees, Butt Kicks, A-Skip, B-Skip, Elevated Skips

Thang: Mosey over to the entry of the parking lot facing up the hill towards 12south.  PAX lined up and jogged ~50m to the manhole cover then all out sprint the remaining 50m to the stop sign.  Jog back as a group and repeat 4x.

On to the playground: PAX grouped up in groups of 2 & one group of 3.  While one group member is doing pullups the other is doing lunges.  Pullups went in reps of 10, 8, 6, 4, 2… switch out after each set.

On to the tennis courts: With the same groups we lined up on one side of the court.  Your partner bear crawled across to the other side then sprinted back to switch… after first 2 sets switch to crab walk.  While your partner bear crawled we did the following four exercises: Round 1 Side lunges, Round 2 pike pushups (start from push up position thrust legs into a pike similar to a Carolina dry dock & do a push up), Round 3 ski jumps, Round 4 dolphin pushups (from low plank position, elbows on the ground, you jump your legs up towards your arms into a pike then back down).

Round two: shuttle runs (half court to full court) while your partner does: walkouts (from pike position your walk your hands out as far past your shoulders as possible – basically an ab roller without the ab roller), calf raises, alternating super people (right arm left leg up, left arm right leg up), then windshield wiper pushups (hands wide and you shift from side to side doing a push up).

Mosey to the loop around the big white house.  Same groups… your partner sprints as fast as possible, one lap, while you do LBCs.  Each person runs once.  30 sec rest… rinse and repeat.

Long mosey around the back side of the park back to the entrance past the woman looking at the ground and the man with two dogs.

Just enought time for a modified circuit…  Sprint 50m 10 Merkins, Sprint 50m 10 LBCs, Sprint 50m 10 burpees, sprint 50m 5 flutter kicks & 5 crossovers.

MARY: 25 American Hammers, 10 J-LOs, 30 seconds of slow bikes…. TIME

Announcements: Memorial Day Murph coming up, Yard Duty & meal train sign up for Ludwig,

Prayer Request: Ludwig & Wife for continued recovery after surgery, FTTA mother-in-law dealing with some feelings of depression, my parents & grandfather.  Sorry if i’m missing anyone.

Pleasure to lead this group of men!

YHC ~ TheJeweler


Armory Launches with Stations and Ladders


Date: 5/18/19

PAX: Kwame, Mic Drop, Hot N Ready, Swanson, Pancreas, Pop-a-lock, Type-O-Positive, Ebola, Tool Time

FNG’s: Dizzy Gillespie, Lone Star, Ron Swanson, Wikileaks, T-Test, Doc McStuffins, Sully, FICO

QIC: Tiny Dancer and Joey Freshwater

Christening of the Flag (in honor of the launch on 5/18

  • 5 Merkins, 18 burpees

Mosey to the flag


  • Side Straddle Hops x 18
  • Good mornings x 12
  • Willie Mays Hays x12
  • Slow and Low Squats x 12

Buy In: 1 lap Native-American Run around the Park


Part 1 – Stations

4 stations – 2 minute rounds, 15 second rest in between (PAX split up into 4 groups

Station 1: bucket carry around the flag (1 PAX would take 20 steps and hand off to the partner while the remaining PAX did flutter kicks at the starting point)

Station 2: Pullups (if you drop off the bar, 5 squats

Station 3: burpee squat jumps

Station 4: fist-bump Merkins

Only made it through one round

(Turned it over to Joey Freshwater)

Part 2 – Staircase
– PAX paired up to attack Joey Freshwater’s Staircase board

10 derkins

20 big boy situps

30 burpees

40 Merkins

50 Air Squats

60 LBC’s

70 Power skips

80 (seconds) plank

90 High knees

100 Flutter kicks (four count)

Mary (highlighted by Joey Freshwater’s unique style of cadence)

Little Baby Arm Circles (forward and reverse)

Seal Claps

Alabama Prom Dates

18 burpees


  • It was an honor to lead you men on the inaugural Armory workout. Have a great week, and see y’all in seven days!
  • Armory needs a Q for May 25th!

Field Trip for some Lieutenant Dan ManMaking Bear Crawls

Pax: T-Cell, Moneyshot, Foxtrot Talks a Lot, Hipster and En Fuego

QIC: En Fuego

Conditions: 50 degrees – a perfect May gloom

0530 arrives, we disclaim and we mosey on a field trip to higher education, namely the soon-to-be enjoyed by all recently aerated David Lipscomb soccer field. YHC orders 10 merkins for every car that passes us along the mosey, 80 merkins later we arrive to the fields for some WOR. Wrap WOR up with YHC’s favorite scorpion stretch, then commence the…


  1. Start off with 11s at the bleacher stairwell; Imperial storm squats at the bottom and power merkins at the top.  Verified the stairs are steep, got the heart rate up, and completed the 11s.  Mosey to the dugout, where we partner up for…
  2. Partner DIDs:
    • Partner 1 sprints from dugout back to stairwell and performs 15 jump squats, sprints back, while Partner 2 is performing a round of 10-20-30s of DIDs. Upon Partner 2 arrival, flapjack and R&R x2. Upon completion, YHC introduces round 3 of exercises in what shall affectionately be known as…
  3. The Lieutenant Dan Manmaking Bear Crawls
    • It is what it sounds like. PAX line up at dugout facing the bleachers. Perform sequence of Lieutenant Dan, drop into ManMakers, transition from ManMaker into 4 count Bear Crawl. Execute Lieutenant Dan Manmaking Bear Crawl sequence along width of soccer field – taking in all that the recently fertilized and finely aerated lawn had to offer. Upon completion, Foxtrot throws himself into some face-down snow angels, apparently wanting more of said lawn.

At this point, field trip is over and time to head back to the friendly confines of the AO. Mosey back, with PAX stopping about quarter mile out to give it an AYG effort from there in. Close it out with COT – prayers for Bicentennial Man and Ludwig, and their families.

Job well done by all – PAX put in the work. Honor to have led and appreciative to live out the gloom with each of you.

En Fuego

Picking up D’Mish’s Slack

PAX: Blackwidow, Floppy Disk, Lumbergh, Master Splinter, PSL, Big Perm, Boyband, Black Lung, Movin on Up, Toga (QIC), Reefer

Conditions: Sunny and 70 (really was this time)

11 redwoods posted up to get a little better this morning, and it went something like this:

Warmup Mosey around the West side of the school and back to the lot for warmup COP: SSH, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, cotton pickers, T-Ups, scorpion stretch

Mosey back to West side of school for ye ol’ Triple Check v1: P1 people’s chair, P2 merkins, P3 run to base of hill and back.  All players rotate through all three stations 3 times.  Triple Check v2: P1 wall walkers, P2 WWII, P3 run down grassy hillside and bear crawl back up.  All three players rotate through all three stations three times.

Mosey to playground and partner up for 3 sets of 10 pull-ups, 3 sets of 20 PLT, and 2 sets of jerkins.

Mosey to parking lot for Mary.


  • Still open spots for lawn help for Ludwig, see Floppy
  • See Bagger’s post re Memorial Day convergence
  • See Tiny Dancer’s post re Spring Hill launch tomorrow.  It’s shaping up to be a big crowd!

NMM:  Strong work by the PAX today.  YHC really had no idea what we were going to do, but it seemed to come together fairly well as there seemed to be a decent number of folks gasping.  Today was also YHC’s 45th (don’t feel a day under 50), and special thanks to the Nashville PAX keeping me moving!

Stay Classy,
