Q: sooner
PAX: Oatmeal, Toothless, TheShield, Subway, DrRupp, sooner, Young and Restless, rainbow-rodeo, 1
FNGs: 1 1
WARMUP: most of us ran. Oatmeal walked.
THE THANG: 1 burpee followed by 10 reps of an exercise called out by each successive PAX. 5 rounds: upper, lower, ab, total body, and traveling. Run the water tower loop in between.
MARY: nah
COT: Thankful.
WARMUP: disclaimer, GMs, imperial walkers, M. Phelps, mosey, hip stretches
THANG 1: Pax retrieved their fall-themed coupons graciously provided by YHC’s neighbor and that noticeably differed in weight. Performed five circuits of the following with 7, 8, 9, 10, and 15 reps:
– Twenty-one gun
– Squat press
– Lunges
– Weighted carry
– 7 second rest and trade coupons
THANG 2: P-U-M-P-K-I-N has seven letters so did a round of sevens on the driveway hill, squats at the top, burpees at the bottom.
MARY: All pax get brownie points for incorporating coupons into Mary. Especially notable are @Hair_Band for modified HCFs and @toothless for crushing chests during leg lifts. Closed with one last set of hip stretches.
🦃 Hobblin’ Gobbler Thanksgiving morning at 6a, details in #green-machine
🎲 12/2 game night hosted by @Firefox, details in #2ndF
🙏🏻 Prayers for a struggling family known to @Dinty_Moore, families of @Pole_Dancer and @Hair_Band as they grieve deaths and prepare for the holidays, and Immanuel Church raising money to buy a building.
☕️ Coffeeteria followed at Ramblin’ Joes. 🎳👷🏻♂️🛢️
WARMUP: 22 SSH, some GM and WMH, followed by some baby arm circles and squats.
THE THANG: Long mosey down Granny White, so much so that MM thought we were headed back to Lipscomb. Wrong. Headed to the Hill!
11’s with 2 exercises = 22 (fuzzy T Swift math) Burpees at the bottom, drop squats up top.
Mosey over to the pavilion where we worked out next two either a dead body or a man sleeping. We will never know, we had DID business to attend to. 25 dips, 20 inclines, 15 declines for 3 rounds.
MARY: No time!
Brewsday, Gobbler, check the Slack
COT: Grateful for Fockers vulnerability and sharing over some recent victories and growth. He’s a true HIM.
Disclaimer issued promptly at 0531
Air Press
Michael Phelps
Imperial Walkers
Willie Mays Hayes
Round 1:
10 stations of 10 burpees around the park, mosey in between, pirate movie related questions preceding each round of burpees: Salpal 5, Toothless 3,
Round 2:
At the playground: a set of 10 rows and 10 iron mikes (2 count), preceded again by pirate movie questions: Salpal 1, Toothless 2
Mosey the long way back to Start X
MARY: 3 min of ab exercises no rest
Salpal declared winner in a narrow 6-5 victory over toothless
– board game night at Firefox’s, check main channel for deets
– Salpal leading a disconnected november (presently forgetting the creative name), go HC for that
– info coming about potential Hobblin Gobbler this year for TG
– each man shared, Toothless asks for prayers for brother’s father in law, Salpal asked for success in his wife getting her paper published, I asked for safe travels and a peaceful trip as my mom goes to scotland for my Great Gran’s funeral
– please reach out to your fellow PAX and remind them you are thinking about them, praying for them, and are there for them if they need anything
THE THANG: Double Indian Running Burpee Apocalypse. Last Man to the Front Run for 40 minutes with ascending and descending sets of burpees every time we got back to a starting spot. Sets went 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2. Total burpee count = 110/a double burpee apocalypse.
MARY: #cruelhall is in too good of shape. We finished with 5 minutes to spare so we hit 4 or 5 all out parking lot sprints to finish.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Many. Check f3nashville.com/calendar/ for all of them.
COT: Many items lifted up. YHC noted that he is often not giving the best of himself to his wife and kids. Many Pax chimed in with similar feelings. Let’s take the action to prioritize our faith and family this week.
Welcome Bonsai.
MM out.
Mosey to the field
In the field w/ Arms out
High Knees – 9 yards
Butt Kickers – 9 yards
Super Mario’s – 9 yards
Willy Mays Hays – 9 OYO
Good Mornings – 9 OYO
Hold It! AMRAP – as many rounds as possible
Divide up in 6 groups, about 4-6 people per group.
There are five stations that are AMRAPs with a twist. One person in each team has to hold an exercise for as long as they can while the other 3 people are working the AMRAP. When person 1 can no longer hold the exercise, everyone completes 3 burpees. Then a new group member starts the holding exercise.
The 6th station is the time keeper, run for 6 minutes. Quickly, rotate stations at the end of 6 minute run.
Base of Steps
Station 1 – balance quadruped position (all fours with knees slightly off the ground. Good alignment required!
3 burpees at switch
1. 9 diamond merkins
2. 9 merkin to side plank
3. 9 mountain climbers (R+L=1)
4. 9 tricep dips
Facing First Bank
Station 2 – hold a decline plank, 3 burpees at switch
1. 9 swings w coupon
2. 9 squats w coupon
3. 9 around the world w coupon
4. 9 OHP w coupon
Open Field
Station 3 – hold a low plank, 3 burpees at switch
1. 9 big boy sit-ups
2. 9 vector ups
3. 9 freddy mercuries (R+L=1)
4. 9 American Hammers (R+L=1)
Station 4 – hollow body hold, 3 burpees at each switch
1. 9 iron mikes (R+L=1)
2. 9 Bonnie Blairs (R+L=1)
3. 9 broad jumps
4. 9 star jumps
Inside the Circle
Station 5 – hold a Coupon in a front lateral raise, 3 burpees at switch
1. 9 pogo jumps
2. 9 seated vertical jumps
3. 9 super Mario’s
4. 9 approach jumps
Station 6 – run 6 minutes
1. Run the loop and complete as many laps as possible in the time limit. Keep track of groups total laps
Rotate when runners return after 6 minutes.
keep track of the number of switches or burpees each group completes.
Scoring –
Subtract total number of burpees from total laps
MARY: No Time
COT: Thankful for the opportunity to meet together and share in the celebration of this community that is so much more than a workout group.