Q: Michelin Man
PAX: DintyMoore, Right Said, Chunks, Natural Ice, Spinal Tap, Tim the Toolman, Michelin Man, Blue Mule, Pep, Firefox, Preacher Man, Bad Boy, Solo Cup, SalPal, Bham DR Pax, Charlotte DR Pax
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Still too hot
WARMUP: YHC was two minutes late so we went right into it!
THE THANG: Easy. Last man to the front run around the great lawn. Burpee apocalypse along the way at opposite corners. When we finished the burpee apocalypse we split into two groups and did the same thing again.
MARY: 4 burpees to get YHC to 100.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Many announcements. Check f3nashville.com/calendar/ for details.
COT: Its my birthday! Also, I’m grateful for all of you.