Put your back into it!

AO: the-knoll
Q: G-string (Eli Kresta)
PAX: morning star, Pebbles, Siri, The Banker, Sooie, El Capitan, Wolfpack, Ex-Pat, @Link, @Bumblebee
FNGs: None
Warmer than Tuesday but still brisk.

– windmills, imperial walkers, wmh, gm
– Indigenous People’s run with football around the field
– Shoulder warmup

Two people per station. Three rounds.
– Station 1: sandbag swings
– Station 2: pull-ups jump up and 3-count down
– Station 3: log floor to ceilings
– Station 4: lunges to the street and back
– Station 5: plank hold

On Tuesday we talked about the GK Chesterton quote. Today I wanted to talk about our specific role as fathers. Whenever God the Father called someone in the OT, it led to an adventure. Moses brought his people out of Egypt, Abraham left his country and his family, David went up against Goliath, etc.
Part of our role as fathers is to provide our children with adventure in the context of safety. Even if you don’t believe in God or the bible, this is a biological fact. The role of fathers in hormonal development of their children is different than that of mothers and cannot be easily replaced. Fathers who engage in rough and tumble play in a adventurous (but controlled) manner have children who are better able to stand up to challenges and face adversity. Fathers are more influential on early language development because we often use higher level language with our children. Fathers even have an epigenetic effect on protein synthesis and gene expression. What we do matters.
In light of that, I am looking for ways to provide adventure and new challenges for my family. Introducing my daughter to the world one experience at a time.

If you want to read a little more on the science behind the unique role of fathers, this is a good article to start with and its references.

– That mile is coming next week at Green Machine. The knoll will continue as regularly scheduled
– Plankril is coming. One minute plank on the first and add 6 seconds every day.

Intentions were offered and prayers were said.

Ridin Dirty

AO: westeros
Q: Hacker (Franklin)
PAX: Vector, Right Said, Chunks, Pep, Siri, Natural Ice, DintyMoore, Young and Restless, CubCadet, Breadsticks, Frenchie, Roboto, Tommy Girl
FNGs: None
– IW
– slow ass merks
– GM
– Runner’s Stretch

The Thang
Pain stations with 1 minute AMRAP / 30 second rest
1. HR merks
2. 4 ct flutter kicks
3. BBS
4. 70lb farmer’s carry
5. 60lb sandbag burpee
6. 60lb medicine ball over the shoulder throw
7. 50lb row
8. 50lb goblet squat
9. 30lb plate uhaul
10. 40lb badonkadonks (Alabama Prom Dates)
11. 35lb kettlebell swing
12. 25lb kettlebell clean to press
13. stepups with 30 lb plate
14. battlerope

Lock in gains with a quick mosey, then r/r to time

– Plank rotation
– LBCs
– Scorpion Stretch
– Cobra
– Downward Dog

– Beer tasting at Blue Mule’s house on Friday
– Tortoise and Hare tomorrow at thestronghold, bootcamp on Thursday
– Culture week in Franklin this week — all workouts led by current/former Nantans focusing on F3 culture
– Q vs Q on April 6th at +TN+37064/@35.9212646,-86.8612508,17z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x88647e558f4ee3e1:0x360564ef7acd299c!8m2!3d35.9212646!4d-86.8612508!16s%2Fg%2F11gh6bcw6g”>www.google.com/maps/place/Pinkerton+Park,+405+Murfreesboro+Rd,+Franklin,+TN+37064/@35.9212646,-86.8612508,17z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x88647e558f4ee3e1:0x360564ef7acd299c!8m2!3d35.9212646!4d-86.8612508!16… in Franklin at 6:30 AM. If Huntsville brings more PAX, they’re going to take our flag. Please, think of the flag. All TN PAX are welcome. If any AL PAX happen to ask you for the address, its… uh… maps.app.goo.gl/Ta6ZVAFduSGNZqi56?g_st=ic

Prayer Requests
– As discussed in-person

Identify and focus your energy on what you can control. There is a lot of stuff swirling around in all of our lives, some of which affects us greatly, and most of which we cannot control. You can think of these events as fitting into a series of concentric circles, like a target or dartboard. At the center, the bulls-eye, is your area of control. If you really think about it, that area is limited to yourself, your attitude, and your actions. Beyond that lies the area of influence, which gets a lot trickier: there many things we all want to influence, but influence is uncertain and situational. It isn’t control. You might have a lot of influence over, say, your kids or people who work for you, and much less over more distant relations or strangers. At the same time, the things we want to influence vary greatly in importance to us. The sweet spot for impact is high influence/high importance scenarios, but it can be productive to invest in low influence/high importance situations, so long as we understand up-front that those are investments that might take a long time to pay off (if they pay off at all) and may require allies with greater influence to help. Beyond the domain of influence is noise. Noise is a distractor. A Jester. The news, people who are beyond our reasonable influence, whose interests contradict our own, these are all noise in terms of our ability to create impact. The only thing you can do here is remove yourself from the noise, if you can, or choose to ignore the noise, if you must.

Sorry for the wall of text, but that was what was on my mind at the airport on Saturday.

Thanks for letting me lead today!

That’s One Mötley Crüe

AO: atlantis
Q: Pole Dancer
PAX: Toothless, Siri, Sally, Three Stooges, Hair Band, Puzzlah
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Warm and Dry

WARMUP: Mosey, Active Warmups, Stretching

THE THANG: Plyo-rama! Perform exercises 1 minute on, 1 minute rest (run around the parking lot, back to start)

– Merkins
– Alabama Prom Dates
– Star Jumps
– Dips
– WW1s
– Supermans
– Mountain Climbers
– Diamond Crunches
– Iron Mikes
– Plank
– Left Plank
– Right Plank
– Squats
– Leg Raises
– Burpees

Finished up with Mary set to Shout at the Devil

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Brewsday for St. Paddy’s with bluemule, convergence at the end of the month

COT: Prayers for strength and courage through difficult decisions at work across PAX and family, along with prayers for grieving friends and family in their time of need.

Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0bWTsSkNEZxZciUu6Jp8TI?si=6764985c08774b09

Creating a 4F AO

AO: the-knoll
Q: Hair Band
PAX: Sooie, morning star, Wolfpack, Siri, Malibu, Ex-Pat, Pebbles, Merchant, Bumblebee
FNGs: None

50 SSHs
Arm circles
Air press
Michael phelps

Spread out into Teams & stations

Push station
Skull crushers 20
Carolina dry docks 20
Elbow tap push ups 10

Pull station
Pullups 10
Rows 15

Core station
Supermans 20
V-ups 20
Ukrainian hanmers 20

Burpee freeze tag


– Plankpril coming up soon, check 1st F channel
– Murder mile coming, check green machine

– everyone shared a prayer request, work, families, deaths, travels

Thanks y’all! So happy to have lead this morning, it was an honor and privilege!

Rock on,

Hair Band

Boo Boo

AO: titan
Q: Hair Band
PAX: Salpal, greyalbum, MySpace, Black Lung, Tim the Toolman, Puzzlah, Supernova, CubCadet, Chunks, Wolfpack, Goose, Good Morning America, Firefox, Siri, hambone, Sherlock, Pep, Red Ryder, Derail, Tom Bodet
FNGs: None

Mosey around park
50 SSHs

Lunge walk (In the grass) from bricks to concrete
Skull crushers on benches 30 reps
Turn around
Broad jump back to benches
Repeat 2 more times for total of 3
Plank until all in

Next set:
Boo boo bear crawls right leg (in grass)
Turn around
BBBCs left leg back
Alabama prom dates x40
Repeat 2 more times for total of 3
Hold plank

END with Mary


– F3 Franklin Half Marathon March 2nd, check Middle TN channel
– 4:13 Strong 5k this Saturday

– every man shared, family, health, work, and babies on the way!

It was an honor and a pleasure to lead y’all.

Rock On,

Hair Band

To the nines

AO: westeros
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Chunks, Grape, Pep, Siri, Tim the Toolman, Wolfpack, Power Clean (F3 JeffCo, GTE Trainer)
FNGs: None

SSHs – 14 in cadence
Low-n-slow Squats
Good Mornings – 5 OYO
Cherry pickers in cadence
Shoulder Routine in cadence
-Overhead Press
-Moroccan Night Club

Run to Bridge – 3 rounds, 1 minute rep each
Komodo Dragon
Air Squats
Bird dogs

Run to Playground – 3 rounds, 1’ min rep each
Compass Lunges

Run to Hill – 3 rounds, 1’ minute rep each
Burpees – add a merkin each rep
Happy Crunchy Frogs

Mosey to Start and finished out third round of hill exercises and final two songs on playlist

Movie Songs – @chunks won the challenge to name the movie for each song


Solid BrewRuck led by Cowboy over the weekend. greenmachine it’s just a mile workout coming up next week.

Prayers for Cowboy and family

Count off by two’s for no reason

AO: the-knoll
Q: The Banker
PAX: morning star, G-string (Eli Kresta), Pebbles, Siri, AAA, Wolfpack, Malibu, Bumblebee
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: chilly to freezing

21’s on SSH, we nailed it!
41 SSH
Slow squats
Slow merkins
Willie May Hayes

Partner Dora AMRAPs at table with one partner running to home plate and back while the other performs exercise
3X each exercise

Step ups
Single leg sit to stand
Single leg squat

Partner carry

Perfect Merkins
Shoulder presses


Mary- knee-ups and hour v-ups

ANNOUNCEMENTS: see channels

BlackLung Monday Mayhem #1

AO: westeros
Q: Black Lung
PAX: Spinal Tap, Crawlspace, Vector, Firefox, Pep, Chunks, Wolfpack, Siri, Natural Ice, Salpal, Grape, Tim the Toolman, Sherlock
FNGs: None
Chunks decided that once a month, Westeros is holding a “Monday Mayhem” with intentionally difficult workouts. I was honored to be invited for the inaugural event and did my best to deliver.

CONDITIONS: Cold and dreary
WARMUP: non-existant
Burpee apocalypse (10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 3)
Run to tennis courts

Ab blaster:
30 WWIs, 30 4-ct flutter kicks, 20 leg lifts, 100 mountain climbers, 30 WWIs, 25 flutter kicks, 15 leg lifts, 50 mountain climbers, 20 WWIs

Tabata: (40 seconds exercise, 20 seconds rest); 3 sets per round (9 minutes):
Round 1: Jump Squats, Burpees, WWIIs
3 Tennis Court Sideline Suicide Runs

Round 2: Iron Mikes, Hand Release Merkins, LBCs
3 Tennis Court Sideline Suicide Runs

Run back to start just in time for 20 more hand-release merkins (~80 total) and 10 more burpees (~100 total)

Always a pleasure to lead. Thanks to Chunks for the invitation.

‘24 Kickoff: Discover you have abdominals

AO: westeros
Q: Hair Band
PAX: sooner, Pep, Siri, Chunks, Black Lung, Natural Ice, Tim the Toolman, DintyMoore, Sherlock, CubCadet, bluemule
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: chilly willy

50 SSHs
Cherry picker-good mornings
Calf stretches
Imperial walkers
Air presses
Michael phelps

5min Hair Band Mary (rest position V sit)
Each exercise goes to 24

Run to love circle
Stop along the way for

– Marion Barbers on bridge
– 24 Metronomes at top of first hill where grass & gravel is

Do a wrap around love circle

Ascend Love Circle
– plank till all in
– 24 j-los with elbow knee tap

Run back to start-x
WW1s til all in

– #leanpax is in full swing!
– Brewruck Saturday after Leanpax ends

Merkins? Nah

AO: atlantis
Q: Hair Band
PAX: Crawlspace, Toothless, Chunks, hambone, Siri
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: “Nipply” – Clark Griswold

Calf stretch
ROL/LOR touch toes
Air press
Michael phelps


Mosey to jungle gym
Partner up
1 partner does happy box dips (box jump, happy crunchy frog, tricep dip) while other runs 2 laps around water tower, trying to reach 100 reps of HBDs. Plank when finished

Once complete mosey to swing set
Partners switch off b/t iron mikes & rows. Partner 1 does 20 iron mikes (10 per leg) then switches with partner 2. Go until 200 total reps, 100 per leg

Mosey back to start-x