Cardio and Core

AO: westeros
Q: Michelin Man
PAX: Right Said, Black Lung, Pep, Natural Ice, Red Skull, Focker, Salpal, DintyMoore, Vector, Sherlock, Crawlspace, Pop-A-Lock, Tim the Toolman, Supernova, Spinal Tap, Detective Pikachu, Grape, Shiplap
FNGs: 1 Shiplap

WARMUP: Upon exiting his vehicle to his walkup music, Michelin Man warned the PAX to stretch before the disclaimer because MM wastes no time warming up. With the disclaimer aggressively given at 5:30 on the dot, a mosey then ensued.

THE THANG #1: First, the PAX ran around Elmington to the port-a-potty hill and held a plank for the six. Upon all in, the PAX sprinted up the hill 3x, with a mosey back and plank after each. MM then inquired of other PAX whether they came to work out (hat tip: Crablegs). Four PAX in succession answered in the affirmative and asked for 1 sprint extra, yielding a total of 7x sprints up the hill. Natural Ice also asked for a Bear Crawl, which YHC declined.

THE THANG #2: The PAX then mosey backed to the tennis courts and formed a circle, upon which time, Black Lung joined the group. The Thang #2 ensued. Each PAX in turn would call a number 1-10. MM would then provide an exercise corresponding to that number that the PAX would do for 1 minute. The number had to have special significance to the PAX (i.e. Tim the Toolman called 6 because he turned 60!!! today). There were two lists: Cardio and Core. I alternated between the two. Here were the numbers:

1. SSH
2. Plank Jack (not called)
3. Tuck Jumps
4. Mountain Climber
5. Squat Jump
6. Star Jump (not called)
7. Iron Mike
8. High Knees
9. Butt Kickers
10. Muhktars

1. V-Ups (not called)
2. Hollow Body Hold
3. American Hammer
4. LBCs (not called)
5. Scissor Kick
6. Box Cutter
7. Happy Crunchy Frogs (not called)
8. Bird Dogs
9. Leg Circles
10. Flutter Kicks

MARY: The PAX returned to the port-a-potty hill for one more sprint and a mosey to startex to finish. 1 burpee completed for Tim the Toolman (and Pep!) birthdays. Of note, Black Lung went back and did the 7x sprints after Mary.

1. Brewruck
2. NYD Convergence
3. LeanPax
4. New AOQ at Westeros NEXT WEEK!
5. Welcome FNG Shiplap!

COT: Many prayers offered, with Crawlspace aptly summarizing as “Everyone’s family.”

It was fun. MM Out.

Cold Air Don’t Care

AO: handsomizer
Q: Grape
PAX: Natural Ice, Black Lung, Freakonomics, Red Skull, Young and Restless, Plunger, Lube (F3 STL)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: cold, but not cold enough to wear sleeves

WARMUP: “Say Anything” run- pass the speaker and run to front with speaker over your head- we did a loop that was exactly 1 mile

THE THANG: Deck of Death- Hearts were Merkins, Spades were squats, Diamonds were dry docks, Clubs were WW1’s; Jack and Queen were 10’s, Kings and Aces were stair runs with a burpee

The Boss, Mr. Springsteen, serenades us as we completed 74 reps of each exercise and 8 total stair runs

MARY: 4 MoM dealers choice

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Brew ruck, lean pax, etc

12 Coupons of Christmas

AO: titan
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: Black Lung, Red Skull, Michelin Man, Pep, hambone, Right Said, Chunks, Crawlspace, Spinal Tap, Salpal, Freakonomics, Tim the Toolman, Focker, Detective Pikachu, Natural Ice, Opie and Beatle
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Merry and Bright

WARMUP: A Quick run through of the usual suspects SSH, OHP, LBAC, SC, WMH

PAX grabbed all the coupons available and went out to the play ground.

THE THANG: 12 Coupons of Christmas

Similar to the 12 days of Christmas but better, PAX received a present each round building on top of the previous round, starting with “A jog around the building”. For each round PAX performed the new work out as well as all exercises proceeding it

1. And a Jog around the building (1×12=12)
2. Two Blockies (2×11=22)
3. Three Pull ups (3×10=30)
4. Four block Squats (4×9=36)
5. Five Overhead Block Press (5×8=40)
6. Six Block Derkins (6×7=42)
7. Seven Curls (7×6=42)
8. Eight Block Sit Ups (8×5=40)
9. Nine Mountain climbers (9×4=36)
10. Ten American Hammers (10×3=30)
11. Eleven Block Dips (11×2=22)
12. Twelve Lt Dans (12×1=12)

In the end, YHC’s generously gave the PAX 364 and ran over 2 miles.

Playlist was a variety of Rock/Punk Christmas music

Prayers were lifted and announcements announced

Thank you for the opportunity to lead!

Yes! It’s Metallica

AO: westeros
Q: Pep
PAX: Salpal, Detective Pikachu, hambone, Wolfpack, Chunks, Siri, Black Lung, Vector, Red Skull, Natural Ice
FNGs: None

Weather: chilly but not wet


– little baby arm circles – and reverse
– seal claps
– hillbilles
– good mornings – oyo
– willie mays hays


– 100: hand-release merkins
– 200: alabama prom dates
– 300: fire hydrants
– 200: american hammers
– 100: burpees

– salpal: interview tuesday
– vector: anonymous acquaintance dealing with cancer
– pikachu: family difficulties
– siri: work
– black lung: uncle with bad health

#f3-nashville-general channel
– brewruck: Dec 16
– brews day : tomorrow (Tuesday)
– leanpax: january
– new years day: convergance – probably at green machine

Dealers Choice

AO: handsomizer
Q: Cuban Missile
PAX: Blueliner, bluemule, Grape, Focker, Natural Ice, Freakonomics, Chunks, Hair Band
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cold and wet

WARMUP: Side Straddle Hops, Arm Circles, Willie Mayes Hayes

THE THANG: Mosey to the stairs. Dealers Choice of exercise, but dice determine the reps. Finish with Tai Chi breathing.

Remember to be nice to people this holiday season, you never know what someone else is going through.

Prays with Hair Band and his family while they are dealing with the loss of his grandmother


Cold Balls Warm Heart

AO: atlantis
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: Red Skull, Hair Band, Subway, Natural Ice
FNGs: None

WARMUP: SSH, Willy Mays Hays, and Good Mornings


Traveling Tabata – 1 minute mosey and then 1 minute of an exercise. The goal was to never stop moving moving.

C – crunchy frogs
O – one legged Burpee
L – Lt Dans
D – diamond merkin

B – big boy sit ups
A – alternating shoulder taps
L – lunge
L – little baby crunch
S – squats

W – wide merkins
A – American hammers
R – Rocky balboa
M – monkey humpers

H – heels to the heavens
E – elbow jack – plank jack at low plank
A – air press
R – Russian twists
T – Turkish get up – lay down don’t use arms or use one to get up

Thank you @hairband for the opportunity to lead!

Dealer’s Choice

AO: handsomizer
Q: Chunks
PAX: Grape, Red Skull, Salpal, Natural Ice, Freakonomics, Young and Restless, Cuban Missile, Cash Cab, Mr Emcee (Tallahassee), Plunger, Blueliner
FNGs: 1 Blueliner
Last nice morning before it gets cold

Advised the PAX to stretch before because there would be no warm up today.
Started with 5 mins of Mary, thanks for the idea @hairband
In honor of Native American Heritage Month, Indigeneous Peoples Run the long way around the stadium and down the ramps to the bottom of the stairs, but when we heard the word Run in the song “Dog Days are Over” by Florence and the Machine the PAX had to sprint.
Met at the bottom of the stairs and Bear way to Heaven up the stairs. Grape remarked that it was harder today than usual, probably because we didn’t do arm circles to warm up. Moseyed down the ramps to the bottom of the stairs.
PAX took turns picking an exercise to do while they ran up the stairs touching each step and running down the ramps.
Ran back up the stairs together and did a 5 Burpee buyout.
Indigenous Peoples run back to Startex with a Sprint to the finish.

Check slack for all the things
Blueliner was added to the PAX today.
Prayers for all those traveling for Thanksgiving

The goal of F3 is to grow leaders. Part of being a leader is asking for feedback. I asked the PAX for 2 things I could have done better as a Q today. 1. While the 1 PAX is running have the rest do the exercises in cadence instead of everyone for themself. 2. The run/timer was a little long to be doing just one exercise for that long. Also, received feedback my playlist was “meh” (Salpal), but he will understand the joys of being a dad to a teenage girl soon enough.

Thanks as always for the honor to lead.


Passing the Torch

AO: iiipillars
Q: Grape , princessaurora
PAX: Harbaugh, Vector, Natural Ice, It’sJUSTLunch, Baguette, Black Lung, YumYum, Go Fish, Focker, Tackle Box, Swiffer, Bard, Govt’ Mule, Howitzer
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: crisp and bright

WARMUP: Mosey, SSH, WMH, Good mornings, LBAC F, Moroccan night clubs, OH claps, and then a bunch of LBAC R

THE THANG: Partner up to do pull ups or swing set inverted prom date leg rows (or something like that) then flapjack

Jack Webb

2 laps around the track passing the speaker

Burpee relay (one PAX does 2 burpees and calls out an exercise for the rest of the circle to do, second time around the circle increased burpee count to 4)

2 laps around the track passing the speaker

Bear crawl relay with a partner

Most back to startex

ANNOUNCEMENTS: No noise November, hobbling gobbler

COT: prayers for F3 Nancy, for Luka, and for the St Paul Community

Special shout-out to @princessaurora for trusting YHC to take over as AOQ. Excited to continue his strong legacy!

Hey Gravity!

AO: westeros
Q: Sooie
PAX: Salpal, Chunks, Siri, Grape, Red Skull, Michelin Man, Wolfpack, Tim the Toolman, Natural Ice, Right Said, Spinal Tap, Sherlock, Black Lung, Solo Cup, Sooie, Cashcab
FNGs: None
It’s been colder.

BAC 15
Don Quixote 10
Imperial walkers 15
SSH 15

Pull-ups 30 sets of 1 EMOM. Between pull-ups AMRAPs of the following
Spicolli’s 3x
Squats 3x
Low plank 3x
Spicolli jumps 3x
Jump squat 3x
Plank thigh tap 3x
Leg raises 3x
Big boy sit-ups 3x
Mtn climbers 3x
Iron Mikes 1x
Burpees 1x
High/low planks 1x

Big boys from 0614-0615

Mosey from Dose (Murphy road) 0530 tomorrow. See @chunks.
@Grape on Q at #iiipillars tomorrow
#no-noise-november in full swing. Never too late to get in on it.
YHC shared how No Noise November is already having a positive impact on my habits. Offered up prayer for prayer requests mentioned. Enjoyed some Sooie Brewie™️ and maybe…just maybe we witnessed what will be known as The Westeros Miracle: my thermos is 64 oz yet all 16 PAX enjoyed the Sooie Brewie and there was enough left over for a full cup when I returned home. So take a moment to day to recognize the miraculous in the mundane.

The Haunted Doll

AO: handsomizer
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: Cuban Missile, Natural Ice, Frasier, Supernova, Slumlord, Freakonomics, Spinal Tap
FNGs: None

WARMUP: SSH, LBAC, the old stretches


YHC asked his 6 year old daughter if by chance we had a haunted doll in the house. She proceeded to pull a terrifying Madam Alexander doll out of a bathroom drawer. This was an old doll given to her by my M, and so old that its head was literally hanging by a thread.

PAX was tasked with GETTING RID OF THE DOLL!

The thing:
1 pax instructed the group to do an exercise at the startdex, while he ran away from the group to ditch the doll some where far away. Once he returned after ditching the doll, the rest of the PAX went on a moseying hunt to find the cursed doll. If PAX could not find the doll a set of work out dice were invoked to give hot/cold clues to the dolls location. Work out dice consisted of a list of exercises (merkins, burpees, mt climbers etc) and a length of time or number of reps to perform the exercises.

Once the doll was found, we rinsed and repeated until of pax had a chance to ditch the doll.

Stairs were climbed and burpees were burped.

Thank you again for the opportunity to lead!
Natty Ice outtttt