The Holiday Special

AO: greenmachine
Q: Timber
PAX: Esposa, t-cell, Cowboy, The Banker, Pop-A-Lock, Timber, Black Lung, Focker, Works for a Guy, moneyshot, monster biscuit, Grape, G-string (Eli Kresta), Haggis, Blinky (guest from North Carolina F3), Boyardee (said with a French accent)
FNGs: 1 Boyardee (said with a French accent)
CONDITIONS: 34 degrees, frosty turf, and beautiful

WARMUP: Mosey around the parking lot, coupon (cinder block) carry to the field, IC to 10: high knees, butt kicks, merkins, slow squats, BACs, back BACs, lunge stretch (covered F3 mission and core principles here)

THE THANG: done to a playlist with a lot of variety!
Part 1: 20/10s (20 sec AMRAP, 10 sec recovery)
– 10 exercises: merkins, iron mikes, burpee, coupon row, dry dogs, squat jump, coupon shoulder swings, mountain climbers, Apollo Ohnos, Prime Time merkins
– 1 min recovery run to opposite end zone and back
– rinse and repeat!
Part 2: DORA 100s (100 reps total between partners, 1 person runs 200 yards while other does reps)
– 3 exercises: burpees, floor to ceiling with coupon, WWIIs

MARY: The Little Merkin Boy: done to Bing Crosby’s “The Little Drummer Boy,” plank til end of song, merkin on every “pa rum pum pum pum”

ANNOUNCEMENTS: N/A (forgot to ask)

COT: famous playwright Tennessee Williams changed overnight after the success of his work “The Glass Menagerie.” He went from a man that scraped together all his money to afford an apartment and food, to a man that had everything given to him. He wrote about his unhappiness and how he became miserable in an essay titled “The Catastrophe of Success”. His lesson is a good lesson for me: don’t wish for a life without challenges, because that’s not the life we were meant to live! Embrace the virtue, joy, and authentic friendships you gain out of doing hard things!

We finished with a quick prayer, particularly for those during this holiday season who have lost close ones.

Thank you for the invitation, and for the great coffee, @Focker!

– Timber

A Very Grateful Q

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Pole Dancer
PAX: Oatmeal, Subway, Young Pawn, Toothless, Cowboy, Topanga, Betty Ford, moneyshot, Bad Boy, Rocket Mortgage, TheShield, sooner, monster biscuit
FNGs: None
Clear, Crisp 29

Static warmups with good mornings, willie mays, and cherry pickers. Comfortable mosey around the school/field, followed by active warmups of hammy scoops, A-skips, b-skips, skips for height, and quad stretches.

Set of 20 exercises, followed by lunges from sidewalk to sidewalk. I swear they lengthened the soccer field since my last Q. Completed three reps- kicked off with burpees, mountain climbers, and dips respectively.

Mosey back to the parking lot for Ring of Fire set to a short rendition of Truckin’ (5 mins).

Like Jerry Garcia and Merl Saunders, there was a Legion of Mary.

Upcoming convergence, boxing day workout, New Years Q from @toothless, and Brewsday next week if I remember correctly

Prayers for various relatives, friends, and PAX recovering from illnesses and ailments right before Xmas, and for gratitude and strength to help those in need.



AO: iiipillars
Q: Focker
PAX: Tackle Box, moneyshot, Black Lung, Michelin Man, princessaurora, Go Fish, Formica
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: dark and wet outside, dry and well lit in parking garage

WARMUP: run to garage, various stretching to time limit, no reps counted

THE THANG: concentration on form and muscle activation, no reps counted (it’s like the opposite of a CrossFit pull up)
TABATA 50 sec on, 10 sec rest (8 rounds total)

Round 1: drop squats and merkins
Round 2: IYTs and monkey humpers
Round 3: dive bombers merkins and donkey kick/fire hydrant hip circuit

MARY: PAX chose various exercises to varying time limits

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Hobbling Gobbler on Thursday at #greemachine

COT: Reminder of 2 things
-Holidays are number one time for addiction relapse, but also when lots of us go back into unhealthy living whether that be physically, emotionally, mentally. So be gracious with your family, remain disciplined, and be responsible for yourself and how you respond.
-The first holiday after a loss is incredibly weird and full of so many emotions. Don’t forget about those who lost loved ones this year, especially those at Covenant. Reach out to someone and just let them know their loss and pain isn’t forgotten.

Loving you was like Red

AO: middle-tooth
Q: t-cell
PAX: Focker, Young Pawn, Toothless, Michelin Man, Chariot, moneyshot, Oatmeal, Betty Ford, DrRupp, Subway, sooner, FeelTheBerns
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS:Warmer than expected. Lots of Red. We were in our Red era. Then the power of TSwift took over and we let her take us where she wished as we fired up the Red album.

WARMUP: 22 SSH, some GM and WMH, followed by some baby arm circles and squats.

THE THANG: Long mosey down Granny White, so much so that MM thought we were headed back to Lipscomb. Wrong. Headed to the Hill!

11’s with 2 exercises = 22 (fuzzy T Swift math) Burpees at the bottom, drop squats up top.

Mosey over to the pavilion where we worked out next two either a dead body or a man sleeping. We will never know, we had DID business to attend to. 25 dips, 20 inclines, 15 declines for 3 rounds.

MARY: No time!

Brewsday, Gobbler, check the Slack

COT: Grateful for Fockers vulnerability and sharing over some recent victories and growth. He’s a true HIM.


AO: greenmachine
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: Esposa, Rocket Mortgage, moneyshot, Betty Ford, Cowboy, Grape, Michelin Man, Focker, NFT, Black Lung
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Nigh Perfect

MUSIC Toto’s fourth studio album released in March of 1982 was played cover to cover.

WARMUP: SSH, Arm Circles, Squats, Willy Mays

THE THANG: Burpee-A-Clock-Alypse
5 Burpees every minute on the minute with a variety of “resting” exercises in between each set. Pax ran over 1 mile, lunged a good distance, and got in a sneaky amount of mary.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Octoburpee in full force

COT:Prayers were lifted for @Monsterbiscuit and the new 2.0, @MichelinMans current case, and YHC’s company going through lay offs and restructure.

Thank you again for the opportunity to lead!

Covering some ground

AO: greenmachine
Q: Grape
PAX: The Arch, Focker, Pedialyte, Esposa, Baguette, moneyshot, Movin On Up, Bad Boy, monster biscuit, Cowboy, Sherlock, t-cell, Betty Ford, Rocket Mortgage
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: perfect fall weather

long 1.2 mile mosey around lipscomb
10 SSH
10 OH Claps
10 OH Press
10 Moroccan night clubs
10 Seal claps


Modified Murph: total of 2 (really almost 3) miles in the workout, 100 burpees, 200 merkins, 300 squats

Start at one end zone, do 10 merkins and 15 squats, then run to the 10 yard line and do 1 burpee, run back to end zone, then repeato with 2 burpees at 20, 3 burpees at 30, etc. until working your way back down the field


Some flutters, LBCs, mercs, etc.




Prayers for T cell on his way to Africa
Prayers for Bad Boy’s brother Josh

The Start of Something New

AO: greenmachine
Q: Focker
PAX: FeelTheBerns, Focker, NFT, Topanga, Betty Ford, t-cell, Bad Boy, Deep State, Rocket Mortgage, Esposa, monster biscuit, Sherlock, Cowboy, moneyshot, Works for a Guy, Batman (F3 Hampton Roads), Haggis, FNG Alex (SlappingDaBass)
FNGs: 1 FNG Alex (SlappingDaBass)

WARMUP: the Usual

THE THANG: Long Mosey through Burning Man Mud and to pull up bars for one round of max pull ups. 10 burpees followed
Mosey to sideline of field to perform main thing. Multiply max pull ups x 10 and do that many reps of each exercise:
Monkey Humpers
Drop Squats
Leg Raises
Run to opposite sideline and back every 1.5 minutes
Those who sandbagged on their pull-ups and got done early got to do 5 burpees every 5 yards

We all went to goal line for 7s of Hindu push ups and Hindu squats running to 50 and back

MARY: 2 quick exercises

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 9/11 convergence on 9/9 led by @cowboy. 9/13 workout for 9th anniversary at #titan.

COT: @batman’s prayer request was a great reminder to us all that these workouts serve as a way to strengthen more than just our bodies. May we do well to remember that as we serve the people in our lives.
The lack of coffeeteria (my bad everyone)  motivated everyone to rush home and be more present there so you’re welcome.

III Pillars – 09.05.23 – “Fumble”

AO: iiipillars
Q: princessaurora
PAX: batter, Bad Boy, Cowboy, Harbaugh, Pep, Zelenskyy, wardas1, moneyshot, monster biscuit, Grape, Go Fish, Pencil Pusher, Young Pawn, It’sJUSTLunch, Focker, Betty Ford, Will Norton, Haggis, Swiffer, 0
FNGs: 1 0

After a brief disclaimer and admission to being a Clemson Tiger, YHC informed the PAX I would be attempting to make them experience the hurt and confusion I felt watching our season get off to a rocky start at Duke. While I’m not sure if I accomplished the hurt, confusion abounded throughout the workout!

Mosey to track for 4 laps/.5 miles at medium pace and followed with COP:
– SSH x 28
– LBAC F/R x 7
– SnL Squats x 28
– Merkins x 14


Head over to the jungle gyms and swingset to grab some bar for pull-ups. Max reps followed by equal number of seconds rest. Rinse and repeat until you can only get one rep.

Mosey back over to the short hill off the track. This is where I really laid on the confusion. Re-living the two fumbles and dropped passes, we dropped the B.A.L.L. as well. PAX continuously run down hill and back up stopping EMOM to perform 7 reps of exercises below. After going through entire circuit in the first round, I adjusted the game plan to be one exercise at each minute mark.
B – Burpees
A – Ab thrusters
L – Lunges (2ct)
L – Leg Raises

After one (or two) cycle(s) through, PAX were instructed to run the hill 16 more times, still stopping for exercise EMOM. Once all laps were done, PAX could rest for remainder of minute.

It was all as confusing it looks, but rest assured, it was very on brand for the Clemson offense.

Mosey back to startex for…

– APDs x 10
– Merkins x 15
– Jane Fondas L/R x 10

– 9/9 – @Cowboy on Q for a 9/11 workout at 0600 at Percy Warner Stairs.
– 9/13 – F3 Nashville’s 9th Anniversary workout at #titan. 0500 preamble led by YHC. 0530 main event with @DintyMoore
– 10/1 – Octoburpee Challenge begins. See @Black_Lung for details
– Prayers for @batter’s cousin’s marriage and @two_face’s next step in his career

Go Tigers.
PA out.