Yes! It’s Metallica

AO: westeros
Q: Pep
PAX: Salpal, Detective Pikachu, hambone, Wolfpack, Chunks, Siri, Black Lung, Vector, Red Skull, Natural Ice
FNGs: None

Weather: chilly but not wet


– little baby arm circles – and reverse
– seal claps
– hillbilles
– good mornings – oyo
– willie mays hays


– 100: hand-release merkins
– 200: alabama prom dates
– 300: fire hydrants
– 200: american hammers
– 100: burpees

– salpal: interview tuesday
– vector: anonymous acquaintance dealing with cancer
– pikachu: family difficulties
– siri: work
– black lung: uncle with bad health

#f3-nashville-general channel
– brewruck: Dec 16
– brews day : tomorrow (Tuesday)
– leanpax: january
– new years day: convergance – probably at green machine

Blood and Honey

AO: bomber
Q: Salpal
PAX: Chunks, Right Said, Firefox, Solo Cup, Puzzlah, Cuban Missile, Detective Pikachu, hambone, DintyMoore, Papa Bear, Critical Fail
FNGs: 1 Critical Fail
Full from Thanksgiving dinner.

A simple warning that this was gonna suck.

Crawlbear up the hill. Bearcrawl to islands in parking lot, 5 burpees at each. Bearcrawl Paula Abduls. Bearcrawl back down the hill. Pullups, burpees and big boy situps from 1 to 7 and back down again, ‘cuz people wanted to stop bearcrawling.

Dealers Choice

– Brewruck Dec. 16th.
– Game Night @ Firefox Residence Dec. 2
– Jan. 1st convergence.

– Prayers for the homeless of Nashville.
– Prayers for safe travels of loved ones.

Coffee at Star Bagel.


Hoover Ball

AO: titan
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Chunks, Freakonomics, Red Skull, Recharge, Supernova, Crawlspace, Tim the Toolman, Focker, Solo Cup, Spinal Tap, hambone, Black Lung, preacherman, Good Morning America, Hitchhiker, Mr. Emcee
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cool and clear

Mosey to top of Dog Park
– Arm Circles (forward and back)
– Seal claps
– Overhead Press
– Michael Phelps
Slow and Low Squats – five count

Mosey to Volleyball courts
Split into 2-4 teams.

Hoover Ball
Medicine ball volleyball
Ball caught in front court must travel to back court on other side
Ball caught in back court must land in front court
Play the ball off the net within these rules
Scoring is like tennis – 15 – 30 – 45 – Match
Game is scored to first team to 5 points

All of this modified to both courts doing 5 merkins each time the heavy ball hit the sand.

Grunge Greatest Hits were played via Spotify

Mosey to StartX
Indigenous People Run with medicine ball

Ring of Fire with Med. Ball in middle while PAX held high plank. Goal was to be last PAX planking while keeping the med ball in the middle. Various activities kept those who left the circle occupied while @vector @timthetoolman and @goodmorningamerica battled to the end of our time.

A brief history of Hoover Ball origins were shared by Mr. Emcee. President Hoover typically did this activity on a regular basis and even held cabinet meetings following this regiment. Analysis of equipment was too firm and too prickly so perhaps the next Q will heed those suggestions.

Hobblin Gobbler on 11.23 at Green Machine

No Noise November continues

Praise/prayer for a good report on @Nancy on latest scans. Praise for @rightsaid and @crawlspace dad who was able to come home after open heart surgery last Friday. Continued healing for both.

Bomber 112023: Celebrating the PAX on 6th Qversary

AO: bomber
Q: Vector
PAX: Crawlspace, DintyMoore, Firefox, Grape, hambone, Papa Bear, Pep, Right Said, Tim the Toolman, Recharge, Focker, (Missing 1 — That’s why you don’t delay the BB), 0
FNGs: 1 0
It’s 2017. A slightly more overweight and less fit dude is coaxed by @Ebola to join some cult that meets Friday mornings to workout. Some dude named @Hambone is the leader. We run what seems like 3 miles (it was just to McCabe Pub); we do bear crawls up a public street (crazy!); and I get named @Vector (as an infectious diseases doc, it could have been much, much worse . . . like “Pus” or “Festering Sores,” but I digress). To celebrate 6 years with this madcap bunch of HIM of F3 Nashville, I decided to theme the playlist with songs that were about some PAX. (If you didn’t make the cut, sorry. Some names don’t lend themselves to catchy up-tempo tunes. I mean a song about “Fockers” or “T-cells” ain’t happening . . .).

Fox on the Run – Sweet (@Firefox)
Natural – Imagine Dragons (@Natural Ice)
Red Solo Cup – Toby Keith (@SoloCup)
More, More, More – Andrea True Connection (@Dinty Moore)
Pep Rally – Missy Elliott (@Pep)
Supernova – Liz Phair (@Supernova)
I’m Too Sexy – Right Said Fred (@Right Said)
I’m Just an Old Chunk of Coal, J. Cash (@Chunks)
I Heard It Through the Grapevine, Marvin Gaye (@Grape)
Hambone, Tennessee Ernie Ford (@ Duh)
Mustang Sally, Wilson Pickett (@SalPal)
Blank Space, Tay-Tay (@Crawlspace)
Go Cubs Co (2009 Mix), Code Red (@Cub Cadet)
Once Upon a Dream from Sleeping Beauty (@Princessaurora)

CONDITIONS: Quite nice, thank you

WARMUP: Mosey around to the Rec Center circle. Then selection of favorites from LBACs, RLBACs, Overhead Press, Seal Claps, WMHs, Good Mornings, and SSH.

THE THANG I: Super DORA – Partner up. 100 Pull-ups, 200 Incline Merkins, 300 Squats, 200 WWIs, 100 Iron Mikes (changed from Lt Dan’s for time). Partner runs around Rec Center.

THE THANG II: Duck-Duck-PAX. Circle around cul-de-sac. 1 PAX runs around the group and then tags another member of the group, who yells out a new exercise that the groups does until another is tagged. We could not stop until every HIM had gone, so kudos to the PAX for getting it done with 30 seconds to spare.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Prayers for @Rightsaid and @Crawlspace whose dad is having aortic surgery later today c/o Dr. Rupp.

COT: Completed with thanks for the blessings and for each of the PAX who push me each day.

Honor leading and hard to believe I’ve been doing this for 6 years. While I still haven’t found my abs (not that diet has anything to do with this), I’m healthier, happier, and a better HIM because of all of you.
SYITG, @Vector

Bomber Burpees

AO: bomber
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Cream Cheese, hambone, Hayes Carll – Solo Cup, Papa Bear, Recharge, Tim the Toolman, Vector, ThePuzzlah, Abacus 🧮
FNGs: 1 Abacus 🧮

WARMUP: mosey to top parking lot
– 10 L&S Merkins
– 10 Michael Phelps
– 10 L&S Squats
– 10 WMHs
– 10 burpees w/ plank jacks

20 burpees total (approved modifications shared for the remainder of the workout!)

Mosey to Small Field
3 Groups –
– Group 1 does 15 burpees (descending)
– Group 2 does 15 v-ups (descending)
– Group 3 does 15 coupon swings (descending)

+ 120 burpees

140 burpees total for workout

Broga with thoracic stretch followed by high plank to downward dog and finish in sphinx with a couple toe touches and good mornings to finish

Night Moves w/ @chunks next Thursday
Last Friday in October @timthetoolman hosting dinner
#octoburpee challenge continues
F3 Game Night @firefox house October 23rd

COT: prayers for Solo Cups friend facing a surgery soon and for healing

Elden Ring George RR Martin Tribute

AO: westeros
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: Spinal Tap, Chunks, DintyMoore, Detective Pikachu, Supernova, Black Lung, Pep, Hayes Carll – Solo Cup, hambone, Salpal, Tim the Toolman, Natural Ice
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Pax skipped through the initial warm up tutorial and proceeded as Leeroy Jenkins straight to Stormviel Castle. In route Pax encountered ravenous rats, after a 10 burpee battle that resulted in our death and respawn at the Startdex.

THE THANG: Over 2 miles of running to the top of love circle and 110 burpies. We laughed, we cried, we did some pull ups, squats and dips, a dragon killed us with a meteorite. A typical day in the Lands Between.

Rannis Rise and Glintstone Dragon Adula were conquered. Pax gained the Moonveil Katana.
The journey to become Elden Lord is far from complete.


MARY: 3 minutes of straight WW1s

I am always honored for the opportunity to lead

Onward and Upwards

Labor Day gains

AO: westeros
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Chunks, DintyMoore, hambone, Pep, Salpal, Spinal Tap, Tim the Toolman, Vector
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Clear and pleasant

WARMUP: 10 burpee buy-in, 25 SSHs, 25 Small Arm Circles, 25 Large Arm Circles, 20 LownSlow Squats

Mosey to back of school for Progressive 11s
Burpees and Lt. Dans with travel including Broad Jumps, Bear Crawls, and Skips and extending one parking space for each exercise

Mosey to The Hill for Jacob’s Ladder x 7
– sprint to top of hill for a burpee, add a burpee on each trip

Mosey to StartEx with three burpees at each speed bump and three at the flag

MARY: Each PAX contributed one exercise for a full circle Mary

ANNOUNCEMENTS: #TheKnoll Launches tomorrow in Bellevue, Convergence for 9/11 on 9/9 at PW steps, Nashville 9th Anniversary Convergence at Titan on 9/13.

COT: Playlist –