
AO: bomber
Q: Vector
PAX: hambone, porcelain, greyalbum, CubCadet, Tim the Toolman, Pep, t-cell, Sherlock, Chunks, Wolfpack, Papa Bear, Crawlspace, @CreamCheese, @Avalanche, @Topps, Waterboy
FNGs: 1 Waterboy
Continuing in the tradition of lessons in music history (previous classes included Disco, New Wave Post Punk, Old School Country, and @CubCadet ‘s favorite, Southern California Death Metal), YHC felt a Bomber Friday was the perfect time to teach a lesson on funk music. The playlist consisted of some of the greatest funk songs, but funky also means stinky. So, it’s time to break a sweat.

CONDITIONS: Perfectly funky

Play That Funky Music – White Cherry
Get Down On It – Kool & the Gang
Funky town – Lipps Inc.
Low Rider – War
Shining Star – EWF
She’s a Bad Mama Jama – Carl Carlton
Flash Light – Parliament
Super Freak – Rick James (dammit)
Got to Give it Up – Marvin Gaye
Word Up – Cameo
Jungle Boogie – Kool & the Gang

Mosey around baseball field to rec center and circle up.


#1: Get Down On It: Side Straddle Hops while this funk classic plays. Every time the words “get down” are uttered, PAX do a jump squat. Reminder as we start that it’s a 5 minute song.

#2: Upper Body: 100 reps of incline merkins, dips, and underdogs. Run around rec center after each exercise.

#3: Legs: 100 reps (each leg = 1/2) of squats, iron mikes, and mountain climbers. Run around rec center after each exercise.

– Welcome FNG Waterboy, a UF Gator
– Prayers for Yuri and family
– 9 days left for the leanpaxers

Thanks as always for letting me lead you. The mumblechatter dropped off, so I’m hoping folks got funky while we got funky. Appreciate all of you for pushing me.

Oh, oh, it’s MAGIC

AO: titan
Q: Vector
PAX: Black Lung, Chunks, Detective Pikachu, DintyMoore, Firefox, Freakonomics, Good Morning America, greyalbum, hambone, Natural Ice, Pep, preacherman, Right Said, Salpal, Spinal Tap, Tim the Toolman, 15-Love
FNGs: 1 15-Love
As is often the case with a Vector Q, the workout planning involves weeks of theme playlist curating and then a frantic 24 hours of “crap, how do I create a workout to match my super cool playlist?” So, in that spirit:

While many may try to use instant supplements or crazy muscle building ideas to get swole, you can’t rely on magic to get fit. So in honor of Harry Houdini, born 150 years ago in 1874, I present a different kind of magic to get y’all in shape.

CONDITIONS: Damp yet perfect

WARMUP: Mosey around the parking lot to the far side of the Parthenon. Willy Mayes Hayes x 10, LBAC x 10, Seal claps x 10, Overhead Press x 10, Reverse LBAC x 10, and Good Mornings x 10 OHO

MAGIC #1 – 150 reps of each exercise and a run around the Parthenon between each:
M – Merkins
A – Alabama Prom Dates
G – Gorilla Humpers (which I had to example multiple times . . . hmm)
I – Iron Mikes
C – Carolina Dry Docks
(Fair amount of mumbling that each leg should not count only 1/2 on these exercises . . . I did not waiver).

MAGIC #2: 150 reps but no running in between due to time
M: Mountain Climbers
A: Ass Kickers
G: Great Form Squats
I: Incline Merkins
C: Crunches (Little Baby)

Ended at time – welcomed FNG 15-Love a recently married tennis fan EH’d by Detective Pikachu.

PRAYERS: To Grey Album on impending adoption and associated stress, friend Yuri and family facing pancreatic cancer, and others I forgot (apologies!)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Hunger Games this weekend, Hike/Ruck with 2.0s to give M’s a break – see Slack for deets.

Honored to lead and that you all continue to tolerate my Q-uirkiness (see what I did there?) in leading . . . SYITG

Merkins? Nah

AO: atlantis
Q: Hair Band
PAX: Crawlspace, Toothless, Chunks, hambone, Siri
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: “Nipply” – Clark Griswold

Calf stretch
ROL/LOR touch toes
Air press
Michael phelps


Mosey to jungle gym
Partner up
1 partner does happy box dips (box jump, happy crunchy frog, tricep dip) while other runs 2 laps around water tower, trying to reach 100 reps of HBDs. Plank when finished

Once complete mosey to swing set
Partners switch off b/t iron mikes & rows. Partner 1 does 20 iron mikes (10 per leg) then switches with partner 2. Go until 200 total reps, 100 per leg

Mosey back to start-x


LSD – Long Slow Distance

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Hair Band, hambone, Crawlspace, Judy
FNGs: None
4.5 Mile loop was enjoyed by the PAX and we were rewarded with Dose coffee. All preparation for 4:13 runs to begin in a few weeks.

2024 NYD Convergence – Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

AO: greenmachine
Q: Toothless , Michelin Man
PAX: Works for a Guy, faulkner, Black Lung, morning star, Red Skull, Crawlspace, Michelin Man, Vector, Deep State, Esposa, Spinal Tap, hambone, Pop-A-Lock, McAfee, 40 Minutes, Chunks, moneyshot, Wolfpack, sooner, DintyMoore, Natural Ice, Grape, Toothless, Cuban Missile, baggervance, Haggis,
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Crisp, overcast, still, expectant


– 24 x Side Straddle Hops
– 12 x Willy Mays Hays, 2 each side
– 12 x Cherry Pickers
– 12 x Butt Kickers
– 12 x High Knees
– 12 x Windmills
– 12 x Good Mornings

Count off by 5s, take a lap and line up at the far goal line


12’s – Round 1
– Hand Release Merkins
– Squat Jumps
– Bernie both ways for travel

Field Work
– Group up in teams, bear crawl 100 yds as a group
– Bear leads the group, all others lunge, side lunge, or broad jump for travel
– Stop and collect every 25 yds for 10 burpees done as individuals (including endzone)
– Repeato! Drop burpees to 5 at each 25 yds

Stair Work
– Stay in groups, run 24 flights as a group, up and down counts as one, split up flights however you like
– Runner calls out exercise for the rest of the group to perform while runner runs flights

12s – Round 2 (12 + 12 = 24!)
– Big Boy Sit-Ups
– Double count Dips
– Mosey for travel

– Sprint both ways
– 70% to 15 & back, to 20 & back
– 80% to 25 & back, to 30 & back
– 90% to 30 & back


– 24 x Happy Crunchy Frogs
– 24 x J-Lo’s
– 24 x Flutter Kicks


– #leanpax starts tomorrow, ends the day before the Super Bowl, sign-up sheet is in the channel
– Convergence at #iiipillars tomorrow 1/2 with #middle-tooth traveling to #iiipillars
– Hendersonville kick-off on Saturday 1/13, @Sunshine for details
– 4:13 is back in action week after next, week of 1/15
– One more big one from @Michelin_Man, but that will come later from him!

It was an honor leading you this AM, and it continues to be an honor to serve the PAX of F3 Nashville! Best way I could have asked for to start out the new year – thank you HIM for all you bring to F3, your communities, and our city!

Christmas Caroloing

AO: westeros
Q: Chunks
PAX: Salpal, Grape, hambone, Right Said, Crawlspace, Detective Pikachu, Vector, Focker
FNGs: None

25 SSH
Some other stretches
Mosey across West End for a tour of the neighborhood and lights.
Stopped at every house that had lights to do a variety of exercises.
Stopped along the way to deliver a christmas present to one of out fellow PAX
Mosey back to the hill near the startex for some dealers choice while one PAX ran up and down the hill
One more lap around the AO stopping at one last house for some exercises.
Mosey back to StartEx.
My gift to the PAX was ending a couple minutes early.
New Year’s Day Convergence
Lean Pax #leanpax
Hendersonville re launch 1/13
DP’s family after loss of grandmother
Focker’s coworker’s husband

Always an honor to lead. Christmas is a time to be with family and you guys have become my family. So grateful to be a part of this group. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone.

12 Days of Christmas Blast

AO: bomber
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Vector, Papa Bear, Pep, Cream Cheese, Sherlock, hambone, Firefox, Recharge
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cloudy and crisp

WARMUP: mosey around clubhouse before WMHs, LBACs, Low n Slow Squats, Low n Slow Merkins

12 Days of Christmas
1 Run up the hill
2 Star Jumps
3 Pullups
4 Imperial Walkers
5 Burpees
6 Broad Jumps
7 Vector Ups
8 Hand Release Merkins
9 WW1s
10 Air Squats
11 Flutter Kicks
12 Reverse Lunges

Mary to finish with WallSits passing ‘coal’ back and forth before Hollow Body HoHoHolds

#LeanPax starts Jan. 2nd, Christmas Day workout at Westeros, New Calendar for Q and hosting events, Dec. 29 workout at Handsomizer – Bomber AO Closed for Kickball Competition


AO: westeros
Q: Salpal , Chunks
PAX: Crawlspace, Vector, Michelin Man, hambone, Pep, DintyMoore, Grape, Natural Ice, Spinal Tap, Tim the Toolman, Red Skull, Supernova, Sherlock
FNGs: None
Cold enough for @Supernova to come out


Prompt start at 0529; @Michelin_Man ran. Other PAX grabbed coupons courtesy of @Tim_the_Toolman.

Thang 1: DORA on a timer:
– Blockies and Broad Jumps
– Burpees and Murder Bunnies
– Lt. Dan’s and Weighted Lung Walks

Ran back to parking lot, handoff to @Chunks

Thang 2:
– Mid-Beatdown Mary (preponderance of flutter kicks…)
– Various coupon routines (curls, press, squats, etc.), each PAX went around taking turns 10 burpee timer
– P90X Yoga

(see Moleskin)

@Chunks is your new AOQ of Westeros! Coffee requests complaints, suggestions, and feedback can all be directed to him. I myself will vanish, never to be seen again this side of the Cumby (jkjk I’ve already HC’ed for a Holly Jolly Christmas beatdown courtesy of @Chunks).

See above re: Christmas workout at Westeros.

It’s been a pleasure to serve you all, I’m grateful for this community of men, and the invitation by @Siri and @Michelin_Man to lead this past year.

Prayers for @Salpal boss during a time of mourning in what for many is a season of hope and joy.

Green Sally down.

Merkins and Abs

AO: bomber
Q: Siri
PAX: Puzzlah, Firefox, Vector, Pep, Tim the Toolman, Crawlspace, Focker, DintyMoore, Black Lung, hambone, Wet Wipes, Cream Cheese, Young Pawn, Apologies to those who I can’t remember! Tag in the comments.
FNGs: None

WARMUP: mosey

THE THANG: mosey, merkins, mosey, merkins, mosey, etc. (merkin count: 120)

Abs at the playground:
3 sets of:
40 flutter kicks
10 merkins
30 LBCs
10 merkins
20 American Hammers
10 merkins
10 V-ups
10 merkins
(Merkin count: 240)

Miscellaneous exercises for the remaining 10 minutes including 70 incline merkins and 5 minutes of broga.


ANNOUNCEMENTS: NYD convergence at Green Machine, 6-7am
Lean PAX starting 1/2/24
BrewRuck happening soon – ask Hambone


12 Coupons of Christmas

AO: titan
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: Black Lung, Red Skull, Michelin Man, Pep, hambone, Right Said, Chunks, Crawlspace, Spinal Tap, Salpal, Freakonomics, Tim the Toolman, Focker, Detective Pikachu, Natural Ice, Opie and Beatle
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Merry and Bright

WARMUP: A Quick run through of the usual suspects SSH, OHP, LBAC, SC, WMH

PAX grabbed all the coupons available and went out to the play ground.

THE THANG: 12 Coupons of Christmas

Similar to the 12 days of Christmas but better, PAX received a present each round building on top of the previous round, starting with “A jog around the building”. For each round PAX performed the new work out as well as all exercises proceeding it

1. And a Jog around the building (1×12=12)
2. Two Blockies (2×11=22)
3. Three Pull ups (3×10=30)
4. Four block Squats (4×9=36)
5. Five Overhead Block Press (5×8=40)
6. Six Block Derkins (6×7=42)
7. Seven Curls (7×6=42)
8. Eight Block Sit Ups (8×5=40)
9. Nine Mountain climbers (9×4=36)
10. Ten American Hammers (10×3=30)
11. Eleven Block Dips (11×2=22)
12. Twelve Lt Dans (12×1=12)

In the end, YHC’s generously gave the PAX 364 and ran over 2 miles.

Playlist was a variety of Rock/Punk Christmas music

Prayers were lifted and announcements announced

Thank you for the opportunity to lead!