I pity the fool that thought this would be a “fun, light-hearted workout”

AO: westeros
Q: Sally
PAX: Natural Ice, Red Skull, Spinal Tap, Pep, Chunks, Vector, Michelin Man, Crawlspace, Tim the Toolman, DintyMoore, Grape, Cash Cab
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Foolish and Foolhardy. Definitely sleeves-optional.

WARMUP: Warmup mosey to courts + active stretches upon arrival.

1. EMOM – alternate suicides with 10 burpees.
2. Deconstructed Burpees (atomic thrusters, merkins, squat jumps, burpees) from 1 to 10
3. Hill sprints forwards + backwards, some dealer’s choice routines.

MOLESKINE: (Can someone tell me the difference between this and announcements?)

– Plankril
– UFC Fight Night – see 2nd F channel
– Franklin vs. Huntsville contest

– Shooting victims at restuarant in Nashville.
– For those returning to church at Easter
– Gratitude for my wife finishing her defense.

Quote from “Into the Breach”:
I hope, too, that you will take what is helpful, bring it to the Lord in prayer, and go forward confidently in your vocation as men. Our life in Christ is not one of “do’s and don’ts,” but an adventure in authentic freedom. Embrace that freedom in order to place your life at the service of Christ, beginning in your home and radiating into the world.

Always a pleasure to lead. Sally out.


AO: handsomizer
Q: Chunks
PAX: Spinal Tap, Grape, Right Said, Red Skull
FNGs: None

Mosey to the Parking Garage
Normal warm up of SSH, Imperial Walkers, Little Baby Arm Circles
Exercise at the bottom of the ramp, mode of travel up the ramp to half way do the exercise again, mode of travel to the top of the ramp excercise again
Exercises: Merkins, Hand release merkins, big boy situps, LBCs, Lunges, Jump Squats
Mode of Travel: Bear Crawl, Lunges, Mosey, Bernie

Pass the Speaker Caboose is loose run back to the startex
Reach the top of the parking garage
Paused for a moment to take in the sunrise and think about the meaning of the upcoming Easter Weekend.
Shared a little bit of what I said at my Grandfathers funeral about being present in everything we do

4:13 Class in need of encouragement, so make plans to come and encourage these men as they start a new life.
UFC 300/BBQ on 4/13/124 in Hendersonville. Check out 2ndf for details
Plankpril startes 4/1/24. Check slack for all the details

Closed in prayer for Easter and all of us dads to be present with our kids.

Shuffle The Deck

AO: iiipillars
Q: Goose
PAX: DintyMoore, Harbaugh, Zelenskyy, princessaurora, Grape, Go Fish, Black Lung, Skeletor (F3Roco), moneyshot, Howlitzer, Formica, Cowboy, Hagus, Fully Monty, Lora Lei
FNGs: 2 Fully Monty, Lora Lei

WARMUP: Willie mays hays, forward fold, cherry pickers, arm stretch

THE THANG: mosey to parking garage

The Deck of Cards

ANNOUNCEMENTS: murder mile at Green Machine this Thursday

Plankpril is approaching

Spring Training…for a CSAUP!! :tulip: :muscle:

AO: iiipillars
Q: Toothless
PAX: Grape, t-cell, Roboto (F3 Tulsa), Pep, Tackle Box, princessaurora, Harbaugh, Go Fish, Black Lung, Governmentt Mule, Frenchie, Haggis, Formica, Fanny
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Clear, crisp, winter’s final frost before spring sets in for good.

– Mosey to field, circle up in middle
– SSH x 30
– Toe touch, left over right x 20 count
– Toe touch, right over left x 20 count
– Flamingos, each side x 20 count
– Windmills x 10
– Little baby arm circles x 10
– Big arm circles reversed x 10
– Michael Phelps x 10
– Scorpions x 10 then stretch OYO for explainer

Plank and wait for the six between laps, all laps completed on the provided 200m track (half of a regulation sized track)
– Burpee broad jump a lap
– Modified to 1 burpee every 5 broad jumps
– Bear crawl a lap
– Lunge walk a lap
– Run a lap (cut for time)

Return to startex

Rings of Fire
– Song: Thunderstruck
– Exercise: Planks up and down on “thunder”
– Note: Good training for Plankpril
– Song: Roxanne
– Exercise: SSH then burpee on “Roxanne”
– Song: Flower
– Exercise: Squats up and down as directed

YHC was pleased with the grumblechatter this AM – proved that the workout plan was sufficiently challenging. Could not place the man behind me that would shout out in a chipper voice “thank you, sir” for every exercise announced, had to be someone like Go Fish. The Q-drenaline helped push me this AM for sure, great work to the rest of the PAX who pushed themselves to get better.

– The Murder Mile CSAUP is next Thursday 3/28! Same time same place, extended workout time to accommodate the special event
– Plankpril coming up in just a couple of weeks!

– PA shared prayers for close relatives who are expecting
– Grape shared prayers for a close friend’s family working through a new cancer diagnosis
– YHC shared praise for the 2nd trimester allowing the wife’s nausea to improve
– Haggis shared gratitude for the F3 community after returning from a trip abroad where strong community is not as easily found

It was an absolute honor to lead this AM, men! You put in the work and you’re better for it! Thankful to be along for the journey, and I hope to see many of you out at the CSAUP next week now that you’re ready!!

— Toothless :tooth:


AO: iiipillars
Q: Pep
PAX: Bear, Bard, princessaurora, t-cell, Grape, Go Fish, Dollywood, Zelenskyy, Tackle Box, Embassy Sweats, Pep, Black Lung, TiVo, government mule, lucky strike, Formica, hagis, Lucky strike
FNGs: 1 Lucky strike
CONDITIONS: early spring – cool but comfortable

– overhead claps: 20
– seal claps: 20
– imperial walkers: 15
– good mornings: oyo

– hand release Mercian: 100
– Alabama prom dates: 200
– fire hydrants: 300
– dips: 200
– american hammers: 100

– pullups: 50 with partner running around track
– ended with mary

Plank-ril – month of April pranks planking

– Praise blacklung’s dad has a fall but no fractures
– Princess Aurora’s sister in law: post child birth issues

L.E.A.P. D.A.Y.

AO: greenmachine
Q: princessaurora
PAX: Breadsticks, Cowboy, Focker, Grape, moneyshot, Rocket Mortgage, t-cell, Topanga, Works for a Guy, monster biscuit, Haggis
FNGs: None
Practically arctic juxtaposed with the balmy weather just days before

Mosey to midfield for a little COP:
– Randies
– Moroccan Night Clubs
– Fire Hydrants

Line up in the end zone for a L.E.A.P. D.A.Y. escalator. Each round, PAX perform exercise, Bernie to 50-yard line, and jog back. With each successive round, PAX are adding the next exercise on top of previous exercises before their runs.

Lunges x 10
– Eccentric Squats (3-ct down) x 20
– Apolo Ohnos x 30
– Plyo Jumps x 40

400m lap to shake the legs out, and then, in keeping with the day’s “extra” theme, perform final round with all four exercises one more time.

Moving into the upper body portion with the same format.

– Dive Bomber Merkins x 10
– Ab Thrusters x 20
– Y-Raises x 30

200m lap followed by an extra round of all three, then mosey to the pull-up bars.

Split into groups of three. One group calls ab exercise while they perform 29 pull-ups each as a team (modified for time, but not before t-cell, moneyshot, and YHC tested the original plan).


Soundtrack consisted of bonus/hidden tracks through the years, and there were some real nostalgic gems in there.

Always a great group at greenmachine. Thanks to Focker for letting me take the reins on this extra day and for caffeinating us all. I might need to make GM a part of my routine.

Murder Mile – 3/28
Plankpril – 4/1-4/30

My BIL and his wife’s pregnancy
Haggis’s job search

PA out.


AO: iiipillars
Q: Vector
PAX: Bard, Black Lung, Dollywood, Focker, wardas1, Go Fish, Grape, Harbaugh, Natural Ice, Pep, princessaurora, Tackle Box, t-cell, YumYum, Haggis, TiVo, Fanny (Kotter with a long-forgotten name)
FNGs: 2 TiVo, Fanny (Kotter with a long-forgotten name)
YHC became a smidge nervous when our AOQ Grape announced todays’ session as one I’d be “committing crimes against our bodies,” although that did prompt a HC from Natural Ice due to interest in an “awkward” workout . . . Then the lightning storm prior to start had me possibly scrambling with a workout other than “let’s stand in the middle of a field at the top of a hill.” But the storm passed, the weather was perfect, and (I think) no bodies had crimes committed against them.

For today’s theme, I unearthed a playlist used up in Louisville during a recent visit to see pumpkin spice — the Louisville PAX, not ones to note the brilliance of a theme playlist, didn’t take too kindly to some of the cheesy selections, even at one point grabbing the Vector-o-jukebox to change songs. Party foul, bro. I knew the HIM of iiiPillars were far more appreciative of cheesy playlists, so this one, about partners, seemed perfect.

CONDITIONS: Post storm perfection – nice breeze, good temp.

It Takes Two – Rob Base & DJ EZ Rock
Why Can’t We Be Friends – War
I Got You – Split Enz
Just the Two of Us – Grover Washington Jr w/ Bill Withers
We Can Work it Out – Beatles
Best Friend – English Beat
Get Together – The Youngbloods
With a Little Help from My Friends – Beatles
Together Forever – Rick Astley
You’re the One that I Want – Olivia Newton-John/John Travolta
Team – Lorde
Come Together – Beatles

(10 burpees to start due to the flag falling to the ground followed by 5 more due to some PAX sass re: YHC following his own instructions). Mosey to field.
Started with counting off and noting your partner, who you’d be stuck with the rest of the morn.
SSH x 20, LBC x 20, Seal claps x 10, Overhead claps x 10, Overhead press x 10, RLBC x 20. WMH and Good Mornings OYO x 10 each.

#1 PAIR: Plankjacks, Abd crunches, Incline Merkins, and “Regular” Squats – total 200 per exercise per pair, one exercises while partner runs lap.

#2 DUO: Dips, Underdogs, Overhead Squats x 200 with laps

Mosey back to Startex and high 5 partner for job well done.

MOLESKINE: Named FNG TiVo (given prior h/o of work with Direct TV) and a Kotter who had forgotten his name from long ago — as per renaming rules, the second name must be more embarrassing (assuming he was not the FNG once named “Soft Wood,” an unfortunate choice that led to never seeing that HIM again). princessaurora noted with the HIM’s initials BG that a Bee Gees song name was appropriate, specifically “Fanny” – a song about a woman who needed to be “tender with [the] love” of the 3 Australio-UK Disco singers. Natural Ice, there’s your awkward . . .

1. Biscuit Run Half Marathon this weekend – check slack for deets.

1. Prayers for Yuri
2. A lot of mumblechatter about the 60s flavor of the playlist . . . YHC took no offense, as great music is timeless, my friends.
3. Grateful for the PAX of HIM for allowing me to lead, tolerating once again (and far more that Louisville PAX) the playlist, and making me stronger and better each day.



AO: westeros
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Tim the TOOLMAN, Black Lung, DintyMoore, Grape, Natural Ice, Pep, Red Skull, Sally, Spinal Tap, Blueprint
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Guns out, cut off sleeves type of morning

WARMUP: Mosey around. BACs. BACBACs. Imperial Walkers. WMHs.

Split up into pairs (Choose a new Pax to pair with after every exercise). Theme was, if you can do 1, you can do 2, if you can do 2, you can do 10. Each Pax alternated with each other working up from 1 rep to 10 reps. 55 total reps per exercise per Pax.

Overhead Seal Claps
Mosey to tennis courts
Mosey to playground
Mosey to stairs
Step Ups
Mosey to Playground
Mosey to tennis courts
Iron Mikes
Mosey back to flag

Same concept, but in a group working up to 5 reps.

Leg Raises
Shoulder Taps

Crumping is a term in mountaineering/backpacking when every movement is tough and even the smallest steps feel hard. It’s in these moments that we need to realize that if we can take one step, we can take the next. And even more important to understand we don’t have to go at it alone. Ask for help where you need it and lend a helping hand when you can. “Leave no man behind and leave no man where you found him”


Biscuit Run this Saturday (Westhaven to Loveless)

Next Tuesday (3/5) Bring Your Kid To Workout Day at TheKnoll in Bellevue. If you’ve ever wondered what a 2.0 workout looks like bring the kids and come out! (Recommended age 6+)

March 28th Murder Mile at Greenmachine

Plankril coming in April. See Grape for details and get ready to become ripped SkaterBoys

COT: A moment of silent reflection for all prayers spoken and unspoken. Cheers to you men!

Workout in the key of G-string

AO: greenmachine
Q: G-string (Eli Kresta)
PAX: Focker, Esposa, Betty Ford, Breadsticks, baggervance, Grape, moneyshot, Cowboy, Deep State, FeelTheBerns, Haggis
FNGs: None
Warm, light breeze, perfect for a beatdown

– Motivator x7
– BACs
– Back-BACs
– Overhead Claps
– Evolution of Man (There and back)
– 5 yard inchworm
– 10 yard Alligator Crawl
– 15 yard Bear Crawl
– 20 yard Gorilla Run
– 50 yard Sprint to the Endzone

(Split into two teams and each team takes a sandbag)
Two Rounds of both relays

– Team is all in high plank
– one-by-one each PAX does 10 endorphins
– Run ten yards and return to plank (Al Gore when you fail plank)
Losing team does five burpees
Another relay
– Team does slow squats
– PAX with the sandbag does 15 thrusters
Losing team does five burpees

Back on the line for a burner. Twenty yards of lunges, twenty merkins, then lunge back and twenty more merkins.

Twenty yards burpee broad jumps with twenty squats at the end. Return with the same MOT and squats at the end zone

– High plank while we went over the mission, core principles, and credo. 5 Merkins after each.
– Slow ass leg raises x20
– Penguin Heel taps x20

My dad wasn’t the most present father when I was growing up, but he was adamant about faith. And one of his favorite quotes when I was being a typical teenager was “honor your father and mother.” There came a day when I was in college when I realized “honor” and “obey” are NOT the same. There is honor and respect in telling your father when he has done wrong. There is love in correction. Even correction of a parent/family member.

Murder mile (no clue what it is actually called) coming up in April
Any of y’all are welcome to come to workouts at the brig where I am AOQ. It’s Wednesdays @ Grassland park 5:45am
Biscuit Run Saturday, March 2. (message me if you want details on either)

Intentions were shared, prayers were said

President’s Day

AO: iiipillars
Q: Baguette
PAX: Dollywood, Goose, princessaurora, Go Fish, wardas1, Pep, Black Lung, Grape, Tackle Box, Bard, YumYum, Gov’t Mule, Haggis
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: cool and crisp

4 laps
20 SSH
10 OHP
10 GM
10 WMH

Mosey to wall
145th Presidents Day (day after)
Groups of 2
1 person runs lap
1 completes exercises
145 x Step Ups
145 x Merkins
145 x WWI
145 x dips
145 x squats

Mosey to goal line
46 Presidents
Jump squat x Bernie
Man maker x lunge
Plank until all complete

Mosey to startex

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Plankpril is coming, thanks to PA for the coffee!

COT: Haggis job search, Grape’s M’s health