Dragonslaying and Other Recreational Activities

AO: handsomizer
Q: SalPal
PAX: Black Lung, Freakonomics, Strutter, Cuban Missile, Rocket Mortgage, Frasier, Betty Ford, Patty, Natural Ice, Blueliner
FNGs: None


THE THANG: Tiamat is a legendary five headed dragon goddess with high armor class, limited magical immunity, elemental resistance, the works.

How do you take down this dragon? Sweet sweet sustained damage per second.

Start with 1 Durpee at the bottom of the stairs. Run up to each landing and back, doing a durpee at the bottom. Each landing is 5 Dips, 5 Derkins, 5 Dive Bombers, 5 Diamond Merkins.

Repeato, increase Durpee by 1 and landing reps by 5. Finish doing 5 durpees at the bottom and 25 reps at each landing.

MOLESKINE: Black Lung made a healing joke. I laughed/coughed up blood.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: A lot happening. Bourbon run (see Strutter), Brew Ruck, Hunger Games, Night Moves, Castle Run, Gulliver’s Travels.

Lift up the men who need F3.

Brought to you by Chat GPT

AO: handsomizer
Q: Chunks
PAX: Grape, Red Skull, Blueliner, Spinal Tap, Natural Ice, Freakonomics, Salami, Old Maid, Cuban Missile, Frasier
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Nah, Lets’ get into it.

Divided PAX into two teams by counting off 1’s and 2’s. Didn’t think this would be that much of a struggle for the PAX, but it is Friday.

Each team grab a coupon and caboose is loose run passing the coupon to the back and sprint to the front.

Stopped at the back parking lot for the thang

I used the prompt “Create an F3 45 min workout where there are two teams and each team has 1 cinder block” to create the workout and I think it delivered

Station 1: Relay Run (5 minutes)
– Teams line up at the starting point.
– One member from each team runs to a designated point (50 yards) carrying the cinder block, drops the block, and runs back to tag the next team member.
– The next member runs to the block, picks it up, and returns to the start line.
Station 2: Block Exercises (10 minutes)
– Each team performs the following exercises with the cinder block. Teams rotate after each member completes their set.
1. Cinder Block Squats (10 reps per member)
2. Cinder Block Overhead Press (10 reps per member)
3. Cinder Block Curls (10 reps per member)
4. Cinder Block Tricep Extensions (10 reps per member)
Station 3: Team Circuit (10 minutes)
– One team member performs the exercise with the cinder block while the rest of the team does a bodyweight exercise. Rotate after each member completes their block exercise.
1. Cinder Block Thrusters (10 reps) – Rest of the team does Plank
2. Cinder Block Lunges (5 reps each leg) – Rest of the team does Mountain Climbers
3. Cinder Block Rows (10 reps each arm) – Rest of the team does Flutter Kicks
4. Cinder Block Russian Twists (20 reps) – Rest of the team does Burpees
Station 4: Block Carry Relay (10 minutes)
– Teams line up and each member takes turns carrying the cinder block around a 100-yard loop.
– While one member is running with the block, the rest of the team is doing continuous exercises:
1. Round 1: Merkins (Push-Ups)
2. Round 2: Squats
3. Round 3: Plank
4. Round 4: LBCs (Little Baby Crunches)

PAX did some laps with sprints between each station.

Made our way back to Startex with the coupons, but set them down and did another sprint to the finish.

Ended with about 3 mins of Mary
Always and honor to lead you men.
Happy Father’s Day to all the dads
Congrats to Frasier for a big week last week
Sign up for the 5k on July 27th at this illustrious AO.

Till next time. Strength and Honor

In my head take 2

AO: handsomizer
Q: Grape
PAX: Pep, Natural Ice, Spinal Tap, Frasier, caprate, Black Lung, Old Maid
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: very pleasant, unlike the attitude of the lady setting up for Vandy commencement

10 good mornings OYO
Mosey to the bottom of stairs (a couple burpee stops along the way)

THE THANG: Partner up
Run the stairs while other partner does exercises
Change exercise with each new song

Ab thrusters
Monkey humpers
Back to startex with some Mary stops along the way

COT: prayers for Pep in his search for a project and for parents approaching summer


Elevens and Economics

AO: handsomizer
Q: Detective Pikachu
PAX: Freakonomics, Frasier
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Slightly chilly

WARMUP: 1 mile run around The Stadium, followed by stretches

THE THANG: Elevens on the Gated Hill to the southwest of StartEx. Merkins and WW1s. Mosey back to StartEx for Mary. Too many Jane Fondas.

MOLESKIN: good economics education from Freakonomics. You had to be there

ANNOUNCEMENTS: QIC is now under contract on a house. We’ll be leaving Nashville in August for the Upstate of SC.

Apocalypse Recovery

AO: handsomizer
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: Freakonomics, Frasier, Rocket Mortgage
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Spring is sneaking up – leggings are optional

WARMUP: SSH until Rocket Mortgage joined us, Arm Circles, and Imperial Walkers, and a .88 mile mosey around the park.

THE THANG: Mega Apocalypses

Pax Performed each set of exercises in a pyramid format, starting with 10 reps of each exercise and decreasing by 1 each round until combining sets 2 and 1 at the end.

Each set Pax held Al Gore tree hugger pose waiting for 6 – Once the whole set was done we ran the big stair route.

Mega Apocalypse 1

2 count Iron mikes

Mega Apocalypse Deux

Lt Dan
Star jumps
Carolina Dry Docks

MOLESKINE: Mumble Chatter was intentionally high as we caught up on each others lives.

Caffe Natty, in an effort to not wake up his house hold grinding beans, stumbled upon the a secret blend of 1/3 Good Citizen and 2/3 The Well coffee for a perfect blend of acidity and boldness.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Future Hunger Games in the works and upcoming greenmachine insanity.

COT: Lifted up Freakonomics article submission and everyones families

Get Handsome the Fastest

AO: handsomizer
Q: Hair Band
PAX: Natural Ice, Spinal Tap, Freakonomics, Detective Pikachu, Frasier, Fudd
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: a riddle: a lactose intolerant person who had cheese 30 minutes ago

50 SSHs


Relay race:
2 teams

Round 1:
Both teams do burpees
1 person does 10 burpee buy in then runs the handicap ramp and back down the stairs (due to rain we moved to the parking garage)
Tag next person
First team to all in chooses next exercise
Rinse repeat

– #leanpax still going strong
– #hendersonville relaunch tomorrow 01/13 at 6am
– #brewsday meeting (leanpax approved) is on the horizon
– January 24th Night Moves in the Nations for #Atlantis
– brewruck Feb 17th after leanpax

– each man shared, prayers for family physical, mental, and emotional health. Prayers for work & research. Celebrating for DRer Fudd family, new grandchild born

Punishment for Defeat

AO: handsomizer
Q: Natural Ice , Salpal
PAX: bluemule, Red Skull, Grape, Rocket Mortgage, Frasier, Blueliner, Cuban Missile, Natural Ice, Salpal
FNGs: None

WARMUP: SHAME! Hey guys we really sucked at kickball last week, and we need to get our act together. I swear, if loose to bomber 7 or 8 more times in the future… thats it. I am out of here! I will be getting a peloton.

THE THANG: Punishment for Losing!

@salpal lead us through 3 EMOM circuits
Too many Burpees, Sprints, and Lt Dans!

I took over for a brief merry break followed by a ladder of OHP & Merkins, counting up to 10 and then back down.

Mandatory stair work following with a stair skipping sprint and 92 bunny hops up the steps.

5 minutes of merry ended us out with a final burpee buyout!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Hendersonville 1/13 at 6 am!

Bomber vs Handsomizer – 2023

AO: handsomizer
Q: Natural Ice , DintyMoore
PAX: Detective Pikachu, Wolfpack, Siri, Salpal, Firefox, Spinal Tap, bluemule, Chunks, Grape, Crawlspace, DintyMoore, Rocket Mortgage, Frasier, Natural Ice, Down Range – Hunch Back, Pizza the Hut, Long Horn, Silver Spoon 2 DR FNGs Trainer and Couch Potato, 2 DR FNGs Trainer , Couch Potato
FNGs: 2 2 DR FNGs Trainer , Couch Potato

WARMUP: We took the downrange visitors and #bomber brothers on a quick tour of Handsomizer ending with our traditional Geodis Warm Up, the Bearway2Heaven (bear crawl up the steps with a push up on each of the 92 stairs)

THE THANG: Bomber vs Hansomizer Kick ball
Pax performed five Burpees after three outs.

Bomber destroyed Handsomizer, with a little help from the youthful FNGs

ANNOUNCEMENTS: LeanPax is nigh upon us! Bulk up and put on mass while you can!

Prayers for Corporate and the broken foot!

I am incredibly thankful for all you!

Here is to another great year!
2024 : The Year of the Shred Part III – Brought to you by Ninja Ice

The Haunted Doll

AO: handsomizer
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: Cuban Missile, Natural Ice, Frasier, Supernova, Slumlord, Freakonomics, Spinal Tap
FNGs: None

WARMUP: SSH, LBAC, the old stretches


YHC asked his 6 year old daughter if by chance we had a haunted doll in the house. She proceeded to pull a terrifying Madam Alexander doll out of a bathroom drawer. This was an old doll given to her by my M, and so old that its head was literally hanging by a thread.

PAX was tasked with GETTING RID OF THE DOLL!

The thing:
1 pax instructed the group to do an exercise at the startdex, while he ran away from the group to ditch the doll some where far away. Once he returned after ditching the doll, the rest of the PAX went on a moseying hunt to find the cursed doll. If PAX could not find the doll a set of work out dice were invoked to give hot/cold clues to the dolls location. Work out dice consisted of a list of exercises (merkins, burpees, mt climbers etc) and a length of time or number of reps to perform the exercises.

Once the doll was found, we rinsed and repeated until of pax had a chance to ditch the doll.

Stairs were climbed and burpees were burped.

Thank you again for the opportunity to lead!
Natty Ice outtttt


Nintendo 64!

AO: handsomizer
Q: Grape
PAX: Slumlord, Frasier, Natural Ice, Salpal, Spinal Tap, Freakonomics, Rocket Mortgage
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: early mist to cool us down

10 OH claps
10 Seal claps
10 Moroccan night clubs
10 OH press
10 IW
10 Hillbillies
Mosey to bottom of steps

THE THANG: 64 reps each on the way up the stairs, 16 on each landing, then run back down and start together on next exercise

Newton’s Cradle
No hand merkins
T ups
Elbows to knees
No surrenders
O squats

ANNOUNCEMENTS: brewsday Tuesday, night moves on 10/12, octoburpee begins Monday

COT: prayers for @salpal travels
Prayers for @slumlord business partner Ronnie
Prayers for @natural_ice with layoffs at work