Tortoise & Hare, ep 1

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Right Said, Chunks, bluemule, Michelin Man, Focker, Natural Ice, SalPal, Decaf, Longhorn, Judy, Duncan (F3 Waxhaw), Speed Walker, Baby Boy, Light Weight, Five Points, Temper Tantrum, Bumble Bee, Peso, Unc, Tampax, Skid Mark, Long Way, Soft Soap, Trajectory
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 73 degrees and very humid

WARMUP: SSH, Squats, IWs, Right over Left, Left over Right, WMH

THE THANG: RUN!! The first 3 mile run for the new class and for some of our F3 PAX. The 4:13 Strong men started of in a sprint and made it to the first turn before they started walking. We had a fast finish of 26:15 and an “all in” time of 38:34. Not bad for the first run. We will do one more run before breaking into Pace Groups.

Thank you Michelin Man for leading the wrap up exercises as we brought in the six.

MOLESKINE: Thank you to my F3 brothers for coming out this morning. Your presence makes a huge difference for the 4:13 Strong men.

COT: Prayers for strength, wisdom, courage and endurance.

Double Nickel Next Level

AO: detention
Q: Wedding Singer
PAX: Spinal Tap, Winona, Deep State, Topanga, Focker, Average Size, EZ-Go, Accounts Receivable, Donkey Hammer, Movin On Up, Works for a Guy, Wedding Singer
FNGs: None

Core Principles
Mission Statement

SSH x 55
T-Ups x 5 each side

Mosey to shed for coupons

11 Blockees

11 Blockees
22 4-count Flutters

11 Blockees
22 4-count Flutters
33 Thrusters

11 Blockees
22 4-count Flutters
33 Thrusters
44 Block Curls

11 Blockees
22 4-count Flutters
33 Thrusters
44 Block Curls
55 Derkins

Ladder down as time allows
I think some PAX were motivated to surpass the bar set by Movin On Up when I led this first iteration on my 55th birthday on May 31st. I think he and a few others Works for a Guy Deep State EZ-Go and maybe more got through about 3 rungs back down the ladder before time was called. Strong work to all!

Store coupons (at least those that we didn’t crush to powder on our bare hands!

Mosey to wall for a short minute of Balls to the Wall

Final 2 minutes spent introducing folks at detention to the fun that is Guantanamo. Clearly a PAX favorite from all the mumblechatter as we made a full circuit.

YHC would encourage everyone to take a few minutes to read the cliff/spark note about last week’s State of the Nation broadcast, or watch the full recording (even on fast speed if you’d like!)

F3 is a leadership organization, and we need to keep that at the front of our minds as continue to encourage, support and push each other. It’s not just about sweating together on the gloom, but it is about striving to become better HIM for each other, our families and community.

Free F3 Brentwood half marathon on 11/9. Hit up Ponzi for details

Thanks to Deep State for the kind invitation to join y’all, and thanks for welcoming me! I look forward to coming back again soon.

Stay strong and keep singing
Wedding Singer

Once Upon a Time in 13 Rowdy Colonies

AO: greenmachine
Q: Hair Band , Black Lung
PAX: Dumpster Fire (F3 Naperville), Pebbles, moneyshot, Hipster, McAfee, The Merchant, Rocket Mortgage, Works for a Guy, Natural Ice, bluemule, DintyMoore, Dilbert, Good Morning America, Cowboy, El Capitan, Wolfpack, SalPal, Hair Band, Sparrow, Tim the Toolman, Black Lung, Esposa, Grape, Country Parkour, Under the Table, Haggis, Strutter, Chunks, Michelin Man, Focker, Fake Job, Late to The Party
FNGs: 2 Fake Job, Late to The Party
CONDITIONS: bright and swampy

30 SSH, 5 Good Mornings, 10 Merkins, 10 Squats. 10 LBAC, 10 Reverse LBAC, 10 Imperial Walkers, 10 Hillbillies.
Thing 1: Burpee Apocalypse (10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)

A salute to the 13 colonies.
1. 10 New York Yurpee (Burpee Variation. Merkin at bottom of burpee is a clap-merkin and on up portion there are 2 tuck jumps per burpee).
2. 30 Virginia V-Ups
3. 50 South Carolina Side Straddle Hops
4. 30 Rhode Island Iron Mikes (2-count)
5. 30 New Hampshire Hand Release Merkins
6. 50 New Jersey Jump Squats
7. 50 Connecticut Crunches
8. 35 Maryland Merkins
9. 50 North Carolina Dry Docks
10. 50 Massachusetts Mountain Climbers (2-count)
11. 50 Georgia Gorilla Humpers
12. 50 Pennsylvania Plank Jacks (2-count)
13. 50 Delaware Dips

Run half lap around the track and start from the top. 3 rounds.

Total reps 1776.

This workout was a beast sprung most from the tortured mind of Black Lung
We had 5/34 men completely finished the work out
We finished by reading the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence & saying the pledge of allegiance

Preamble: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.


– SalPal requests prayers for his baby on the way and his baby they just pulled from daycare

Graditude for 8 Count Bodybuilders

AO: iiipillars
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: YumYum, Michelin Man, Grape, Haggis, LorelaiG, Two Face, Tackle Box, Black Lung, Pep, princessaurora, Go Fish, Focker, Natural Ice, Full Monty, Foot Drop, Jazzy Jeff
FNGs: 2 Foot Drop, Jazzy Jeff
COUNT: 15 and a late @blacklung

WARMUP: SSH, Arm Circles, Stretching

THE THANG: A fully plagiarized bluemule work out

Part 1
The pax went for a nice long mosey searching for a flat parking lot.
After forming a circle the instructions were simple, share something you are grateful for from this last season and lead the pax with 4 Eight Count Bodybuilders. All 15 pax expressed grateful hearts leading to the completion of 60 Eight Count Bodybuilders with impeccable form.

Part 2
After a mosey back the startdex, we rinsed and repeated the previous thing, but this time each Pax shared something they were looking forward too. With the addition of Black Lung we racked up an additional 64 Eight Count Bodybuilders leading to a total of 124.

MOLESKINE: Keep a grateful heart as this could have been sets of 10 burpees.

– 4th OF JULY CONVERGENCE ALERT – AOs will converge at greenmachine with a co-Q from Black Lung and Hair Band

– YHC & Firefox will be hosting The Hunger Games™ round 3 at the Ice Haus®, 7pm on 7/12 :cut_of_meat: :game_die: —– Potentially a whole wild boar will be smoked (if not I got a brisket and a pork butt)
– Our summer Brew Ruck is scheduled for Saturday 7/13!! Details will come from Red Skull in nashville-rucking
– Night Movez returns on Saturday 7/20 at 6:30pm, details from SalPal here
– An for the upcoming 5k at Geodis Park on 7/27, home of handsomizer!! Hit up Salami for details!

COT: Prayers for Grandparents and traveling familes

Thanks again men of iiipilars for having me out. Next time we will have a themed play list and burpees



AO: greenmachine
Q: Michelin Man
PAX: Focker, moneyshot, Haggis, Cowboy, Michelin Man, Deep State, Triple Pane, Missing someone?
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: acceptable

WARMUP: run around the Machine


3 pullups -> bearcrawl -> 5 merkins -> bearcrawl -> 7 rows -> run back to start.

Repeat for 40 minutes.

5 minutes of sprints.

COT: Love being in the circle as always.

Celtics in 4

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Pole Dancer
PAX: Topanga, Oatmeal, sooner, moneyshot, Toothless, DrRupp, Focker, Warning Track
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Warm and Dry

WARMUP: Indian Run around the park while the lead dribbled a basketball; 10 burpees for the group if you lose the dribble.

THE THANG: Circuit set adding one exercise each cycle. No running in between if someone made a free throw- we were 1/5.

10x Burpees

10x Burpees
25x Merkins

10x Burpees
25x Merkins
50x Lunges

10x Burpees
25x Merkins
50x Lunges
100x LBC’s

10x Burpees
25x Merkins
50x Lunges
100x LBC’s
150x Squats
Finally made a basket- no running!

Played pickup for the last 20 minutes. In the words of Topanga, “Look for layups- shooting isn’t the answer.”

MOLESKINE: Toothless has an egg on his ankle and is questionable for Game 3 of the NBA Finals, along with Porzingis

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The 2.0 Workout has no affiliation with the Middle Tooth AO

COT: Prayers for Toothless’ stepmom and family, Larry Allen’s family, and for Topanga’s wedding anniversary

Playlist: I post ’em even when they’re bad- songs from the TD Garden playlist;

#Cruellhall is a prison

AO: cruelhall
Q: Donkey Hammer
PAX: Works for a Guy, Topanga, Cal Worthington, Michael Freiburg, Focker, Matador, Berry Brooks (ATM), Esposa, blackwidow, EZ-Go, Winona, Pedialyte, @mistamista
FNGs: None
14 strong were out for my first day as AOQ at cruelhall. Great morning to get out and sweat with you guys.

CONDITIONS: cool, cloudy…perfect for solitary confinement in a prison style workout

WARMUP: Easy jog to grab a bar of soap(concrete block).Mobility warmup including SSH, WMH, Michael Phelps, thoracic rotations, runner’s stretch, DD to UD, prone snow angels, supine pigeon, Jane Fondas, single and double leg heel taps over soap block.

– Jailbreak: run around school to the playground for 2×5 pull-ups and bubkas. Back to the prison yard at the start.
– Juarez Valley circuit of alternating soap merkins, soap overhead LBCs, single leg squats and soap curls. Started with 20 reps and worked our way down to one.
– Another jailbreak around the school back to the playground for hanging knees to chest and v-ups x 2. Back to prison.
– 40 second high plank -> 40 second crab -> 40 second side planks
– Finished it up with 3 sets mountain climbers, goblet squats, and man makers till finish

MOLESKINE: EZ-Go left big shoes to fill. I will do my best to uphold the standard he set moving forward.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 2.0 Workout on 6/8 which has passed. 70+ were out for a great workout including my 3 now named @horsesaw, @mulescrewdriver and @chickenwrench

COT: It’s an honor to lead this group and I’m excited for what the future has in store for cruelhall. The suggestion box is open. Please drop me a line with any ideas.

Diesel 13

AO: greenmachine
Q: Grape
PAX: Movin On Up, Spinal Tap, Focker, Haggis, FeelTheBerns, monster biscuit, moneyshot, Michelin Man
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 55 degrees is just perfect

34 SSH

THE THANG: this was a Shaq themed workout since it was my 34th bday and he is the best to ever wear #34

4 laps around the track (Shaq won 4 titles)

Diesel 1-2-3

24 Iron Mikes (PPG)
52 Merkins (FT %)
61 squats (career high points)
117 dry docks (playoff steals)
216 LBC’s (playoff games)
Runner goes to 50 yard line and back

Thunder burpees

Can’t touch this sprints

10 MoM

MOLESKINE: had a blast celebrating my birthday with yall! Always remember…destiny favors the prepared

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 2.0 workout on 6/8, brewsday coming up next week as well

COT: prayers for Yuri, for Michelin Man, for Focker, and many other who are battling physically, spiritually, and emotionally

Murph Training

AO: bomber
Q: Grape
PAX: CubCadet, Focker, SalPal, Pep, Vector, Papa Bear, Sherlock, DintyMoore, Wet Wipes, Hedwig, Breadsticks, Humble Brag (DR- STL)
FNGs: None

WARMUP: SSH, LBAC F, LBAC R, and then more SSH as Focker arrived late

THE THANG: Ran around McCabe and made various stops to complete sets of 5 burpees, 10 Merkins, and 15 squats until we had run 2 miles and done 100/200/300

Subbed pull ups for burpees on a couple of sets

Threw in some lunges at one point

Lots more SSH as well

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 2.0 workout on 6/8 at 9am at Green Hills Park

COT: seemed like a lot of people were/are going through some kind of loss or transition. Prayers for the HIM


Decision Fatigue

AO: greenmachine
Q: Michelin Man
PAX: Focker, moneyshot, Grape, Cowboy, Michelin Man, Haggis, t-cell, DR St. Louis Pax Named?
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Muggy. Almost underwater.

WARMUP: Who needs to warm up? Come early to warm up.

THE THANG: Decision Fatigue

1. Ran about 1 mile. Good clip.
2. Bottom of big hilly sidewalk at west end of parking lot. Count off 1s and 2s. 1 and 2 is a team. Team comes up with a stationary exercise for the bottom of the hill, a travel up the hill exercise, a stationary top of hill exercise, and a travel down (very steep!) exercise. No repeats.
3. Teams chose a mixture of lunge walks, merkins, squats, dry docks, flutters, imperial walkers, crawl bear, bernies, etc.
4. Ran about 1 mile back in Indigenous People run formation.
5. Mary – choose your own adventure abs by the Pax.

MOLESKINE: The goal today was for me to make as few decisions as possible as this is my busy work time and I’m in brain overload. As moneyshot noted, the only material thing I picked was the crappy Festival Bangers playlist on Apple Music.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Check -f3-nashville-general Toothless report.

COT: Prayers were lifted up. We reflected on Focker’s great Bible Verse decision of Micah 6:8. We listened to the sound of no cicadas.

MM out.