Staying Dry

AO: greenmachine
Q: Focker
PAX: Cal Worthington / Nantan / F3 Charleston Cent, bluemule, Nutty Professor, Cowboy, moneyshot, Haggis
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Wet with eventual sunny sunrise

WARMUP: various stretches

THE THANG: 10 – 1
– Hand Release Merkins
– Y’s
– T’s
10 – 1
– Squats
– Lunges
– humpers
10 – 1
– Alabama Prom Dates
– Jane Fonda L
– Jane Fonda R
10 – 1
– ww1
– Leg Raises
– Reverse Crunch

One lap
20 low and slow squats
20 carolina dry docks
20 diamond merkins
20 legs raises
20 crunchy frogs

MOLESKINE: the rain tricked us but we remained dry and content. Cal Worthington / Nantan / F3 Charleston Cent brought good energy once again this week. Nutty Professor looked right at home on the track.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: pain-train launching tomorrow! greenmachine Will be closed next week for thestronghold

COT: prayers lifted for perspective in this life. No day is guaranteed so be quick to love, quick to forgive, slow to speak and slow to anger. Gratefulness for Haggis and his new job!

May the 4th Be With You

AO: the-castle
Q: Sunshine
PAX: Splitter, Salami, hambone, Chunks, Dilbert, Pep, Cowboy, Cash Cab
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Warm and muggy

WARMUP: Imperial Walkers, SSH, Good Mornings

THE THANG: Star Wars themed beatdown with all 6 episodes of the original saga represented. 1 station for each movie. Exercises were performed at each station, and travel to the next station were bear crawls while transporting the coupon.

Episode I – The Phantom Menace
– Jar Jar Goofballs – x15 (2=1)
– Podracer Steering Wheels – x10 (2=1)
– Droid Army Getups – x10
Episode II – Attack of the Clones
– Kaminoan Canoe Crunches – x10 each side
– Clone Army Body Builders – x10
– Curls for Padmes – x20
Episode III – Revenge of the Sith
– “Do It” Seal Claps – x20
– Youngling Yeets – x15
– High Ground High Jumps -x15
Episode IV – A New Hope
– Blue Milk Mixers – x10
– Tusken Raider Presses – x15
– X-Wing Crunches – x10 each side
Episode V – Empire Strikes Back
– Skywalker Prom Dates – x20
– Dagobah Squats – x20
– Luke Curls (alt. Luke Lawnmowers) – x10 each side
Episode VI – Return of the Jedi
– Slave Leia’s – x15 each side
– Ewok Humpers – x20
– Palpatine Presses – x15
Repeat until Mary
Mary: Dealer’s Choice




Jazz Hands!

AO: iiipillars
Q: princessaurora
PAX: YumYum, moneyshot, t-cell, Pep, Harbaugh, Ryan Minniear, Grape, Good Morning America, Dollywood, Cowboy, Zelenskyy, grisham, Black Lung, Full Monty, Swiffer, Pipe Dream
FNGs: 1 Pipe Dream
On this International Jazz Day, you never know what note someone could play next.


Plenty damp but the rain thankfully cleared out.


Mosey to the field for a 3/4 lap and then circle up in the middle to get plankpril out of the way with a 4:00 plank to some delightful Italian jazz courtesy of Piero Umiliani.


With plankpril complete, it was time for today’s jazzy escalator workout. PAX complete the first exercise in the list below and take a lap around the track. Build on round 1 with the next exercise followed by another lap. RnR, continuing to build on the previous round all the way through to the final round of all 10 exercises.

1. Jump Squats x 5
2. Ab Thruster x 10
3. Z Chair x 15
4. Z Press x 20
5. E2K x 25
6. Ranger Merkin x 30
7. Crab Cakes x 35
8. Imperial Squat Walkers x 40
9. SSH x 45
10. Extenders x 50 cut for time

Mosey back to Startex for COT/BOM.


What started off relatively tame quickly escalated into an unpredictable sensory experience that, before we knew it, reached its end rather abruptly. But that’s jazz sometimes!

Welcome to FNG David Gilpin nka Pipe Dream, a nod to his unrealized potential as an organist. If this is news to you, I invoked Q rule 17.3 during coffeeteria. IYKYK


Pencil Pusher needs some help moving next Saturday, May 11. See Fish’s message above for details


– Continued prayers for Pep’s next project.
– Prayer for Go Fish selection
– Prayer for Full Monty as he steps into a new chapter in his career

I felt honored to see so many given the rainy morning, and it was a pleasure to lead each of y’all. Keep showing up!

Still jazzed,

Its the end of the world

AO: greenmachine
Q: sooner
PAX: t-cell, Oatmeal, Black Lung, Focker, moneyshot, Cowboy, Betty Ford, Haggis, NFT, Rocket Mortgage, Topanga
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: it’s the end of the world… Pleasant temperatures and mild humidity, but massive radiation and deadly spore outbreaks

A standard active sooner warm up

The world has laid waste to your city. Every day is a fight for basic survival.
“Ab city”
– Fifty LBCs
– Fifty “dolphin kicks”
– Fifty hammers
– Fifty WWI
– upon finding a mangled, mutated t-cell… Added 50 happy crunchy frogs… Note, t-cell actually had turned into a frog from the radiation

Every gas station has been sacked. Homes sit empty. Store fronts shattered. A new world awaits in the great beyond.
– Groups of 3
– Two travel… one by bernie, one by mozie
– One stands watch… 100 x mike tysons; 200 x iron mikes; 300 merkin-jacks (cut short for time)

After the end of the end of a great journey, a eutopia is found deep in the heartland. The pax observed the start of the age as follows
– sprinting at increasing speed x 4
– a bit of yoga/dad stretching
– plank-pril

Leg day!

See slack

Comfort and healing, leadership and loving kindness

Run It Back

AO: greenmachine
Q: Grape
PAX: Salami, moneyshot, Focker, Cowboy, Haggis, Right Said
FNGs: None

WARMUP: normal stuff

THE THANG: round 1, partner runs stairs while other completes

Atomic merkins
Carolina dry docks
Knees to elbows (Peter Parker’s)
Ukrainian hammers
Newtons cradle

Round 2, went to dry ground, partner lunge walks and Bernie’s while other completes

Leg raises
Crunches (I don’t think this is what we did, can’t remember)
Knees to elbows (crunches)
‘Umpers of the monkey variety
Normal merkins

5MoM (including a 2 min plank)

COT: great prayer time and great coffeeteria


Leg Day

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Young Pawn
PAX: Betty Ford, Cowboy, DrRupp, moneyshot, Oatmeal, Pole Dancer, Rocket Mortgage, sooner, Toothless, TheShield, Topanga, Stinky Pete (F3 Chapel Hill), Overnight
FNGs: 1 Overnight
CONDITIONS: :barely_sunny:

WARM UP: :plank: ⭕️
It was day 2 of plankpril so all pax needed to do a 66 second plank. We stood in a circle and took turns doing a plank while the rest of the pax did 66 seconds of warm up exercises including arm circles, imperial walkers, lunges, Bonnie Blairs, squats, and others.

THANG 1: Lopsided Races :man-running: :bear:
Pax paired off and repeated raced to a mark 5 yds away and back. One pax in each pair sprinted and the other bear crawled. The winner of the race had to go 5 steps farther in the subsequent one. The sprinters won the first couple and then crawlers started to even the tide.

THANG 2: Dorabell :school_satchel: :kettlebell:
Pairs did a Dora with 100 each of squats, Freddy Mercurys, fire hydrants and Lt. Dans. Plus, there were two kettlebells (16 and 24 kg), after both pax in a pair carried one it was passed down the line.

MOLESKIN: YHC has been away on a health hiatus and it felt good to be back. Grateful for F3 Nashville.

:pray: Prayers for grief and healing

:beers: Brewsday postponed until next week, see 2ndf

Shuffle The Deck

AO: iiipillars
Q: Goose
PAX: DintyMoore, Harbaugh, Zelenskyy, princessaurora, Grape, Go Fish, Black Lung, Skeletor (F3Roco), moneyshot, Howlitzer, Formica, Cowboy, Hagus, Fully Monty, Lora Lei
FNGs: 2 Fully Monty, Lora Lei

WARMUP: Willie mays hays, forward fold, cherry pickers, arm stretch

THE THANG: mosey to parking garage

The Deck of Cards

ANNOUNCEMENTS: murder mile at Green Machine this Thursday

Plankpril is approaching

March Madness 1994

AO: detention
Q: EZ-Go
PAX: Donkey Hammer, Accounts Receivable, Cowboy, Deep State, Esposa, EZ-Go, Focker, moneyshot, Movin On Up, Right Said, Topanga, Matador
FNGs: 1 Matador
In honor of March Madness being upon us we performed 45 minutes of unending movement to the tune of Jock Jams (see below for link if unfamiliar, thank me later).

CONDITIONS: Just right

WARMUP: Indigenous peoples run, parking lot side shuffles, stretch it out

Mens bracket: (suicide between each exercise)
68 – squats
64 – block rows
32 – block mercs
16 – triple arm killers (curl, press, tricep extension)
8 – 8 count body-builder
4 – hand stand push ups
2 minute low plank

Women’s bracket: (15 SSH between exercises)
68 – mountain climbers
64 – hello dollys
32 – block mercs
16 – block raises
8 – 8 count body-builders
4 – burpees
2 min 6 inches

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Murder Mile Thursday at greenmachine, get there a few minutes early

First One – Done!

AO: thestronghold
Q: Right Said
PAX: Dan and Dave, moneyshot, Betty Ford, Cowboy, Shocker (Mark Holmes), Skeet, Young and Restless, Decaf, Minnie Pearl, bluemule, Red Skull, Sunshine, Bill Dance, Wookie, D Pole, Comeback, Army Surplus, Yak, Frozen, Pacer, Mix Tape, Milli Vanilli, For the Girls, Westside, Trajectory, C Sharp, Triple Seven, Blitz, Sergeant Meatball
FNGs: 9 Mix Tape, Milli Vanilli, For the Girls, Westside, Trajectory, C Sharp, Triple Seven, Blitz, Sergeant Meatball
CONDITIONS: Absolutely perfect at 57 degrees

Mosey to the front parking lot for:
– SSH, LBAC, R-LBAC, Seal Claps, Good Mornings, WMH
– Partner Up – 1 F3 PAX to 1 4:13 Strong Participant (we had the perfect number to get to our 1:1 ratio!)
Mosey to the basketball court with a quick stop at the Block Pile to pick up one block per pair.

Assemble along the baseline – Partner 1 works while Partner 2 moves the length of the court and back, swap and then hold plank for all in.
– Round 1: Block Curls, Suicides
– Round 2: Block Squat, Lunge
– Round 3: Overhead Block Press, Suicides
– Round 4: Block Wings, Suicides

Circle up for the Doomsday Circle (Ring of Fire) – Each man does one merkin, advancing around the circle until 500 merkins were completed. If a break was needed, complete 15 SSHs and then re-enter the circle.

Mary – Flutter Kicks, Hello Dolly, Freddy Mercuries,

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The newest class is off and running. Thanks to the PAX from greenmachine who joined us this morning. It was great to have you out!

Six more weeks with this class. Come out and join them.

This Little Light Of Mine

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Goose
PAX: bluemule, Pep, Right Said, Rocket Mortgage, Cowboy, Toothless, moneyshot, Michelin Man, Good Morning America
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Willie mays, forward fold, arm stretches, cherry pickers


Run to the light: 300 squates with run to the light and back after every 25 reps.

Lunge to the light and back

Adora: 300 ssh while partner runs

Circle of Mary



murder mile 3/28 green machine

Plankpril is approaching

Game night at Firefox house tonight!!

Prayers for Nancy’s family