Track and Field Rack and Stack!

AO: greenmachine
Q: Cal Worthington
PAX: Haggis, Sherlock, Zelenskyy, Cowboy
FNGs: None

Moist. Slight Drizzle. Thick.


Warm Up I.C. X20
Imperial Walker
Toy Soldiers
Grass Git’rs
Stay down 4 stretch, left & right
Worlds Greatest Stretch

Mosey to the Track!

Set of 11’s – Dips and Derkins

Rack and Stack 400
Track Suicides Rack / Stack

Run to the 100 – Drop and do Exercise,

Run to the 100 – Drop and do Excercise, Run to the 200, exercise Then return.

At each 100, do the exercise. Upon return to start, stack exercises on top of each other.

(100,200,300, 400yrd marks)

✓ 5 burpees
✓ 10 hand release Merkins
✓ 15 Star jumps
✓ 20 heels to heavens

Finish with a Victiry Lap up
And down bleachers.

Mosey to the start and finish with Abs ring of Fire

Hope on Slack

Don’t focus on the negative. Control the controllable, keep it moving and you will get through it.

Thanks for letting me lead Focker :punch:

Catch me if you Can 🏃🏻‍♂️🏃🏃🏻‍♂️

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Cal Worthington
PAX: DrRupp, Michelin Man, Rocket Mortgage, sooner, Oatmeal, bluemule, Cowboy
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Steamy :hot_face:

Another steamy day in the gloom as 8 schweaty pax braved the moisture to come see what YHC had in store! We :man-running:. We :package: jumped. We :burpee: . Then we ran some more, mixed in some other exercises and :burpee: :burpee: :burpee: :burpee: at the end because why not!?!?

Imperial Walker
Toy Soldiers
Stay down 4 stretch, left & right
Worlds Greatest Stretch

Catch me if you Can Burpee – to Picnic Benches

Pick a Partner, one runs while the other does a burpee. Catch your partner, they drop for a burpee and you run, rinse and repeat till destination.

THANG 2: 11’s
:burpee:s & 📦 Jumps

Catch me if you Can :burpee: back to parking lot!

THANG 4: Parking Lot ⭕️ Sprints x20

Partner Up! Partners run in opposite direction around the whole parking lot. When they meet, drop and do the exercises below then keep running back to the start. 20 count on all exercises / Ab exercises in cadence!

T Clap Merkins
Big Boys
Flutters IC
Freddy Mercuries IC

Announcements: Hop on slack
COT: Grateful for F3 Nash
:pray: : Families/ Marriages/ :us:


Cal Worthington

Clydesdales Unite!

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Subway
PAX: Betty Ford, bluemule, Cowboy, Cal Worthington, Goose, Hipster, moneyshot, Oatmeal, Rocket Mortgage, Toothless, Starblade McKoy (Sp?)
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Mosey, burpees , stretching


5 / 5 minute rounds

Supersets 20 reps

Merkins (your choice)

Calf Raises

Side Straddle Hops
Step Ups

Taint Scrapers

Overhead Press

W/ coupons when applicable

Guantanamo Bay followed by dealers choice ab work


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Friday and Saturday stuff- check slack!

COT: Prayers for Bareback and his family as they move westward!

Thank you for letting me lead- it was a pleasure! SYITG

Once Upon a Time in 13 Rowdy Colonies

AO: greenmachine
Q: Hair Band , Black Lung
PAX: Dumpster Fire (F3 Naperville), Pebbles, moneyshot, Hipster, McAfee, The Merchant, Rocket Mortgage, Works for a Guy, Natural Ice, bluemule, DintyMoore, Dilbert, Good Morning America, Cowboy, El Capitan, Wolfpack, SalPal, Hair Band, Sparrow, Tim the Toolman, Black Lung, Esposa, Grape, Country Parkour, Under the Table, Haggis, Strutter, Chunks, Michelin Man, Focker, Fake Job, Late to The Party
FNGs: 2 Fake Job, Late to The Party
CONDITIONS: bright and swampy

30 SSH, 5 Good Mornings, 10 Merkins, 10 Squats. 10 LBAC, 10 Reverse LBAC, 10 Imperial Walkers, 10 Hillbillies.
Thing 1: Burpee Apocalypse (10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)

A salute to the 13 colonies.
1. 10 New York Yurpee (Burpee Variation. Merkin at bottom of burpee is a clap-merkin and on up portion there are 2 tuck jumps per burpee).
2. 30 Virginia V-Ups
3. 50 South Carolina Side Straddle Hops
4. 30 Rhode Island Iron Mikes (2-count)
5. 30 New Hampshire Hand Release Merkins
6. 50 New Jersey Jump Squats
7. 50 Connecticut Crunches
8. 35 Maryland Merkins
9. 50 North Carolina Dry Docks
10. 50 Massachusetts Mountain Climbers (2-count)
11. 50 Georgia Gorilla Humpers
12. 50 Pennsylvania Plank Jacks (2-count)
13. 50 Delaware Dips

Run half lap around the track and start from the top. 3 rounds.

Total reps 1776.

This workout was a beast sprung most from the tortured mind of Black Lung
We had 5/34 men completely finished the work out
We finished by reading the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence & saying the pledge of allegiance

Preamble: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.


– SalPal requests prayers for his baby on the way and his baby they just pulled from daycare

Lots of Squats

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Young Pawn
PAX: Chunks, moneyshot, Bareback, Goose, Right Said, Detective Pikachu, Oatmeal, Rocket Mortgage, Cowboy, Toothless, Binki, Star Blade McCoy
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: A little reprieve from the swampiness, somewhere around 75° :sunrise:

Made a circle. PAX alternated doing 13 (or more…) squats and doing one of these exercises for a minute: arm circles, imperial walkers, pitcher’s stretch, lunges, reverse lunges, Bonnie Blairs, fire hydrants, donkey kicks (“the wrong way” says Cowboy, his way was better), mountain climbers, Lt. Dans, peoples chair, around the world lunges, and more squats. And we took turns planking during the exercises.

>From home plate, one PAX pulls the Frisbee and bernies around the bases while the rest of the PAX play defense and try to tag him out. No running with the disc, no force outs, round as many bases as you can. Record was 5 bases (home run + single).

Closed with 5 minutes of Mary and stretching.

:dagger_knife: Star Blade McCoy has only been posting for 2 weeks and is moving away in 6 weeks. A lesser man would’ve said “there’s no time to start something new.” Star Blade said “I’ll do the right thing right now” and found a group of other HIMs to make him better.

:man-lifting-weights: By my count, we did 2,532 squats altogether – including the 10 I gave DP for his sarcasm during the COT. Thanks Toothless for the coffee. Thanks Oatmeal for being AOQ and an encourager. Picture already posted above! :point_up_2:

:us: Convergence tomorrow!
:f3_nation: New AOs opened this week! See iron-giant and the-discipline
:man-walking: Fred “Right “Gulliver” Said” Pickney is traveling.

:pray: My sister had a baby on Monday, Bareback and Detective Pikachu are also moving soon, and other spoken and unspoken requests. In your mercy, Lord, hear our prayer.


AO: greenmachine
Q: Michelin Man
PAX: Focker, moneyshot, Haggis, Cowboy, Michelin Man, Deep State, Triple Pane, Missing someone?
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: acceptable

WARMUP: run around the Machine


3 pullups -> bearcrawl -> 5 merkins -> bearcrawl -> 7 rows -> run back to start.

Repeat for 40 minutes.

5 minutes of sprints.

COT: Love being in the circle as always.

A morning with sooner

AO: middle-tooth
Q: sooner
PAX: Triple Pane, Betty Ford, Cowboy, Toothless, Pole Dancer, Rocket Mortgage, Oatmeal, starlord hook
FNGs: 1 starlord hook

WARMUP: we did some active stretching and opened up cowboys hips


First… Ab City
– 50 LBCs plus 25 leg lifts
– 50 LBCs plus 25 alternating leg lifts
– 50 LBCs plus 25 WW1

Second… Choose your own adventure
-pardner up
– player 1 runs the long way round to meet player 2 to finish exercises
– Player 2 run short leg to do exercise
– Alternate players
– Exercises were merkins, dips, iron mikes and jump squats

Third… Goaltimate
– Basically make it take it ultimate

I took too long in cot

ANNOUNCEMENTS: lots, we have a great nantan… Read his posts

COT: family, travel, praise for healing

Basically iiiPillars at Middletooth

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Focker
PAX: Black Lung, Betty Ford, Pep, Two Face, Harbaugh, Cowboy, moneyshot, Zelenskyy, High School Musical (DR), Formica
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Various stretches while waiting on Black Lung

THE THANG: This workout was designed around praying at Yuri’s house. He is a dear friend of moneyshot who is undergoing surgery today for pancreatic cancer.
-Run one mile to his home. Every turn we did 10 burpees, 15 dry docks, 10 lunges.
-Had the chance to pray over this family and their home with time for reflection
-Run one mile back with turn workouts being 10 jump squats, 15 diamond push ups, 20 monkey humpers
-upon arrival back to startex, we did 10 ww1 and 10 prisoner squats, then 20, then 40, then 23.6. These sets were broken up by sprints. Total of 93.6 for average number of days in the summer

MOLESKINE: somehow we ran uphill both ways, full light during the whole workout.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: brewsday coming up! 2.0 workout this Saturday! Reach out to Grape.

COT: Opened up about how my first reaction to Yuri’s house being a mile away was thoughts of inconvenience/not ideal for this workout. The Lord used this to convict me of my selfishness and allowed me to reflect on the importance of physical places in our life. There is a reason we visit our old homes, have memorials where things have happened, and worship at buildings. Being somewhere holds power cause we are physical beings. moneyshot thanks for the chance to come into Yuri’s life and y’all’s friendship this morning

Decision Fatigue

AO: greenmachine
Q: Michelin Man
PAX: Focker, moneyshot, Grape, Cowboy, Michelin Man, Haggis, t-cell, DR St. Louis Pax Named?
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Muggy. Almost underwater.

WARMUP: Who needs to warm up? Come early to warm up.

THE THANG: Decision Fatigue

1. Ran about 1 mile. Good clip.
2. Bottom of big hilly sidewalk at west end of parking lot. Count off 1s and 2s. 1 and 2 is a team. Team comes up with a stationary exercise for the bottom of the hill, a travel up the hill exercise, a stationary top of hill exercise, and a travel down (very steep!) exercise. No repeats.
3. Teams chose a mixture of lunge walks, merkins, squats, dry docks, flutters, imperial walkers, crawl bear, bernies, etc.
4. Ran about 1 mile back in Indigenous People run formation.
5. Mary – choose your own adventure abs by the Pax.

MOLESKINE: The goal today was for me to make as few decisions as possible as this is my busy work time and I’m in brain overload. As moneyshot noted, the only material thing I picked was the crappy Festival Bangers playlist on Apple Music.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Check -f3-nashville-general Toothless report.

COT: Prayers were lifted up. We reflected on Focker’s great Bible Verse decision of Micah 6:8. We listened to the sound of no cicadas.

MM out.

I was playing D&D before Matt Mercer made it cool

AO: middle-tooth
Q: SalPal
PAX: sooner, Oatmeal, Bad Boy, Topanga, moneyshot, Cal Worthington, Cowboy, Wahoo
FNGs: None
I forgot two of y’all, sorry I didn’t record, please edit to add yourselves!

CONDITIONS: Ripe for adventure.

WARMUP: Some active warmups.

THE THANG: clears throat

The Legend of the Three-Toothed Dragon

Your party has answered the call to slay the dreaded Three-Toothed Dragon of Middle Tooth! You’ve assembled your team and made your way out into the wilderness. Your path takes you through the Forest of Sir Bearington, a sentient bear with no love for humans. The party druid disguises everyone as rabbits to help avoid detection. Broad jumps!

As you exit the woods, you discover… an angry treant! 15 Happy Crunchy Frogs! 5 Big Boy Situps!

You arrive to the entrance of the dragon’s lair; a group of hill giants block your way forward. You attempt to maneuver around and roll for Dexterity – 5 minutes of field sprints.

As you brave the cave, you stumble upon….a few goblins. 10 burpees!

You find yourselves at a dead end, but upon further inspection, discover it is a hidden door. But it requires magic to open. You choose: Knock – 15 Screamin’ Eagles.

Having gained passage, you slip into the grand throne of the Three-Toothed Dragon, named Murphy. You have the element of surprise, so you decide to: Leroy Jenkins his ass: Burpee-Broad Jumps

Bloodied and battered, Murphy seems to be defeated… but he suddenly re-emerges, resurrected as a dracolich! Bust out the Holy Hand Grenade of Lathander from your Bag of Holding and dust this clown. Dora, 50 Kraken Burpees

With a terrible roar, Murphy falls to the earth, a lifeless husk. You have managed to silence this terrible creature and recover the loot. You partner up to carry as much back together as you can: 10 Booyah Merkins, 10 Hi-Five Jump Squats, 5 sets

MOLESKINE: Way to push through the rain (or as we call it in Atlantis… well, we don’t call it anything, because we don’t notice, it’s just wet all the time).

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lots of places opening up. Pull up challenge. moneyshot is new AOQ of Brewsday.

COT: Prayers for sooner and family navigating troubled waters laying a grandmother to rest. For my M looking for a job. All intentions unspoken.