
PAX: Floppy Disk, D’mish, Dupree, Black Widow, Venus, Reefer, Big Stick, Olan Mills (QIC)

Disclaimer and a quick mosey around the bus loop, circling back up for an extraordinarily small Cruel Hall circle. 


SSH, BAC fwd & rev, Good Mornings, Willie Mays Hays, Slow and Low Merkins and some stretching. 


Mosey over towards the bus loop to the grassy knoll that used to be home to the portables…we’ll call it Mt. Portable. 

1st round of 11’s – Burpees at the bottom and Jump Squats at the top. People’s chair waiting for the six. 

2nd round of 11’s – Mountain Climbers at the bottom and WWI’s at the top. Plank and wait for the six. 

Mosey back over to the playground for some intervals

30 secs Pull Up’s AMRAP

15 secs rest

30 secs Dips AMRAP

15 secs rest

30 secs Rows AMRAP

15 secs rest

30 secs Push Up’s AMRAP

Rinse & Repeat

Mosey back up to parking lot for some Sprints


Alabama Prom Dates, J-Lo’s, Flutter Kicks

I appreciate the opportunity to lead you guys. 

Venus wanted everyone to know that he’ll be preforming with the ballet soon and thinks it will be a good date night option. More details to come. 

Much running at Sir E

Warm-O-Rama (All IC)

SSH x20
High Knees x15
Butt Kickers x15
SnL Merks x10
BAC f x15
BAC r x15
BigAC f x15
BigAC r x15
Squats x20
Good Mornings x10
Willia MH x10

THANG – a progressive Q. PAX were instructed to perform 3x Atomic Merks at each speed bump.

Mosey to the auditorium

Everyone in their own parking stall then perform a merkin-less burpee then broad jump to the next stall. We made our way all the way around the auditorium and stopped when we returned to our starting point.

Mosey down the bee hill to the green houses.

PAX hold a plank and perform:
10x Merkins
10x IC Alternating Shoulder Taps
10x Mt. Merkins
10x IC Alternating Shoulder Taps
10x Plank Jack Merkins
10x IC Alternating Shoulder Taps
10x Atomic Merkins

Recover… then: 20x IC Air Press, 20x IC Seal Claps

Mosey back up the bee hill and down to the bottom of the split lane hill.

7’s with a regular mosey about 100 yards up the hill. Exercises were squats and jump squats.

Mosey up the Marchant hill, allegedly the longest and steepest hill in the Hall. All PAX winded at this point. Plank/wait for the 6 at the top, then continue mosey back through the Ag Center, stopping at each speed bump encountered for 3x Atomic Merks.

Mary (all IC)
J-Lo’s x20
Merkins x10
Alternating Shoulder Taps x10
LBC’s x20
Boxcutters x20
Good Mornings x10

Floppy Disk

Animal Planet – 9/17/2018 Detention


Muggy morning.

Q: Pop-A-Lock

PAX:  Yumy?, White Russian, Dupree, Floppy, Cinderella, Edible Arrangements, PSL, Old Hickory, Reefer, Big Perm Ludwig, Dine and Dash, Calf Killer

Mosey around bus loop.

Late disclaimer. Introduction.

Welcome to Animal Planet, the workout with all the creature comforts….here we go.

10x SSH

10x GM

10x BAC (forward and reverse)

10x Squats


Started the fun with some crawling/jumping to connect with nature. The parking lot was longer than I remembered.

Partner 1: Crab crawl to end of parking lot stripes, 10 burpees, jog back

Partner 2: LBCs


Partner 1: Frog jump to end of parking lot stripes, 10 burpees, jog back

Partner 2: LBCs


Partner 1 and 2: Bear Crawl to end of parking lot stripes, 10 burpees, jog back

Stick Bug (Plank) for the six. Good call Cinderella.

Mosey to hill

Got ready to get some hee-hawing going. 1 Pax went all the way and added sound effects.

5 Spiderman pushups each side, mosey down hill, 5 donkey kicks, reverse mosey up hill

Repeat 4x

Mosey to covered area

Time to act like prey, and get more agile.

Gazelle Relay –

Partner 1: Sprint to halfway, 5 merkins, sprint back, repeat for full length.
Partner 2: Fish kicks


Repeat for left shuffle, right shuffle, and reverse mosey.

Mosey to parking lot

You’ve been prey, time to be predator. And kick up that heart rate….seeing as Cheetahs only have short spurts to catch their prey

Cheetah Relay –

Partner 1: Sprint to end of stripes, 5 mucktar and crys, sprint back

Partner 2: Burpees.


Repeat 3x.

5 flutters to finish time.


Words to live by: Vulgarity is no substitute for wit.

Quote of the day:

Lady Nancy Astor: Winston, if you were my husband, I’d poison your tea.

Churchill: Nancy, if I were your husband, I’d drink it.


Thanks for the warm welcome back. Excited to dive back in. Get excited for more zany Qs.

Welcome to The Trident 9.14.2018

12 PAX greeted the morning at the soft launch of our new AO The Trident. The morning was warm and humid so we got down to business right away.

PAX: Off Shore, Black Lung, Joey Freshwater, Razorback, Redskull, Yard Sale, Ludwig van Oshkosh, Toga, Umbrella, Old hickory, and the featured return of Pop-a-Lock.

Q: Boy Band

We started from the south parking lot behind the AIG building and mosey’d around the south garage and back to pick up any stragglers.  Circle up for WOR.

WOR: SSH, Squats, Good Mornings, Willie Mays, Baby Arm circles (forwards/backwards), Overhead claps.


We mosey’d to the bottom floor of the southern parking garage for the start of the workout which occurred as follows:

10x Merkins -> Sprint the up ramp; 10x Squats -> Mosey to next ramp; rinse and repeat until we reached the top.

The descent was as follows: 10x headbangers -> reverse mosey the ramp; 10x 4 ct flutter kicks -> mosey to the next ramp; rinse and repeat until in the basement.

We then moved to the side wall of the 1st floor of the garage for the next part of the workout: 5x Pull-ups, 5x Merkins; rinse and repeat x4.

Next it was on to the short wall for: 10x Box jumps, 10x Dips; rinse n’ repeat x4

Indian run back to the start. Time for some burpee suicides. Using the parking planters as our stops, it was 5 laps out with 5 burpees on each return to the baseline for a total of 25 burpees.

Following the suicides was a series of partner work at the wall. One partner was doing a static exercise and one doing a dynamic exercise, then flapjack as follows:

Wall sits/Lt. Dans x10; Wall Planks/Merkins x20, Overextended Plank/Supermans x10; Rinse and repeat x1

Mary: Flutter Kicks x30, Homer-to-Marge until time

Moleskin:  This was a great start to the new workout site. It was awesome to have so many PAX out for the dry run and I look forward to seeing you out there in the future.  100% attendance for coffeeteria made for a great discussion of future workout options. Next week will feature the prodigal son Pop-A-Lock’s return to dominance as he takes the Q.

Lastly, if you haven’t seen Joey Freshwater’s pimped out mini-van, you should. The LED lights and windshield tassels are amazing.

Animal Grid

High 60’s and gloomy.  Clouds did break some for a nice sunrise.  QIC: Porcelain.  Pax: Bad boy, hambone, frequency (kotters), TK, crawl space

Slow start after disclaimer.  Mosey around the Parthenon field to the ellipse behind the pagan temple. cop-20 sshs, 14 Willie mays Hayes, 10 slow and low squats, 10 slow and low merkins, 20 seal jacks.

Mosey to Parking lot north of Parthenon for the thang.  Around 50 yards from the first light to the second to last.  Movement repeats back and forth.

First trip out: Duck walk with 20 each leg Zebra butt kicks at the end (plank, one leg hi 90, Kick skyward).

Trip back: Crab walk with 20 crab humpers at the end.

2nd trip out: Frog hops with 20 Werewolf (dive bomber pushups) at the end.

Trip back: Sneaky gorilla (low squat, hands on ground lateral lunge to move turn 180 and alternate) with 20 donkey kicks at the end.

Third trip out-Crawl bear with monkey humpers at the end.

Trip back: Alligator merkin (2/3 back)-Inch worm (last 1/3 back) with cadence 20 low country crab at the end.

mosey to front of Parthenon for Mary.

20 cadence Starfish crunch- hold legs out, 1 left leg right elbow, 2 back, 3 right leg left elbow

20 cadence manatee- Superman position on stomach, left hand right ankle, right hand left ankle

 1 minute Dying cockroach hold

20 cadence Crunchy happy frogs

COT: Q school at stonewall weekend of 29th.  Good news on our prayers for bad boy’s family and spicoli’s remission are progressing well.

9/12/18 – The Racetrack – The Sequel

9 PAX got better today under perfect conditions at The Racetrack for a sequel to yesterday’s Convergence 9/11 workout.

PAX: T-Cell, CAPSLOCK, Joey Freshwater, Boone’s Farm, Razorback, Toga, Life Champ, Numbtucks, Umbrella (QIC)

Quick disclaimer followed by 10 burpees to get the blood pumping. Mosey up hill through parking garage for WOR:

15 x SSH
10 x Good Morning
10 x WMH
10 x Cotton Pickers
10 x LBAC Forward
10 x O/H Press
10 x LBAC Reverse
10 x Tempo Merkin
10 x Squat


Bottom start position was side of Holler & Dash where we performed:
Burpee Box Jump/Step Up x 1
Run up all flights of stairs to Maryland Way
10 x Atomic Merkin
RNR through the 11’s
PAX grinded through the stairs w/o much mumble chatter. For those that joined the Convergence yesterday, this was all too familiar. LBC’s and Plank for the Six.
Mosey back to starting parking lot for:

Burpee Jack Webb w/Overhead Press in place of Mary.



Reminded of Trident soft launch, Friendly Friday, Four Year Anny & Grow School, and 9/30 Golf Scramble.

CCR provided great reminder last week of Concentrica and importance of focusing on those relationships most important in the proper order. QIC followed up on those good words with thoughts from the book The Butterfly Effect. Every interaction we have each day leaves an impact; either positive or negative; either reflecting God’s love and mercy or the opposite. The challenge posed to the PAX today was to be mindful of each interaction we have today and the rest of the week, whether brief or over a long conversation, that it will leave an impact that is far greater than we will realize at the moment.

God Bless,


F3 Nashville 9-11-18 Convergence

Conditions: Perfect- 58*

PAX: GreaseTrap, Offshore, Tortoise, Floppy Disk, Calf Killer, D’mish O Nuts, Vegemite, Backlash, FTTAL, Dr. Smartt, Bagger Vance, Razorback, CCR, Yardsale, Boone’s Farm, Umbrella, Tool Time, BigStick, White Russian, MP, Cowboy, Black Widow, Tiny Dancer, Right Said, Olan Mills, Bicentennial Man, Hot N Ready, Cold Call, Princess Aurora, Lumberg, BigBang (QIC), Funyuns (QIC)

32 PAX converged at Stairway to Heaven to honor the fallen and survivors of 9/11. 5 Ruckers started at 4:45, then joined the other PAX at 5:15. The mumble chatter was great before the start. FTTAL was living up to his name as he was giving YHC a hard time about my South GA accent. YHC believes he’s just jealous of the charming southern accent. We stated things a little differently because of time restrictions and we knew many PAX would have to prevac before the 6:30 stop time.

5:15- PAX circled around Old Glory for the Disclaimer then recited the Pledge of Allegiance led by BigBang. YHC then gave a few words of remembrance and encouragement before leading the PAX in prayer. BigBang explained the Thang, then the PAX hit the stairs.

The Thang: 110 Flights of Stairs with Burpees

9 burpees at the top followed by 11 burpees at the bottom

RnR x 10 = 110 Flights

NM: We gathered today to remember the 2,977 men and women who lost their lives on September 11, 2001. We also remember the thousands of people involved with the cleanup after the attacks who have lost their lives as a result of sickness/cancer from the asbestos and other carcinogens in the rubble. We remember the thousands of soldiers who have lost their lives in the wars as a result of the attacks. We honor the many families who were and continue to be directly impacted by the many lives lost. We honor the many men and women who suffered life altering injuries on that day and in the ensuing wars. We honor the many men and women who continue to fight, to protect, to keep us safe on a daily basis.
Today, our workout was just a small token to help us remember and honor those men and women. We need to strive to remember and honor them each day. We do this by living the best life that we possibly can each day. Enjoy our families, our friends, our coworkers, our community each day! Serve others each day! Serve God each day! Today, choose to love God and love others!
We are also reminded to be alert. Keep our eyes and ears open as we strive to protect our families and neighbors. This is most important as we fight the spiritual battle against Satan and his angels.

“Be sober, be watchful: your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:”
‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭5:8‬ ‭ASV‬‬

“Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Wherefore take up the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and, having done all, to stand.”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭6:10-13‬

Remember, honor, serve, watch, protect, enjoy, love, attack each day!


Parking Deck Shenanigans

QIC: Iditarod
PAX: Scraps, Childish Gambino, Aristotle, Omaha, CDL, Yosef, Noble Virus, Grohl
2 Laps around courthouse while a couple of stragglers pulled up. Side Shuffles, Bear crawls, Politicians all included.
GMs x 10 IC
WMH x 10 IC
Daisy Pickers x 10 IC
BAC x 10 IC
Big ole arm circles x 10 IC
SSH x 10 IC

The Thang:
Mosey to top of parking deck.
10 Burpees every minute on the minute for 10 Minutes
Top Level-30 LBCs, 30 Squats, 30 Merkins
1 Level Down-20 LBCs, 20 Squats, 20 Merkins
1 Level Down- 10 LBCs, 10 Squats, 10 Merkins
Bottom Level- 5 WWI sit ups, 5 Lt. Dans, 5 Hand Release Merkins
Mosey Back To the Courthouse
10 Crunchy Frogs
10 WWIs
10 LBCs
20 Flutter Kicks
That’s All
COT: Prayer and Name o Rama.

Labor Day Detention

74 degrees greeted the naughty nine PAX who correctly decided to labor on Labor Day.

PAX: Backlash, Yard Sale, Dine ‘n Dash, Floppy Disk, Bagger Vance, Vegemite, Boy Band, Reefer, Ludwig van OshKosh (QIC)

Mosey around the bus loop and backpedal for a bit behind the school and circle up in the pavilion.


20 SSH

10 Butt Kickers

10 High Knees

10 Good Mornings

10 WMH

10 Air Presses

10 Overhead Claps

10 LBAC, then reverse


YHC has been known to start some workouts with 10 burpees a minute for 10 minutes, but I decided to deconstruct the burpee a bit and vary it up with 10 merkins and 15 squats a min for 10 mins. The balance of the minute is used for recovery before starting again.

Every 2 rounds we varied the merkin from regular, to clerkins, diamond, one-legged and werkins. Somewhere during round 2 or 3 YHC realized he didn’t give a proper disclaimer and audibled one during the merkins. The very last set we did 15 jump squats for good measure as well.

Partner up for 4 rounds of more leg work going the length of the pavilion and back.

R1 – P1 squat side shuffle (the basketball defensive posture) — face same way each way. Meanwhile P2 doing planjax until P1 returns and then flapjack

R2 – P1 lunge down and reverse lunge back, P2 mountain climbers

R3 – P1 broad jump down and back, P2 SSH

R4 – P1 bear crawl down, crawl bear back, P2 SSH

Head to the rails for more upper body work

10 derkins with partner holding legs, then immediately flip over and do 10 rows with partner holding legs. Flapjack. 3 sets total.

Mosey back to parking lot.

I couldn’t decide between 7s or 11s based upon the time remaining, so I chose 9s because why not. Start with 8 burpees on one end and 1 squat on the other end. WW1s for the 6.


40 Flutter Kicks

5 burpees OYO


Good work today. Next Tuesday 9/11 is the all area convergence at the steps of Percy Warner Park. Big Bang and Funyuns leading that CSAUP.

A week from Friday (9/14) in the Seven Springs shopping center on OHB, Boy Band is launching a new AO in the parking garage behind The Well and other stores. They’ll likely be doing burpees in front of Orange Theory fitness trying to EH some Sad Clowns who pay way too much for zero accountability.

A tough mudder is coming up soon, I believe on 9/15. Calf Killer is looking to sell his spot to someone wanting to do it.

Many PAX enjoyed the lukewarm coffeeteria — compliments of CCR, who was MIA. Beggars can be choosers too.


The Hill Blast – Razor’s Last Stand

Weather was clear.
Foxtrot TAL -QIC
Pax – too many to name, but 21 in all. Notables Razor…aka Venus…

We began with a short mozy down to the amphitheatre. Did a double loop around the mini circle to catch up with Prevac. He’s going to Tuscany, Italy today with his wife. I’ve never been but hear amazing things about the area. I am looking forward to going one day soon.

Circle up for warmup
25 Ssh’s
10 slow count Merkins
15 Mountain climbers
10 Good mornings
10 Willy mays
15 Baby arm circles

The exercise portion begins:

5 Teams of 4
50 per person dips
50 per person merkins hand release
50 per person stadium jumps
50 per person squats with 1 one thousand second count at bottom
2 on team running the mini loop and back while others continue exercises.

First to finish must go to the wall and begin wall sits.

We finished and began to mozy to south edge of campus where we noticed Frougal McDougal administering mouth to mouth resuscitation to Razor…..I thought it was a little strange because later on someone told me he skinned his knee! :)) Hopefuly Razor returns soon!

Anyways, the group trekked on to the gravel road on the south edge and ran straight east towards the track. We stopped for 10 merkins at the top of the ridge.

Next team exercise  began on track-
2 on team running full lap (1/4 mile)
While each person must complete 100 Monkey humpers, 100 lunges , 100 Carolina dry docks head to ground individually

Most teams alternated until each crew had run 3 laps. Yard Sales team completed 4 while rest finished.

With 4 minutes to go, we finished up with quick mozy back to parking lot.  Blue Mules grunts really helped me stay the course!!!
Finished with 90 seconds of Mary.
20 fast count Freddie Merks.
20 slow count J Lo’s!

Cowboy prayed for us. He gets me every time!