Ludwig van Osh Kosh, PSL, Yard Sale, CAPSLOCK, Dr. Smartt, Edible Arrangement, Vegemite, Brother at Law, Too Tall, Dupree, Dilly Dilly, Dine N Dash, Boy Band, TampaLibra, White Russian,  , CCR (QIC)

Conditions were damp and a little chilly, much like what I believe the conditions inside a Whale’s Vagina are. Quick disclaimer and off we went on a little mosey down Hogan and over the Crievewood Baptist parking lot.

SHH x20 IC
Willie Mays Hayes x10IC
Good mornings x10 IC
Little Baby Arm Circle Forward x10 IC
Baby Seal Claps x10IC
Slow and low merkins x10 IC
Mountain Climbers x10 IC

Time to get down to business…

WOR (already done)
Humpers – 10 humpers of your choosing at the bottom, run to the next four islands with 10 humpers at each island, run backward to the driveway, 10 more humpers, run backward to the top, 10 more humpers.  70 total humpers.  Indeterminate amount of fun.  Mosey back to parking lot.
Atomic Broad Jumps – Ever so slightly different than Burpee Broad Jumps (in name only). We did these back and forth across the parking lot with WWVI situps (ask Vegemite if you want info on WWVI situps) for the 6.
Lap around the new baseball/ADA path and down to the pavilion for some
Elevens – Simple.  Merkins and Squats.  2 burpee speed bump at mid-court added some difficulty.  Effective.
Sumo Squats – Like, Greasetrap deep squats x25 oyo

Various Exercises – Started by D’Mish in Whale’s Vag 1.0, improved upon yet again today.  PAX scatter and listed to me tell them what to do.
AMRAP – 60 seconds of good solid merkins
Gorilla Humpers – 50 humpers OYO
Incline Merkins – Find a bench…x15 oyo. SSH for the 6.  X10 OYO SSH for the 6.  X5 OYO, SSH for the 6
Nelson Mandelas – There was no obligatory terrorist chatter from Yard Sale today!  10 OYO and then 5 more OYO.  These really suck…just ask Yard Sale.  Off we all went on a reverse lap back to the parking lot.
Atomic Broad Jumps – Ever so slightly different than Burpee Broad Jumps (in name only). We did these back and forth across the parking lot with WWI situps for the 6.

Flutter kicks x20 IC, Boxcutters x20 IC and a 60 second high plank.  A final 5 burpees followed by 5 good mornings OYO and we were done.


Go vote.  See CAPSLOCK for any details regarding police oversight board.

Always great to bring back the Whale’s Vagina. For those that don’t know, I was born and raised inside the Whale’s Vagina (San Diego) which was the original inspiration for the workout. Continued prayers for Olin Mills’ dad, Vegemite and his wife and all those in need.

Until the next time,